Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Blogging Task 2


Task 2

Go to Ted Talks and review a few videos or their brief summary and then watch and post a brief response explaining why we should watch the Ted video you picked in class.

Your blog post should have:

 1) a link to the video

 2) picture and brief bio about the presenter

3) your justification why we should watch this video in class


Hey Team

Post a link to your blog in this post

Your blog is your academic workspace!

If you are engaged and use it well it will be your creative workstation.  A place to highlight your best work and show to others the brilliant things you have been doing.

So keep in mind that in mind with everything you post.

Keep it fresh and fun and when you post something on your own initiative be sure to tweet me a link so I can see...

Let the Blogging fun begin

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

In a Word

Hey Team 

In A Word 

Pick 5 words that best describe David or Sean.  These characters are both complex and intricate and have a variety of differenet characteristics.

Take your time, think and find clever words that highlight the obvious traits but also explore the less obvious ones.

For each word justify your selection by writing a brief passage that has supporting evidence. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Rebound Chapter 11 - The High School Kids

Rebound Chapter 11 - The High School Kids

  1. Did the two high school kids do anything to provoke David?  David is certain they were mocking him! Sean was shocked and surprised and hadn’t seen anything! The high school kids were equally perplexed and confused!  So did anything really happen?  Why do you think so, support your position with evidence from the book? 
debate with two other students about whether or not those high school kids did anything to provoke David! 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Character Traits - GRIT

Character Traits - GRIT 

What is the most important Character Trait to produce the best results as a student?  

Is it Grit?

Read the posted article and then answer the question.

Have a dialogue and debate with minimum 2 other students about what trait you think is the most critical to student success. (don't just respond to those closest to the top) 

Don't merely respond with anecdotes and personal experience.  Take advantage of the devices near by and enhance your responses with quotes and facts from additional sources 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Homework Debate

Homework Debate 

1. How much homework is the right amount of homework?

2. Construct a detailed and realistic homework expectation for grade 8 at BHJMS 

Check out the News Report, stats, picture and comic to help formulate your position.

As well explore and research as there is a wealth of information available. 

3. Then engage in debate with two other students that have differing opinions and plans for homework

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Picture Power

Hey hey Team 80 AYYY 👍🏻👍🏻
A picture is worth a thousand words! Tells a majestic story! Teaches us insightful life lessons! 

Here are 3 great and powerful pictures! They all tell a different story...what is that story? What do you see? What morals or life lessons can be derived from these pictures. 

Pick one pick and provide a detailed analysis of what you see! Consider all senses and perspectives and then make a conclusion of what moral each picture has that each viewer could learn from! 

Infer from the pictures! Make conclusions! Develop opinions! 

And appreciate how powerful imagery is! 

A picture is worth a thousands words - easily!

After words find two other students to have a conversation about there conclusions! Perhaps you see another perspective and derive an opposing moral! Let the chatter begin 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Rebound Poster and Photography Assignment

Rebound Poster and Photography Assignment 

Great Job 80 AYYY making composing and editing your Rebound posters!

The end result is some awesome and magnificent posters. 

Let's take a moment to appreciate and evaluate your work and your peers work.

Explore the pictures and answer the following questions and provide feedback on two of the pictures. 

Which ones are the most powerful and vivid? Why do they resonate with you? 

Which one provides the greatest recall for you.  Meaning as you see the picture the story of Rebound rushes to your memory. 

Things to consider when critiquing the photo composition, use of blur, use of lettering, relevance of photo, realism how well it tells the story of rebound

Keep the conversations smart and intelligent and avoid the temptation to be petty and insulting.

After we will conduct a poll and vote for the best picture of them all and also pick the group that has the best collection of 3 photos.

1A Pencil Drawing

1B Cigarettes 

1C Don't Touch my stroller

2A The Watch 

2B my Shirt

3A The Fountain

3B Coke Cans 

3C Smoke

4A Cigarette butt

4B Those Shoes

4C Trouble

5A Good Try

5B He's in a Wheelchair

5C I Need some Shade

 6A Going to the Dance

6B Crash

6C Drawing

Monday, September 21, 2015

Ted Talk Tuesday on Educational Reform

Ted Talk Tuesday

The Need for Educational Reform...hmmm

Watch this clever and artistic video on the current state of education.  Its main idea is that education is destroying creativity and that children need to learn differently.  Narrated by Ken Robinson and packed with many opinionated perspectives on how we teach children this video should make you think.




