Thursday, February 5, 2015

What students want teachers to know!

Look at this info graphic on what students want teachers to know ! Which one is the most realistic and important to you. Pick, share and explain why with a specific example.  Express how teachers being more aware of the issue you pick will enhance your achievements.

After engage in dialogue with 2 others students about the item they choose. 


  1. I think 2 is most important of all because Our Education systems judge'ss our knowledge by age, I think this supresses our Creativity abit, Think about it if Our Education systesm judged us on our level of Intellegence, and Style of learning we could express our selves without the fear of others saying our ideas are "Stupid" or "Dumb" but sadly its not like that. So I think its very important for us to express the way we best learn If we had a voice in how we learned maybe more students would actually pay attention or squeeze in that extra 10% they need to get that A+

    (It took 4+ Drafts to write this. :\ Will be updated and Changed)

    1. number 2 seams highly relevant, but what difference would it make that you show your opinion, or otherwise, your way of doing things???

  2. I honestly prefer that teachers are honest and truthful. I feel that trusting your teacher to evaluate your work or to give you the right advice is very obligatory. When I do my projects and I give them in, I should be told instantaneously whether my work is hunky-dory or astonishing or just plain bad! They should be able to easily give me honest advice. Personally I like straight forward teachers who tell you how your work is directly. I don’t mind if I am told my work is absolute garbage because I’m sure there was a reason they said that. When there is honest response I am able to understand what mistakes I had made the previous time and I can fix them the next time. I just hate when teachers only tell me phrases such as “you could have done better, or next time you’ll do good”. Not to be rude or anything but these kind of phrases are completely useless. I would have rather taken a scolding and be told what things I ha d done wrong. Many teachers usually give students false praise which actually leads to the same quality of work being done the next time. You should never maintain your knowledge at the current stage you are, you should always try to achieve better.
    When students sit back in their desk quietly without uttering a single word, many teachers usually praise the student because they had not talked or disrespected the teacher. Why would you praise the student, the student is not learning from just sitting there and instead is missing out from participation and interaction! When students are given false praise I’m sure most of them understand this immediately, they begin to realize that being mediocre gives them praise. This means that they would maintain the way they are because they are being given praise. If students are being appreciated for doing nothing, they have no motivation left to do any better. They feel that by sitting down and doing nothing they are still given the same praise as any other student who participates much more and does all their work. This is very problematic because it prevents students from doing any better in their work!
    I’ve been in many different classes and have been taught by numerous teachers and I’ve seemed to notice that it is easier to get marks in certain classes than the other. This is a very big issue that can actually cause problems for the following years. Many teachers may simply give an A on your report card when you should have deserved a B. This is a very good thing for some students...”Yay, free marks” Although the reason you get a report card every term is to see your improvement. When you are given an A for no apparent reason, but you deserved a B this causes you to maintain the same quality of work without improving. You will continue giving in you B grade work the following year and before you know it you are shocked by the bad marks. These incidents have occurred with some friends I know and now those people have just given up with giving in good quality work and so they just decrease their grades by day. This is not a small problem!
    If teacher were more honest than I would be able to understand the TRUE quality of my work and whether I need to improve and what mistakes to prevent the next time. This will help me not just perpetuate my work but also ameliorate! That’s why we come to school, to do tasks which challenge our brain and then help us learn from our mistakes once we have been given results.
    “ Mistakes are our greatest teachers but only when one is honest enough to admit them, willing to learn from them and have the courage to change them” If the teacher hides these mistakes, then who will point their negatives out, do we actually want students to maintain their level of work?

  3. As a student, I want to know that the material I'm learning in school will help me create an impact and a difference in the real world. When surfing through the internet there are a lot of posts on how things learned in school are somewhat helpful... Notice how I said "somewhat" and not "things learned in school ARE helpful". Well in many cases this is true. Skills and content learned in school don't help everybody create a difference and even settle in life!

    The purpose in school is to prepare students for the real world, get them ready to face challenges that tends to destroy many people. But when people can't get a job after 15+ years of studying and commitment, who is to blame? The education system may or may not be broken, but as a student I want to learn useful stuff. Skills I will actually use in the real world and goals and criteria s that will actually lead me to a path I want, help me create the legendary difference! But according to, 53% of college graduates are left unemployed! That is about 1.6 million college graduates left jobless. This scares me as those 1.6 million students probably worked very hard only to end up biting the dust. Those students didn't have the skills required to make a difference. So who am I to create a difference? That is a question that constantly bothers me; and makes me think that am I making a commitment and being loyal for a system that will just throw me into the incinerator?

