Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Rebound - Wendy's and the Ravine


Sean is gaining a greater insight into the depth of David's pain and the complexity of his character.  He thought he was careless and now is certain he is reckless. 

 "Things just don't happen to him,but rather he went out of his way to look for something, and if something wasn't there he'd build it himself" 

1. Is David on a dangerous path of risk taking? Should he be so cavalier with his attitude towards people and his own safety?

2. Does David have the right to be angry at the world and to lash out at anybody and everybody?

3.  We began this book certain David would walk again.  Are you as certain now as you were in September? Why or why not provide examples from the book that support your developing predictions. 

Answer the 3 questions and respond with two other students. 


  1. 1.) David is on path of risk taking because he is on a wheelchair but he still go's and starts fights with people it's like he wants fight even when he is on a wheelchair someone could just push his chair down and he would not be able to get up that fast and worst than that he might fall out of his chair and that would make it even more harder for him to get up and someone could just easily beat him up very badly but he takes advantage of the fact that he is on a wheelchair and that because of that no one would hit him back but let's be honest there's some people that don't have any mercy on the person even if they are on a wheelchair.

    2.) David does not have any right to be angry at the world because it is not the worlds fault that he is on a wheelchair its his luck and in my opinion David has no one to blame expect for the person that he had the incident with,that got him on a wheelchair so he should not just come at people just because he is on a wheelchair, from the best of my understanding David thinks that no one can say anything to him because he is on a wheelchair and he does get some V.I.P treatment at school all the teachers take his side even if he is wrong,like look at the first day of school he beat up Sean and the teachers and students and principles toke his side so in the same way David thinks that everyone will take his side so that is why he gets angry at everyone.

    3.) The reason why we thought that was because of his science project it looked like as if David would be walking again and also when Sean goes to David's house his mom tells him that him drawing and playing basketball and all this stuff was good for him so that is why in the month of September we thought that David would be back and running playing just like other kids.

    1. You talked about the "VIP" treatment with David, although did David really want that VIP treatment. Based on my knowledge David does not want to be in the spotlight an he does not want VIP

    2. He doesn't want it but he still gets it like think about it if he gets late for school it's not a big deal but when other kids do the same think teachers get very angry

    3. But remember he said the perks of being in a wheelchair also he accepts help from teachers.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. But that's what I just said he doesn't want that treatment but he gets it

    6. How can he be VIP just because he's in a wheelchair doesn't mean ur VIP
      Maybe he has a bit more awareness from teachers bc he's in a wheelchair and with stairs he will need to be made sure that he is safe.
      If he's VIPS that means he get what ever he wants
      And never in the text said anything that he's VIP or that he gets what he wants.

    7. Vip don't mean get what ever he wants so if says he wants a Lamborghini he's going to get it

    8. And I am not saying that from the text even I know that it is not from the text from my opinion on the book

    9. Yo do know that we r supposed to write our thinking and some evidence from the book

    10. we dont mean that type of VIP, more like, special treatment VIP

    11. VIP is a very important person
      Is he an important person

  2. In my opinion i believe that David is on the path of risk taking. as Sean said, David is reckless, he really want to get into trouble. There is a plethora of reasons that David may be doing this, first off, he can be cavalier and wouldn't care at all around people mostly because he wouldn't care about his own safety. If he would not care about himself then how can he possibly care about others, much less bother to consider be safe or not as reckless around others. He also does not seem like the noble type who will stand up or die for others like Tris did in Divergent. Right now, David is more likely to be really unstable than anything else really. He seems really fine physically except the fact that he is in a wheelchair, he is fine. He can play ball just fine, he even beat Sean, and Sean can use his legs and that gives him more agility and he has a height advantage over David. But mentally, he is like an un-stabilized atomic bomb at the edge of a cliff during a wind storm. But really, his actions around people should not be cavalier, in fact, he should enjoy life now as it is instead of being so thick and really ruin things for himself, he wants to get into trouble, he wants to fight and all in all, he just has a really bad attitude towards… basically everything, and this is what makes him so cavalier. He resents life as it is because of his disability.
    The worst disability of all is your attitude towards it.-unknown

