Wednesday, April 10, 2013

We All Fall Down

We All Fall Down 

Share your responses to the George Bush journal topic. 

  We watched the 10th anniversary interview with George Bush jr and he gave his personal account of the events of the infamous day on September 11.  Is George Bush a Hero and protector of the FREE world, democracy and freedom or a WARMONGER interfering in other countries right to govern.  How can his character traits be applied to your expectations of teachers role as leaders and your own role as a leader?

This video is from New York Yankee Stadium at the World Series 1 month after the 9/11 attacks.  Its one of the most symbolic moments of George Bush's presidency and his resolve to stand stand tall and strong.

This movie trailer is from a film that denounced George Bush for how he dealt with 9/11

George Bush Hero or Villain?


  1. Personaly, i think George Bush is a Hero, When the time came, He was ready, to counter attack the attackers, Because he didnt want to show other countries he was a coward. Alos he admit himself, that he was never ready to be a WAR time president. But to my opinion, he did great as president. The reason eh went into IRAQ was to prevent anything Like 911 happening again. ANd cause of his thought about nuclear weapons in IRAQ, he barged in, to find out that he was wrong. But overall, the only thing he wanted to do was stop future attacks and events that will eb horrific as 911. This was his motivation..but it also lead him to becoming a bit of a WARMONGER.

    1. I agree with your point on how he went into Iraq to seem like the tough guy and that no one should mess with him and his country. He did it to intimidate the other countries

    2. and that is a smart move and look at the outcome no problem.... but now there is north korea

    3. But North Korea's "attack" is completely irreverent to the fact he went after Iraq. He went in Iraq after 9/11 to show his authority and because he was afraid. North Korea has no relevance to it.

    4. Do you think that rippling the economy of the opposing countries is a right thing to do? If it is a right thing to do, can you give me a reason why?

    5. I agree he did tell the counties that he wasn't scared of any threats and will get hard when it comes together.

    6. Do you honestly think he's the ultimate hero? That everything he did was right? That going into Iraq when they simple had nothing to do with 9-11 was the right decision? You think he made a smart decision when he did that? So many people were killed because he made an assumption that he has NO absolute idea about, you think that was smart?

    7. Personaly, In terms of enemies than yes its a good idea to take others economy down becuase than the enemie will eb struggling to bring the country back to its original state .... this way The enemies go down faster...In terms of any other countries, than its a bad idea, Becuase if America needs help than countries with bad economy wont be able to help or even want to help.

    8. @Aynur...Well not a ultimate hero...more like a One time hero....meaning he wasnt realy ready to eb a WAR time hero, "But he stepped up to the plate and swung the ball the way he was suppose to". Afetr a while he got carried away..and went into IRAQ blindley

    9. Above, I agree with Nauman. According to the enemies position it is a pleasure to attack and get a payback. However, when you think overall and worldwide where it's not only about the US, it was a unforgivable mistake or a cheap scheme. By the way, I would like to know how Iraq had become the enemy? Was Al- Qaidah originated from there?

    10. No...well actually just like what Talha and me said on other posts..George Bush went in to IRAQ on a hunch

    11. Yeah, who said Iraq was their enemy in the first place? What little proof did he have to that exactly? What, his assumptions? That's not even legit.

    12. Exactly, the country he was after in terms of terrorists was Afghanistan. Iraq was for possible Nuclear weapons

    13. All I had heard of in my own knowledge is that the terrorists were from Pakistan or Afghanistan... If I am wrong I am sorry, but this is all I have heard off. So how did it get to be Iraq that is their enemie?

    14. Aniqa you're correct. He started in Afghanistan and they had found Bin Laden in Pakistan

    15. Iraq is a much more different country then them. What I don't get is why would you do so many steps at a time? He hadn't even found Bin Laden at the time, go find him first then you get a few answers at least... oh well

    16. This makes innocent countries suffer so much. Not only this happen due to his assumption, religious reasoning came in the matter too.

