Monday, December 8, 2014

The Power of Images

The Power of Images

Below are 3 powerful and and thought provoking photos and images.

Photography and Images can often have a far greater impact on the viewer then a cleverly worded essay.  Study and observe these images.  Look deep into the photo/image get beyond the obvious and look for specific subtle yet revealing detail.

1. Pick which image delivers the greatest impact and explain why with specific pieces of evidence.

2.  Highlight a very specific detail about any of the three images that you found very telling and powerful.

3. Explain what is the moral of the image you have not yet discussed in the previous questions.


  1. I think that the pictures that has the carrot has the most impact.
    The picture with the phone is very detailed. In the scene where it has lots of colours it has lots of shades different shades of colour on the table or whatever the phone was on. The phone it self was very good but I think that I doesn't have a strong impact as such as the other pictures.
    I think that the picture with elephant had a very strong impact, but the wrong impact, it looks as if the elephant got abuse, it looks as if it got taken down by a group of people. Just to put graffiti on it. It now looks like the elephant is going to the lake to try to get the graffiti of.
    I tjunk that the once with the carrots has the most impact on me because the carrot on the right its green thing is bigger and it seems to healthy. But really the thing that they have to look at which is the carrot is small. And the other carrot its green thing is small but the carrot is big. This looks like the guy on the right feels so proud because the outside is good but doesn't notice that what's the inside is bad, and the guy on the lest has no feeling as towards the carrot as to the guy on the right. I think what the message of the picture is to not look at the outside of things u have to look at the inside

  2. In my opinion I think that the second image delivers the most greatest impact,because this picture delivers a message that "it does not matter what out side it matters about what's in the inside"

    1. Give more details
      Y does it have the greatest impact
      How can u prove the fact that it doesn't matter on the outside but it rally matter what's on the inside

  3. The most powerful would be number two because this levers a very rich meaning because when you look at it then you can see that the guy on the right thinks he's got the best one but when actually he does not the other guy does so basically the meaning is that don't jugde a book by its cover.

  4. I think that the picture of the phone is allot of details. I think this because it looks at if the inside of the phone. Is a village, I think thos because if u look closely it looks like little people. The top of the phone has little houses. And I don't think that IPhones don't have little houses on top.
    And I don't think that the carrot picture has any specific details on it.
    And I really believe that the one with the elephant had the most impact on the meaning of what it's trying to say

    1. How does the elephant have the most impact explain

  5. So in my opinion I think the first image is the most intriguing because of the fact that it's probably the most accurate for this generation. I'm saying this cause this generation use tec so much that we are becoming one with it and it's true! Eventually during events people will be too busy using there phone to even enjoy the event. It's already ruined people's ability to be social and talk in person. This means that we are going to be prisoners to it that once you go in you can't come out. If you where to look at certainly people they go in to a phone withdraw the cant go more than an hour with out it!Ya the other ones have there meanings but how do they really affect us.

    1. what you say is true, but how would someone, if they wanted to, get out of this prison

    2. We'll it simple run and I'm not joking run go out side play some ball when your on your phone you just sit there and do nothing. So to escape you must run from the prison!

    3. what if you are doing something really important, really addicting, how would you go and brake away???

    4. Simple just save it and walk away

  6. 1.To me, the Iphone photo was the most impacting. It says that internet is prison for us. This moral is the most relevant to me, that is one of the reasons that I picked the photo. Another reason is that the photo itself is very detailed and really looks like a prison.

    2. I picked the Iphone picture again. The very specific detail I found is the little guy who escaped from the prison. He is so small, I had to enlarge the picture to see him.The moral of the little guy who escaped from the Iphone prison is that you can escape from internet. You can not be on the internet all the time. You can do different things and have fun.

    3. The photo that I am going to talk about you is the carrot photo. The moral of it is that just because something or someone seem or looks better or cooler doesn't mean it actually is. The picture is an example. One bunny has a big leaf on his carrot while the second bunny has a small leaf. It seems like the first bunny has a bigger carrot, but in reality the second bunny has a bigger bunny. The picture shows the moral. Just because something look or seems better, cooler or in this case bigger doesn't mean they actually are bigger,better of cooler.

