Thursday, December 6, 2012

Can Food Drive

Can Food Drive

Hey Team, it's time to get serious about the can food drive! Mr Cheney classes in the past have been outstanding at donating food and money to help our class goals of 2000-3000 items.  I really want 80B to define it greatness by surpassing the items raised by some of my top classes.  3035 being the highest grossing number thus far.

Use the space below to post thoughts on a suitable plan and also volunteer to take on positions of leadership to achieve our class goals!  The Can Food Drive is always a success because of STUDENT leadership.




  1. What we can do is, we can have students bring 10-20+ items and donate $5-$10, so we can buy items as a class.

    1. Yeah thats what we did last year.

    2. "Well if it not broke don't fix it right"?What i mean is that if it work one it could work again right?

    3. Yup! But then again we did that last year we have full class participation but we only reached around 2970 something like that.I think in order to hit 3000 we need to have an increase. This is not just about winning its also about feeding the hungry kids to make this holiday sepcial even if each kid gets 2 items then in total we would have fed 1,500 kids.

    4. Yeah but remember we should try to surpass last years total and the years before. So we need to do a little more. And I also think the best items to bring are diapers and cereal. Diapers get more points, cereals pretty cheep.

    5. @Derrick Well, it did work but, they didn't reach 3000 items. We can fix it and change it so that we can reach our goal this year. Or else we would get about the same result as they did last year.

    6. @Talha FYI cereal is not cheap.

    7. Well if it work one we could all way make it better.
      we could use the stratigy frome the last year winner and make it better.

    8. also each type of item has its own worth like a diaper might be worth 5 points and cnas for 10 points

    9. @Derrick That is not what you said before.

    10. How do we make everyone-in? Some may be a bit stubborn, hopefully nobody will thinks this way. WE NEED 100% PARTICIPATION.

    11. @Aniqer People are not going to be stubborn. I know that becuase everyone donated for the Terry Fox, so what makes you think that people will not participate?

    12. Heta, I understand. I'm just saying in case. It's like a small push to everyone. Truly, this will be the first time I actually participate in a food drive with good feelings. I had to ask myself and tell myself the same thing " Why not?". I know we will all participate, I'm just trying to motivate!

    13. Oh okay, yes it is a small push to us but the benefits are big, we can help feed ones in need and others.

    14. whats the target for our class?

    15. Exactly Heta! You even put it in better words than me!

    16. Nauman, the last time we spoke of it, I think we had to bring in $5 AND 10 food items. I'm not really sure since people were asking to double the values to have a greater supply range in the end.

    17. a diaper is 2 points i think we can keep the same strategy and maybe add in 3 or 4 more cans so in total each person brings $7 and 12 cans

    18. @AQIB: Don't you think we should bring less money and more items?

  2. We can follow on what we did last year but maybe inscrease the amount.Last year we had 5 dollars and 20 food items i believe well now what about if we do 10 dollars and 25 items? The bigger the better? Think about it -- 34 students x 25 items= 850 items and then 35 x 10 dollars= 350 dollars which can buy us so many diapers! and diapers have the more points then any other item .

    1. Yes the bigger the better. I think that $10 is a alright amout because we don't6 know either if people arer actually gonna contribute or not.
      What's the plan if people aren't willing to contribute that certain amount? Should we fix some of the rules then?

    2. We can have a start off with 5-6 dollars and then i guess increase along the way to 10 dollars? Well we want full class participation! lets see what everyone says and then we can place the numbers according to that.

    3. I think if people arent going to give money what they can do is at least bring in more food items

    4. Tushar I agree with you because some students are willing to participate but are all willing to give so much? I know for a fact that my mom was a little flabbergasted when I told her what our class may do for the food drive and how I want to give a lot, especially considering I haven't really taken part in previous food drives.

    5. @Tushar There should be a reason as to why not all students are contributing. There are many people out there who starve because they can't afford to pay food. Someone who can't give the amount all at once should start saving now. Each day save a loonie and they'll have 10 eventually. For 20 items, we can start planning now and slowly start bringing in stuff and I believe that eventually each of us can all make it to that amount. We just need to plan smart enough, and try hard.