    17. Well geroge Bush never planned and expected things to happen which could hurt him and his rep.

    18. Exactly, he never planned. That was the problem. He made assumptions and went along without solid proof. His planning was all wrong but, he still continued.

  2. I think that Bush can be considered a hero during the time of the 9/11 attacks because he then was "The face of freedom" So then, many people and I think he's a hero. But I wouldn't say he's a villain because his decisions aren't for no reason.
    Any president during the time of 9/11 would have acted in the same way as Bush, trying to stop the people that did this. But then what dropped his reputation is his plan to attack Iraq. He believed they had nuclear weapons and he decided to go in there after he went in Afghanistan. So I said that any president during the time of 9/11 would act the same way, but then I thought, how many presidents would go into Iraq based on their hunch? So based on this question, I'd say he's a Warmonger.

    1. I dont get why he even went to Iraq just because they have nuclear weapons, wouldnt other countries have nuclear weapons too? Also he didnt even know properly like you said he only had a hunch.

    2. Good point...But I Think George Was going to hit all the countries with nuclear weapons...I think eh started off with IRAQ.

    3. well i think he had a good reason to right.He would have to have info or a reason to right cause then how would he convince the other countries right?

    4. the thing is he couldnt convince the other countries

    5. But Nauman, why would he attack in the first place? Like I said he did it based on a hunch He could have attacked other countries but he chose Iraq

    6. True Talha...@derrick...He wasnt able to convince other countries just because he had a hunch

    7. its true other countries thought he was doing it for himself.

    8. Yeah Derrick like Nauman said that he didn't convince other countries to buy into what he was selling about Iraq. The UN didn't agree with him so he alone decided to take America in there

    9. Countries adn the UN arent going to run into IRAQ over a hunch

    10. So basically, he was to obtain all nuclear weapon and protect by keeping it to himself? Or was he to distrebute the weapons to other countries that he think are worthy of to have? What was his actual plan to do with the weapons?

    11. Just take them away from countries that hate America.

    12. And use it against them??????????????

    13. Noep just keep hidden in bunkers or something, im pretty sure they have planned it out that if they founf weapons they would put ti someeher safe.

    14. If there were to use it for themselves, this would certainly be selfish. So I see, US has trust issues with a few countries, but how is it that we trust them to use it for the right and not the wrong. Especially now, you might think of Bush as evil and curious about what his real purpose of collecting the weapons were.

    15. He just though that it was his responsability to take weapons from other countries and he felt more safe knowing that countries cannot be able to take down america with nuclear weqapons anymore.

  3. I thought Bush was wrong going into other countries to tell them how to run their nation. I mean, it's not his country, he's not the president of the world. Him going to other countries to say that is like he's demanding war.

    1. I think the reason he realy wanted to go into other countries and get everyone to hear his demands, telling them to assist him in war, to get rid of people who will, do events like 9/11. He did not wnat to expeirence or see any more events like the one he had to experince as A PRESIDENT.

    2. But what if they didn't want to assist him? They could turn against him then and there and could just cause more problems for America.

    3. No one wants to face America, becasue they have one of the strongest forces in terms of military, and they dont want to get in Americas way.

    4. They have one of the strongest forces in military, but look what happened in Boston yesterday. People still will get in Americas way even when they probably are stronger than them

    5. Just because America has one of the stronger forces, that doesn't mean that should underestimate what the rest of the world is capable of. I think that people get way too cocky about that. America won't always win, yet people like to defend the fact that they will.

    6. America has its advantages but they also had a huge loss (9/11.

    7. 9/11 is a huge loss, but it also showed the world that America can make it through these events and fight back

    8. That's true...but going to Iraq is what made them look a little evil.

    9. If i were him, I'd be quiet embarresed saying Iraq has nuclear weapons, then going there trying to prove himself. But then be wrong. It's a huge assumption to say a country has weapons, and what he did about it was wrong

    10. At that time, people had depression, sadness, and much more thoughts and feelings that over took them. They had became so weak that they were almost to be gullible. People of the US is are smart but, at that moment they went broke of everything. That is why they believed George Bush when it came to the decision to Iraq. What solid proof did George Bush have to show his people? If any, not much but his people went along beleiving him because, that seemed to be their only hope. What made Bush even think this way?

