Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Education - Need for Reform?

Education - Need for Reform?

This is an AWARD winning education speech from TED.  Similar to Ken Robinson it challenges the present day system, but contrary to Robinson, this speech highlights a whole new computer driven, self directed approach. 

Watch the video (20 minutes)

1. What did you find the most interesting thing in this speech? 

2.  Do you agree or disagree that we should change school to be like the one he describes? Why or Why not?

3. Would this work at BHJMS?

4. comment on 1 other posts that take the opposite position on this topic and have a back and forth discussion on the merits of the argument.   


  1. The most interesting thing i found was that every child at school had to have an identical and had to have a neat hand writing. I also liked the part where the kid passed 50% even if they hardly even know that english is a language. so these are the most interesting part i found out.

    1. they say english is the worlds language but is it because some people don not know english

  2. Yes i do agree with this topic because every one can succeed if they try, and if everyone starts to try and learn every thing on the internet teachers wouldn't need to teach us any things

    as he said we were apes but thanks to nature we are homo sapiens and thanks to our knowledge we are able to use devices. I think in the future kids are going to be smart even without a teacher.

    1. i find that students would have to start this procedure when they are little because if we start this now we will never do anything and succeed now we will just go on Facebook so would we be smarter without teachers

    2. also do you think instead of teachers there should be guiders because to make this wonderful idea to work we need guiders people who just step back and step in when help is needed

  3. I found it really interesting how he kept going back and actually doing experiments to prove his position.

    1. which one do you think explains better he or the other guy?

  4. I believe this can work in beaumonde heights because some people here are very devoted to learn it's kind of like their passion. some people who love technology would still be interested. But we have some students who just fool around and give low average work.so i am saying it can work but not a 100% sure.

    1. this would NEVER work at our age because we always find a distraction for us to not do our work everyone will fool around because without any supervision we will just be fooling around

  5. The most interesting part to me was the fact that when he had put a computer in the wall. All those kids had managed to interpret it and had been able to do that so in a unknown language to them. Also the after effect of that was helping each other and teaching each other.

    1. yea they learn't more when they get questioned i think that's the same concepts teachers use.

  6. I found it interesting that the kids learned a 30% test score in 2 months and that they knew such crazy words that even i don't know the meanings of.

    1. i agree because when the students were showing the hand example i never knew what they meant

  7. I found it interesting when he said to make a kid search something up and learn what it means, you have to ask it for example, how he said it "If a meteorite was coming towards earth, do you know it it’s pass us or hit us? And he said a tangent of an angle, and left the kid. I found it interesting because I would probably do the same thing as the kid, i would want to know what he's talking about and search it up so I’ll know.

    1. i agree.... so do you believe that kid are going to need teachers help in the future?

  8. the most interesting thing i found in this speech is the fact that he wants schools to not have any teachers this shocked me because we always have teachers

    im on both sides i'd agree if this teaching style happened in the small villages but i disagree because at this age we are not "innocent" anymore and once we get a chance to use the computers we will and for the bad reasons instead of studying we will be going on Facebook or chatting which clearly is opposite to what the man was saying.

    to me i think it might work on little children from k-grade 3 in beaumonde heights but it will never work on older students instead of improving they will faiil

    1. But if there are no teachers at school kids would just end up fooling around. And not get the chance to learn.

    2. it true so do you agree or disagree i think it will never work here but it might work in those little villages where people don't know flaws on the Internet or it can work when we first came to school

  9. I'm not sure; to be honest. Like he said it did take two months to get about a 30% on their own, and a couple more after that to get to a 50% with the adult(even though she only encouraged), but in schools, I feel that it's a bit quicker, and I think that there can be wonders with more encouragement, if those kids started from scratch.

  10. I do agree because of the progress the kids in India made in the very short time frame they did. Also, that school sounds way cooler than any school today. It also sounds more workable having self organized activities.

  11. 1.The 1st thing I found the most interesting in this speech is that, little kids given a hole-in-the-wall computer, learned the fundamentals of the computer without access to the insides of it. You need to know the fundamentals of a computer to operate it with skill.

    The 2nd thing that i found most interesting was the central part of the brain. He told us that the central part of the brain shuts down learning parts and so forth due to pressure. I think that not everyone would be benefiting from the area of learning. We know the fundamentals of a computer too but, we haven't taken any advantage to the resources that we have.