    1. In my opinion, I don’t think that David has the right at all to lash out at anyone and everyone. Sure, he’s angry and sure he may resent life as it is, he may also be in a wheelchair. But this is no excuse to be such a jerk, especially to the people who want to be your friend. It’s like he excludes himself from the school groups. We all know that he is a likeable guy, we know that he is also witty (the “or do you want me to roll by again” line at the cafeteria) But we only see him with Sean most of the time of picking a fight with someone. Maybe David may be like this since he does not have enough good influences around him. Regardless of the reason, David has no right to constantly be angry at everyone. It is own fault because he chooses to treat people like this, his own emotion and his choices, heck, he might be doing it consciously. We have to remember that David is unstable, so we can never be too sure of his intentions or reasons for them. David is one of these people that we can like, but not entirely trust. Also, he sometimes seems like he is fueled by rage but he can control it. On his first day of school David goes to class with Sean and the teacher talks to him real slow and loud like he’s an idiot or an infant, he did not get angry however. But when the teenagers came by he lashed out for them possibly doing nothing. This proves that David does it consciously but it must be hard to suppress his rage.

  3. Question 1

    yes i do think that David is on a dangerous path. I think this because because first of all hes in grade 8 and hes in a wheelchair and he is fighting people in high school. He might act big but is he actually bug. Yes on the first day of school he got in a fight with Sean, but this is high school kids. Most likely they are bigger and stronger than. In my opinion the high school kid could have actually blow David away but it wouldn't be right. A kid in a wheelchair that had to tell the high school kids to back off. I think that David has a good heart but the way he expresses his thought or feelings is wrong. Such as in the Wendy's he wanted to have fun with the manager but like if there where no wheelchair accessibility the best thing was to go through the drive through. I think what the Manager was being reasonable but only till where David said "if there was a wheelchair accessibility then i can come in". There so many things that can go wrong with David. I think only because he is in a wheelchair people have remorse if he was not in a wheelchair i think that he will get beat up for sure. As i said he is acting big so if he acts big with high school kids he will get beat up. I think this because the other high school kid said leave it. So clearly he was going to beat up David but then there is where Sean took a hit by the high school kid.

    1. Only high school kids there are many other things that can bring David don't you think? And so he gets into fights what's it going to lead him to a future or a bad end?

    2. My bad for spelling mistakes!!!!!!!!

  4. # 1
    Yes, I'd say David is on a dangerous path of risk taking. He seems to brave and takes chances; does things that can ruin him and our him in a more grievous critical condition. For example.. When David and Sean were at the mall, David wanted to take the "easy way" so he hopped into escalator. Knowing he's In a wheelchair, he took this big risk. What is he broke a bone or messed up his brain?! There was an elevator...he could have taken that; the safe way out. David puts himself into situations where he can harm himself.
    Also for example before in the book, when David was at school and he jumped the stair with his wheelchair. What could have happened? He could have been paralyzed for life! I guess I can say that sometimes David is too overconfident and thinks everything is going to work his way. There are many sayings that tell us to take risks in life. " you never know what you can achieve unless you take the risk" or "take the risk. If you win you will be happy, if you lose you will be wise" but how wise can you get? Once you screw up, there is nothing you can do in life to replace those incidents. At the end I think I'd come to say that the risk that David takes are inconceivable!
    No, David shouldn't be so cavalier with his attitude towards people and his own safety. He has an offhand way of talking to people when people try to help him out and against his protection! Just imagine...what would happen if not only his legs were paralyzed, but his entire body stopped working as well?! Who would be to blame? Who's fault was it? "Be in your limits, life will never limit you"- M.H Rakib David always goes overboard and think before he does something. He just takes action. Every opportunity will be open for him, he needs to decide to make wise choices. It may seem like fun in games, but once you mess up, there's no way to rewind and go back to fix those false mistakes.

