Monday, January 7, 2019

Check out whats on Twitter

Good Morning Team, 

During the winter break i posted a series of Ted Talk videos on a variety of educational topics


Go to my twitter page and scroll and look at the videos I posted during the break.  Pick one to watch and then post a response answering these questions 

1) Write a brief summary of the video you watched ( what was its main idea)
2) Tell me three interesting facts or arguments the Ted Talk had 
3) Do you think Ted Talks are a valuable way to learn?  


  1. How games make kids smarter


    This ted talk was about the idea of video games being beneficial to children rather than slowing them down. Gabe Zicherman had the idea that kids weren’t moving too fast, but the world was moving too slow for the kids. The main idea was that video games help kids become more perceptive and make them smarter in some ways. In conclusion, Robert Zicherman’s main idea is that parents shouldn’t always bash the idea of children playing video games, instead they should try to encourage it and try to be supportive.

    Interesting facts/arguments:

    1. Gabe Zicherman had the idea that the world was moving too slow and i thought that that was interesting

    2. Gabe Zicherman also had the argument that: ever since video games were popularized, the world’s average IQ had raised exponentially.

    2. Another one of Gabe Zicherman’s interesting ideas is that parents should encourage rather than be angry when kids play video games.

    Do you think Ted Talks are a valuable way to learn?

    I personally believe that with society evolving and becoming more technologically advanced, ted talks are a great way to learn. Most kids don't like to spend a lot of time reading a long article so i think that listening/ watching someone speak about a certain topic is a great way to keep kids interested in the topic itself,



    1. Great Response! did he talk about what type of video games were more beneficial then others?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. In the ted talk’’ how video games make your kids smarter’’ Gabe Zichermann explains and shows how video games when mixed with aduacation can actually help children pay attention and help extend the mind. And this is what you would call gamification, when you implement feature that video games have into other things such as education.

    2) An interesting fact tha ted talk brought up was that there was a man named Ananth Pai who went into his children school with them and seen the classes and felt that he needed to change the way things worked there. So he went and got a masters degree in education and was put into a 3rd grade class in white bear lake elementary school. But while he was there instead of giving the students handouts and books to read he gave them all nintendo ds, and computers to play educational games. And they went from a below grade 3 level in reading and writing to mid grade 4 level in reading and writing in just 18 weeks.

    Another fun fact he brought up was a man named Kevin Richardson designed a speed lotto game in san francisco. What it is basically is a speed limit sign, and if you go over the limit you get a ticket, but if you go under it then you get put into a lottery with the chance to win all the proceed from the people who speeded, and it drop speeding by 20%.

    3) In my opinion yes i think ted talks are a very good way to learn about topics. Reasoning why is you get to watch and here a educator or engineer etc, talk about topic that should be talked about. With evidence to back them up and supporting facts. And they know what they are talking about to. But just because they seem professional doesn't always mean there right cause we all have our own opinions.

    1. Exceptional response, rich with detail and examples!

      should video games be for everyone? will the benefit everyone equally? what do you think?

    2. i don't think that games are for everyone, some students may get distracted,go on other websites that there not sopes to or watch something on one of the thousands of social media platforms and other may just not enjoy learning through games and prefer paper and pencil. But i feel most students well be with the idea of gamification in there education. But then again just because its a game, doesn't mean ever child will like it. it needs to be captivating and fun for the teachers to teach and the students to play.

  4. Ted

    Summery : The topic the ted talk pulled out is about games lots of kids involved on games, so the main reason ted is talking is game really doesn't affect kids it actually makes them smart, the thing is that even our parents on their cellphones all the time without noticing so video games won't really affect kids much. If your kids play video games don't think negative that's a talent for the kid not everyone could do that. A lot of us think that our kids could get some sickness by playing video games but actually no it actually makes you smarter.

    Insane facts :
    1. The insane fact about this ted talk is that video games really makes you smart and give you a development on your talent and other things.

    2. Even our parents use a lot of electronics without them knows so same as kid but its games.

    3. You should be proud of your kids because not everyone has the talent on the same game it could be different games so each person has each talent.