  7. The moral of pic number three is that we should respect the planet because we see the elephant with graffiti on it self which is demonstrating the lack of respect we have for our earth and they also show that the elephant is stand in dirty water and the whole place looks polluted as well so the moral is respect the earth.👍

  8. 1st. I pick the first image because I feel like as the children of the 21st century we by so far have the most access to technology by far so most of us have laptops, phones, iPods, computers, tablets, smart watches most of us can't spend a day without them, I know I couldn't, I also chose this photo because it reminded me of one of my favourite quotes

    "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots" ~ Albert Einstein

    2nd. For the iPhone prison there was no way out and even if there was a away out "outside" was nothing I found this powerful because to me it meant you're trapped in this place you can't get out of its a endless hole that you can never escape from
    You're trapped forever.

    3. I think the moral of the third picture is that as humans advanced to what we think is great we're making monsters were not aware of, There will come a day when our human intelligence wi be questioned and our devices will not be available.

  9. In my opinion picture number one has the most impact because it means your phone can get you into deep of trouble because of something called cyber bullying witch can lead you to jail and nowadays cyber bullying is becoming more of a problem to people witch can cause the person your bullying can do suicide.

    1. How does the picture of the cell phone connect to cyber bullying?

    2. But in the photo no one is stressing out or anything

    3. theres many ways you could get into jail with your device for sharing private photos harrasing (swearing, bullying)

    4. It's only if do any thing bad like that if you don't there is not going to be any problem

    5. there are many people who do indeed swear on the internet but i dont think any have gone to jail because of that

    6. maybe it symbolizes that are trapped because of our technology, and not that out technology sends us to jail

  10. in my opinion,i believe that the image with the most impact would be the very first one, with the iphone. At first you would think that is is just a skating rink or some construction workers building a giant iphone. but when you get a closer look at it and take a good look inside it, you would see that it really is a prison, and the prisoners are merely outside on there outside time. in fact, on the far side of the iphone, you can see where the cells are to be kept. I believe that this image means that we, the people of technology, are imprisoned, imprisoned by the ever mesmerizing technology. That we are stuck in this place because of the technology we have right now, and how sealed in we really are because in the image, you can see how thick the walls really are and the people are sealed away from the real world. people call it the social age,but it's really the anti-social age. And we are trapped.
    2. what i found really interesting and very powerful about this image is that if you closely at the edges of the building, there are guard towers, four too be exact. As if there are people always looking, always watching never wanting you to leave, ever. The guard towers symbolize people who make sure that you wont leave, doing everything they can to keep you in and away from the real world. it may also be control towers that over see, supervise or control everything, like people controlling you, manipulating you.
    3... to be continued later

    1. "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots" ~ Albert Einstein
      or simply you just have a lot of phone addicts out there

    2. Another interesting thing about the very first image would be that there is a person trying to escape. near the bottom center of the pic. You can also clearly see the hole that he has dug in order to get out, but you can also clearly see that that he has no pursuers. in my opinion i believe that this means that it is very easy to get out of what the society (or the online society to be exact) created and even though that the hole is clearly disable from the guard towers no one opposed him. This is both good and bad considering no one tried to stop him, and that if it's this easy to escape, how come no one else has tried. it is like that quote, great spirits always receive violent opposition from ordinary minds, or in this case, probably thought the idea was ludicrous and resided not to fallow it

  11. In my opinion I think that the carrot and the the bunny image delivers the best impact. That is because the small carrot has a big bush so the bunny thinks the carrot will be big too, and the big carrot has a small bush. So they judge the carrot by how the bush looks not how the actual carrot is. The can't see "the truth behind appearances".