    6. Its gonna be hard since we have only I week left.

    7. We could also try using our own money, I agree with you Aynur there is a lot of people who can't pay enough money to bring in food. We have three days to bring in whatever we can bring in.

    8. DID the can food drive alredy start??

    9. This is possible yes i agree we have very less time but we need full participation, and enthusiam! We can do it , yes we can but we need to be on task and we need everyone to be in this plan no one shall be left out.We can do it we just need to do it right- Cheney's Quote

    10. Everyone should participate. Some may ask why... Well why not? Anyone who doesn't participate will have to give a good reason either to the class or privately with Mr.Cheney. I understand for a few people, that it is a lot to give and you don't get something back as an award; well not always. We should all know that we aren't working for a reward. It's a good deed and for the people who may lack on this, there's still the time.

    11. The whole point to this is that everyone has food to eat for the holidays and not just us.

    12. May I ask when this is going to end? We are going to have to make time limited and this type of time issues might pop up. Maybe we can do countdowns by days and how much item we can get. Also, we can make goals for everyday (exp. Monday we will get 6 items, Tuesday 12) and we can go on following a pattern!

    13. WHAT IT DID!!! how much do we have so far?? I CANT BELIEVE I didnt know about...I better start bringing stuff

    14. Maybe since we have Friday off we can spend the weekend collecting items for the food drive or just bring in money.

    15. Yeah we have three days to gather our food. It ends on December 13th.

    16. I agree because the more amount is the better chances of winning!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    17. December 13th? That isn't really too much time. Everyone should bring in their basic amount of items on Monday. That would be the best. Later on people can bring more if they are willing to. We want to set things up on Monday to Wednesday so we can plan more the rest of the days to reach our goal.

    18. how about we all bring 5 dollars then we keep growing on it so like after that the next day we will add 2 more dollars and so on and so forth

  3. well i say we make a plan.we could have jobs for people like to get money or food etc.Ever one could give what they have, that they don't use.

    1. What do You mean by jobs? Give an example.

    2. You mean a group of people who only bring in food and the other group only brings in money?

    3. Sarah, that idea might be a bit difficult and unfair unless everyone agrees with their group. We can also make groups for food groups. One group might bring canned beans and lentil while, the other brings diaper. Another group can bring cereal, and that is how we can separate these food groups and class.


    5. @Sarah,@Aniqer,@Derrick: What kind of job do think we could assign to students?

    6. Well what i mean is that we could have a group incharge of cereal,Cans,diaper etc

      We could use it because we could be more organized,And at the end of the day we cold tell the amout our group has.see our progress

    7. That was a good idea although, some may not like their jobs. They might want to bring in certain items in variety but, if you limit them to one job, they won't be able to bring in too much more. For example, if you tell someone has to bring in diapers, that might be too expensive for them bringing in a few boxes of them. It's not like anyone is going to bring in only one item.

    8. Right now we have limited time and it's very short for us to cope with. In other previous years Cheney has used the similar plan for each, bring in a certain amount of money and certain amount of food items. Right now is not the time that we assign jobs and try something new because to me I think that will take long and it will get a bit complicated. That similar plan Cheney has used has always achieved it's goal and right now we have so little time and that's what we need.

  4. We dont have much time, we now only have one week left! The more items the more value the more faster we shall reach to our goal. In the next 5 days we need to reach our goal of 3000 items!!

    1. But a person can only give so mic right? What about if someone can't give that much of what you guys are saying?

    2. We will reach our goal but not only 3000 but it will be more than 3000 items...

    3. they can bring in as much as they can, as long as they contribute

    4. Well its going to be difficult because we only have one week left and what if no one is all in? And last year we almost reached our goal but not quite. But we had the highest number of donations.

    5. Well we arent saying give a whole load we just want items to add up and we arent asking for all 3000 items remember there will be diapers and i guess each box should be about 5 points.Even if we dont reach our goal atleast we have given them something rather then other classes that gave them nothing.