  5. 1. Personally I wouldn't think it is a good idea of being gung-ho with getting into arguments and fights. It will be a big hit in the long run he is just setting himself up for disaster, and he doesn't even realize it. Also he is in a wheelchair getting into fights might not be the best for him even if he ravaged Sean. He can't win every fight and if he gives up so little that he has left what's going to happen? He hates the hospital and the rehabilitation centre he just going to end up and it's going to repeat itself over and over till there is nothing left! David Is shortsighted not seeing what he has turned into, sure he is an emotional kid but getting into arguments in a moments notice is insane! "We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to stay stupid" this quote might not fit well with where I'm going with this but briefly describes what David is doing. He is working to get into fights. he is working to make scenes, he is working towards a dark end. I totally disagree with what he is doing .so your in a wheel chair show some respect! try to avoid all of the conflict be happy of what you have left. It's is not worth risking your life and friends over the lust of showing attitude.
    He can also get in serious trouble with the law, them trespassing trough the old abandoned factory also going all the way down to the gorge. And that time at Wendy's the manager could've called the cops but he didn't. Sean and David might not realize this but they can and will get into some big and I mean big trouble.

  6. 1. "Anger is only one letter short if danger". This is a simple quote but relates to the topic. As we all know David wants to be aggravated and get angry and basically this quote says that David's anger could lead to danger. I think that David should not be so reckless because it can really get him into a lot of trouble! There is a massive risk in aggravating people! In the past David had tussled with the high schoolers, and hopefully all they did was release a few punches... although, it could have been much worse. Not all people have the same control over themselves as others do. Some people may get raged faster than others do. A real fact to prove this is the N.A.C.I incident. There was a fight between 2 people and somebody merely tried to stop the fight, although one of the teens had stabbed the innocent victim. It was because the person who had stabbed him, was stuck in the urge to fight and could not control his anger. What if somebody was armed, David could get seriously hurt. To be honest, I consider David STUPID for trying to get himself into a fight. Why would you try to get yourself into danger, That's Insane! In fact most people would try to stay out of these kinds of troubles, and this is why I completely agree with Sean's statement of being reckless. David should not be so unconcerned or cavalier about his safety I mean he did so many menacing things that could have harmed himself. I don't mean to be a safety freak, but going down the escalator on a wheelchair?! That's not cool at all... He could have harmed himself as well as many other people near or on the escalator. And this is not a one time mistake, he has also done it before on the stairs. David should not be so careless on how he treats other people, soon people may start to get really FURIOUS. David has also taken many other risks that aren't noticed very often..For example, when he saw a locked up fence, he must have realized instantaneously that the fence wasn't just there for no reason, based on David's Knowledge and smarts shown in many other chapters, I assume that David knew that the fence was there to prevent trespassers. That's a very bad risk as it isn't just a curfew with people it's breaking the LAW! At this point I STRONGLY believe that David is on the path to risk taking! Now the question is would his attitude still be the same if he wasn't in a wheelchair? To be continued...

    1. I agree with what you say but what if these so called "menacing thing" are just stunts, or is David just testing his luck and endurance as it is. David probably does not have a care in the world. He does have a bad attitude but you put yourself in his position, always in a chair, not doing the things that you loved to do, he would have obviously got a really bad attitude or or accumulate one at least.

  7. 1. Yes I do believe David is on a dangerous path of risk taking because of how he mistreats himself, he never listens to anyone and thinks nothing else will happen to him. He always has the same excuse "what else can happen? I'm already in a wheelchair" that can be true in certain cases for example whatever he's planning on doing to prove how "brave" he is doesn't harm him as much but why go by that rule every time? He could end up paralyzed or even worse! Especially from what he enjoys doing- being adventurous.
    I am faltering David's thoughts, he doesn't want ANYONE to care about him or to worry at all, but what is his family and friends supposed to do? Leave him stranded when he needs help the most? Allow him to execute such harmful activities? No! What kind of human beings would they be if they do that? What they are doing right now- refuse and protest against his doings- is correct, he is quite lucky of having such caring people in his life such as his mother, father, and Sean.
    All of this is the exact reason why he shouldn't be so cavalier with his attitudes towards people and himself. People care about him and don't want him to get hurt, his parents may not be aware of his ventures but Sean is, and he is probably afraid of what his friend is getting him and himself into. But David does not realize all his parents and Sean want is for him to be safe, I just hope he learns that before its too late. "Being stubborn can be a good thing. Being stubborn can be a bad thing. It just depends on how you use it."
    -Willie Aames

    1. @katherine
      tell me this, is he doing it conscientiously, is it in his sub-conscientiously or he doesn't know he is doing it?