    1. To be continued..................

  12. #1
    For the first question I'm going to go with choosing picture #2. Out of all pictures this is the one which delivers the quickest moral. What this picture is trying to say is "success isn't always what you see". The pictures matches perfectly with it! In this picture there are two images. One image shows a rabbit holding on to his short carrot green leaves which are visible, but under the roots you see a massive carrot growing, which isn't visible. In the second image you see a rabbit so confident holding onto his extremely large carrot green leaves but under the roots, there's just a tiny carrot. The rabbit with the largest carrot shows real success and the other carrot shows that success isn't always visible.
    An example would be just like comparing any other two people. Say there are two men. One man might own a mansion with 5 cars and might have all the riches you would dream of, and the other man might live in a small house with not much. The first thing that we assume is that the first man is going to be the most successful am I right? But that may not be true! The first man might be a guy who has no job and no career and just using all his parents hard work and money for himself, whereas the second man might be someone who just got accepted to a big opportunity! Maybe a doctor, lawyer or business man who is just starting with his career because all of his effort put into it! What would you call success?? We can't judge success upon what we see... Because that's not true success.
    I think id also say that you shouldn’t be over confident. “over confidence leads to destruction”- unknown. This image shows this because the rabbit with they larger leaves looks so complacent but isnt even successful. That just led him to to destruction (the small carrot). True success would lead you through the straight path. For example, if you play a sport and show off saying that you are the best and nobody can defeat you, that’s not pledged. Who knows what can happen on court. But a play who doesn’t speak of how good they can play, others will tell them because they actually do play that good. Not saying that you wouldn’t be defeated, but atleast you would reach the point of success, and in this case you wouldn’t call it failure.

  13. I think that the picture of the iPhone is the most effective and has the most impact? The reason I think this is we usually see our devices as an awesome machine that entertains us whenever we are bored. Although we never see it as a trap, or as a prison. This picture really shows that an iphone can look very pleasing and can be very entertaining although, in reality it is just like a prison. You are stuck with it and you don't do anything else but sit and use your device. This is just what a prison does, it locks you inside a certain area and doesn't let you do anything. iPhone are not just entertaining and handy but can also be dangerous and harmful

    First of all your device can be very harmful to your body. Your parents are always bugging you to close your eyes and or take a break and do something else when you are using your device for a reason. They aren't just doing that because they are evil. When you constantly use your device you are burning your eyeballs from the behind and it is slowly ruining your eyes. When you constantly use your device its just like staring at the sun from a distance. It's very bad for your eyes. It even says so on the rules and regulations handbook that came with your device... wait most of you don't even know what I'm talking about, you probably just took the phone out the box and left everything else as it is. Anyways, I'm not just making up stuff. The devices manual even states that devices can be very harmful to your eyes and you should close your eyes every few minutes while you are using your device... Yeah, you should have listened to you parents when they kept admonishing you. If you had listening to their lectures before your eyes wouldn't have been as good as a newborn Childs, but now most of our eyes are as bad as somebody who is 50 years old

    When you use your device most chances are you get addicted to them and whenever you use them you don't stop until somebody forcefully tells you to get off your device (Parents) and usually we kids try our best to get as many extra minutes as possible shy giving excuses such as " hold up, just give me a minute" or "Wait, I just got on". Sorry, although this strategy doesn't work anymore parents figured out this excuse the first couple of times that you used your device. When you use your device you tend to do nothing else meaning even in the summer when you can get lots of exercise and vitamin d, you prefer to stay on your Device and start to become fat. I mean who wants to be fat, in fact your going to regret not going outdoors one day when you decide to lose a rib because you want to become skinny, but there's no need to harm yourself if you would just get of your device and exercise while you are young so you maintain healthy until you are old.

    1. I really love how this picture shows a prison, because it shows how prisons can be very dangerous and it reminds me of how dangerous your iPhone can be. First of all you should know that anything you post to anyone from your phone is permanently there and you can't do anything about it. I mean you will eventually regret. Here's a real world example, what happened to Amanda Todd, she talked to the wrong people and posted self exposing pictures, and look at the result, she committed suicide. When people tell you that before you post anything you should imagine posting it on a giant billboard and letting your parents see as well, and also people may tell you that what ever you post stays on the internet permanently, they are not joking.

      Some evidence that proves that your device it like a prison is that in the picture it shows the iPhone with harmful looking poles that are sharp edged and small rooms which are basically the jail rooms. The lighting is also very good because since it is very dark it shows how your device can be very dangerous, because most of the time when there is darkness people ,refer to danger. As you can see this one picture has brought up a lot of topics and important information to my mind, this just proves that this picture is extremely powerful, effective and has a ginormous impact.


