Monday, December 3, 2018

Best Group Choice and Best Individual Photo

Select the Group you think has the best collection of Photos and explain why and justify why they are your choice.  Be specific in regards to photo quality, connection and relevancy to the book, and overall design.

Aswell select the best overall individual Photo.  Again explain and justify why it is your choice considering quality of photo and overall relevancy and power. 

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  1. Replies
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    3. I think the best group of collection is the 6th group

    4. My favorite collection of photos is group 4’s collection. I think that they did a very good job of relating the photos to the quote while also being original. This collection was also very good because of the amount of correlation between the quote itself and the picture.

    5. I believe group 3 has the best collection of photos. They weren't crowded and the text was visible clearly. There was also a good ratio of text and objects.

    6. I think the best group of photos is Nevaehs group because they really used the opportunities they ad to make their pictures better. Although, in my opinion there is too much words, the pictures are very well organized and very eye catching.

    7. In my opinion I think Athena, Soha, Janat and Jemima had the best collection of photos. I love how simple their pictures are but they still managed to convey the scene in the book perfectly in their photos.

    8. In my opinion group 3 has the best group of pictures. All pictures had a good lighting source and had a good idea to it. The quotes also had a good correlation with the pictures. Overall just a simple and well organized collection of photos.

    9. I think the best group photos is from group 4 because I really like the way they edited their photos and they didn't crowd their photos.

    10. I think group 3 has the best collection of photos

    11. My goodness picking a "best group" will be a little hard, considering every one did a good job.
      So looking back overall the pictures,personally i believe this group was outstanding with the high contrast of colour and light. With the perfect writing fonts,colour,shape/placement as well as added in factors the opacity of letters the filters. All make the pictures as a viewer more cool/interesting to look at,so in my perspective, i feel this group meet all the "rules/regulations" for this assignment. As well as make it there own by adding the factors that i was talking about.So the group that i choose for "best group" is SOHAs group they did and amazing job there also known as group three

  2. Replies
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    3. I think it is the 4th group first picture because of the use of contrast, the angle and etc

    4. I think group3 picture C is the best

    5. My favorite individual photo is group 3’s picture 1. They did a very good job of showing exactly what the quote was saying without the quote itself. My favorite thing about this photo is the fact that if there was no quote on the picture i would probably understand what they were trying to say because of the fact that they portrayed the quote so well.

    6. My favorite individual photo is from group 3 and it's picture B. I like this picture because it looks very unique and overall it's a well done balanced out picture.

    7. I think the best individual photo is Avinoors group picture A. The words and picture really match each other and i think that they couldn't have chosen a better setting.

    8. I believe the best individual photo is 3B. The text is creative and well placed. The quote is suitable for the photo and even without it, the photo depicts the concept. It is the most distinct picture and immediately captures the viewer's attention.

    9. The best individual photo for me would be group 4 picture b. The editing is good and I get how the related it to the quote.

  3. I think that the best individual group is the last one.
    I think that the best group collection photo is the second one

  4. I think that the best picture collection is group 4, Tesean's group had the best overall pictures.

    Then the best individual picture is Julius's group, group 6's the third picture,picture C.

    1. The reason I like Tesean's group is because they have very good angles and lighting they used their editing features good as well.They also have very good text, and they choose good fonts.

      The reason I like group 6 picture C is because it has a good setting and text as well and good editing especially the blur effect.

  5. Best Collection of Photos:Group 3 has the best collection of photos, because they have done so much editing that explains the photo and also the editing they have done makes the their photo look so marvelous.

    Best photo:Group 3 B) Because the photo relates so much to the book and the editing looks very great especially.

  6. well my winner for this assignment is Rasheed group,

    They really took time to do the work and how the editing really compliment their picture and my favorite picture is the basketball because we can actually see david or in this scenario Rasheed scoring in a perfect angle where we could see how and where they took the shot and then they also did very good with the text,good job

  7. I think the group with the best collection of photos is group 4 because the quality of their photos are on point, one could be able to tell that there was a lot of work and effort put into them to make them look as realistic as possible, also their overall design is very good because of the placement of everything. The best individual photo would be A because it has the most eye-catching things involved- the colours, blur and text all just make the photo. Also its the most relevant I personally think because if you have read the book the first photo that recalls a memory would be A; it just rushed an image that I had in my mind of the scene in the book.

  8. To me, I think group 3 has the best collection of photos because of the quality and put a lot of effort in there photos.

  9. The best individual photo I think the best is group 4, photo B, it is eye catching and I think it is amazing of how they made the photo. With the colour and all the editing made it look amazing.

  10. The group i think deserve the best collection of photos is Julius group,they put a good quantity of color correction and fonts.The quality seems to be always good and shows various angles.My favourite individual photo is "Rebound Group 6" photo c it shows a lot of creativity and i love the font choice,it gave a nice 3d effect which made it look like a part from a movie.

  11. In my opinion, group 5 had the best selection of photos. Each of their photos were connected to the quote perfectly. The blurred out parts of their photos to focus on others. It was very easy to understand the message which made them powerful.

  12. i think the best picture is group 5 picture b is the best singular picture and best group is group 3. i picked group 5 picture because its vary attention grabbing and vary well edited. and the text goes vary good with the picture. and i picked group 3 for best collective of pictures for the same reason but they carried out that on all there pictures.

  13. Group 5A was the best overall photo to me. It was very clear to see the meaning of the photo. They related to each other extremely well.

  14. In my opinion i think that this group has the best photos because, all of their photos has a lot of lighting, perfect angle, and the right amount of blur.

  15. I think the best individual photo is the one with the basketball and the two cokes which belongs to Athena´s group.The photo had the right amount of lighting and had good text.

  16. I think group 3 had the best collection of photos and group 5 picture B was the best

  17. (BEST GROUP-in my opinion i think group 3 had the best photos, the editing in all the photos looked amazing and that is why i chose this group.)(BEST INDIVIDUAL PHOTO The text matches the photo completely and looks good alongside the photo. The best individual picture would have to be the photo where scott called, i like the photo because it shows the missed calls on the phone and the editing makes it look even better, i also like the fact that the group put a basketball wallpaper.)

  18. in my opinion i think group 5a had the best indvisual picture because they had nice angle showing the blood more and the concrete.

  19. The best individual group id the last one is because its very clear and you could understand the meaning right away and figure out what part of the book it is.The best group collection is the second one because lots of effort in it and performed good quality of work

  20. i think group 3 had the best photo collections because the editing was great and the best individual photo for group 3 was A they put lots of effort on it and had a great quotes.

  21. My favourite individual photo is 4a, its my favorite because its very clean and I like the font that the chose it made the photo more dramatic. My favourite series of photos was from group 3 I think that their group had the least mistakes and I really liked the photo with the phone .

  22. i think group 5b was one of the best photo and text by saying "no one is forcing you to smoke"

  23. I believe the best group is group 3 (Athena,Soha,Janat,and Jemima) and the best individual photo would be group 5 picture c, I think group 3 had the best pictures because of their photo quality,text, different angles of the photos, and the creativity in every photo.The best photo is from group 5 photo c, when we were given an assignment to act out a scene from rebound mostly everyone chose the scene being displayed in the photo, but not many people chose to put this scene into a photo, so I like that they chose to make that scene into a photo, also I like the blur effect and text in this photo as well.

  24. When it comes to best "individual photo" I would pick groups "five photo B", The old rustic post gives great contrast. It kind of wanna makes you stare at the picture more,It makes the picture seem real/realatiable .
    so i feel that is the best individual group

  25. best group is group 5 because they have good angles showing clearly what scene it was

  26. this group had the best collection of photo's
