Monday, January 14, 2019

Practical Wisdom


Good Morning Team,

Watch the Ted Talk Video on Practical Wisdom

Then answer these prompts 

What makes a wise person? 
What traits do they have? Provide an example and tell the story of a wise person you have learned from or learned about.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What makes a wise person? something that makes a wise person is their experience with things, they grow from their mistakes and always have a understanding mindset they reflect on themselves and find new ways to improve what they have done to make their best work.
    2.Some of the Character traits that wise people have are
    Empathy,responsibility and kindness

    Empathy,They have this character trait because they listen to others and support them the best they can.

    Responsibility,They have this character trait because they organize their lives and make sure they are on time with projects or places they have to attend.

    Kindness,They help others and always keep a nice mindset they barely complain about things.Support others when they have ideas or want to say something.

    A wise person i have learned from is Mark Twain,he was a American writer.His most famous quote is"kindness is a language which deaf can hear and the blind can see" He was a very wise person who always showed a kindheart and never seemed to complain.

  3. 1) A wise person has character traits, for an example, respect, honesty, and many more things like that, For an example, in the video, Barry Schwartz said " A wise person knows when and how to make an exception to every rule. A wise person also knows when and how to improvise." A wise person knows what he should do from what they should not like he explains the his point with example with the janitor.

    2)Traits that a wise person can have as in a example is respect, honesty, kindness, responsibility and many more traits. For example, Organization, they have everything neat and had everything handed in on time,respect, they are respectful to the environment and people.

    1. A wise person I have learned from is my Mom, she does everything she can for me and brothers and is always helping everyone out. Also, she always has a kind heart.

  4. What makes a wise person ?

    First off a "wise person can not be born" a wise person comes from experience having had tons of mistakes and learning from them having both moral will and skills

    1. As i was saying, mistakes are what make or break a have to make the moral decision to understand that a mistake does not mean you're through,that you're mistakes are a lesson if you don't make mistakes you will never learn anything new. A wise person will always find a way to improve themself,always reflecting on there work as well as there life.A wise person knows when to break the rules or bend them to accommodate the situation.

      what traits do wise people have
      i would rather more say skills than traits because people can gain skill over experience and patience.Where as a charter trait is more personality and we should know people for who they are not who we want them to be.
      some SKILLS wise people have would be,WILL and DRIVE " If there's a will there's a way"DRIVE the passion to do something. HUMANITY yes i believe this is a skill because most of us think we have this skill and we don't,generally understanding another human being showing EMPATHY this is not in most job descriptions but it is one of the most needed skills. That wise people have SOCIAL SKILLS, yes understanding the world no the people around you to make the right decisions.
      Someone wise i look up to
      Ah this may be obvious Albert Einstein
      he was a great mind never lacked self confidence, was kind a Quote from that speaks to the topic of discussion,is "A clever person solves a problem, A wise person solves it"-Albert Einstein.

  5. What makes a wise person?

    A wise person doesn’t just become wise with the click of a button, they become wise from experience and being taught from other wise people. A wise person knows when and how to make “the exception of every rule”. Wisdom depends on the experience. Also, not all wise people are brilliant, but without wisdom, brilliance isn’t enough.

    What trait do they have?

    Wise people have many incredible traits, but the few that stick out to me are ones that I am able to see in many wise people. Wise people are very compassionate, they are able to feel what others are going through, that’s why, the hospital janitor was able to understand why he shouldn’t vacuum while a family was sleeping in the waiting room, he felt what they were going through. Wise people are also open-minded. They have to be able to understand that not every thing is going to work as planned, they have to be able to change the original plan. Lastly, wise people have to be willing. They have to be prepared to do something that “wasn’t apart of the plan”.

    A wise person that I have learned from is my mom, she is always ready to help someone when the plan isn’t following the path. Also, she will always fight for what she is passionate about.