    2. @ Ivan yes he does it on purpose because he's mad at the whole world

    3. @Katherine
      if he does it on purpose, does it also not seem right that knows that his action are having an affect on other people, or maybe he acknowledges this but choices not do anything about it

    4. @ivan
      He probably realizes it but what you said, he doesn't do anything about it, it is wrong but it's still wrong that he does that so?

  8. 1) David is on a dangerous path of risk taking due to his attitude and reactions. It seems he get provoked and completely lashes out. A good example are the high schoolers that supposedly made fun of David. This then turned into a fight and David went all out on the high schoolers. David becomes reckless but doesn't realize the consequences. The scenario at the Wendy's could have resulted into something worse than a warning it could have gotten really serious. "Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character"-Albert Einstein the more David acts reckless and barbaric the worse his situation gets. It seems that he starts to loose hope for a "cure" and lashes out. All these times I would say he is lucky. David was lucky that none of the high-schoolers were armed. He was lucky when the Wendy's manager didn't call the police. The longer David is on this dangerous path the faster his luck wares off. David wants fights to happen,he does whatever he can to create a conflict. Showing a lack of concern of his attitude and own safety due to the rage built inside of him will get him in trouble. Going down escalators in a wheel chair could result to a head injury or worse; and when Sean warns David on how dangerous it could have been, David simply replies that he got away with it. But that won't happen all the time, like I said his luck is going to ware out and him could end up very badly injured. Also the way he acts with certain people is just ignorant. He may be in a wheel chair and being reckless with people will work, but not all people. There could be times where David messes with the wrong person, and this person might lash out on David regardless of him being in a wheelchair. He uses his situation, his anger as an excuse to behave poorly with others and simply not care on how he is portraying himself. The fact that he went in a an abandon factory with Sean who knows what type of people they may have encountered. Being stubborn seems to work for David but for how long?Being cavalier will only lead to consequences and the path he is taking will increase the distance from the solution David wants. To be continued.........

  9. He doesn't have the right to be letting out all his anger on the world. I underdstand hid parents because there family but to be letting it out on on the world it's not right because there are bigger people in the world that wouldn't care what they do they will do what they think. So by the way David is being he can get beat up. For example the incident that happe at N.A.C.I that is possible to happen to David. He can be ticking someone of just by giving attitude and someone will not like it and then something can go badly wrong. So there for he can not be angry with the world.

  10. I think that he will be able to walk again. I think this because the way he said that when he comesohr of the wheelchair he will come to that cliff and throw his chair. Since the beginning he was position on getting his legs back. From the science project that he did about how the nerves heal. He is positive and never negative on getting his legs back and that's why David is a good motivator/ role model. Think positive never negative. It's u can not u can't
    I believe that if David believes he can get his legs back I belive that he can

    1. @ ismaeel
      but dont you think believing is one thing and actually doing something about it is another? he can believe all he wants but he wont get his legs working again just by believing, hes got to do something about it then keep his hopes up because believing is a big step to getting closer to what you want but doing something about it is an even bigger step that WILL make the change.

    2. How can you be so sure his legs will start working again? As much as we say to think positive and never negative, we should look at the real world and how things actually work. There isn't always a happy ending. Just because David says he's going to come to the cliff to throw his wheelchair and let it tumble down, it doesn't mean its true. Are there any signs of improvement or any part of the book that stated that David felt something in his legs and maybe his nerves are sensing and back to work? Some times things never change and in my opinion I don't think he will be able to walk again.

