Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Rebound RSA

Rebound Culminating Activity 

Hey #80BEE

Read the article posted below.  It is a web page from a teacher who made RSA videos in in history class.  Specifically read the section about his difficulties in recording and planning so you wont make the same mistakes. 

Also watch the videos his students made for inspiration and provide an example of what can be done.  Obviously in 80BEE style we want to expand and go big #ALLIN

Post comments sharing things you found interesting or important. 


  1. what i think all of us should do is use the white board in stead of paper because i know that most of us are going to do a mistake and if we use paper we will not be able to erase it however if we use the whiteboard then we will be able to erase

    one thing i did not like about some of their RSA is that they did not have lighting and the board was dim also that the student in the first one wrote sideways due to not enough space

    1. ja because then we'd be able to erase stuff that isn't important anymore.

    2. A.M.17 does have point that the camera was sideways and it look kind of unprofessional frome 80BE style.

    3. I think in Imovie effects we can have that side swishing motion, it looks good because the camera isn't just in one fixed position.

    4. I agree that the use of a white board does make it easier for us in case of mistakes. But still just in case we should practice the RSA so we know what we are doing before we do the good copy.

      We also have to be aware of our surroundings, like Aqib mentioned the lighting issue, we should check before to see what we can do to guarantee that what we do is as professional as it can be.

      Question to Tushar: Did you think that keeping the camera in 1 position makes it look boring?

  2. I like the idea of a RSA But I think We need to make our RSA vidoes under light because the video with the kids, there lighting was very low, so there video wasnt realy great quality. But the kids knew what they were doing, because they didnt make any mistakes in the voice overs, and in the first video talking about rewards to get better performance, the guy made mistakes in his oral speech. So i think we should pay attention to that fact, because we are trying to make quality work here.

    1. And most of all we need good drawings to make the rebound story worth telling.

    2. Yes because if we make the drawings good the story would be told interestingly (if that's a word :P )Anyways yes so if the story is told in a way that tells the viewer basically what the book is about than we would basically be like recommending the viewer to read rebound.

  3. I really liked the one called the secret powers of time because the guy who was speaking was funny and engaging and he makes me want to do something useful with my fraps and my amazing art programs from windows 8.

  4. I think we should also borrow some white boards from teachers that dont need them, so we can have more groups using white boards, that way we can have quality work

    1. I agree nauman that way we can get them done in a faster amount of time so groups don't have to wait for their turn to film,and have nothing to do.

  5. To be honest I really didn't enjoy there RSA videos because of lighting, nasty writhing and wobaly camera men. I think our videos would be better then there's for sure

    1. Not to be mean or anything farina but that's kind of a rude response.They did their RSA videos the way they were taught and maybe we could aim for higher or better.anyways its your opinion so....!

  6. Every group can bring a lighting device. I have a torch/big flash light that can put the light at a good brightness.

    1. i think our class light is enough because as in our previous videos we used proper lighting which were the class lighting

  7. I think the white board is a much better idea that writing on a paper. First of all, if anyone makes a mistake, it would be harder for the writer to erase it on a piece of chart paper rather then on the white board.

    Also, we should film under some light because the video that the class did was very dull. Though it was still pretty good.

  8. I think their videos were alright.Like almost everyone said was the lighting was not good at all; oh and also I didn’t understand what those white things were and why they were using them for recording. One thing I did like was how they made a lapse it video for when they were about to start the videos, practice day and I also think the video and pictures where they show us how to upload it onto the computer and set the video up there.
    Although there video wasn’t really of high quality and didn’t show as much as perfection as our math videos and trailers *cough*80bee the best*cough* I still found it a bit helpful, I mean some students probably did get a little bit of ideas from at least two or three of the videos that we watched on their blog I know I did.
    And speaking of if we should use white paper or a board I also think it would be a bit easier and better on a white board because first of all mistakes can not be erased on a piece of chart paper. And when you can erase your mistakes you don’t have to start over and over again till you get it perfect. Secondly most people I believe find it not only easier to write but to also draw on a white board instead of a paper. I find it really hard to draw on wobbly or RIZZO paper but I find it better drawing on cardstock or a white board or a chalkboard. The normal white paper is fine for doodling and stuff.
    Now onto the filming....well I really don't get why they used those white devises to record, like I think if they used their devices like us the end results would have been way better. Like when they upload it or they could have used a tripod and maybe a boom mike would have helped because you could hear the background voices the most and there was an echo too.

  9. my idea was that for my paper i am going to use the desks it would seem more school type and creative.

  10. So what are you trying to say...our lighting was bad?! :)

    The problem with the lighting was that most kids did them in the hallway with poor fluorescent lighting that our cameras could not overcome--free cameras donated to school, one setting on and off.

    The swishy video and the jumpy video we never predicted!!
    When you watched the videos at regular speed they were stable. When they were bumped up 5x/9x faster they became jumpy. Every little motion of the camera person was magnified so much! And the videos all had motion stabilization added! Tripods or putting the camera on a stable surface is a must.

    There was also a problem with the mic that we did not pick-up on until we were done--lack of time did not allow us to re-record.

    I also wish we zoomed out at the end to show the entire board.

    Have fun with them!

    Here is a challenge for you...this is what we did after the RSAs:

    And we are working on videos done in "Note Card Confession" Style tomorrow. Should be a post about them with examples up by Saturday.

    Please share your final videos with us: I look forward to commenting on Farina's!!

    Enjoyed your comments. I glad you spotted the faults and will work to overcome them...then we get to watch your and make ours even better next year ;)

    1. Hello Mr Bogush!

      This is such an amazing surprise have an outside guest on our blog! Hello and welcome :)

      Yes indeed we were inspired by the infamous Ken Robinson video and then I read a review of your class project on Zite and realized that we could try something on such a grand scale.

      Our class has made movie trailers for Terry Fox (Terry Fox assembly blog), Remembrance Day (Remembrance Day section of current blog), and constructed Khan style instructional videos for solving for Volume and Surface Area, as well made time lapse math problem solving videos. Some are posted on the blog and others are still in post production and will be posted soon on the math blog. Please take a look and review & critique :)

      We will definitely share our finished projects for you to go over.

      #80BEE is a creative and determined bunch of students that always want to top themselves or other examples they see. It seems like your students are as well. This could be a tremendous opportunity to create a working partner ship with students.

      Thank you for the work and inspiration. We look forward to sharing and then seeing your next wave the following year.

      Please stay in touch

      Mr Cheney

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. do you think our drawings can be like ken Robinson i do not think so so this should be the hardest step ...drawing

    1. Yes aqib I agree because some students aren't comfortable with drawing but we can all try our best!

    2. you don't have to be a Picasso to be creative! if you really see it as a big problem, i can always help anyone.

  12. i cant wait to start drawing! i absolutely love this style, the time lapse! its just like Vihart!

  13. I think it will be easier to do the RSA on the whiteboard because you can erase it, and that can be part of the video as well you wont have to stop recording, doing it on chart paper will take longer and it will be harder.