  6. To be wise person you have to be made not born-By Barry Schwartz.To be wise you have to have the experience from childhood or being taught by other adults that are also wise and you have to be open-minded to people around you.Think deeper,be creative and be responsible.Sometimes it takes time to have lots of knowledge because it's not easy.

  7. What makes a wise person?

    A wise person knows when and how to make the exception to every rule.A wise person knows when and how to improvise, and last, a wise person is made not born.

    A wise person is someone who learns from their mistakes, forgives themselves and tries to be a better version of themselves. A wise person knows his faults and admits when he's wrong.A wise person doesn't boast he's wise. He knows that there are other people who are wiser than him but he tries to improve himself.A wise person is a helpful person.

  8. 1. What makes a wise person wise is how they display their attitude against people. Wise people are usually older than us and that's probably because of their life experiences which made them so wise. Another reason they could be so wise is that they always relate to their personal lives whenever.

    2. Wise people have a lot of traits including, Honesty, respect, kindness and more. For example when i was in grade 7 i went to my cousins house and my cousins dad was very inspiring and wise because he always talked to me about how to save money and take care of myself when i become an adult.

  9. TED Loss of Wisdom

    What makes a wise person?

    A wise person knows when and how to make “the expectation to every rule”, and a wise person knows when and how to improwise. But at the same time they know how to use these morol skills in pursuit of the right aims. A wise person knows is made but not born. The thing is a wise person takes experience about how care and all those things ut the good news is that you don't have to be brilliant to be wise and the bad news is without wisdom brilliance is not enough. But what i learned is that it is god to be wise person but u need wisdom for it.

    What traits do they have?

    Wise people have many variety of traits. The traits that makes a wise person will have respect, honesty, responsibility, kindness and many more. They are sharp like a knife to be honest like the person who shows up on time, gives you respect, compassion and many more. Wise people are very open on everything no hesitation and well mannered.

    The wise and attractive person i know is my grandpa he is very calm and a very wise person, he is very caring person and whenever or who ever have any sort of bad feelings he released it from them.

  10. Practical wisdom
    1 Whats makes a wise person
    What makes a wise person in my opinion is how they would decide what would be beneficial towards what they are going to do and how they can show what they can do if they had something they needed to do,most likely as i said it should be beneficial towards what they need but mostly it’s mainly about how they can make a good use of their time and how they can maintain these source of their surroundings but it’s mainly about what and how it benefits you,mainly as a student or as i known around my surroundings i would mainly think what i can think of as fun than actually think what is more resourceful.

    2. A trait that makes a wise person is an act of kindness and some responsibility because you got to maintain your priority of what you want and also could also become a happy and nice person so everyone can be nice towards you back like respect,Maybe the one person i can talk to is my parents because they are the ones who made me who i am i maybe sometimes not be wise but i think i can show respect,most i think respecting your peers will make them respect me but i just normally like to be kind which can be good in a way but also bad but i hope i can be more wise

  11. What makes a wise person?-To be a wise person, you need to have mistakes in your life, so that we learn from them.We also are being taught how to be wise by learning from our parents or rather some other adults that you know.To be a wise person, is made not born-Barry schwartz.

    What traits do they have?Provide an example and tell the story of a wise person you have learned from or learned about-A wise person has extraordinary traits.They make wise decisions, thoughts, ideas, and many more.They can also understand others feelings and how they feel.ONe example from the TED talk video that, the hospital janitor had a job to vacuum the floor, he saw that a family was in the sleeping room, instead the hospital janitor left the room instead of vacuuming it.He understood how the family felt.Wise people are also very respectful, they respect the environment and people in a respectful manner.If someone is knowing that everything is not going as planned, it means that he or she is open-minded and wise.They have to be willing and have to make a wise decision for a new plan.

  12. What makes a person wise?

    If you want to be wise you have to have experience with things. People aren’t born wise you have to become wise. You don't have to be brilliant to be wise. A wise person knows when and how to make “the exception to every rule.” They also know when and how to improvise. A wise person is made not born. Wise people learn from their mistakes hence why you need the experience. Wise people are usually older than us.