    6. @Sana dont keep your hopes up first we shall reach to 3000 items and then see where we want to go, if we want we can go bigger but even if we just reach 3000 that will be great

    7. Okay so last year we didnt reach our goal we were just a bit under sadly.But again at least we were able to give so much! It doesnt matter if you can bring 5 dollars or more we want full class participation and in order to make it fair we should have a specific number of items to give

    8. @Lauren Yeah, I think we got kind of caught up on the fact that we need to bring in alot but it's most important to be #allin and contribute.

    9. "Forget the past and move to the future!" Some learned lessons and we will use this lesson to help others out and not make the same mistake. There isn't much time left and we are bringing in 3000 items, am I right? ( I'm not that sure of our goal right now) How many Days do we have left? We can divide the days we have left by our goal (3000) and that will be how much we will need to bring everyday.

  5. We could have a limit of how many food items each person brings.
    For example our minimum could be around 10 items each and maybe about $5 each.we dont really need maximum students can bring in as much as they like but no less than what the minimum would be.

    1. Isn't this supposed to be allin, I mean we need everyone to to bring in the same as everyone can.

    2. yes geetanjli thats why i say we have a minimum so every one should bring in atleast a certain amount of items so that we could make it #allin

    3. @Preet you mean like a minimum?

    4. yes fatma so that every one participates

    5. That's a good idea. As long as we keep the food donations equal. No one should have to bring more if someone bring nothing. This doesn't mean we think of bringing less items. It means we need to bring more item from everyone to inspire the others too.

    6. By experience not everybody brings things in but the majority do so, I think that we should have two different standards as in for the people that bring in a medium amount and a small amount that is acceptable.
      My Mom sure doesn't have anything that she doesn't use. And I'm not so sure that she'll allow me to bring a ton of things depending on the budget.
      So I could be placed at a medium amount.

  6. I think what we can do is let everyone in the class donate at least 10 or 20 items and give like 10 or 15 dollors to get other things we can donate

    1. yes with the money we may be able to buy stuff that hardly has been brought in has more points like diapers and baby food.

    2. We can also buy thinks like baby formula and more can stuff for people to donate

    3. Baby formula doesn't come cheap you know, that stuff is expensive.

    4. yes but we should probably check how mucjh each item is worth and which item is in need the most so we can go buy it and well be donating and getting closer to our goals.

    5. @Eden the money we bring in we can see how much money we have and buy at least 3 or 4 cans for baby formula

    6. @eden exactly it is expensive thats why if we raise enough money then we can buy it and get high points .

    7. yes that is why we are each bringin in money so we can gather all rthe money and with the total we can buy the items needed.

    8. Also with the rest of the money we can buy other stuff to donate

    9. yes ashley that is why we are asking people to give food itemas and money so we can donate as a team.

    10. How much stuff do u think we can donate

    11. i think atleast 10-15 items each and about $5-10 in money.

    12. What else can we buy for high points? So far I heard baby formula and diapers. Is there anything else worth high points?

    13. The whole point is for everyone to be all in. So if some can't afford much, then the least they could give is $5 we don't need to put it so high for those who feel ashamed that they can't exactly give that much. We just need everyone to be all in, and if no one wants to participate should try and put themselves in the people who are in a tough situation and can't afford food. Everyone needs to be all in and bring in as much as they can.

  7. we should bring some food and some money, with the money we can buy food and get more food for the food drive.

    1. With the money we could buy something like diapers!

    2. I say we bring at least 20 items/student, and 5-10$ along with the supplies brought.

    3. @Fatma: don't you think 20 items per student is toooo little?

    4. we should bring about $10.00 and a little more items.

    5. I'm pretty sure I can find 20 items in my house to donate. However, a few might not be able to find as much. What should they do then? Would they be able to bring in more money and less item to balance it off?

    6. For those who can't bring many items, can bring as much money as they can. For those who can't bring a lot of money, should try and get as many items as they can. The whole point is to make sure we're all in and understand the whole concept of why we are.

    7. @Aynur: I agree, I suggest we make a list of students who can more money:less items and vise versa.

  8. what we can do is like give half of the class food items and the rest half money to donate.. so from that we can have more food items and from that money we can but more items for the food drive.. and our class goal will be the HIGHEST goal from the rest of the school...