    1. "They make you smart" what are the specific ways it makes you smart? Better problem solvers? Better Memory? ...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. ted talk: how to design a library
    main idea
    the main idea of the video is how to design a library with a big affect to inspire students. michael Bierut is a designer and got asked to design a logo he gave three ideas they didn't like it he gave one more try and they liked the last one.

    three interesting facts
    He talked in the beginig about conected consicuences.
    He talked about the log design.
    then he talked about the extra space and how to solve it

    are ted talks valuble for learnig
    yes, ted talks are a valuble way of learnig because they give examples and they dont talk to much where you get bored.

    1. Sign your name so I know who this is please

      How does our Library compare to the ones he designed and talked about?

  6. The Video i watched is Entitled"How games make kids smarter"

    The Summary of this Ted Talk is that how games affect kids and could teach them many things in a fun way as they learn how to work with different strategies to complete a mission in a game or level,this increases the brain matter which is the act of learning.Videos games increase fluid intelligence, parents should take some time to understand the dynamic of the game and not to and use this game as a advantage to interact with their kids and see why their so interested in the game instead of assuming what their kids are engaging in.

    Main idea:Games could teach children different strategies that could make them learn in a easier and fun way it increases fluids intelligence which could help in a lot of things that involved multitasking and movements.

    The three interesting facts i found in the ted talk is that the act of learning increases the brain matter,games increase fluid intelligence and helps with rising iQ since the 1990.

    Do you thinks Ted Talks are a valuable way to learn?

    yes,they answer many questions that you may have and they also teach you different things about topics.

    1. You highlighted some important points ... how would you describe Fluid Intelligence ? If my fluid intelligence is improving what does that mean or how does that look?

    1.Main idea.
    The main idea is about how to design a library to attract students to learn more.It’s also like about the logo for attracting student like how they can change the library logo to OWL and etc.

    2.Three very interesting facts about the video in my perspective is the new logo design, he talked about connected consequences and he talked about the extra space and how to solve it.

    3.In a way, yes.I think this because many people learn from ted talks like myself for example. Now i know how to design and use my brain to think and now i know alot of stuff.

    1. Give me specific examples to help support your statements

      how do you feel our library compares to the libraries shared in this Ted Talk video

  8. “Want kids to do well? Feed them well”.

    1) In this ted talk video a chef was talking about how much better students work is after they have had a proper nutritious meal. He had this example of a lunch lady who was on the same cooking show as him and made a pasta that was delicious. She added the mystery ingredient quinoa uncooked and it turned crunchy he asked her why she did it. She said I don’t know but I do know that it’s monday and most of the students haven’t eaten anything during the weekend. The students who don’t eat end up thinking about food at school instead of their work. Some schools serve breakfast before school starts and it was only for the poor kids but because of this there was an increase of 20% math and reading.

    Many kids don’t get enough food at home.
    The students hunger pain was too great to think about anything school related.
    One out of six Americans under the age of 18 are food insecure including 16 million children.

    3) I would say that ted talks are a valuable way to learn because they give us the information we need and they are not long enough for someone to lose interest. They do have facts and different types of examples to support their topic .

  9. Should schools start at a later time?

    1) Waking a sleepy teen up in the morning is never easy, you have to find the perfect strategy! If schools were to start at a later time, teens would have the chance to sleep until they are ready to wake up. This Ted Talk really focusses on the negetive effects that early school start times have on teenage students. We all know the obvious effects; grumpiness and laziness, but it isn’t just that. There are many more effects that come with an early start time, for example, higher absent or late rate, as well as less focus in class which equals to lower test scores. Putting a tired high schooler behind the wheel can result in very serious accidents, which is also highering our death percentages. One surprising not so fun fact is that students who are more tired are more likely to consume alcohol or drugs, as well as higher attempted suicide rate. Oh if schools just started later; it doesn’t have to be that late, schools that start after 8:30 alone have already reduced all these rising percentages. Since hearing all these negative effects and how we can fix them, shouldn’t we just go ahead? Although we agree to fix this problem, our society thinks that this would be the “easy way out” and it won’t shape us for our future!

    2) - Waking up a sleeping teen takes away from the type of sleep most associated with learning, memory consolidation and emotional processing.

    - Only about 1-10 teenagers get the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep per night.

    - A major factor that prevents kids from the amount of sleep they need isn’t social media, but it is a matter of Public Policies.