  11. 1) So as we all know David is a bold kid he doesn't seem to care if he's in harms way especially if its with another human being. Ya he's angry but that doesn't give him the right to always lash out and be reckless about what he says or what he dose . For example look at the high school kids if they were bigger and alot more angry David and Sean both would have gotten beat up pretty well and he would have put one of his very few friends in harm's way. From they way he acts it seems like he doesn't really care about his safety any more or anyone's for that matter! He's put Sean in harms way many times and people he gotten into fights with cause if there's no one to stop he won't stop.

    2) He has no right to lash out at everyone and everything!, But I get it life was going great for him he was a phenomenal success at basketball life was going great for him! Then one day that all went away in a blink of an eye. BANG and just like that he cant walk he cant play basket ball he cant do the one thing that made him happy. He blames the world for taking away the one thing he loved and all he could do is just sit there and watch it all disappear. I think that its ok that he lashes out then some of the other options but he dosent have to lash out at everyone he doesn't have to hate the people who care so ya he's wrong by he's right. But more so wrong.

    3) I think that it safe to say that he probably wont walk again but he had me convinced that he may have a chance But the more the book went on and the more we saw him act it made me think that this has a very low chance of happening. Ya if he talks to you about it you just nod and say "ya" cause you dont take away the one thing that makes him happy. That also got me thinking what if the whole walking again is how he deals with not being able to walk what if he knows that it wont happen but he has some faith he has some hope that he will be able to live a life where he can walk again. So now I dont think he will walk but rather the whole walking aging is one of the way he deals with not walking besides the angry outburst.

  12. 1. I think David is on a dangerous path of being a dangerous of being a risk taker. David is thinking that nothing else worse than being in a wheelchair, so there he can do whatever he wants. He think that he can say whatever he wants and even if someone gets mad. He think they can't inflict pain that is worse than him being in a wheelchair. He is also being lead on by his anger. If he keeps acting this way, I think he might get hurt and even die. I also think he won't be in the state, he is in right now. He is take the dangerous path of a risk-taker.

    2. I don't think David has the right to be angry at the world and to lash out at anybody and everybody. I see his reason for being mad, I would be mad to if I ended up in a wheelchair but what does that have to do with those people. The two guys in high school and Wendy's employees don't have anything to do with him being in wheelchair. He just looks for and makes problems to vent out his anger. That is just really stupid, If something bad happens to you then of course you'd be mad/sad but why take it out on someone who isn't involved. In my opinion, David has no right to lash out on anybody or everybody.

    3. When this book started in September, I was certain that David would walk again but now I'm not so sure. In the beginning, the project made me think that David was going to walk for sure. When Sean and David were talking about project, David said that there was new research on nerves being done, he said that he was going to walk and play with Sean on the basketball team. That is made think this book was going to end with a happy ending of Sean and David playing basketball together but then the story continued and made me think otherwise. As the story continued, I was still thinking David is gonna walk one day until the Wendy and Ravine incident. Just like Sean realized, David look for trouble and if he can't find it, then he build it. I also realized that David is complex. Sometimes he is angry, sometimes he is calm and sometimes he is pain. I realized that this story might not be about a David walking again but actually about David going through pain. There still might be a happy ending but I think that happy ending is David learning to get through the pain. Personally I don't think David with walk again.

  13. 1)I think that David is on a path of risk taking because the way that he rides down the escalator on his wheelchair and gets up the stairs, he could end up getting hurt. He is still careless and does risky things when someone like Sean tells him not to and doesn’t think properly before what he does and he ends up doing risky things. What if something happens to him? Won’t his parents be worried and angry at what he was doing? Also, he shouldn’t be so impolite to someone who is caring for his own safety because the person is just trying to stop him from getting more hurt than he already is. So overall I think that David is on a path of risk taking and that he shouldn’t be so cavalier with his attitude because as I said everyone just wants him be safe.
    2)No David does not have the right to be angry at the world and lash out at anybody and everybody he wants because even though the Wendy’s scene may be funny, he still spoke back to the manager and got angry at him when he didn’t get his food. The manager of course wnted to tell him peacefully to come inside and pickup his food but David just didn’t care and lashed out for reason at all. Everyone around him just wants him to understand some simple things but when he just gets angry and carries the topic on and on and its not fair to the other person because they didn’t even do anything.
    “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” –Buddha This quote tells exactly why David shouldn’t be angry because what you say in anger comes back to you someday.