    1. well what happens when some people how sould give money doesen't what to.We could have a problem of organasation,

    2. we can ask them like who can bring money and who can bring food items..

    3. What if most people wants to bring in food items and avoid money? Than there will be less people donating money and we won't be able to buy that many things.

    4. Also as addition to aniqa's analogy, people may not even know either to pick this product or that product.

      And the overall product of that just doesn't make the cut.

    5. @ Derrick People that don't want to be part of this won't change their minds. They will not be #allin.
      I don't know what we can do about that but we can sure think of something.

  9. I think that we can bring in food items from home and then give money so that 80B can participate and buy baby formula, diapers, can food items and much, much more.

    1. Yes, I think we should deal with more of the money so we can buy things in high points together. Is there anything else we can buy with the class money in high points?

    2. Yeah it could be a rush if we focused too much on food. Money is easy to account and manage.
      50% would only bring in the food but money, would be at maximum 78%.

  10. Once people start bringing in money and food, then some people can be assigned to looking for appropriate prices then we can buy more and give them

    1. do you think that all the money we donate should be for diapers after all that does have the highest weight factors

    2. since diapers are cheap and worth more we ca give $ to mr.cheney so he can buy them from the store.

    3. Actually Navdeep, diapers are not cheap. I have a brother and my mom wastes so much money on him to get him diapers. However, for babies it's worth it. In a positive way, I want to mention that dollarama is starting to have food items and maybe even diapers on sale that are not that bad in quality. I never used anything like hat from dollarama but, fro the outside the quality looks good. Things are cheap there so we can buy more and get more points. At the sane time we need to maintain the good quality,

  11. we can ask our parents what we eat and what we dont eat and what ever we dont eat we can bring all that for the can food drive also we can find spare change to buy those 99 cents soup or we can bring like 10 or 20 dollors and give it to someone who can go to the store and buy food with all that money.!!!!

    1. So how many food items do you think each person should bring in? Or should we just get 99 cent soup?

    2. 99 cent soup is a kind of cheap so it will be easy to bring in more. At the same time, we need to watch the quality.

  12. I think that after the food drive in our school is over, the if possible, the teachers can plan a trip for the grade 7's and 8's for a trip to a food bank and help around with food being put into boxes etc. This way we can be #allin whether some of us donated or not.

    1. Fatma, that is a great idea! I would never think this way. You have good thoughts on being a good person! But, do you think the teachers are allowed? I mean they can't take us in any trips due to the strike right?

    2. Will the strike allow us to do that?...:\ it's actually an amazing idea I'd like to do.

  13. What we can try to do is bring in what we don't like, as in the food we don't like and we can also bring money to so that we can reach our goal.

    1. How about the food we do like? Will we be willing to sacrifice things that we eat often to people who can't ever afford or eat it?

  14. im planning on bringing stuff in on monday, how much should i bring?

    1. We need to set a goal of how many items each student is asked to bring because we need to make it fair as cheney said in the beggining of the year we need eveyone to contribute atleast a same amount because some people have a limit of bringing.

    2. Same I totally forgot about the food drive, but already bought some things. I'll probably bring them in Monday.

    3. The goal is already set, it's 3035!

    4. ill probably bring in 10 items and some money, not that much but i will probably contribute throughout the week.

    5. We only have a week left, this is gonna be hard.

    6. I agree with Mega, at first I'll bring in all I can and later on the week, I can probably get more involved getting more items.

    7. I can only imagine us hitting 3000 in a week.
      But I know that, that won't happen.

  15. I say we assign jobs for everyone. Like; food counter diaper counter, money manager, and we also need like always a Great Leader.

    1. the great leader is alway Mr.Cheney

    2. Sure we can say that, but he assigns others to do that so.. yeah.

    3. Thats a great idea these people need to be a great leader they need to be on task and not to forget a day without collecting money and obviously we need someone that encourages people to bring in money and as Mr.Cheney says
      If we want it done we can do it in just 2 days but it needs to be done right~Mr.Cheney ;)

    4. Like the top comment was saying, we should stay on task. We should bring in things early on Monday. If we do, than we have longer to see what we need and get more ideas to bring in more items. Someone who brings in their item in the last day, might not be able to bring as much as they could have if they brought it before.