    3) Yes! I do think that Ted Talks are a valuable way to learn because it is other people talking to you and explaining to you what they think is wrong or what they think should change. Also, Ted Talks usually have the percentages you are looking for or they talk about the study that was done to prove that thought or observation. I enjoy watching Ted Talks because it gives me a different point of view, it doesn’t just talk about the basics, but it goes deep into the topic and it explains theory’s or study’s that were done.

    1. Great response

      Have you changed any of your sleep habits to avoid the pitfalls of being underslept?

      Do you think our 845 start time is late enough?

    2. No, I have not changed any of my sleep habits to avoid being underslept. I usually sleep from about 9:30pm to 7:30 am. That is about 10 hours which is the recommended amount of time for a student in middle or high school to be sleeping.

      Yes, i do think that our 8:45 start time is late enough because it gives you the time to do the things you need to do in the morning without having to wake up exceptionally early. Also, it gives you the chance to get the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep per night.

  10. “Why school should start later for teens”

    1. Summary: In this TED Talk, Wendy Troxel, a sleep researcher, speaks up about the issues with school start times in the US and how they affect the behaviour and academic success of teens. She explains that during adolescent years, the biological clock of teenagers changes, and the body does not start producing melatonin until two hours after most adults. She argues that this type of sleep is important as it is associated with learning, memory consolidation, and emotional processing. Chronic sleep deprivation is also the cause of repulsive behaviour, and not social media or hormones like many believe. She reveals that sleep affects a teen’s reasoning, problem solving and judgement skills and not getting enough may cause depression, ADHD and may even lead to suicide. Sleep deprivation also increases the chances of heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. In schools that did change their start times, a major improvement was discovered in attendance and dropouts.

    2. Facts/ arguments:
    Only 1 in 10 American teens get the required amount of sleep.
    In a study conducted with over 30,000 high school students, it was found that for each hour of lost sleep, the chances of having negative emotions increased by 38%.
    Changing starting times of schools is not easy as it affects the whole community.

    3. I believe TED Talks are a valuable way to learn and help us discover unique topics that are not part of our curriculum. However, several of them are opinions and persuasive so I believe it is okay to not agree with them, even if the speaker has proof as it may be confirmation bias.

    1. Very detailed response

      Did you agree and buy into the argument of this Ted Talk?

      What was the arguments that convinced you the most?

    2. I agreed with what Wendy Troxel had to say. Her argument about the negative health effects of chronic sleep deprivation and how they can eventually lead to depression and even suicide among teenagers persuaded me that some schools must change their start times.

  11. 1) What I watched in this video about how video games make kids smarter by a guy name Gabe Zichermann explains that video games actually help. what he talks about is real life study's and many more ways to it to be proven by scientists. He also talks about why he thinks parents should at least try to try the game, like know the dynamics and the concept of the game instead of bringing the outside world into the inside world.

    2) One interesting fact is that Gabe Zichermann from him playing video games to turning it into a job; Books, study's, meetings, creating games and many more thing like that. The second fact that he stated is that back in the day, all you needed is a joy stick and a fire button but now you need a lot of buttons to play a game, voice chat and all those things, but what kids learn is multi-tasking, because they would talk to the parents, the people in the game, control there character and pay attention to the game. The last fact I would talk about is what would happen if the kids brought the inside world to the outside world, he didn't really touch on it or talk about it.

    3) Yes, I do think it is a valuable way to learn because it has more information and has fun way to communicate and learn. It's also fun to talk about all the topics. But other than that, I think it is a great/valuable way to learn.

    1. What does playing video games specifically do for your development ? Make you a better at problem solving or being more creative?

    2. Video games help you develop many things, like multitasking with parents and the video games, it also makes you be more creative from learning things from the game that would be cool to create.

  12. “How video games make kids smarter”

    Summary: In this ted talk the main topic of discussion was about how video games make kids smarter and how video games actually help you. Gabe Zicherman thought that kids weren't moving too fast but the world was moving too slow. The main idea of this ted talk was that video games can actually make kids smarter in some ways. Things like multitasking can be very well developed because of gaming. He talked about how parents shouldn’t completely throw out the idea of gaming because since they couldn’t understand how the world of gaming works, instead parents should be a bit more supportive about video games and not take it too harsh.