    These are questions I shouldn't be asking myself as I there needs to be some sort of faith as this is the only system there really is. Which is why I want to be thought things that will help me rise now. Things like paying taxes and not learning to jump from a bus. You know useful skills like decisiveness, steps needed for a rational approach,meticulous attention to detail. The list goes on so why not learn now?! I want to feel comfortable knowing that I am doing this all this work and spending all this time for a reason.

    There are many mind boggling things it school that made me say "What?!" "Why?!" out loud. These things I found were irrelevant such as write about your day in extreme detail and more. According to "The grinding dogma of fifth-grade English teachers everywhere has done incalculable damage to the sensitive psyches of countless school children." But when learning how tax, interest works and how to calculate, I knew that I need more of this! Skills and material that will mold me into a person ready for the real world and not get hit hard by reality.

    This is also where the success factor comes in. Having teachers that teach me real world skills and stuff needed to face the world will help me create a difference. Me feeling comfortable that the work I'm doing and the time I am spending is going to help me in the real world. This will help me get a job, survive in the so called cruel world, help me support my community, create an impact in my possible workplace or environment

    "The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows" -Sydney J. Harris and if I'm in a system that doesn't prepare to create a difference or even live right, education is turning mirrors into walls; obstacles.


  4. Me myself as a student, what I would want my educators to know is that I would like them to be truthful and honest with me. Rather than having the teacher telling you you're work is fantastic and blue-chip while actually you're doing garbage, you should be told upfront! At least that is the only way you will improve your working habits and do something of quality. If you really want to go above and beyond and do some work of superiority you would have to trust your teacher and the teachers feelings should be mutual. "Teaching is not about information, it's about having an honest intellectual relationship with your students"- Paul Lockhart. The first chapter to achieving, I would say is honesty.

    For example, if you were playing a sport, perhaps baseball and you suck, would you want your coach to applaud and tell you to keep up the good work, or would you rather have him tell you that your plays are inadequate? The first thing that would come in most of our minds is that we want the coach to cheer us on and to tell us that our skills are on point. But think about it. Would you rather have your teacher explain to you that you are working of no value so that you can step up your game, or have him tell you that you are playing top-notch while you are working of nothing but absolute garbage and let the crowd boo you? If we talk school wise, it's the same thing! We can also relate this to school. If I hand in an assignment and it's not done well, I would rather be told than have my teacher be kind about it. If I'm failing, I want to be told I'm failing so that I can step up my game and improve for the next time around. If I'm not apprised, then I'll just continue at a consistent level of doing complete claptrap! I would never improve and where is that going to get me? Back in the same puddle of failure, which I'm positive nobody wants to end up there!

    The value of a teacher is to influence their students and encourage them into doing a better job. Advice should be given to improve and almost nobody is perfect and gets things right the first time. "You can never be done your work. There is always room for improvement" as Mrs Cater McKenzie used to say. I would want teachers to tell me when I'm falling behind. An effective teacher is always possessed with passion for their students learning and improvement. Motivation doesn't come from being eulogized, In Fact it comes from constructive criticism. That is how we will improve! Us as students need to be prepared to hear the truth about our accomplishments.

    Now not all students are the same. Not everyone what's to be told the truth especially when their work is of low value. If you peruse into any classroom, there are always a few downer students who will do no work whatsoever. That's just who they are. You can not change that factor, but as teachers, they can motivate and help them improve. Letting a student down is not the key. Advising them, bringing their interests up and starting from square one letting your student know that you care would make the student want to learn. I often hear many teachers saying, " it's not going to affect me later on in life. I've already received my degree in so and so. It's only going to help you later". Not to be cruel or anything, but I consider this as rubbish. The reason the teacher is teaching a student is to keep the students future as their priority. So finally, I'd say that if teachers are truthful to students, it would benefit them later on because they would pay more attention and try to improve themselves for the future.

    1. "Rather than having the teacher telling you you're work is fantastic and blue-chip while actually you're doing garbage, you should be told upfront" This might work for students like you but not for students like me, I like slacking off so If the teacher yells at my face and tells me what I've done is crap do you think I will respond by doing my work? I'll just waste all my time slacking off and thinking of ways not to get caught.

      My point is not all students respond to negative reinforcement, Some respond better to positive motivation.