    5. We don't have much time for that. I think we should try and bring in whatever we can.

  16. I think what we should do is bring 10 cans and $10 and then when everyone has donated we should have $320 and then Cheney can buy the goods from some place with the money we donated.

    1. It doesn't exactly have to be canned John.It can be noodles,paata,kraft dinner etc.

    2. the more the marrier! think big!

    3. they said that we should bring in baby food and baby things.

    4. Yeah we need to bring in baby food to, its costly, but I'm willing to buy it.

    5. 10 food items could be the minimum to bring in, money we should just try and get what's possible because not everyone might be able to bring in a lot

    6. What items do you mean by bay items? Why are we bringing in in diapers if this is a food drive? I'm not saying anything negative, I;m just a bit confused.

  17. Well to be honest I was thinking that we could all bring in about 20 items each.20 items would be alot since were using our own budgets,though canned items.Since canned items aren't that expensive,its affordable.It's not like we need to buy extrememly costly things.Packed noodles start of as low as 30 cents.30x20=6.00$. You already have 20items for as low as 6.00$.Then its not hard bringing n more goods for the drive.

    1. On top of that we can bring 5 dollars when we add it all the 5 dollars we get we will have enough money to buy all the expensive and most needed items

    2. We can bring things that are only cost somewhere in the 30 cents to 1 dollar range so then we can have a lot of items.

    3. Wow, it can be hard to get 20 items but on the other hand, easy too. Also, noodles are good food that many shall enjoy.

  18. well we need a plan from start to finish, with only 5 days left we have to include everyones idea in to one making this food drive the best one yet, so whats the plan we can use ideas we used last year and use them this year and or increse the number of food per person or money. but the main reason i think we can win this is that our class might be the only class that is fully aware about this

    1. Yes, I only know that the food drive is on since, I am in the BAC. There has been announcements but, not everyone cared much or listened to it. Maybe there is posters to get people aware of it and they had papers handed out. Most people should be aware, maybe not willing to participate, but for sure aware.

  19. We should also consider fundraising the money but with small and quick.

    1. some people cant bring food so they bring MONEY instead so as a class the money can be spent to buy food

    2. well and idea could be that people bring 10$ and 10 items so that we could reach our goal and do more.

    3. Can people bring in more items if they can't donate as much money? The other way around, can people bring more money if they can't find food items to donate? Won't that even it out?

    4. @Aniqer: I have said this before..... we might not have some of the high scoring items that we need to get a new high score.

  20. Im sure theres alot of things at home that we can bring because theres alot of stuff at my house that my family doesnt really use so I can just donate that because it'll be better for the family then for mine.

    1. That's good thinking helping out other families. What types of items are you bringing? Boxes, cans, or packages? I am probably bringing in packages.

  21. I think we should make everyone bring lots of food and more money than last time to buy food so this time we can reach 3000 and above. When I say alot of food, I mean like everyone brings the same amount that we all can decide on and then one or two people acn use the money that everyone birngs in to buy more food and remember, bring more money this time!

    1. Why more money? We can have more food items to balance off the use of money.

    2. We might not not have some items so we could just use the money that everyone brings in to buy the extra stuff!

  22. Okay so I was thinking we could have a sale thing for our school. We could bake cookies (for example), really good ones, and we'll get money to buy the better food or diapers that we need. What do any of you think of that? Maybe we can turn this idea into a better one.

    1. I think thats a really good idea!!!!

    2. I think that is actually a really good idea. The problem is that we don't have that much time left. Also the money we will use to bake the cookies can be used for the food drive. We need to do this on our own as class and win it from our class. If we sell cookies, it would be as if the other kids in the school is helping but, they might as well donate in their own class.

    3. It is but now I'm actually starting to realize that we won't even have any time to do that. Because first we'd have to plan that out, do it, and have an announcement and there's much more to it. The sad thing is we don't even have time, so I guess we're just going to have to stick with the regular plan.