    Gabe Zicherman said that ever since video games were being played, the worlds IQ was getting much higher.
    Ananth Pai went to a school and brought in Nintendo DS’s to teach kids in the way of gaming. Before they were at a below grade 3 level in language and math, after 18 weeks they were at a mid grade 4 level in math and language.
    The act of playing games increases brain matter.

    In my opinion, I think Ted Talks are a valuable way to learn because people are actually talking to you and explaining occuring problems in world. I think it’s better than getting information from books because we live in a society where technology is a really big thing now.

    1. Do you feel gaming has made you a better multitasker? if so how?

    2. I think it has because now you have to control the game with a mouse and keyboard or a controller and socialize with online players. Multiple things happen when you are gaming. The same multitasking skills can be applied to real life.

  13. ” Why school should start later for teens”

    1. Summary
    In this Ted talk, it's is discussed on how much impact it makes on teens when school starts later than usual. According to a sleep specialist, teens sleep rather later than adults and kids after hitting puberty, so they need the right amount of sleep, and it is discussed in depth about the grave issues multiple teens face with sleep deprivation which affect them physically and mentally. the ted talk mentions how sleep deprivation could turn into mental and physical health issues like depression, suicide, obesity, substance abuse, increase in car crashes that are caused by teens behind wheels, and a higher likelihood of drop outs. Multiple studies were conducted to support this theory that school should start later than usual and there were many shocking outcomes, such as places where school started later that 8:30 had 70% less car crashes in the neighbourhood of where the school was located, and absences were decreased by 25%.

    2. Interesting points
    i) Attention tends to plummet and many show behavioural symptoms that mimic ADHD
    ii)With each hour of lost sleep there was 38% increase in sadness and a 58% in suicidal thoughts.
    iii) Studies show having less than 5 hours of sleep and then driving the next morning is equivalent to being impaired while driving.

    Ted talks are a great way of learning and make learning more efficient. They provide much information and reasonable reasons to support their initial statement, and they are a very reliable source when it comes to getting educated on a specific detail. They provide data collected in studies to support what they are trying to prove, and they help have a clear understanding of what it is that they are trying to prove.


    1. Can you feel or sense mood changes when you are sleepy?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. How video games can positively affect kids

    1.The main idea of the ted talk is that video games do have benefits, and that they won’t harm children.It talks about how video games can make kids smarter in a way.It also speaks about how video games can make you a faster learner,or you can learn other things like multitasking,and it also talks about how video games can apply a different type of smart, not the sae, but different to the normal school education smart.He also shows an example of this, where someone made a video game based school curriculum, to replace the normal one.After the kids took those classes, they became better at school, and their marks improved.They were asked why, and they all said it was overall more fun in the classroom.That is a reason video games could be more positive for kids.

    2.The first argument was that video games can make kids faster learners. I agree with that,I personally think that video games do require a lot of learning, since you have to remember buttons, on either a controller, or keyboard and mouse.You also need to prepare for quick time events in many games, and you also need to have a good eye at games, you also need to do a lot of work in video games.Practicing makes you better at games, and can also make you have a better education.Next is that video games are not harmful to kids, I also agree with that argument I personally think video games are a great way to relax, and are not harmful, and also I think they are a great way to learn.Finally a fact is that video games can affect people in different ways, some use them for fun, others to learn, and some people with ADHD, or ADD play video games to help them focus.So personally I think video games are a good thing.

    3. I do think that Ted Talk have value, and they are interesting, but most of them are opinion based.You can agree with them, but you don't have to, and you don’t have to base your whole opinion on a ted talk.I think that you don't have to fully agree with them, but don't completely forget about them, because I think they do hold value.So personally I think they do hold value, but they are not fully fact, and your own opinion can differ from the opinion in the ted talk.

    1. Do you think gaming makes you a better student? Is fun important to learning?

  16. Libraries

    1.I watched a ted talk about how to make libraries more interesting by Micheal Bierut. In the ted talk he was talking about how he wanted to put his own ideas to work so he created his own library called L!ibraries. He called his library that because he wanted everyone to be more intriguing for so it catches the eyes of kids. Micheal also talked about how the librarian should be more involved with the kids that go there so they could feel more welcome. Micheal also thinks that the libraries he put into schools should be about reading responses and book sharing. But the main thing he talked about was how the if the library was more dedicated to children allot of them would start to read more books and develop better habits about themselves.