    2. That's true... positive motivation does lead to students to stay on task and to take initiative to further do better as they would feel good about their work, but what if the student isn't producing the best quality of work? Should the teacher be giving you affirmative feedback? Is that really the right thing to do? The student would just continue to work at that same rate which is only bad for their future. Having a teacher yell at you is just pure humiliation and nobody wants that. So what I'm trying to say is, yes, there are many students who even ignore the negative reinforcement, but teachers are supposed to govern their students progress and their ability to learn. Ok, the teachers shouldn't be harsh about it, but should give some attention to the students working habits, and suggest ways to improve providing individual help. Make the student feel like you care, and most teachers don't do that, that's why they slack off.

  5. Me, myself as a student would want to have my educator be truthful and honest with me. I would especially want this with my work. I don’t want my teacher patting me on the back and saying that I did a good job when I really I did some next scrap-up-last-minute job. They would not be preparing me for the real world. It’s not like when you go do a job your employer is going to say good job, when it is half done and not even done right. He/she will tell you up front that you did not do it right and you have to do it again. Also, everyone is used to their friends saying things like “oh, good job man” or “that looks awesome dude.” You need some negative criticism in your life. As an educator (or if you are Mr. Cheney, a “supervisor.” Cough cough, sarcastic joke) you have to tell your students what kind of quality job they did so that they can go and improve their work or do better on the next project. If you tell them they did well on their garbage project, guess what they will give you on the next assignment, more garbage!!! Why we come to school is to learn and we won’t be able to learn anything if we do the same level thing as we always do. We also come to school to stimulate and challenge our mind. That won’t happen if everything is the same, every, single, time, that we do it.
    Teachers should encourage students to do better than the work that they are producing. When playing sports, you don’t want your coach saying “awesome job today” even though you were a complete mess on the field you want him to say “you suck!” sure it may hurt your feelings but then at least you know you suck. But then you would want to strive to be better, better performance. As an educator, you want the best for your students; you want to make sure that they do well in high school and in college/university. Be honest with your students and tell them that their work sucked.

    -short but true

  6. But the teacher being Honest won't really do anything, I would agree with Rayan because as a student I want to know that What I learn in school will actually be useful in life and I not just wasting my time reading some useless pages in between a math book.

    "Honesty isn't always the best policy" ~ Me

    1. you have a really good point tommy, students should know that what they are learning is relevant to... well almost anything. not being taut useless garbage. But what me and reshmi are saying is that we want teachers to be honest so we can be better, do better.
      what's the point in having useful information and great knowledge if you don't know how to apply yourself. Or if you do not know how to do quality work.

    2. you also have to look at in the long run, not only the present tommy, this is what you are overlooking.

    3. I actually disagree with that statement I believe i am looking at the feature, If in school the teacher honestly tells you how he or she thinks about your work, you will be conditioned like that, When you grow up and get into a work place and your work is crap No one will have the heart to tell you that your work is crap.

    4. someone will have the heart to tell you, your boss the moment he fires you, for being horrible. :)

      -your friend, me

    5. Tommy, what do you mean by conditioning. Is there something wrong with telling you that your work Is garbage, or if your work is actually bad? There will always be an honest approach. Even at Ivan said your boss will tell you...even the employees will tell you. It's your job to not take it in a negative way..and actually learn from what is said. Let's say I'm a grade 8 students struggling in Language..specially poetry. If my teachers always said my poetry was Good even if it wasn't..then the next year, in poetry I would totally flunk! I want to know that my work is bad so that when I have the time I can build on it...and even ask what specific things are wrong in my poem.

    6. Jamin you're still looking at this only in your perspective remember there are currently 7,296,271,056 people on earth, people will have different perspectives they wont see things the same way you do, you can`t always think you are right.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. i now understand what tommy is trying to say, some students may be soft or self centered, so they can probably not take negative, um i mean constructive criticism. Jamin, you also have to take into consideration that all students think and learn differently. it's not always going to be about how you learn, because you have to progress with the class (unfortunately). some people rather their teacher be honest with them, or get to know there teacher, or even know there work is worth something. but jamin, it seems to me that your way is the right way, this is a perspective question. all them are good things, i mean, there relations with your teacher and they are all posiitve. so open that mind and think

    9. i now understand what tommy is trying to say, some students may be soft or self centered, so they can probably not take negative, um i mean constructive criticism. Jamin, you also have to take into consideration that all students think and learn differently. it's not always going to be about how you learn, because you have to progress with the class (unfortunately). some people rather their teacher be honest with them, or get to know there teacher, or even know there work is worth something. but jamin, it seems to me that your way is the right way, this is a perspective question. all them are good things, i mean, there relations with your teacher and they are all posiitve. so open that mind and think