  4. George Bush has no right to go interfere with other countries because it is up to their leader and not him on what to do with their own country or not. Let the people speak up in their own country rather than Bush starting a war. It is their choice & culture, not his. I think that ever since 9-11 George Bush wanted the ability to take control because of the traumatizing event that had made him feel simple helpless. Ever since that shame, he decided to take control and show the WORLD what America is capable of, so that no one is to mess with them again.
    I fully understand what he was trying to prove. I cannot disagree with the decision he had made when going into Afghanistan because they had started something, and he was there to finish it. But going into other countries just because they all have a lifestyle in common is taking it too far. Are they the ones who had pulled the trigger? No. What he had done afterwards was a waste of time. You want people to learn your American lifestyle? You are wasting your time and money. How can you hurt someone because of they way they choose to live, or because of what they believe in? And then he talks about freedom...It's almost hypocritical.

    1. in Iraq you die if you are gay america has the right to stop this also when you think of it whoever is the president of america is the president of the worl agreed?

    2. Aqib, how can someone be the the president of only 1 country in the world, and then some how become the leader of the world? It doesn't make sense

    3. No. I don't happen to agree with you mainly because if the people of IRAQ decide that it is cruel and unfair then let them take the stand and fight for the right. It is their decision, THEIR country, America doesn't own them. Ok? All I'm saying is that what makes America that special that they get to rule the world? Why is it that everyone has it in their mind that America is the "golden" country and that they are better then us? I don't agree with you, not one bit.

    4. @Aynur: If you were the President or Prime Minister of a country and there was a terrorist attack, then won't YOU do something about it?!

    5. Yeah but remember he went to Iraq for nuclear weapons he THOUGHT they had. The actual war on terrorism was mostly on I believe Afghanistan

    6. @radcircles Of course I would, Like I said, The first steps he did was acceptable of course. Going into Afghanistan made sense. But what I don't accept, is the fact that he would go into Iraq with little proof...That's not something I would do. If I was president, I would have planned it in a different way. If I had any suspicions, I would secretly figure out a way to get solid proof. WITHOUT starting a war.

    7. @Aynur: If going into Afghanistan was acceptable, then that doesn't make him a complete warmonger. Also, the only reason he went to Iraq, was because he thought that nuclear weapons were being held. He took a risk but won't you if had such a thought?

    8. I just said that if I had such a thought, I would have figured out in a smarter way. Secretly I would assign a plan to figure out and get proof. Without starting a war. If then I have solid proof, I will use it to go into war.

    9. Yes, I agree with Aynur. Isn't it part of his job to be assure of what his doing? He as a president should understand this concepts and these mistakes should never be made by a president. He should have started off with a solid proof. How can you depend on such president if they make assumptions using the whole country?

    10. Have you ever thought that your "idea" may have cross bush's mind as well? You can't just assign a secret force in one night. It'll take much longer to plan something like that.

    11. If it did cross his mind, then why didn't he use it? If he did, then how come he got no proof? Because there was no proof!

    12. Like I said, you can't just enforce a plan like that in one night!

    13. @Raddcircles X i agree, you cant just make a whole plan just like that you need time.

  5. If i had a teacher, i would definatly want a bit of freedom for myself. It would be extremely awkward if the teacher knew every little detail about your personal life, i wouldn't feel comfortable in the class. I mean, it is our lives, and it is a free country, so we shouldn't be told what to do if we don't wanna do it (not work wise, we always have to do our work, no exceptions)

    1. if you were bullied would you want the teacher to know i would and if you tell a teacher you are bullied would you want your teacher to do nothing

    2. I said personal lives, i mean things we do at home on the internet and when we go out. We don't need teachers knowing all that about us. Bullying is a different story

    3. if you think of it, do kids really tell teachers that their being bullied? usually, bulling isn't reported

    4. And it's not like everytime bullying is reported, the problem is solved. The bully may still go after you even if everyone knows what's going on

    5. So would you be comfortable giving your personnal information to a teacher?

  6. bush to me is a hero he followed his morals and ethics if he did nothing he would be called a coward if america has the "most freedom" and is the "ideal country" then if they do micro manage iraq it would be for the good

    1. He entered Iraq on a hunch that he had and he decided to go into it because what he thought

    2. what would you do if you were in bush position

    3. well i would see all the facts and see if it's true so what is you're opinion of bush going to other countries?