    What character traits do they have?

    I think wise people have many character traits some of them are traits like responsibility, and respect. I think responsibility is a good trait in wise people because they know how to get work done in the given time, they learn from their mistakes. Respect is another trait because a wise person never tells anyone that they’re wise, they know that there are more wise people then them. They know how to treat others and the environment around them with respect. There's another trait that wise people have but i don't know the exact word but it’s when they expect the unexpected, they don't have to rely on rules and can make decisions for themselves.

    A wise person that I have learned from is my dad. I feel like he went through all the experiences a person can have. He came as a immigrant and needed to do all his university degrees again because the degrees in india were worthless here. Now he’s a professional chartered accountant and has his own company and is very successful. He told me many of his life stories and is preparing me for adulthood. Things like financial status, he taught me about that, he taught me many more smaller things. I think my dad is a great example of a wise person.

  13. What makes a wise person?
    The things that make people wise are varied, a wise person is brilliant, but brilliance is not alone without wisdom.He mentioned this quote in the ted talk,He also talks about how to have wisdom you need experience.To be wise you need to have experience doing what you're doing to be wise, like the janitors they knew how to be wise, and kind.Wise people don't always have to be extremely brilliant, but they do have to have some intelligence That is a way to be wise.Finally Wise people also should know when they should have to break a rule,he talks about how breaking rules is ok, only if they don't serve a big purpose, but not all rules are allowed to be broke.

    Traits of wise people can include: Kindness,Caring,Empathy,Responsibility,Initiative, and Intelligence. These are all very good traits
    Wise people are kind, they are caring. Like the janitors, that did not disturb the patients.They also put themselves into other people shoes, which shows that they are empathetic.They also think ahead and are smart, and intelligent.They also are responsible, and take initiative.Wise people are good people, and can help others.Those are some character traits of wise people.

    A story of a wise person would be my mom, she always remembers to do things that others forget about, and helped me with a lot of things, when I was very young.

  14. Practical wisdom

    What makes a wise person is, the actions of the person, common knowledge based on experience, doing the right thing even if it goes against protocall\rules. In the Ted Talk the speaker, Barry Schwartz talks about workers in the hospital who do things to help around the hospital that aren't in the rulebook but still did to make do for the patients. One janitor, (Mike) stopped mopping one floor because mr. Jones( a patient) was out of his bed getting some exercise walking up and down the hall. Another worker (Sharleen) stopped vacuuming the lounge because there was a family that was there all day and they were taking a nap, her being a wise person didn't want to disturb them as they were probably going through some tough times. Another janitor (Luke) washed the floor in a culmitos young mans room twice because the man's father who had been keeping a visual didn't see luke do it the first time and the father became angry. These are the type of things that wise people do. They think about other people and do nice things to accommodate their needs. If there is a problem or a little roadblock they will find their own solutions and fix the problem they have. That's what makes a wise person.


  15. What makes a wise person? Barry Shwartz explains how experience over a period of time gives you wisdom, it doesn't come to you all of a sudden or that no one is born with it. Someone who knows and does what the right thing is even if you might have to tweak a rule. They know when it's appropriate for them to improvise. A wise person can figure out a solution without having to depend on a rule.

    Traits of a wise person is someone who can come up with a quick solution and doesn't worry or panick. As said before they can improvise. A wise person has lots of integrity. They do the right thing even if its not required or expected. For an example the janitor didn't have to mop the floor twice just because the patient didn't see it. It wasn't in his/her job description but they did it anyway because the janitor was being empathetic and did more than he was supposed to.

  16. Our loss of wisdom

    I think that a wise person is someone that has been through a lot and has enough experience about something to provide decent wisdom/judgment. Just as Barry Schwartz stated, i also believe that a wise person is not born but formed throughout time. As he stated in the Ted talk, there is a fine line between being brilliant and wise, you can be extremely brilliant but without wisdom, the fact that you're brilliant would be purely inconsequential.