    2.I found a lot of interesting things in the ted talk like how Micheal hired an famous illustrator to paint all of the kids and their favorite books on the walls along the library. He said this will give kids confidence to keep reading more and more books. Another interesting thing i found was that the librarian would encourage kids to come to the libraries more. In general he thought that flashy items were the way to get kids to come to the libraries. And the last thing i found interesting was that he argued about how regular libraries don't put the same effort as his own personal libraries in encouraging kids and helping them.

    3. In my opinion i think that ted talks can be good ways of learning because they show us the facts that we can't see in a book. Ted talks talk about things that effect the world that we humans don't see.They also have certain guests on their show and in which they tell their own personal stories of how they got to be where they are today.

    1. How does our library compare ?

    2. it compares by us never seeing the librarian and not doing any of these activities in the library

  17. Do you think gaming makes you a better student? Is fun important to learning?

  18. "how do video games make kids smarter"

    Summary:For some children or should I say most children are thinking that this world is moving to slow for them.Until they found out about video games, the world of gaming is a new world for children that they play for hours and hours.Not to mention multi-tasking can also be developed by video games.Oftenly parents think that they should throw away their child's game console or maybe even sell it, that's because they think that games are making kids very addicted and is killing social skills in the real world.Parents should be more supportive about video games since they don't understand that the world is going slow for their child.

    One interesting facts is that Gabe Zichermann stated that the world was moving slow for children and that's one of the reasons why they play video games.

    Gabe Zichermann also announced that video games can also increase the child's multi-tasking

    Gabe Zichermann also stated that parents always throw hate towards video games because it is making their child more addicted, instead of getting angry at games they should support it.

    "Do you think Ted talks are a valuable way to learn?

    I agree that Ted talks are a valuable way to learn it even also teaches parents more about their children like in the Ted talk about video games.Ted talks about a lot of things that can help many people such as adults and children, it teaches all the positive things about the topic and how it can help people.An example is that Ted talks about video games and how it helps your kids develop a lot like multi-tasking.Ted talks about all the supportive arguments that many dislike and or hate.

    1. how would you describe your ability to multitask?

  19. Q#1
    the Ted Talk that i watched featured Gabe zicherman. He talked about a very popular topic, VIDEO GAMES. He talked about learning through video games and how parents shouldn't stress over there children knowing video games better than school work because they are actually learning something, something that is never taught in school.
    EX1:during the talk show Gabe continues to say that parents think there child has ADD because they cant focus in school but only at home with video games. he gave an example of Dr.Dimitri Christakis who said that kids who play a lot of video games may find the real world uninteresting. Gabe said is it that our children have ADD or is it just the fact that our world is to slow for the children to appreciate.
    EX2: Gabe stated the fact that the main point of video games is hand-eye coordination, and the fact that we have to multitask while playing the games. we have to chat to the people in the server, operate a character and press multiple buttons at the same time to play the game and if schools were more interactive with this lifestyle then students grades would probably go up.
    EX3:close to the end of the video Gabe starts talking about how instead of parents fussing and fighting there children over video games they should try playing the game to better understand the learning it takes for a child to pick up the skills and attraction to the game the child has.
    Honestly if your studying a topic an just googling it doesn't work watching a Ted Talk on the topic makes your job a little bit easier. I enjoy watching the ted talkes because I end up picking up on certain topics ive never thought of or researched. so yes i do think TED talkes is a valuable way of learning.


    1. The world is slow is such an original idea as we always here that it moves to fast.

      do you think gaming has improved your learning or even improved your mental wellness

    2. to be completely honest it has improved my multitasking ability, before i started playing video games i wasnt able to do more than one ting at once, now i feel like i can juggle multiple things at once

  20. The video i watched was “ why schools should start later for teens”.

    1)In this Ted talk a sleep researcher brings forward the topic of how teen students are deprived from their sleep; How waking up a teen before their natural biological clock will affect their learning, memory consolidation and emotional processing. Many parents believe that if their teen is getting 8 hrs of sleep they are going side by side with their biological clock whereas they seem to forget 8 hrs is the minimum sleep time; a study states that sleep deprivation has increased suicidal attempt in the United States - saying that 8 hrs of sleep is enough for a teen is like saying to a mother of a 2 yr old don't let johny have a nap or else he won't be ready for kindergarten. The negative aspects of this topic are far way to serious to be ignored. A study shows that students who don't wake up with their biological clock have more chances to consume alcohol and drugs. Many school districts say in defense that teens need to toughen up for the real world, sleep depriving teens will not toughen them up it will drop their grades it will lead to them being late or absent - all of these side effects can not be toughen a teen up it will be preparing them to get into the habit of waking up late or not going to work which will shine down on their future.
    2) A. “ waking up a teen before their natural biological clock will affect their learning, memory consolidation, and emotional processing.”