    3. number 2 and 3 to be continued

    4. Jamin, you were thorough but you forgot to mention anything about the guard towers at the very corners, those are very powerful, it is like someone is watching you always and that you are being controlled, manipulated

    5. How can that happen can you explain

    6. Check this article out..

      Also check this out :

    7. I think that one of the small details in the picture of the iPhone was the guard tower. It might look like a small detail although it is not. What do people do in the guard tower? They sit down and watch you, they look at your every move and make sure you don't escape the jail. The guard towers show that are symbolic to people spying or stalking you though your device, people are able to spy on you and see your every move, based on the location you had posted a picture or such. There are many softwares out there which people can figure out your exact location based on the area which you took your picture. That is why you should try to keep the pictures you post in private and not to public, you don't want other strangers to figure out your location and harm you. As crime stoppers once showed us in one of the assemblies we shouldn't post anything to anybody but your friends. And for the most privacy stay away from social media in the first place. Go visit you friend in real life, this way cyber bullying and many other terrible problems don't happen
      "Social media is changing the way we communicate and the way we are perceived, both positively and negatively. Every time you post a photo, or update your status, you are contributing to your own digital footprint and personal brand", Amy Jo Martin

    8. i have read the articles, and i do agree with jamin, looking down at a small screen practically all day long would strain your eyes and looking down on a bright screen would really strain your retinas and not good for your eyes if you look at bright things too long, and i know everyone likes there brightness up


    9. When you look at the picture with the bunny you realize that one of the smaller Bunnies has a smaller bush and he is sad and feels bad,basically his carrot looks small although in reality if you look underground it is huge. On the other hand the bugger bunny has a much bigger bush although his carrot is so small. It may seem that the bigger bunnies carrot is from his eyes although from our perspective and since we see underground we realize that the carrot is actually very small. And the bigger bunny thinks he's so superior because his bush is so big although his bush isn't even that big, in fact it is so tiny. This is showing that the bigger bunny is very over confident and egoistic and without actually seeing the carrot he decides to judge his carrot based on the stem. In reality the smaller bunny has a small stem but huge carrot, he makes himself feel tiny and weak even though he isn't. An example of this is having a race between a grade 9 and a grade 8 since the grade 9 is bigger, he usually feels more egoistic and gets over confidence, but what if the grade 8 was smaller but really fast, before getting over confident or belittling yourself you should wait for the result.
      In other words the moral of the story is to wait for the results and not belittle or feel great until you have actually done something and have received the result, because everything doesn't happen the way it seems, anything may startle or surprise you.
      The bigger bunny must have been so startled to see that the smaller bunny had actually grown a much bigger bunny than the bigger bunny.

  14. 1. I think the picture with greatest impact would be the first one. The reason I chose this picture was because of everything that drawer included and thought of to put in the picture. I really did find it hard to figure out what it meant but then I looked closely and realized its a phone- shaped jail for people which really is true. We enslave ourselves with our phones not caring about the world around us. I like the persons imagination because this picture tells so much and it is so very true. What I also like about it is how it can be a little challenging to figure out but it brings your attention and once it does that, you kind of figure out what's going on in the photo.

    2. The very specific detail I found was in the first picture. As you can see it is a phone of course but if you look closely it's a jail just how I spoke in question 1. But one of the most important things that I found really interesting was at the bottom of this very picture where it has this man attempting to escape this jail. Which I do think is kind of true, some people do try to get away from their phones. Not literally running from it but they try things like putting it away while doing homework or leaving it at their house so it won't be a major distraction wherever you need to go. But usually after a while they get dragged back on and after that it becomes harder and harder to leave it. Just like this man. If anyone finds him, especially the security, they will chase him down until caught and taken back into jail.

    3. The picture I chose for this question is the second one. The moral of this picture I believe is, not everything is or results to be how it seems like. I can have the best things that barely other people have but that doesn't mean I'll always do the best or I'll always be the best. So people can't rely on those types of things. Also like this picture, just because the leaves/ herbs are longer on one picture doesn't mean the result will be a big beautiful carrot. And it doesn't mean that just because those leaves are small on one picture, the carrot will be tiny and just a fail. You never know what your result will be so don't get fixated on what you think you'll get because some people can get cocky about what they believe they can achieve and usually those cocky ones don't really result too much in the end. See how confident that bunny with the huge leaves is? And how they are 100% sure they'll have the best carrot but the other bunny is so worried. Who really should be worried? The one with less or more leaves? U tell me.