    4. i believe bringing bin laden to justice was a great thing but when you think of it when one bad person is gone than another will take his/her seat which is why i think bush ruled Iraq and i think that if he was still the president he would go to other countries and do the same

    5. Well I agree bringing Bin Laden down was a good thing and needed to be done. But Bin Laden had no relevance to Iraq.

    6. I don't know why you think that Bush's decision was smart, because truth is it wasn't. It's not right to go in only knowing so little, it just shows that he was ASSUMING. And everyone says how you shouldn't assume, if you don't know. So prove your point better because to me I think it was such a waste to go into Iraq killing people, only to find out that he was wrong. He should have been smarter then that. So, tell me is that what you would do too?

    7. But he went to Iraq for nuclear weapons, not terrorists. So at the time he made the decision to enter Iraq, he had no idea about Bin Laden at the time. The main enemy for terrorism in terms of countries was Afghanistan

    8. what if he did not go and iraq did have nuclear bomb everyone would hate him more this is the problem no matter what he does everyone would still hate him

    9. But did Iraq show any signs about using their possible nuclear weapons on other countries, specifically America?

    10. But the countries would have to hate themselves because, its not like they went in to IRAQ..they cant just force America to go into WAR.

    11. He had suspicions, but his way of getting proof was reckless. There could have been so many other smarter ways of figuring out without starting a war. He could have figured out in a smarter way, without creating a huge mess. There is always a better way.

    12. if he is a hero he still has negative traits to prove him a villain.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Aqib...this comment wwas suppose to reply to yours.

    2. IRAQ never had weapons... Why would they need to micro manage IRAQ.

    3. He probably thought they had terrorists and they could have been part of 9/11?

    4. ya thats right danyal and if there were no terrorists then how come american soldiers die in Iraq that shows that there are bad people

    5. No, its ebcasue IRAQ wants to protect themselves so Obviuosly they are going to fight back and kill American soilders, there not going to let america kill tehm for no reason.

  8. Personaly i think he would be seen as a hero but his action where not correct.His true goal was for peace but the path he took was truly unfair and not right.He did the one thing all human do make mistakes and act with fear and with or minds unclear.He did the the right thing to be safe but the way he did it was not true.He can't tell other countries what to do and how to act.It's like telling you're friends to "be like me".so i see him as half-half he did the right thing to help his countries but the path he took and what he did was not correct.

    1. I agree with you, but what do you mean by "the way he did it was not true"? Like he wasn't true to his country or?

    2. yes, some of his actions were pretty harsh

  9. I think Bush was a hero because, as any good president, he was ready to react And defend his country. I honestly don't think that he should have been ridiculed for falsely invading Iraq on the grounds that they had nukes. He was only doing what he deemed was right ti protect his country. What if Iraq DID have nukes? Would Bush be made fun of then? No, he wouldn't.

    Sometimes being a War-time president has it's perks. Such as having the authority to call out an opposing group such as Al-Qaeda and eliminate them. They are a group of in-humane dictators and had they succeeded in taking out the White House, then where would we be now? Would we be slaves of the Al-Qaeda? Would we even exist?

    1. The point is Iraq didn't have nukes, so it was kinda embarresing in his perspective to make that assumption that they did,then be wrong.

    2. He made a move based on his morals, ethics and love of his country. That is why I think he is a hero.

    3. Well, his morals and ethics made him make a fool out of himself. He's lucky he didn't cause a lot more trouble for america saying that

    4. what do you think will effect us if Iraq did have nukes?