  7. As a student, I would agree with many things from those listed. However, most realistic and important for me would be 2 for several reasons. Such as:
    1. As a student, sometimes I feel my peers can explain and help me understand a topic better than my teachers can. Us as students will always look for quicker ways to solve things and get the answers, therefore there are certain strategies we have that teachers aren't using. Most teachers usually teach with an answer book in their hand and follow strategies given, however, not any teacher has actually sat there trying to solve something with a new strategy. Sometimes, teachers take up to 3 periods and are still unable to help us understand, but a peer with a different strategy could help us understand in less than half an hour. I would agree with the saying "learn from each other" because not only peers can learn from peers, but teachers can learn from students as well.
    2. Age doesn't determine the level of education. I believe the "smart" people who are in the 90s range should be compared with each other, 80s should be compared with each other, and so on because you cant ever compare a 70s average student with a 90s average student. We are constantly being compared no matter where we go. Teachers may not mention it but even they compare us from "smartest" to "dumbest". I believe if those "dumb" people aren't good in education, they are certainly good at something such as dance or visual art compared to the "smart" people who actually know what their strong factors are. In fact those "dumb" people are at way more struggle because they don't even know what their strong factors are. You can learn from the 90s average students in math or language or even science, but not everyone is an all rounder, therefore you will have to go to those 60s average students to learn dance or music or even visual arts. I just think these "dumb" and "smart" people all have their own ways of doing things and shouldn't be forced to follow one way to success.
    3. I think our education system is quite misleading when it comes to only showing us one path to follow. There are MANY, MANY paths that can be followed just that some are hard and some are easy. But remember, taking the long way will always show you more adventures than the short way. For example, students are always taught to score over 90s, or you'll never get to become a doctor. But, did someone ever realize that the person who gets 90s and becomes a doctor at the age of 25 might not respect it as much as someone whose 45 and becomes a doctor? The one who completed the doctorate degree at 45 has been through A LOT more experience and struggles to get there than someone whose 25. I'm not saying to not even try to become a doctor at the age of 25, but that is unfortunately the only path we're shown. That was just an example of one path we're shown in our overall path to succeed, however in small things like a lesson of math are also told us to only follow one way. Every teacher says to be creative, but no one taught students HOW to be creative. Every teacher says to show new strategies however, no one taught students HOW to come up with new strategies. Not everyone can succeed this way, some need guidance and some know what they're doing without directions. But the ratio of those who need guidance will always be higher because in 9-10 years we can't know our final destination.

    These are some of the examples to prove why students have a voice in the learning process and want to share "their" way of doing things.

    1. I agree with you with what you say, especially with the "We are constantly being compared no matter where we go." not only is it being compared from one another but as well as being judged from other kids as well. i do however disagree with you when you say that students are not taught to be creative. You can't be taught to be creative, it should come naturally. sure you can get inspiration but you can't just teach anyone to be creative, they have to be open minded and open to all ideas. Even if they do not agree with what is being said.

      However, you do make a strong argument when you say that student should show there way of learning. Mostly because that it may not only be that student that learns, or understands better that way.


    2. You're right, students can't be taught to be creative. But what I mean through this is that we should be taught the concept of what is creativity? How we can express it? Or what are we supposed to be looking for when trying to get inspiration? We should be taught or be introduced of what's expected of us when we mention "creativity".

  8. Me personally I think that teachers should be truthful to there student. I'm saying this because I hate when teachers say that something is good when its actually garbage I want to know that my work is bad and it be told to me I dont want them to be like"great job this is amazing" when really it looks like I could care less. This is a good thing because if they tell you the truth you realize that you will have to put more effort in and that you will have to make a change. It will prevent students from getting this false sense of hope that what they are doing is ok it will allow the student to realize that he or she need to work for what they want which is complements.what I'm getting at is that they need to be honest or your going to get the same result over and over again until they hit a certain point where they get hit by brick wall that has the words truth written all over it

    This is not my final answer i will add on later tomorrow

    1. to add on to what i was saying the most important reason the should be truthful is because we will all get this false sens of hope and then when you hit high school you aren't ready for the real world you aren't ready for how everything works you will literally be lost on how to do things or by the time you learn how to get the work right its too late for you to make that big of a difference

  9. To everyone picking number 7 (Honest and Truthful thing)

    I strongly disagree with this because negative motivation will only make me waste my time thinking about how I did what I did without being caught, I personally respond to positive motivation much better than negative motivation.