    B. Social media does not prevent kids from sleep but it is public policies.

    C.waking a teen up at 6am is the equivalent of waking an adult up at 4am.

    3) I think ted talks are valuable but also i think that the speaker tells us one side not both sides of the story/topic. For example many ted talks bring forward very serious matters/issues but they talk about one side of the topic and throughout the whole video only half of the topic is presented to you; they give us valuable information but in order for us to apply all of the things they're telling us we need to be able to have a through understanding of the topic. However ted talks do give us knowledge we just have to learn to figure out the part they're not telling us.


    1. can you tell the difference when you have a good sleep or a sleep cut off to short when it comes to your mood and performance at school ?

    2. I personally think that it depends on when ur regular sleeping time is; for example if your regular sleeping time is 3am ( which is not good) then on a day to day basis your mood and your works quality would not be impacted,whereas if your regular sleeping time is 10pm and one school night you fall asleep at 2am then the next day not only your work quality and mood but also your physical movement gets affected - your peers will be able to notice the behavioural change.

  21. can you tell the difference when you have a good sleep or a sleep cut off to short when it comes to your mood and performance at school ?

    "How to build a library"

    Summary: He talks alot about how to please the general public"school", make it a fun space for both teachers and students or the "common conscious". Micheal Biuret is a designer but when he was creating a full design, he was rejected multiple times but when came to is last design. he thought of the "common conscious" to have a apeeling design.he as well talked about open spaces and how you can fill a room while not making it looked cramped.


    Fact #1) New logo finding a balance, between what teachers like and what students like.
    Fact #2) Open spaces most people hate having left over blank spaces,he talks about fun ways to solve them.
    Factn#3) Connected Conscious, this was a key in designing a library.

    ARE Ted talks a valuable way to learn ?

    YES! YES! YES!,I agree ted talks are a valuable way to learn, especially in this "Technology" age.
    Since children (me) learn a little better by hearing things over and over (repetition) so it personally acomedates me so this is a very valuable way for me to learn.

  23. "Comics Belong in the classroom"

    Do you think comics belong in the classroom, they can improve studying,they can give people more creativity towards arts, or do you think comic books are useless.

    1.Well According to the Ted Talk comics are actually helpful in the classroom which is true because kids that are born on 2000 or later love using screen tech devices and they would rather learn/study in the screen instead of flipping pages from the book so since comic books are interesting to read because of the drawing and it wouldn't be a problem for kindergartens to grade 12 to read comic books.But when Luen Yang was a teacher in the 1990s he thought bringing comics in the class would make his students think he's cool, but he was wrong because all the things Luen Yang was doing like when he was making a video to show his class about studying and in the video he was trying to use special effects like when he was don e showing an example he would clap his hands and the board will be magically erased. But his student taught it was bearable.Because those days he was trying to connect studying to comic books but no students had interest at all.but when he was teaching screen born kids he's students loved comic books in the classroom and it helped them study and learn visually from books faster.And thanks to the comic books.

    2.Interesting facts, did you know that a guy named Dr.Frederick Wertham (child psychologist) taught that comic books cause juvenile delinquency but he was wrong and what he didn't realize is that kids in 1940s and 1950s read lots of comic books and million of copies were sold each month.Juvenile Delinquency means the habitual commiting of criminal acts or offense by a young person.

    3.Yes I think that ted talks has a valuable way of learning because of the stories and the facts, and there's lots of information to collect too.