    1. @Katherine
      the people in the guard towers would have obviously see him dig it so there clearly is no opposition from any of the guards, so it clearly shows us that we are free to go at out will, but it must take effort because you cant dig a hole like that in like 10 mins

  15. 1. In my opinion, the second picture may not have the greatest impact, but it is definitely important. As it shows one bunny feeling so proud and showing off that he got the “better” carrot apparently whereas the second bunny feels sad or ashamed about the carrot he got since it “appears” to be smaller. This picture is a lot like a saying of “don’t judge a book by its cover”, just because the carrot appeared to be bigger; it gave the first one the opportunity to make fun of the second one. Many people tend to gravitate towards the appearance whereas they don’t know what’s on the inside. As the saying I mentioned earlier, many people judge the book by its cover looking for bright, attractive covered books that may have a bad story on the inside compared to a book with a not so attractive, boring cover but with a ten times better story on the inside. In the picture, the one who’s proud and egoistic about its prize will be the one to take home and regret what it got compared to the one who suffers criticism yet turns out to take a better prize home. Therefore, don’t judge things and change your attitude because of what you see on the outside as you may be the one feeling bad when the inside is revealed.

    2. In the third picture, it shows animal abuse how an elephant is walking around with graffiti on its skin. In really small letters on the bottom right-hand corner, it says “What will it take before we respect the planet” proving that we are abusing nature for the fun of it and slowly we’re going to be the ones to regret all this and ruin it for the future generations if sooner we don’t start respecting what we have. An animal that can do absolutely no harm to you, why are we doing harm to it then? The way we’re treating nature, in the future we might end up making vicious animals or creatures that will themselves take revenge from us or in fact our future generations. If not considerate of our lives, we should at least be considerate of the future as of why are we ruining it for them? As our parents tell us to be a role model for our younger siblings since they’re going to follow our footsteps, why aren’t we being the role models for our future generations? Maybe we weren’t taught well enough as well since we’re also following someone’s footsteps, but every success starts with one person at a time. If one by one we all realize how important this planet it so us, at least we can change the world. We call ourselves so advanced when it comes to technology where as if we made the same effort used to make our lives easier through technology, maybe we could save the planet, be good role models and discover humanity to make our lives last longer.

    3. Lastly, the first iPhone picture makes a great impact since this is definitely something related to our lives. The iPhone shows a prison, where people are captured and there because of their acts. That certainly reminds us how the way we use our devices or technology in general can affect us. It represents the way we use and how we’re captured by our devices. In today’s world, we don’t ever leave our devices and in fact, we prefer using our devices instead of spending time with people around us. Technology has trapped us into a prison that we don’t realize now, but if we continue like this, in the future, technology is all people will need to survive, lives won’t be needed anymore. We need to be sure of what we do on our devices and be aware that everything with pros has cons as well. “Technology is a useful servant, but a dangerous master”- Christian Lous Lange

  16. So this picture shows an elelphant with graffiti all over it. In my eyes this screams disrespect, why? because the graffiti gives it away. The reason reason I think the graffiti gives it away is because graffiti usually indicates there bad people disrespecting other people properties by painting not always bad stuff. but often just a mess of words all over the place. And seeing all those drawings on the elephant goes to show the disrespect for the animal. Over all this pictures meaning is disrespect to animal's. And this add shows a really powerful message in a really creative way.

    And one really specific detail that caught my attention was the graffiti. Of all the things they could have shown they had decided to show graffiti. And this was the main focus as well they had highlighted this point by making it a bright colour. Also graffiti has a bias of being considered disrespect. Even if some consider it art it is more widely referred to being "bad". There is also a site against graffiti art http://no graffiti. Com. But going back to the question the graffiti is the main point it is what sells the ad sure the elephant might be there to,but it is mostly the graffiti.

