Monday, May 11, 2015



Journal Prompt
Tell me about a type of music you detest and why (2 specific reasons). Is this music just rubbish, or is it merely  that you don't like it? The beats are horrid? The lyrics are pointless? (provide a specific example and lyrics to support your position)

* you can answer this question in your notebook or on your blog.  

* if you use your blog please post a link here

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Google classroom

Google classroom 

Here is the link to seeing how you can access and login to our Google classroom.

Our first Google classroom task is posted and assigned. Looking forward to getting started so watch the video, download the app and let's gets started. 

Download your collection of helpful Google apps! 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Children's Mental Health

Children's Mental Health 

Writing Prompt and Photo assignment 

Does social media have a negative or positive impact on  children’s mental health? Be specific and cite examples in your response.  

As well create a poster similar to the ones we constructed last week to raise awareness and build attention for children's mental health issues.  Post this response and your picture on your blog.

Post a link to your response on your blog below...