Monday, November 25, 2013

Quiet Reading DEAR

Quiet Reading DEAR

1. Why did you choose the book you are reading?
2. Tell me something interesting from your reading this morning (an event, a character, a fact)
3. Recommend this book to someone in the class and tell them why you are recommending the book to them.  

Friday, November 22, 2013

Rebound - The Mall

Rebound - The Mall

1. Should Sean feel awkward and reluctant to go to the mall with Daivd ?  

2. Will Sean truly understand David now that he has gone to the mall in a wheel chair with him?

3. Why is David taking such a massive risk going down the escalator?

Pick 2 students to respond and debate with

True Grit

True Grit

Short Version

Long Version

Expanding on the ideas of student success and importantly engagement and motivation.

Tell me one item that homeroom teachers could do to support your GRIT by creating things that are engaging and motivating.  Explain in detail what you would suggest and how it would encourgae more Grit in students.

Then find two other students posts and challenge and question their suggestions.  

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Rebound - David and his injury

Rebound - David reckless?!

David fell and smashed his face and his wheelchair when he apparently tried to jump down stairs in his wheelchair.  

He was described as Reckless by his mom and Sean. 

Is David RECKLESS? or is he something else?

First identify what Reckless is

Then justify with evidence that David is reckless / if you do not think so find a new word to describe him and justify your position. 

Chat with 2 other students about the words they choose or the example they choose.  Ideally people with opposing view points to create more meaningful dialogue  

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Examine the picture below and post a specific and compelling story describing it.

Check out this webpage to get a brief idea of what war and battle was like (15 min of exploring)

Your Text can be from a 1st or 3rd person perspective

It should be rich in details that include visuals but also descriptions of sounds, smells, and other senses