    1. devesh, i believe that you are being biased right now, some people say graffiti is is graffiti (writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place), and other say it is art. you are only looking at the down side devesh

  17. The one that I found with the most interesting detail once again was the phone one because it was just so amazingly accurate if you looked at what it was showing us. It was showing us a prison inside a phone which is pretty detailed with its meaning. But the reason it interest me the most because of the context that it was used in it couldn't have been used any better with this concept of being trapped in our phones was what was interesting to me. It was one of those things where you would have to think a bit more about it. If u go to you will see more like it and they have the same concept but the image twists the meaning of each a bit. But to surmise this the denial would be the phone and the prison itself.

  18. 1.

    Personally I believe that the last picture has the biggest impact because it shows that if we do not care for our world today, why would we care for what is on it tomorrow? This picture shows that if we cannot respect the buildings around us, how would we respect the animals around us? This picture explains that by taking the art we put on our buildings, we rather put in on the animals that roam the earth. It exposes that soon we will forget the concept of respect and we will be the ones who tosses it out of the window like its nothing. By losing this respect we are unable to realize the beauty of the world and we still can’t today. What it is that I’m trying to explain is by losing the respect we have for the world we are attacking on what we should be respecting which are the animals. By losing this respect we attack what doesn’t attack us.

    “Give respect to get respect.”


    I chose the second picture for this question because this picture shows a prison posing as an iPhone. The details in this picture show a 3-story building with prison walking around and it shows the outline of the apps along with the home button of an apple device. It shows that our devices are imprisoning us all and because we all manage to focus on what we have in front of us rather than doing something else. It shows that we are concealed from the world outside of phones. It shows that there are people watching our every move no matter what we do and what we say. The article shows that phones can be addicting which ties in why the walls are so tall. The walls are built so that once you’re in, there’s no way out.


    This pictures moral is that what you see in the outside doesn’t reflect what happens on the inside. It shows that on the right the rabbit seems to be showing off his “great accomplishment” when in reality it’s smaller than his nose. It seems that on the left the rabbit seems jealous almost that his carrot seems puny in size compared to the right size carrot. The moral of this picture is don’t judge what you cant see.

  19. 1) Image 3 delivers the greatest impact as it displays our attitude and feelings towards the earth. It shows us how we are treating the planet and the consequences that might occur if we continue treating the earth the way we do today. This image is powerful as it wakes you up! This photo is trying to spread the message that wake up and do something! The graffiti on the elephant is what gives it away. Graffiti is a form of vandalism, and vandalism means you have no respect for property. In this case the "property" is symbolic of the elephant, the environment. So vandalizing the environment means you have no respect for the environment and this how the image becomes powerful. Conveying a message in a unique and relatable way. The image causes us to think and gives you a sense of involvement, meaning it makes you want to do something either that or gives you a sense of realization. Compare this image with just a black screen with text, you wouldn't have that spark, Your response would probably just be "Umm.. Okay" There is no impact! Unlike the image, it displays an accurate representation of how we treat the planet and makes it relate-able to us. We start saying " Is this what we really do?Our actions are equal to vandalism?!" That is what makes it so powerful conveying an important message for an issue that deserves our attention. Not only that, it makes you think and tells us that the planet is something that needs our respect. This is evident with the message in the bottom and something that has been enforced in us ever since the beginning, respect the environment. Don't litter, don't' abuse animals. All examples of how to respect and the image is a reminder that it is time to respect.

    2) Image 1 had a really specific detail that made me think. If you were to look at the phone you could tell it's a prison. People wearing orange (inmates) , The fence surrounding the phone ( prison wall ), towers on each corner of the phone ( guard towers ) and the person running away (escaping inmate) meaning the phone is symbolic of a trap or even a form serious trouble. Many people use phones to retreat to as a form of entertainment but turning the phone into a prison tells me the consequences of the misuse of using cell phones.
    Prison is also the same cycle all the time. No innovation nor is there anything immersive it turns out to be a something new but in the end it's a loop. Sort of like cell phones. It starts off as something new but in the end you are doing the same thing. Checking your notifications, likening posts.. You begin to do the same thing every time.

    Prisons are also symbolic of punishment and that tells me that phones can lead to prison. Hacking , bullying, scamming these are all examples of what could lead you to go to prison. Harassment over the internet is something that happens a lot with bullied kids and there is a 2-9 times chance of these people considering suicide according to The guard towers tell me that you are always being watched and that you can't remain anonymous for long and that punishment can occur. With the inmates representing the guilty the picture reminds me that to stay safe and be careful what you do. It's a reminder of how dangerous your phones can really be.

