
Art - Sketching Still Objects.

Using soft and hard pencil strokes we want to comfortably and confidently sketch still objects.  The pencil is a powerful tool that can outline shapes but can create depth and dimension when used skillfully. Our First sketch will be a set of flowers.  Below are a couple of videos highlighting the skills we talked about in class:

Hey Team its time to sketch our portraits

1. You can draw yourself or sketch a famous person (not tracing)

2. Your art must have a real print to compare with

3. Things to consider, Picture of face, head slightly  turned, no teeth, and good contrast in light sources. 

Check out the videos, select your picture you will be sketch, practice in your sketch book and give it a try. 


  1. This is a bit hard for me 'cause I'm not quite the artist, but I'm sure if I work on it and keep in Ming Mr. Cheney's advice, I may actually do a descent sketch

  2. wow i just noticed that this artist is a lefty. i never seen that before.

  3. wow i just noticed that this artist is a lefty. i never seen that before.

  4. Tanks for the vid Cheney. It was pretty helpful with my flower sketches. Could I hand the one in my sketchbook in as my final copy cuz I can't replicate that.