  14. David doesn't have the right to be so angry at every one and lash out all his anger so the time. I think that David should really learn to control his anger. For example, when David lashed out at the high schoolers what if it was all a coincidence, what if they were pointing towards somebody else or laughing at something else. And even if they did David should control at times. I mean not all people truly understand how it's like to be in a wheelchair. At the beginning of the book Sean pushed David's wheelchair like a "stroller" and David got indignant. Although David had no right to lash out at Sean because until Sean and David got to know each other very well, Sean did not know how it felt to be In a wheelchair and he did not know that Doing that would anger Sean. If I were Sean I would do the same thing, I would think that pushing the wheelchair would be helpful as it would make it easier for him to walk although that in David's case that's not true! Im more certain that David will be cured in the future because throughout the book David talks about many cures. And there are many scenes which help give an indicator that David may lose his wheelchair. Such as in the last chapter when David said he was gonna throw his wheelchair down the ravine when he can walk again. Also there was one chapter where David was talking about how it is possible to regenerate the nerves. A real fact is that There was once an actual cure for nerve damage and a man in a wheelchair could walk again. I think that now it would be possible for Many others including David to walk again!

  15. 2. No he does not have the right to show hostile intent towards people. Just because he is in a wheel chair doesn't give him the right to be lashing out at individuals. There are many more people like him and they has to be people who are kind. So using your wheel chair as an excuse won't work. For example Wendy's he yelled at the manager because there were no doors that a wheel chair can easily enter but if I recall David and Sean went to the variety store and it seemed like David was perfectly fine was he not? Also those high school boys majority voted that they were innocent but David accused them of talking about the wheelchair. Now going back to what I said before there are many people I his situation and he does not have the right to to get angry about it. Also I emphasize wheelchair because before he lost his legs he was a kid child loving sports a good drawer. It was only after that he turned into a ticking time bomb.

  16. 3) No i am not as certain as i was before about David walking again because he is acting like he doesn't care anymore. The dangerous things that he is doing like riding the escalator down on his wheelchair is risky, and who knows that if he gets hurt, the little chances of him walking may go away too. The science project that Sean and David did, made me think that David will walk again because the way he was talking about cell regeneration was believable. now my beleif is gone because of the way he is acting.


  17. 2) Because David is in a wheel chair it doesn't mean he has the right to lash out on anyone and everyone. Is it wrong to be angry? No. But there are different ways to lash out that anger built inside of David. It is evident that David hates rehab and extra "support" but why does he lash out on people? Could it be a physiological problem? No one knows, but what David knows for sure is that he hurts people. Yelling and becoming violent will not cause David to "remove" the anger, it will all just generate more hatred and cause tons of problems. The people he lashes out on could be the bad types of people and trouble will follow. Venting out anger on people is just wrong. David is in a distressful position but constantly choosing to vent out on people becomes a excuse and no longer a valid reason. Being helped out is something you should be thankful about and not angry

    1. #2(continued) There are people who pity David and constantly put him on the spotlight. This is a position that David clearly doesn't want to be in, but does that mean he reverts the extra attention by yelling and causing problems? For David it is so.... This once again is he wrong way to revert this extra attention.According to LifeHacks.org there are many ways to vent out the anger David has anger channeled inside of him. One of them is art. David is a person who has an interest in art. Many artist such as Pablo Solomon uses anger as a form of extra energy to create something wonderful. He used the frustration of 9/11 to create something with stone,hammer and chisel. So why can't David vent out his anger on a sketch book or canvas instead of trophies or people? Being angry is human nature but there needs to be a reason. Sean,Scott,the highschoolers weren't responsible for David's condition."Fair peace belongs to men; ferocious anger to beasts"-Ovid