  20. 1. The picture I chose was the first one which is like a prison in an iPhone, or at least that's what it looks like to me.This photo is very powerful, and very true at the same time if you understand the meaning coming out of the photo.
    Prison: a place for the criminals in our world get locked away for a very long time. That's kind of like an iPhone if you think about it. We lock ourselves away from the real world and just be on the phone for hours without even noticing how much time has gone by.
    I think this picture delivers the greatest amount of impact because most of us can relate to it. We all have at least one smart device we can stay on for about 3 hours without noticing it.
    Another thing is being in prison means you are in there with some of the worlds most dangerous men/women. That's the exact same thing as being on your phone. You are locking yourself up with criminals. These 'criminals' are called internet predators. You know, the old men on the internet that pretend to be young girls or young boys in order to find out as much as they can about you? Most of the time these predators have younger people as targets knowing that they really cant fight back.
    "Don't believe everything you read on the internet just because there's a picture with a quote next to it." This quote may seem confusing, it is when you understand it that it makes you think. These old men/women can have a profile picture of a teenage boy or a teenage girl. We chose not to look beyond the picture because there really isn't anything to look at beyond that. It's the jail cell. The picture is the criminal, not being able to look beyond the picture is the cell.

  21. The iPhone pic is very powerful as well. It connects iPhones to prison. It shows that people are so much within technology, we have become prisoners.Men have become the tools of their tools- Henry Thoreau, this quote shows that technology is a tool, but we are so connected to it we can't tell if technology is the tool or we are. Another quote is "Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense", this quote shows we get so much info from the internet, that we forget to think for our self, so we need to have it all the time, so it is basically become our life, and making us more lazy.

  22. I think that the best picture with moral is the picture with the elephant. I think that because not only that is has the quote, because of animal abuse. When I thought about IT I was like there's no way a elephant will allow humans to spray paint/graffiti. So there had to be a group of people that had to take this elephant down the elephant must had gone through allot to be spray paint on its body. This also shows animal abuse.
    The quote is also there by saying "what will it take before we respect the planet?" Not only did the elephant got sprayed on with paint the bad chemicals that are in the paint is bad for the environment
    So that's y I think that the elephant picture had a strong moral

  23. 1-This picture has the greatest impact on me because using our devices is at a young age is every general nowadays , 8 years old are having phones this days. We had phones in the 2000s but that time people didn’t rely on it. In the 2010’s we started relying on technology some in good ways and a lot in bad. Whenever I go outside now I just see people with headphones in their ears and phones out, ignoring the rest of the world. Our generation is getting trapped inside phones and technology, it’s like our world begins and ends in our devices. This image for the edge of the phone there are walls and the phone is a wall and inside there is a prison and we are the prisoners who are trapped inside the prison of technology.
    2- a very specific detail that I found interesting is in the third picture about the graffiti on the elephant and if you look closely the graffiti is a baby elephant and picture is by the WWF {the world wide fund for nature} .
    3- the moral of the second picture is don’t judge by just seeing the outside and not knowing the inside its judging by the appearance but just because something appears less on the outside doesn’t mean that there is not worth to it, it like a little box can have a big diamond and a big box can have a tiny stone. We except the one that seems larger and leave the smaller because we think that since its has more on the outside its going to be better.

  24. 2. A very specific detail I found in the first picture Is that the way the phone is made like a prison and there is no way of getting out. Because if you look closely, in one of the corners, there is a few people and it looks like they are trying to escape but there are no doors.

    3. The moral of the 3rd picture is that “Don’t judge something by the outside” meaning that when you see in this picture that they are judging by the bushes not the carrots. Just like a normal person would judge another by their outside and not the inside.

  25. The rabbit one has a pretty good meaning due to the fact that it's something that happens to alot of people. The image shows to rabbits where you have one that thinks he has a puniy carrot and the other who has thinks he has a big carrots. The guy thinks he's gonna have small carrot cause of the bush but he doesn't realize that he has just succeed in getting a huge carrot but the other guy has a huge bush and thinks its gonna have a huge carrot but in reality he doesn't. It's showing us that success isn't always as what it seems.