    Negative motivation creates emotional scars and wounds that can't be healed.

    1. Tommy....lets just say nobody ever scolded you, or were negative to you. And what if you weren't going to get negative motivation to do your homework and you wouldn't get in trouble for failing or bunking. Would you still study? If you were allowed to swear, attack, do whatever bad things in class, and you wouldnt get scolded..what you do these thing?? To be honest I would
      It's the negative motivation that keeps me on's the negative motivation that prevents me from doing wrong things, and it's the negative emotion that keeps me from failing.
      I think every person needs some negative just keeps you on track. Every child gets negative motivation...even the smartest students, richest child celebritys...even adults do.
      I think that you do need some negative motivation. Lets just say you do get yelled at..would you get emotional scars and wounds?? You know you did something why on earth would you shed crocodile tears? You deserve the negativity and it will help you in the future..if you think of doing the same mischief over understand that you will get negative attention for doing that's how you learn from your mistakes!
      I know positive motivation keeps you going but negative motivation does as need to learn from your mistakes in order to keep going..and keep developing youself...both in brains and personality.

    2. Jamin, I agree with you. But Tommy on the other hand isn't wrong either. Negative motivation isn't always "motivation". It just depends on how the person perceives it as. Someone like Tommy wouldn't be encouraged through negative motivation and instead lose confidence or self esteem thinking too much about the mistake. However, someone like Jamin who would be discouraged at first and want to fix that mistake and be sure to not repeat it again, you'll get encouraged through that negative. I'd say most people want to make a change after getting discouraged, but there are always others who will stay discouraged and not appreciate such honesty.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. "It's the negative motivation that keeps me on's the negative motivation that prevents me from doing wrong things, and it's the negative emotion that keeps me from failing."

      Yes Jamin its what keeps you on track not me, Negative motivation is not a good thing its like Power if you have a bit of it you can do great things but if you have the tiniest bit too much it can destroy you faster than a missile aimed right at you

      Jamin no offence but I think you're single minded You are looking at this in your perspective but not mine Negative motivation might be great for you but for me its worse than poison.

    5. im guessing what tommy is trying to say is that all of the people in the world respond to things differently than others do. tommy and some others in class may not respond to harsh criticism as well as jamin or others can. tommy and others would respond to something more positive and not so, well... belittling

  10. well, everyone is different and has there own separate opinions. so while you chose number 2, you believed that it was for the best for you, but reshmi and i picked number 7 since we believed that it would be most beneficial to us, while number 2 was beneficial to you and rayan.

    also, it is not negative motivation, it's constructive criticism
    -from your friend, me

  11. I would pick number 1. The reason I pick number one is because the teacher/educator should spend time to know their students while teaching them subjects so they are aware of how the child learns best, or how the students like learning depending on the grade. im not saying that the educator should be on top of their students asking them questions such as “what are your hobbies?”, “what did you do today?”, “whats your favourite colour?”. Not in that creepy and annoying manner but in a way where you learn about the student through assignments or if they come to you and you two are friends and they tell you or if you over hear them talking about it that is how you really know how they like learning and what they need to be successful.
    I think number one ties in with most numbers for example number 2 “students want to have a voice in the learning process and want to share their way of doing things.” Educators always need to be aware of how every single student in their class learns, why? Because every single person is different and have different skills or ways of understanding. So, I think if the educator were to take their time to get to know their student, it’ll be easier to predict the way they want to be taught either fast or slow or more detailed or with visuals or even their level of creativity; it all depends. This also applies to number 4 “students want to be appropriately challenged with meaningful relevant learning experiences.” Or number 10 “all students want to know thir existence matters and that they are important.” Or number 5 “ students want educators to know that they too have bad and off days.” Or number 6, 7, 9. By knowing how these students are, you will know what they need and what they are capable of doing. This is the reason why I chose number 1, I’d rather have a teacher know me so he/ she knows how I learn best or what I can do or give, and what they can do to help me in any way for my learning.