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. 2. No David does not have the right to be angry at the world and to lash out at anybody and everybody. Yes I am aware David was in a severe car crash which damaged his spine which is why he is unable to walk now. He's been through a lot. But that is not the world's fault or anybody he sees' fault. Of course he is allowed to be angry because he loved basketball- he was a well known basketball player with the possession of many many basketball trophies- and because that sport was his life, now he's got what he enjoyed the most taken away from him, but by who? Those high schoolers? Sean? No they didn't so didn't Scott. All this could have happened, and now he may be hopeless but that doesn't mean he has to lash out on anyone trying to prove a point.
    David has broken his own trophies back when he was in the rehabilitation centre, he lashes out at anyone he sees and disagrees with him, he almost got into a fight with the high schoolers protesting that they were making fun of him which we are unaware if it's false or true, he has provoked Scott to the point where they were about to fight outside of school for tattle-tailing on Scott and his friends, he has a tend to have a particular desire of proving people wrong such as the Wendy's manager.
    So basically David is wrong to act In such a tremendous way even though he could be right he shouldn't try proving a point to an adult, he's an adult! Well yes speak his mind but not in a brusque fashion like he did with the manager. It's probably not his fault about the high schoolers but who knows. And he shouldn't want to fight with anyone even if he doesn't like them or even if he can throw those punches, he should just prevent fights and try his best keeping calm.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. #2
    In my opinion, David does not have the right to be angry at the world and to lash out at anybody and everybody. They had nothing to do with his situation and so he shouldn't take out his anger on others in vexation. It's not the worlds fault. For example... He put himself into fights. In the beginning he began to brawl with Sean. He purposely bumped into David and engaged in the fight. In the end Sean was to accuse. Why? David was in a wheelchair and there was "no way" that David could have started the fight. David shouldn't be taking too much advantage of sitting in a wheelchair. We still don't know what pleasure David receives from arguing with people. Later on, he ratted on Scott and the boys for smoking in the washrooms and then wants to fight. When Sean touched David's wheelchair to steer him the right way, he began raging at him like it was his fault. No, David doesn't have the right to do that!
    Right or wrong, in his mind he is the one making the correct decision. He also began arguing with the Wendy's manager, engaged in a fight with high schoolers saying that they were mocking the way David was wheeling, broke and trashed up his trophies etc.
    David's attitude which is being portrayed is wrong. Sure, in anger he messed up his medals and trophies but he doesn't have the right to lash out at other people. They are just trying to help him out which he shoupd be appreciative for.

  22. 3. Now, I am not as certain as September about David being able to walk again. The reason I am not as certain is, I am not really receiving any clues about that and the book isn’t really mentioning any difference or anything David is willing to do about the situation only say he is going to walk one day, all its been mentioning is him attempting on getting into trouble and more trouble. For example; the day at the mall when he wanted to take a shortcut so he decided to go down from the electrical stairs, another example would be the day at school when he wanted to go down the stairs so he went back got an impulse and practically “flew” off.
    I don’t think David would be able to walk again. The reason I think this is because in the book, David really isn’t doing anything about walking again and he can’t automatically start walking, he has to do something about it. Another thing I’ve noticed was how he hasn’t had or mentioned any doctor’s appointment or something to do with a specialist. Also, if he really were to walk again, there would be a “Rebound 2” or the book would be longer. I also think if he were to walk again, all that’s being mentioned now would have been mentioned before the middle of the book not near the end because now there’s barely space to bring all of that in and his recovery etc. but we will see what happens.