  26. 1) I think the picture that delivered the greatest impact was the first one. This is because it shows how we get trapped up when we rely on technology and we can't break free. We gravitate towards technology so much that we replace it with our real life.
    "The Internet is so big, so powerful and pointless that that for some people it is complete substitute for life."- Andrew Brown
    I agree with this quote completely because it explains exactly what I am saying.
    2) I think the picture with the most specific detail is the first picture. This is because the first picture has a jail cell and it shows the way we get trapped in technology. I also saw a man running close to the front of the picture and it looked as if he were running away from the cell.

    1. 3) The Moral of the 2nd picture is that you should respect the planet and the animals because as the picture shows, the elephant has gotten sprayed on which shows that we humans don't care about animals. We respect ourselves and our elders and the same way, animals should be treated with the same respect because they live too. The picture itself asks us a question " what will it take before we respect the planet." exactly what will it take? we need to stop disrespecting our earth by drawing graffiti and stop hurting animals.

  27. 3) The moral of image 2 tells me that don't judge a book by it's cover as your results can deceive you. With the big leaves representing the small carrot and the small leaves representing the big carrot. The results turned out to be out of expectations. Meaning you can't depend on your own expectations as it won't be always be up to par. The carrot and the leaves prove this. Meaning in a way you need to create the results. Create goals and follow steps to achieve your wanted result. Depending on time and luck won't get you anywhere.

    You also need to analyze something in 2 views as when being judgemental or expecting an outcome things can drastically change. Keep an eye out of your progress and always have a positive attitude being a show-off or not giving it your best can effect your results and deceive your expectations.

  28. #2
    For this question I'm going to go with image #1. Firstly to explain I little about what I think this picture is trying to display is that technology is like a jail cell. We get so caught up in it that it has become a world of its own. In this picture it shows a building in the shape of an iPhone symbolizing technology as a world. But if you look closely and think about it, you would see that it's put in a jail form trying to show "addiction" once you get into technology and social media etc it's hard to let go. Same way in jail, once your in, there is no way out! "People addicted with technology. Technology has indulged mankind. Beware of technology dependency."- Toba Beta.
    One thing I found interesting about this picture was that...of you look really closely at the bottom of the picture, you can see a man trying to escape! I found this interesting because it was like so hidden, we had to look for it... and it relates to us humans so much! That's exactly our problem! We get so caught up in technology and before we know it, we get addicted! We want to stop, but can we? No. We try to "escape" but can we? No we cannot! As much as we don't see it, technology and out devices etc are our biggest enemy!

  29. #3
    Last but not least I'm left with the last image; image #3. What I think the moral of this image is that we don't respect our surroundings and animals. The reason why I say this is because an image of an elephant is shown and there is graffiti done on him/her. In Canada, I know that when people do graffiti on walls or anything and are caught can be arrested and fined for over $5,000. So that just shows that we don't care about the animals and we are disrespecting them showing no care at all! In the corner I noticed that it says "what will it take before we respect the planet?" That's even gives it away that we don't show respect towards the animals. The lesson here would be that we SHOULD put ourselves in the shoes of animals. We wouldn't like they way we are being treated so we shouldn't treat our surrounding like garbage either.

  30. #1
    I think that the first picture had the greatest impact because it stood out from the other pictures. Although it was a little hard to understand I think it was because it was so different from the others. In this picture it shows a prison as an Iphone. What a prison does it lock you up and you cant leave until your time is up. Now that the iphone is made as a prison I think the picture is trying to tell us that our devices lock us up but we cant get out, we try to but we cant. Like the guy escaping the prison he knows he is not supposed to leave so when he gets caught he is going right back there. A connection I can make to this is that in grade six when I got my first device I was on it all the time nonstop and that is what caused my mom to take it away from me. Even now that I am older I am still on it all the time and that is what causes me to fall behind in my homework. I always tell myself to put it away but we depend on it so much we need to have it to do everything. And when I use it I say it’ll only be for five minutes but it ends up being fifteen. This is why I think this picture has the greatest impact.