  10. i think president bush is a warmonger. Yes it is wrong to kill people just because they are gay or have different opinions, but it is also wrong to invade a country and force them to change their ways just because we think their wrong. what would you do if your neighbor broke into your house and told you how to live? just because he is the president doesn't make his actions right, and he cant just give any excuse to invade a country. being the president of the United States doesn't make him the leader of the world.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Do you think there's anything Bush did right during the time of 9/11?

    3. i wouldn't say he did RIGHT, he really didn't do much . all he did was show his support and talk to a bunch of important people and promise that they would win this "war". he didn't kill Osama Bin Ladin, Obama did. i'm not saying Obama is an Excellent president, i'm saying he got the job done.

    4. If you were in Bush's place, would you instinctively go to war? Or, would you go the pacifist/fantasized way and make "negotiations"?

    5. Also, do you think Obama finished this ruckus, or did Bush lead up to it?

    6. If i were Bush, i wouldn't want to start a war. That what i'd want to avoid most. I'd just try to figure out who caused 9/11, and bring the person who did to justice. Without trying to cause any more trouble for america

    7. that is a very good point but why would your neighbors come to your place it is because there is a problem if a country is in a better state than another one then i would allow the country to teach them the problem is how they did it the got there guns out once something little happens and that is wrong

    8. No i wouldn't go to war, i would track down these people and kill them. without having to go to war with the whole country. i hate war, i think all Canadians do. i would take action, but i wouldn't go to war. I wouldn't say Bush "Led up to it" all he did was start it. Obama ended it.

    9. In my opinion, i don't think that a quick death without war is actually possible, terrorists find out, the word leeches out, and a war commemorates.

    10. War has to be built up, it can't just happen in a second

    11. that would mean all of Iraq would be against america to actually wage war. were talking about a small group of people who attacked america, ending in a whole country against country war. what if a small group of terrorists in Canada attacked Iraq or somewhere else? would that country blame all of Canada? would it become instant war? no, you have to have a long history of anger between the two countries to wage a large war, wars don't just happen over night

    12. @sarah i agree because the smallest fights can cause war but only if you add it up but if there is only one little fight i think they can just confess it out

  11. But if the other country's ways affected our country in a negative way? Would you still have the same opinion?
    What if we we became a war ridden country because of somebody else's ways?

    1. Derp i meant to reply this to laurens recent post

    2. Yes, actually. i wouldn't say "KILL THEM KILL THEM ALL!" i would be devastated, and i would want better protection and action. not nucular warfare with another country, that would just kill more people then needed. and Canada would most likely never become a war ridden country. we hate the sight of guns and gun violence, we say "oh sorry" if someone bumps into us. you really think someone would want to have a nucular tug-of-war with us? WERE CANADIAN!

    3. so are you saying to let them go and create more problems to other bush wanted to bring justice to everyone and that is the right thing to do

    4. I agree with Lauren, saying that would just put America in more danger

    5. how would I let them go? im a girl not a president. i would WANT someone in higher power to take action, but not to wage war on the whole world while doing so. yes, he WANTED to bring justice, but did he? he just talked about it, is that the right thing to do?

    6. You said more people would be killed than needed. Do people need to die? Yes, they do. Osama for example. If he hadn't died would we be the peacekeepers or would we be the reinforcements for the U.S? We'd more likely than not be soldiers directly assocciated or involved in the war.

    7. Instead of being Canadians the Peacekeepers, we'd be Canadians the War Machines. We have kept our rep as peacekeepers for a long time. If the Al-Qaeda did succeed then we'd be in a constant war alongside America as we are essentially sister nations.

    8. Sometimes there's no way to avoid war. This time we got lucky. Very lucky indeed.

    9. i meant, innocent civilians, your waging war on an entire country, not all people from there are bad. not all people need to die. yes you can list the people who should die, but can you list all the countless innocent lives lost who cross your path when you do so?

    10. can you explain more on how we got lucky?