  24. "Why School should start late for teens"

    Summary: In this Ted talk video, sleep researcher and clinician, Wendy Troxel discusses why teens should start school later in the morning.Troxel argues that waking up teens before they have had the right amount of sleep, you are taking away their ability to learn, forming long term memories and being able to process their emotions.Teens need more sleep than adults and younger children because they produce melatonin 2 hours after. Many adolescents suffer from chronic sleep deprivation which is most likely the cause of why they are irritable, lazy and moody. Teens who suffer from chronic sleep deprivation are most likely to abuse drugs,be suicidal and suffer from depression. Also, they are at risk of being obese, diabetic and having heart related problems. If teens get more sleep time they are more likely to stay in school until they graduate which would be reducing the achievement gap.

    Interesting facts: 1.Getting five or less hours of sleep is the equivalent to driving with a blood alcohol content over the legal limit. 2.If teens don't get enough sleep their brains, bodies and behaviours will suffer with immediate and long lasting effects. 3. Students can suffer from ADHD due to sleep loss

    Yes, I think ted talks are a great way to learn because whenever they are covering a topic they explain it well with good information.

  25. How games make kids smarter

    1. In this video Gabe Zichermann, a public speaker and author who specializes in game mechanics is trying to educate us on how games make kids smarter, by increasing the grey matter in kids brains. The grey matter that kids get from games is caused from the by the fact that they are learning new things such how to play the game their overall success in the game does not matter. There are 5 things that you can do to increase your grey matter which include seek novelty, challenge yourself, think creatively, do things the hard way and network these things also increase your fluid intelligence (which helps you to problem solve). In case you didn't notice those 5 things could be easily found in video games.

    2. Facts: One really interesting fact was that fluid intelligence helps you to problem solve, I thought it would probably help your overall intelligence. Also another interesting fact was, in video games you have to do a lot of multitasking when I play video games I never have actually realized how much multitasking I'm actually doing when playing. The third fact that I found interesting was that the IQ has increased by .36 every year in the US.

    3. I do think that ted talks are a valuable way to learn because the people who talk on ted talks always have a lot of extra knowledge on the topic. Also since I thinks its better than reading I think hearing someone talk is more engaging.

  26. 1)
    The Ted Talk I watched was called 'What soccer can teach about freedom' by Marc Bamuthi Joseph. In the video Marc first starts off talking about the times he dances on stage and scores goals on the soccer field are moments he feels free. Soccer was the only thing that gave Marc and his immigrant family a sense of comfort and normality in the US. With all the xenophobia and hate going on in the states, Marc wanted to find away to connect communities through soccer and show how freedom can exist through the body and not just through words. Saying that, Marc created a program called 'Moving and Passing' ehi is a mic of teaching kids and adolescents about different traditions and soccer. He uses soccer as a metaphor because he believes that it's the only thing we can do on this planet together.

    Three interesting points/arguments Marc made were about the heightened levels of xenophobia, how soccer is a worldwide interest and that youth can show their freedom through dance and music. Xenophobia is a big thing this day and age no matter how many people peach against it there is still more than a handful of people who are racist, homophobic and believe in classism jokingly or not, they will do everything in their power to drag down another person just for their looks, where they come from, what their beliefs are, what their social class is or what their sexual orientation is, which may I say is not right considering it's 2019 and people still cannot accept change and act like it's the 19th century.
    I agree with the thought that soccer is a worldwide sport as the Fifa games have a bigger audience stadium and worldwide compared to the olympics. Many countries have formed soccer teams and train them to the best of their abilities to try and qualify them to make it into Fifa which I think is truly think is a great thing because it brings countries together in a playful competitive matter.


    I think Ted Talks are a valuable way to learn sometimes because we had class discussions before on how some of the speakers have theories about their topics but they do not have proof or evidence that their topic is true so you can easily argue against their facts. Meanwhile other speakers are either studying their topic or their topic is apart of their profession so there´s nothing really to argue about because they have done the research, Therefore that´s why I think that some Ted Talks have valuable information that´s true otherwise it´s based off of guess and theories.

    - Nevaeh

  27. 1] Micheal biret argues about how there are many old library's that are very, dirty and doesn't really give a good vibe into the reading space where kids can feel comfortable reading a book,so explains Micheal's point by helping making a action by first designing a logo for the library.

    2] Micheal talks about how kids might not even want to go to the library to read,because of the old unpleasant building and the way it didn't have much decoration witch the kids might not be interested by and teachers so having things that teachers and students will be interested will be amazing .

    3] yes, i think ted talks are valuable way to learn, because we know what going in our community and the things we cant really see in ether in a book or the internet