    1. Katherine....didn't we discuss how teachers use learning skills to "get to know how each student learns better". Remember that relating somebody's hobbies no how they learn something doesn't actually help that much..and I've been doing these skill tests since grade 3. Plus teacher never use them. If a teacher asks you if your a visual or a listener.....on the test eventually everyone will get the same test. Its not like you will be given a separate test based on how you like to learn. I don't agree with the part when you say educators need to be aware how every student in their class learns at all.
      When you said help the teacher figure out what you can improve on...I was just thinking that when students take quizzes, tests, assignments and homework...don't teachers immediately find out what you are struggling in.
      Learning skills change very quickly and I have experience that. This means that the teacher may even have to spend more time getting to know students at another time.
      Don't you think honesty is more important. What if you were to be struggling in something but your teacher said you were doing fine and the next year and that same topic you fail?? What that be a major problem. Especially since we are in grade 8 going to high would be horrible to be struggling in subjects... Your life depends on the next few years.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. firstly, yes i agree teachers give the same test to every student, but im talking about when they are teaching the students, many students learn differently and thats when the teacher needs to know them; they need to make sure the student understands the subject before giving out the test. the format of the test doesn't matter to the students' learning because when someone has a test that is because that understand already or they're supposed to understand and they are being tested on what they know.

      secondly, yes honesty is more important but think about it, who lies to us? cheney? no, madame? no, ms k? no , ms merraro? no, ms ang? no, teachers dont lie to you that is not their job. teachers are supposed to help you when you need help not lie to you when you are doing bad. another thing, teachers never have the opportunity to lie to you, your marks on tests are the real thing and they dont lie, its all based on your marks and its also based on your understanding. teachers dont just go around telling people they suck or are good in a subject. thats not what they do they just help the student that is struggling- thats it.

    4. I agree with Katherine. Students do learn different, and they need to make sure that kids know the material. But marks and honesty in person are different. A teacher can tell you that your doing fine, and great and tell your parents the same thing, then not give you the mark they were praising about. Not only with marks. Some teachers can sugar coat a lot.

    5. katherine, you are getting the wrong idea, i dont know if you read in context or not, but what jamin means by being honest, is about the quality of your work, tell me if i am wrong jamin, but i am pretty sure he was implying honesty in the context of weather it was good or bad, and that a teacher should tell you weather it is one of the two. also when we are talking about honesty, i dont think that he was implying that teachers lie or what not, that is an obvious misconception. but you of all people should have seen that

    6. yes. but we are in grade 8. grade 8 teachers do not sugar coa things because we are in grade 8. we are old enough to accept the facts and we are old enough to be responsible of our work and marks. we cant rely on what teachers tell you or your parents because they sugar coat to your parents sometimes so you dont get in trouble or something. but honestly marks and what you give as a student should be what you need to check to see if youre good or not. either way our teachers arent sugar coating anything because we are older than grade 4's. yes sugar coating is not good because students will then slack off thinking they're so good but if you get a C- on a test no teacher at all will say "you are doing very very good. good job keep it up!"

    7. Ivan. i dont think you read the context right. out of all people you shouldve. so you should read my comment again and realize that i didnt say that teachers lie. i said they dont lie because they just dont sugar coat.

    8. i did not imply that they lied, i thought you did, and i did not get your sugar coat concept, we are talking about honesty, so i already knew about teachers not sugar coating things. in fact you may cause a negative affect on the student in the long run, if you keep saying good job to garbage work, then that's all they will produce.

      there are several points so red carefully this time

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I think number is the most important because people learn in different ways. People go at different paces and might not learn the same. Also people will find learning the way they want to more fun then just doing it the teachers way.

    People go at different paces. Some go really fast, some go really slow. Some might understand one way of teaching but not another. People are different, they don't all learn one way. Some might be visual learners, while some are listeners. They all learn differently.This is one reason why I think number two is the most important.

    Another reason is that people will like learning their way. People will like learning in a way they can understand. They will like coming to school since it is easier when to understand. People will be more positive and not be bothered by lots of work because they learned it in a way that it is easy for them to understand. The behavior will improve because school work might be easier since they learned it their way. This will make them more successful in school.

  14. I think number is the most important because people learn in different ways. People go at different paces and might not learn the same. Also people will find learning the way they want to more fun then just doing it the teachers way.

    People go at different paces. Some go really fast, some go really slow. Some might understand one way of teaching but not another. People are different, they don't all learn one way. Some might be visual learners, while some are listeners. They all learn differently.This is one reason why I think number two is the most important.

    Another reason is that people will like learning their way. People will like learning in a way they can understand. They will like coming to school since it is easier when to understand. People will be more positive and not be bothered by lots of work because they learned it in a way that it is easy for them to understand. The behavior will improve because school work might be easier since they learned it their way. This will make them more successful in school.