  23. Did the other classes start donating yet?

    1. yes they did as you can see the items outside the office.

    2. How do you know which class the items are from? Do they have the classes name on the box?

  24. I was thinking that we can all bring in like 5 canned food items and also bring in money about 5-10$. We can calculate all the money we brought in and then go out to buy more canned items.

    1. Thats a great but isnt 5 items a bit too less? Because think--- 35x5=175 items where as we can bring 10 + 20 items we can have a higher total.

    2. Yes, I think 5 items might be too less. I know for sure that we can bring way more than that. Also, we can bring more varieties than just can food. We can bring box like cookies, cereal, and much more. We can also bring packages as pasta, noodles, and more.

  25. I think pick a weekend day and have groups of friends compete to see how much food they can collect in their neighborhood in 2 hours. You’ll canvas your whole town in no time and probably get a good work-out too.

    1. If you're going to plan something like that, then you have to do that this weekend because it ends next friday!

    2. That is a good idea! There is many people in the neibhourhood who doesn't donate because, they don't know where to. We can knock on their doors and ask for money of a donation. The only weekend left is this weekend so you better hurry!

  26. Make a theme for each day of the week and tell people to bring in cans that fit the theme, like Protein Monday or Carb Friday.

    1. That's a great idea! But, it might make things complicated and less people might participate not knowing which items fits with which. However, I think that is a good way to get a variety of healthy food.

  27. Is it possible to ask our neighbours for canned foods tell them its for our school, cause we're donating to the North York Harvest, we can tell them its for a good cause.

    1. I guess its otay, just make sure you know them and they are otay with donationg products.

    2. Yes, we should ask nicely and ask them for at least $2 or one item. It's the least they can do.

  28. The Food Drive ends next friday SO BRING! BRING! BRING!

    1. Aliyah, what types of baby items are we allowed to bring?

  29. Most of the ideas I had had already been told on the above comments. I was thinking how Mr.Cheney repeats the word competition. We are competing as a team against the school. I was wondering, maybe to get some more competition, we can divide the class in groups. Those groups will compete against each other as much as they can. In the end we may be able to get more food then we had as goals. The teamwork will have to work out.

  30. I think everyone just has to go through their kitchen and storage and look for extra food that we didn't eat yet, and if we have a lot of one thing, to bring some of that in too.

    1. Yes, it's not like your going to use 6 cans of the same food in the same day!


    1. I don't think it's only in the holidays. I heard it can last for the whole spring!

  32. each person from our class can bring in:
    $7.00 and
    6 items to donate

    if we have 100% participation:
    it would be- $7.00 x 30 people= $210.00
    it would be- 6 items x 30 people= 180 items

    *last year I used thirty dollars to buy 400 points for our class. This is because I bought diapers and we all know that diapers are worth more points than any other item.
    not to brag but if it wasn't for me we wouldn't have got a total of 2946!

    *we use the money and give it to Mr.Cheney to buy more diapers.

    1. Okay thats good for you...but are you saying that some of us should be more willing to participate then others? Like you brought in more then was needed, which is good. But not all of us are willing to do what is your point... :s

    2. I think he is trying to explain that diapers can make a big difference to the food drive points range. The more people give in , the better. The least everyone can do is participate in this if their are not able to or willing to give in more.

  33. @mr.cheney what kind of baby formula? like milk powder or baby food

    1. Is baby lotion or such thing accepted since diapers are?

  34. when should we start bringing everything in because some classes already have a couple of items.

    1. Yes, that is a good question. I had a few stuff saved up for a while but, I don't know when to bring it in. Also, outside the office in the lobby, I saw tons of boxes with some containing food cans in there. What class are does for?

  35. i think that our goal should be 3000 cans so our total points would be near 3400 (depending on the diapers)

    1. How many points is diapers? Is there a range for certain things having different amount of points?

  36. Okay so now that we have talked a lot about the food drive, does anyone know what the final plan is? It is for sure that we all bring in something and that we're all in.

  37. if we get at least 300 dollars than we can get maybe a thousand items or more due to diapers

    1. Not everyone can bring $10 and I think we should bring less money and more items instead.