1.  How are you able or unable to be creative at school? Are the observations and positions of Ken Robinson true in your perspective? 

Pick 2 other students to engage in dialogue with and debate the issue of creativity.   

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Rebound Chapter 5 - Scott

Scott is Seans best friend from last year.  The two students had plenty of fun and plenty of trouble tin grade 7.

Sean wants a fresh start in grade 8 but Scott has turned to smoking and tongue rings and they seem to be on different paths...

1. Do you like Scott? why or why not?

2. Would you hang out with someone like Scott?

3. Predict what will happen between Sean and Scott as the grade 8 year goes...

answer your questions on the blog in 3 separate posts

clearly label each response

when you are done find two other peers to respond to their response and have some discussion and debate

Monday, May 11, 2015



Journal Prompt
Tell me about a type of music you detest and why (2 specific reasons). Is this music just rubbish, or is it merely  that you don't like it? The beats are horrid? The lyrics are pointless? (provide a specific example and lyrics to support your position)

* you can answer this question in your notebook or on your blog.  

* if you use your blog please post a link here

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Google classroom

Google classroom 

Here is the link to seeing how you can access and login to our Google classroom.

Our first Google classroom task is posted and assigned. Looking forward to getting started so watch the video, download the app and let's gets started. 

Download your collection of helpful Google apps! 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Children's Mental Health

Children's Mental Health 

Writing Prompt and Photo assignment 

Does social media have a negative or positive impact on  children’s mental health? Be specific and cite examples in your response.  

As well create a poster similar to the ones we constructed last week to raise awareness and build attention for children's mental health issues.  Post this response and your picture on your blog.

Post a link to your response on your blog below...

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Grade 1 Science Fair

Hey 80AYYY

Its time to write and post your first original and authentic pice for your personal blog.

Grade 1 Science fair visit: 

Create a news report for your first authentic piece for your blog.  Include the Who, What, Where, When, How as well as photos, interviews, and opinions on the grand success of the evening and the overall content of the science fair. 

add a link to your blog post in this thread

Monday, April 27, 2015

Create a Blog Using Blogger - Tutorial

Hey 80AYYY a great starting point to creating your own blog/electronic portfolio

The computer is a great startup point but adding the blogger app to your device will make uploading and developing your blog fast and easy.

Watch the video and lets begin construction of your blog that you will use for English class as a portfolio.

As you get more comfortable the blog will become more in-depth with a wider variety of work to share.

Post a link to your blog in this thread and explain briefly about your experience and expectations about your blog.

additional tutorial:

What you want to include in the creation of your first blog:
Type up and upload one of your favourite journal responses
upload a picture of one of your sketches from art class and include a brief summary of the task
upload a favourite photo from one of your photo assignments/poetry included and a brief explanation of the task
create a poll

post a link to your blog on this thread

The Cheat

The Cheat  

Reading Responses 
1. Are you surprised that Rob stood up to his father?  Can you relate to this moment personally when you were finally able to face your fears?

2. Is Dan the Man the type of person you would hang around with at BHJMS? describe why or why you wouldn't hang out with a guy like Dan.  Create an example to highlight your position 

3.  We have finally seen Sarah show signs of cracking as she wonders why her mom cant seem to help her now and make her feel safe.  She has seemed so confident and sure of herself until now.  Can you relate to this moment in any aspects? The idea of appearing confident and sure of yourself all the while you are cracking on the inside.  The outer shell hides the inner feelings.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

80AYYY poetry

Here is a sample of the poems and activities we did in preparation for our poetry soirée our class hosted in March. 

Here is a sample of pictures, videos, and poems from our event.

80AYYY students please type out and post your favourite poem in this thread and remember to include your title and name.

As well if you have a video add a link to it so it can be viewd

Visitors please check out the poems and provide and share any comments or insights 

Link to our live performances at our Soiree 

Link to poem videos