  15. As a person, I appreciate when people are upfront and honest with me. I don't like to beat around the bush. As a student, I also appreciate honesty. When your work isn't up to par, it is an educators job to tell you what you did wrong, and what your next steps for improvement are. If a teacher was NOT honest with you, then the whole time you think you are doing great, when you might actually be failing.

    I believe that this kind of constructive criticism is crucial. For instance, if you get a job, and your not doing it correctly, your boss isn't going to give you a gift basket with a card that says "try better next time". No, your employer will sit you in his/her office, and tell you what your doing wrong. In the real world no one will sugar coat things. You don't get your bill in the mail with a sad face, and an apology! This kind of mentality (that there is blunt honesty and you will sometimes get hurt) needs to be taught to kids, even as young as grade 6. Now, I'm not saying that if a teacher takes a student's work, tears it, throws it to the ground and throws a fit (because you forgot your punctuation) is justified, but a teacher does have the right to tell you what you did wrong. This might not work for all students though. Some can rake the critics, while others are "sensitive" (for lack of a better word). In conclusion, I do believe that honesty is the best policy, both inside and out of the classroom, but it is up to the teacher what they think is a good approach for each individual student.

  16. The most realistic and important thing that I think students want educators to know is number 6. #6: Students want their interests and passions to be infused into the learning in the classroom.
    The reason I thought that this was the most important thing that students would want teachers to know is because most students aren't interested in school at all and it is usually because most things that occur in school are not things you would see students doing on their free time. The focus is not always there in a classroom where a teacher stands in front of a board and speaks for about 30 minutes +. Sometimes what the teacher is saying makes no sense to a student that the listening stops and the focus just drifts off. To get us to come to school and actually be excited about it, teachers need to be able to tie our interests into certain lessons that would be harder to understand.
    It's not all the time that fun things can be done in school because, after all, we are there to get the knowledge we will need to move on in life, having fun is pretty much irrelevant in school (words straight from my mother), but something as simple as throwing a basketball at every student that is asked a question is enough to get an answer and a smile. Having students study without them actually realizing that they're studying is the best way of teaching to me. It just stays in their head as another activity.

  17. As I student I believe having a teacher that is truthful to you is key. That’s why I’m going with 7. In class I want to know how my work could improve, how my work looks, how my work is compared to others. If the work I would do is garbage, I should be told straight up, that it is garbage! This way, I can improve and turn it into something better than it is in the current state. Being told that your work is garbage can help you, it’ll help you go back and improve in areas where you may be lacking any type of quality work. Having an honest opinion on something can be a little disheartening but having this told to you would make you want to benefit from it and want to do better!

    An example would be in sports. If you’re playing basketball and you suck, why would you get praised? If you wanted to acknowledge how you’re doing and you aren’t playing great you should get told straight up that you suck! Some may take it better than others but honesty is the way to go. Perhaps you have a big game coming up, the game settling whether or not you get accepted into the finals. If you carelessly play and don’t play properly, you wouldn’t get applause, praise, recognition; you’ll get criticized, censured, and blamed. If you get told you suck by your coach it’s probably true, being told that you suck makes you want to improve. The value of how you work is important and if you aren’t working at an acceptable rate you will be told that. This relates everywhere! Perchance you work in an office and the presentation that you had to prepare sucked, and you lost millions and a contract because of it, your boss won’t accept that and you will get fired! When your work isn’t as great as it should be you tend to you want to get told that because that’s how you would improve.

    This is why i believe that having honesty would benefit both the educator and the student.

  18. I think number 6 is the most important. That is because if the teacher teaches something of the students interest, the student would enjoy learning and give 100% to their education. If the students doesn't have any interest, the student won't give 100% because the student doesn't want to learn, so instead of wanting to learn, the student is being forced to learn. They teacher can't give the student something of it's interest all the time, but can give more of the students interest so he/she can get good grades in at least one of the subjects. Also the student would study at home as well and learn more about it on his/her own. For example, Ivan has interest in science so he knows information above grade 8 level and some even above high school level, another example is about tommy, he has so much interest in computers that he know almost everything about a computer, physically and how it works virtually. So how do they know all this stuff?? Because they have grit and interest in their passions.

