Tuesday, April 22, 2014



Are netbooks, Ipads & Ipods, and the focus on technologies good for the classroom?

We have used technology to enhance Art, Math and language through blogs, photography and video production.  Many truly enjoy this use but many others appreciate traditional learning tasks and environments.  Do the pros outweigh the cons of using technology in the classroom. 

Read the below blog discussing the overuse of technologies and then answer the question and discuss: 


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Practical Wisdom

Practical Wisdom

This is an interesting video and argument on the need for practical wisdom.  It challenges the concept of rules and regulations and offers an alternative opinion to how things in society and education can be done well.  Watch the video and post your reflection about whether you agree or disagree with his argument?  Are rules beneficial or counter productive?  Use evidence from the video and your own experiences to justify your response.  Engage in dialogue with 2 other students to flush out the details of your position.