  12. I think that George Bush was in the middle position, he was neither a villain or a hero. I'd say this because, he was ready to lay all responsibilities on himself, like any other president. Those responsibilities can bring you down, as in "you failed" or can boost your reputation as a president.
    For example, if you were the president, you would instinctively announce a three letter word, "war". That action isn't wrong, because it would be hypocritical to say it, you say it's wrong outside of the persons shoes, but if you were in them then you would do the same.

    "war can hurt the economy, but words don't"

    1. The first two steps of what Bush did was correct, but going into Iraq was taking it too far. Especially since he was almost clueless on whether they had nuclear weapons or not. I'm sure there would have been a different way of finding out. But starting war there, and trying to tell them whats right wasn't thought properly for. There could have been so many other ways to find out, WITHOUT starting a war. Don't you think?

    2. I agree with you, those false accusations are what made bush lose his trust with the economy. Trust is what the US grieves for, but will never happen. At that time, a lot of investigations may have happened. People may call Bush racist or such, but that idea would live in everything a president does, or any person. Being a war-time president has it's perks and downfalls. That action was one downfall.
      Also, about the "George Bush doesn't like black people controversy", what do you think of that controversy?

    3. Do you think anything would've changed if Bush didn't make those assumptions about the nuclear weapons?

    4. Well, that trust wouldn't weaken between other countries if he din't go. Because the US is built up upon these moralistic steps, you would have wrecked your own reputation and morals. The media sold things in such a way that, everyone is affected by the media opinions. Mr.Cheney as an example; isn't all news media but can still rely on that source for coverage on certain topics. The media wouldn't brainwash people into their opinions if he didn't accuse Iraq.

  13. 9/11 reminds me of the Boston attack which took place yesterday... do you guys think they will do the same as america?

    1. Well the Boston Bombing wasnt as extreme as 9/11. But it has effect because America isnt used to being hit On american soil 2 times around 1 decade..Even though Obama doesnt think its a terrist atatck...I think this will soon lead them to realizing they are under attack again.

    2. @nauman well there was a charity run going on to make money and they were bombed so don't you think that the president will get mad because people were murder under his nose?

    3. When a devastating event like 9/11 happens, it doesn't have the same vibe. We felt devastated too. The Boston Bombing doesn't have the same vibe.

    4. The attack was on American soil, but during an international event. So people from all over the world were there, could it have been an attack strickly for americans?

    5. I agree because when such a horrific incident happens, the Boston bombing doesn't have the same effect. Also, it was two skyscrapers that were knocked down.

    6. @Tushar yes but it does affect canadians in a big way and 9/11 was devastating but when you think about it the bomb blast was another devastating event.The first event changed america but the second makes people think america is getting more unsafe.

  14. I dont think that george bush is a hero because what gave him the right to go to another country and declare war??America was in trouble and as being the president of america he was capable of doing much more then going to iraq and declaring war? George bush was given the oppurtunity/responsibility to take care and protect his country not go and interfere in others.
    Before he went on declaring war he shoould have thought how many more lives would have been lost he was just being selfish and thinking about what he wants!before going to declare war he should have thought how many more lives would have been ruined? There was no benefit in going to declare war for the safety and justice for your country!?

  15. I believe that George Bush was both a hero and a warmonger. I say this because to his country he looks like a leader or a "cowboy" (before (9/11) and hero. To the countries in the the middle east, he looks like a bully.

    1. Define that "bully" reference.

    2. Well he was forcing laws in the middle east that peopel didnt like. And it wasnt george bushe's buisness to go there and make laws.

    3. I agree because George Bush was ready to counter attack the terrorists but then he started to invade other countries and tried to change their way of Governing a country and that turned him into a warmonger.

    4. a WARMONGER isnt someone who puts laws in other countriwes..A WARMONGER is soemone who is like to reign WAr on other countries too many times..and half the time The war is not for anything Much effective, just like Bush he wnet in to i raq over a asumption.

    5. @nauman so do you believe george bush is a warmonger.

  16. Personally i thing George Bush is a hero because geog bush fight for peace and geog bush tried to save his country from attack.

    1. Come on Navdeep, common sense, he just misspelled George Bush.

    2. @talha i get he could've misspelled it but he wrote it more than 7 times.