    1. Reference from the TED talk about Grit

  19. I think that the most important and realistic thing that students want educators to know is that students want to have a voice in the learning process and want to share “their” way in doing things. I think that students feel more connected to the class when they share their own way of doing things. Also their way is different than others so they feel special. Think, if everyone is doing the same thing or using the same strategy in class all the time it will get boring. Also when students discuss different ways of doing things and the teacher explains it to the class you feel proud that you contributed to the class. I can relate to this because once in a while mostly in math I have another way to do problem and I feel content that I am actually learning and or helping other people learn.
    Another reason I think this is because not all students learn at the same level or pace and by students talking to the teachers about their own strategy it might be easier for other students in the class because one strategy may be easier to understand than the other. This has also happened to me before, when the teacher is explain something I don’t get I ask my friends for help and they sometimes explain it in another way that I understand much easier.
    How this will enhance my achievements is that when I don’t get something I usually skip it and move on, but with more ideas and strategy’s I will probably understand at least one of them so then I can complete all of my work. And completing all of my work will make me achieve more in my marks and I learn more.

  20. I`ve gotten this quote a few years back and I knew I could use it somewhere!

    We don't live in a world of reality but in a world of perceptions

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  22. “Students want educators to be truthful and honest”
    I think that number 7 is the most important thing that we students want our teachers to know. I say this because we always want our work to look really nice and we always want a right answer from our teacher. If we ask our teacher a question and they don’t tell you the truth, we would be mad at them if someone else gave us the right answer. We want them to be forthright because they are supposed to be the judges of our work and if they aren’t truthful to us who is? They give us work, and expect us to make nice, beautiful projects but what about that time when they aren’t nice and beautiful, look like trash, and like Manjot and Marshall said, lie to us that they “look really nice”. This just tells us how truthful our teachers are to us because if they want us to be honest with them, they have to be honest to us too. Every school year we are put into classrooms with a homeroom teacher and we start to trust them, if not a lot then at least a little. Just go back to kindergarten. Remember when we made those “drawings” which were made up of scribbles across the page? Our teachers used to tell us that they were beautiful. I know we were little but what if we wanted them to just be honest with us and tell us the truth? After all at that time we wanted our work to be like masterpieces too!
    I just think that if teachers are/were honest to students we would have a good relationship and never doubt their response whenever we ask them a question.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I also think #10 is also important. Students have the right to be included, and each individual should be treated accordingly, because everyone is different. A teacher can't think that if one thing works for a majority that it'll work for everyone. For example, I am Muslim, and I cannot eat gelatine. You don't know many times someone has brought a cake or treat that had gelatine, and thought it was okay since there were only 2 or 3 Muslims in the class. When I was a kid, I felt sad and left out (kids, you know how it is) since everyone was enjoying something I couldnt. I was even more upset that the person didn't even acknowledge me, or think I was important! It's the same thing with the education system!

    If I child has a learning disability, you can't expect the same work compared to someone who doesn't have a learning disability. Kids with these disabillities learn differently and should be taught according to who they are. It isn't fair to expect a dyslexic child to write the same test as a non dyslexic child, because their cognitive abilities are totally diffrent. People should not be biased, especially an educator. And this should be on every, not just how kids learn, but take into account their personality, talents, etc.

    Kids already deal with bullying, they don't need their teachers thinking they don't matter either. A teacher is someone a kid should feel comfortable around, considering they are with them 8 hours, 5 days a week. If a child feels important, like they matter, they will have better self esteem, and this will be evident in the child's work. They are confident, then they become confident with their work, thus improving their grades, which will raise their self esteem even more! If every kid feels important, better work will be produced. A teacher will then have a better classroom, and a better work area. If kids feel like they matter, and their beliefs are considered, not only will they be comfortable and confident in class, but outside class as well.

    If kids are taught to respect themselves, they will learn to respect others.

  25. I think that I would pick number 7. The reason why I would pick number 7 is because just say you are doing horrible in math it's just an example and the teacher will tell you
    "Oh your doing very good keep it up" but when it comes to parent teacher interview that same teacher will give your parents some next answer.
    What this is; is giving false statements. Teachers can't be saying one thing to you and another thing to your parents.
    Why does this happen?
    Is it because they don't want to embarrass you in front the class or that they think that you will break down thinking what will your parents do wen they hear this. To be honest I rather take the information up hand rather than getting false statements to make me think I'm good. Because why would I have to wait until parent teacher interview to change something when I can change that day, it will take time but sown thing can change.
    Teachers should be honest straight up to you. If they feel your going to get embarrassed they should speak to you after class .