  23. #3
    To be honest, my predictions have changed a lot! In the beginning of the book when we first started reading it, David was talking about how his recovery and how he is going to be able to walk again. This was nearly in the beginning to around the middle of the book, and even I had hope and thought that’s how this book is going to end. David would get his legs back and be able to walk again just like before! Now as the book is coming to the end, I feel like that’s not what’s going to happen. Maybe this is how David’s going to have to live his life. The reason being for my thinking this way is because, David been in his wheelchair for a long time now. Is there still any hope? Not if I were to really think about it because David’s condition is physiological, not psychological. In most cases, there isn’t any hope. There have been no signs of improvement. The book hasn’t mentioned any doctor calling in saying he is ready for a surgery or there isn’t any breakthrough of science and we are nearly finished the book. His condition hasn’t deteriorated but hasn’t improved either!
    I guess in the beginning I thought that all stories have that happy ending where no one is struggling, everyone is exuberant and all, but now my opinions have changed! “Maybe it’s not about the happy ending. Maybe it’s about the story”- Rana Magdy. This quote is deep in the situation! Maybe David won’t ever walk again. Maybe that’s how things were meant to be, but we shouldn’t think of the story as the book where Davis struggled the rest of his life: we should think more like, the adventurous that David took even though he wasn’t like the others! The fact that he tried and had hope and believed. His smartness and ability to remain strong. The kind of life he lived in a negative way. Maybe it’s not going to be such a sad ending after all.

  24. 1. In my opinion, David is on a dangerous path of risk taking as lately he’s been taking way too many risks without looking at negatives. He may succeed through them but he needs to consider the cons in each situation as well. For example, at the Wendy’s incident, he could’ve gotten in so much more trouble if the Wendy’s manager had called the police on David or something similar. Also, the escalator incident at the mall, he chose to take the more risky way where he could’ve fell and could’ve gotten more injuries and in fact more paralysis. Also, the fenced area they went after Wendy’s was also a very risky place and he shouldn’t have bothered taking that way. These are the reasons he shouldn’t be cavalier with his own safety. David has a lot of attitude towards others and he needs to know that not everyone will be lenient on him considering his disability. He doesn’t want people treating him differently because of his disability, but he himself is taking advantage of it. Therefore he should not be cavalier with his attitude because he will gain many enemies because of this recklessness. "Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character"-Albert Einstein.
    2. I don’t think David has the right to be at the world and lash out at anyone because it won’t affect anyone but him. His anger is the reason to all those lash outs and the anger is appropriate because anyone would be mad at their fate for making them disable and taking away their dreams but taking that anger out of others isn’t a proper way. In fact, he should try going to psychiatrists so he can talk his anger out and be able to speak freely.

    3. According to my prior predictions, I thought David might’ve been able to walk. But based on my current building predictions, I don’t think he will be able to walk. He acts like he just doesn’t care anymore and he’s not as eager to walk again. I think his ability to play really good basketball from a wheelchair is really good, so he might in fact become a wheelchair basketball player? He has skills using a wheelchair and really few people have that, so he might as well use that as an advantage for good things. I think he should look at the positives of this situation than focusing on negatives and stressing and changing himself because of it.
    "For every force, there is a counter force. For every negative, there is a positive. For every action there is a reaction. For every cause there is an effect" - Grace Speare

  25. 3) My predictions actually haven't changed due to the fact that David walking again is almost too obvious, you can call it a cliche. There are many book and movies that end up with the kid in the wheelchair walking again. But I thought about it. If Rebound is being read to classes every year, this means there has to be some type of twist and morale; so when David was first introduced I thought this could be where the this "twist" comes to play. Rebound teaches readers about the struggles of loosing something dear to you. It teaches readers, what it's like to be in a wheelchair. The things these people experience. So it thought it would crucial in the plot not to have David recover, and the book wants this too! Throughout the book David tries to look through things in a scientific view, researching and demanding a cure. But there hasn't been a major breakthrough in science nor an announced cure so in terms of science there is no cure coming along the way. Also Rebound wants to show readers that not everything happens according to plan and you could sit there and watch the world fly past you or continue living life. This is a decision that David struggles to make and a crucial part of the book. Which is why Eric Walters probably doesn't want David to walk and why I think he wont be walking again. Being able to walk again isn't important in Rebound, it's more important to see how David accepts and lives his new life.