    3. never mind he deleted the one with more geog bush on it

    4. Whatever, I said use common sense

  17. i think the president did the right thing reason being is because of course he wanted to go in to other conteries to defend his own but like to be honest any other presdant would do the same thing, but i shouldnt say anything and say im right because i wasnt affected by 9/11 like i dont live in america nor was i anyware near when that happened other then the fact that muslims were being bashed because we caused 9/11. i really dont htink bush was thinging about him self he WAS pretacting his contury.

    1. but wait it was dumb that he sent war to iraq and that was stupid

    2. Actually Farina though you weren't affected personally, things have changed here in Canada and it applies to you to and everyone else. Many laws have been changed and security checks in airports have become stricter. Cheney told us about how women who cover their faces with a cloth cannot be done here in Canada because they're afraid of what might happen. Easy to say 9/11 has changed the world and how you see it.

    3. He didnt send war he declared and also why was it dumb for him to do that?

    4. People in Iraq certainly didn't like in america nor was anywhere close to it when it happened. Yet it affected their country greatly. They got accused of how they run their country and that they had nuclear weapons when they really didn't.

    5. 9/11 happened in 2001 i could only been a year old and i dont know how people lived befor so it really didnt change the way i live geetanjail, and yes i do know airport security has changed and laws have been made because of this

    6. But these little things do still affect our lives, even if it's just the airport security

    7. Well then there, it has affected you in some way.

    8. Okay farina it didnt change the way you live but im saying just because you were a year old in canada it is still devastating for all canadians no matter how much people regret it.we think if americas this unsafe then canada could go through the same circumstances too.What if in those buildings was your family wouldnt you be scared and frightened wouldnt that event have changed your life.
      Speaking of the boston bombing yesterday i have family in boston if anything happened to them it would have changed my life for ever.farina you say it doesnt affect you but really right now your just thinking that those people werent related to you but wonder if that was your family would your life be the same?Most importantly would your response be the same ???

    9. @Farina i feel the same but some of my cousins who used to live in new York moved to Vancouver because they were afraid something like this can happen again.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I don't think Bush could be considered as a hero, I mean he went to a different country and declared war. He has no right to go and interfere in a country's choice. But then again the choice Al-Qaida made was utterly stupid.
    You don't go and kill innocent people who have done nothing to you. It's like your're asking someone to hate you. I think the actions that Iraq and Bush did were both wrong. Bush made the mistake of starting war with Iraq and Al-Qaida made the mistake of attacking America on their own soil.
    To some Americans Bush is considered a hero and to some...not so much.In Iraq I'm pretty sure there are some people who are angry with Al-Qaida's actions and some are happy.

    1. Won't you do something if you were the leader of a country and it gets attacked by terrorists?

    2. Well of course I would, but couldn't he have done something where it didn't involve something as gruesome as that. Going into a country and telling people how to lead them is something you shouldn't do. You lead your own country, you don't go into some other country and tell them what to do.

    3. @raddcircles X i agree i would do something back but i wont try to start a war.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Well I would respect my teachers opinion, however I would certainly dislike it if he tried forcing it upon me, Especially if I don't want to do it. He or she certainly has the right to voice their opinion, But trying and forcing it upon me only makes me not want to do it. If they want me to do whatever that it may be, then use your words in a respectful way. Talk smart and get your point across.

    1. isn't some sort of brain washing like what they do to make terrorist sacrifice their life?

  22. Farina okay you can't say you werent affected just because you live in canada,think about those thousands of people that lost their lives it doesnt "really" affect us here in canada but if you think about it because of 9/11 they have increased security check in almost all of north america.Muslims arent allowed to cover their faces,people are hating on sikhs and muslims thinking that all muslims are terrorist and they are mistaking sikhs for terrorist because of their way of dressing. Also those people effected could have been anyone of us whether its in canada america or any other countries.Hundreds of canadians could have been there.