    1. do you think that people in the villages with no access to any devices are more "innocent" if so why if not why not

    2. yeah students need someone to guide them for example that women

  12. 1. The most interesting thing that I found in this speech is when he mentioned that students taught were able to teach each other how to browse and play games without teachers. This really shocked me because i don't see this happening today.

  13. This was an outstanding speech, everything made clear sense went into depth but did get to complicated. He was able to prove his point, and use examples in a simple way.In speeches its nice to use big words and make it more "high end" but at times you need to leave your speech sweet simple and understanding.His whole speech on education was just bodacious, everything was quite interesting especially when he talked about the kids and the wall computer. How many of us would have expected for them to understand. Some may be uneducated but we all have a intelligent thinkable mind...

    1. do you think it would work at BHJMS or would you doubt the fact that it works everywhere

  14. I think the thing that I found the most interesting was that, the man here, Sugata Mitra, went around the world, putting computers in a wall, leaving it for a few months and finding out that a whole lot of children actually learned how to speak English. No matter what age, they learned something that I'll probably never learn at all.

  15. I found that the most interesting in this speech is that the children kept going back to the computer in the wall for 2 months, just to read something boring.

    1. they are amazed by see the browser mover moving on the screen of course they would be amazed by reading something on the screen

  16. maybe if it was a fresh start, but if you told kids who've already went through the process of help etc in school, they wouldn't think they have it in them

  17. No i don't think it'd work at beaumonde because we have too much hostility here and without teachers we'd be at each other's throats in seconds.

    1. if it would not work here do you agree with his argument or disagree

  18. This was a phenomenal speech! This speaker was able to set entirety down on the table all at once in a modest form. He did go into depth but was able to make me understand and let me follow along. Usually with speeches and topics the speaker begin to talk quite fast, use high-end words which sometimes gets me puzzled. In speeches it’s nice to use big words and make it more "high end" but at times you need to leave your speech sweet simple and understanding. His whole speech on education was just bodacious, everything was quite interesting especially when he talked about the kids and the wall computer. How many of us would have expected for those students to even understand a word. Some may not have education on computers but we all have an intelligent thinkable mind that allows us to explore and teach ourselves. Teaching yourself can be very difficult and does take a long time but in the 21st century that would be in something like math not another foreign language. I was shaken when I heard how they had imparted themselves to read English. If we were to equate the 21st century and back then we would be nothing! Actually we would be the laziest out of all. How many of us are able to teach all the French we need by ourselves? We actually need a teacher to PUSH us and teach us it all. The teacher doesn’t “encourage” us but yells and forces us too. Students in these countries were eager to learn where as we don’t want to at all. A huge round of applause for these students that were able to do so much. Many individuals would say “WHAT ONLY 30% THAT’S NOTHING YOU CANT EVEN PASS WITH THAT” yes I agree they can’t pass but they got from nowhere they got to somewhere which is just astonishing . This part was very interesting but what I also found stimulating was when he mentioned the Victorian style we all knew about it but never really thought carefully about it .He shows how easy our life is now then it was before, we get everything in our hands where as others need to work for it and surely isn’t easy. It shows how they started from the bottom now they are somewhere”.

  19. This speech was incredible!What he said ,the way he presented it,EVERYTHING! I clearly understood everything he said and it was all something to think about.
    What i found interesting was that how by themselves they got 30% then they got 50% with the help of an adult.
    I disagree with the school part only because every student doesnt learn in the same way,everyone has different learning skills we should be able to learn any way we like best.
    I dont know if this strategy would work at beaumonde hieghts because its kinda complicated.

  20. The thing I find most interesting in this speech is that they way how he tells us that where the school system came from which it the GREAT BRITIAN.. And also how he made those kids use the computer without telling them how to use it,and it tells us that everyone can got to know the use of technology these days.. and the last fact I like was when he said that if a meteorite is going to hit the earth.. HOW would you know if its going to hit or not??

    yes, I do agree with all what he said because its not hard to get success the only thing you need is to have confidence in your self that you can do it and also to keep on trying the work you wanted to know about or you wanted to get success in it..

    Well, I don't think that it will work at BHJMS because at our school everyone knows what to do to get success. And almost everyone keeps on trying until tehy get to know how to do it and I think that if we try it at BHJMS it might work but it wont work properly..