    1. I agree because if you didn't get affected your lucky but some Canadians had a huge loss.

  23. george bush is only the leader of America. so this means he only has control and or only should have control of America. He cant be putting his nose into other countries. Thats not his job. YOU WERE ASSIGNED TO BE THE LEADER OF YOUR NATION. Youre assigned to be the leader of Apple, so you cant budge into Samsung and "fix them". I understand you believe in freedom etc. but you have to let other countries let them be, they can follow you if they want to. Thats not your job, if you were a great leader, many would automatically follow you. Thus, George Bush looks like a WARMONGER in other countries.

    1. I like the way you use the phone companies for an example.

  24. i think bush was a hero i dont think any president would just let there county be attacked and not do anything but i dont agree that he went in to iraq and started to go look for the bombs when there was nothing there so he just went into iraq and killed innocent people because he thought there was nuclear bombs but than think what if there was nuclear bombs what would happen ? i think it was good that he went into iraq than i dont think it was a good idea.

    1. Bush didn't go into Iraq and kill innocent people. He went about the bombs and figured out he was wrong.

    2. yea if he just went and killed innocent people that would be a crime and i think he will get kicked out of being our leader...... if its possible.

  25. Honestly in my own opinion George bush is seriously a full time villian.Props to him for supporting and raising America.But the fact that he created war among other nations and countries totally shook me off.It grabbed me off the hooks.9/11 was a tragic incident which took many lives away,and triggered America entirely.Although if you tend to look at the picture entirely he was more dependent for himself rather then the country itself."Building a better you is the first step to building a better America."Thats clearly expresses my feelings toward George Bush.Since he's the president he's clearly in charge of keeping the citizens in a safe economy,and keeping America safe.To raise a country one must be willing to put there live at stake for their nation.Whatever the president decides results in the reputation and character of that person.He has to be precise and careful in what he says.9/11 he was being very sympathic and caring for his country,and I agree he needs to be like that being the leader of millions of people.His affectionate and strength is what the citizens rely on.But honestly its like he fled in that charter plane saving his own skin first in my opinion.Now let's rewind to the Iraq war.Now that was totally not his concern or business.He deosnt need to go poking around in others conditions and business.he went attacking Iraq launching a false war.Certainly his accusations were proven wrong,and on the afterrun h created many deaths and set flame on ties between all the countries that went to war.Countries and nations would want to think over,before trusting america.America has been put in such negative spotlights of the world.i remember how he said in the end of the second clip how "I call upon all nations...To kill these terrorist killers." That actually like hes aiming it towards religions and cultures,despising the fact he should know that what he speaks and comes out of his mom can affect people alot.It pays of and then the word "Terrorists revolves around alot now among peoples mouth,and clearly its what brings grieve and shame among muslims.When people here terrorists the first thing that clearly pops into their minds are muslims.But honestly it can be other races and religions to.Anyways in conclusion he brought shame and set flames to the ties with clearly the muslims and islamic culture making them appear as bad guys and being a warmonger."

    1. you cant just call him a villain he also did do some thing for us as well such as stick up to our country.

  26. I think that Bush was both. I think he's a good President because he tried helping the country as much as he can by shutting down air crafts seeing if anything else had happened and overall just checking. I heard that people said Bush was being selfish only thinking of himself and his family. I do think Bush was wrong for declaring war with Iraq because i think it caused the situation to become bigger than it already was.

  27. I don't think he is a hero or a villain because a hero is someone who does anything to save its country, well he didn't do that but he still was pretty brave when it comes to WAR so in conclusion george bush wasn't a hero nor a villain.

  28. I think that George Bush is a Hero and a Willian i said both because if he wont be a hero he wont go to Iraq, when he knows that there's too much trouble and also i said that he's a willian because he don't take care of his own country, I said that because forexample he went on a tour and Iraq or any other country attacks U.S.A. then what is he going to do... He should stay in his own country and take care and be aware of what is going on in his country, not go and fight with other countries.. Well he should go and fight but he should also spend some time with his country.

  29. @rochelle so what your trying to say is that you have NO issues with him?

  30. I agree with Sana because she said neither hero or villain because he was not too much of a good leader and not that bad either.