    I believe that a wise person should be someone who has enough experience that they would have the capability to not only understand things, but also help other people understand things. For example: A student could easily go into class and finish their work and claim to be wise for finishing it, but in my opinion, what would actually make them somewhat wise is if they took their experiences and used it to help others. I personally don't believe that being wise is purely knowing things. I think that being wise would be to have a deeper understanding of a subject, and that doesn’t take brilliance or intelligence, it solely takes experience.

    A good example of a wise person would be Coco Chanel. She was arguably the most influential fashion designer of all time. As a designer, Coco Chanel revolutionised the way that women wore clothes. She popularised trousers and even started/ popularised the tanning trend. Due to the fact that darker skin was usually associated with lower classes, this was a huge deal. After popularising this, darker skin was a sign of wealth and beauty. Coco Chanel was also the first designer to borrow a clothing idea from men and convert it to womens. This was also huge deal around the time because many women were struggling with their rights issues. In conclusion, i believe that Coco Chanel was one of the many wise people of her time, not because she made cool things, but she put the (at the time) weaker gender in power. Even if what she did may seem small, it still made a difference.


  17. 1. nothing makes a wise person it happens over time when you have a little more experience then they do now and know when to not do something or to do something different than what they do now. Also it comes over time when your around wise people most of your life.

    2.the traits that make a wise person are "kindness, caring, open mind, respect, and Empathy"

    3.A wise person I know is my father, my father never stops working even if he wants to take a rest. my father knows when to bend the rules when it comes to it.


  18. what makes a wise person?

    as he said (a wise person was made not born to be wise) they also might have a lot of experience from different people. a wise person knows when to do everything on time.
    wisdom does not equal to knowledge.

    trait they have: a wise person has responsibility, organization, kindness, honesty, respect and needs to have carriage and hand in everything in the right time,

  19. Practical Wisdom

    In this ted talk video American psychologist, Barry Schwartz explains what makes a wise person. A wise person knows when to make the exception to every rule and they possess moral will and skill to do right by others. They are empathic, responsible, kind and caring. In this video, He also shared that wise people aren’t born they are made by the different experiences they have that allow them to improvise and fail and learn from your failures, they need to be mentored by wise teachers.

    A wise person that I have learned a lot from is my mother. She is always trying to make a better version of herself. When my mom came to Canada she had to go back to school to get back her insurance license to continue being an insurance agent. Now she is a very successful agent. My mom taught me that anything I want in life is possible i just need to work really hard for it

  20. Wise people are made not born. A wise person follows rules and regulations but challenges them when they are unjust. There are situations when rules do not serve a purpose and a lot more can be done by bending them or improvising. Instead of following others, think for yourself and don’t take the easy way out. Wisdom means having the ability to make accurate or equitable judgements and understand that every rule has an exception. It is the possession of virtue and morals and using them to serve others, not manipulate. Everyone fails, but a wise person gets back up and learns from their mistakes.

    There are several traits possessed by a wise person. One of them is responsibility. In the story about Switzerland and the nuclear waste, wise citizens were content with it being stored in their community because they knew their role as inhabitants of the area. They took responsibility. Another important trait is solicitude. The janitors were considerate to the people they worked with and did not have a problem with improvising for the better. The hospital worker who refused to vacuum while a family was sleeping there showed compassion as he understood what they were going through.

    I believe an example of a wise person is the greek philosopher Aristotle. He once greatly said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”. This quote really inspires me and I agree with the idea that one must know themselves before they can try and get to know those around them, which eventually leads to wisdom.

  21. 1) What makes a wise person?
    Being wise is not a trait you are born with, you are made into a wise person. Wise people know when and how to improvise, and when and how to make the exception to every rule, because wise people know that rules may be made to follow but they lack thinking, while others may think that since its a rule it must be right. A wise person knows how to use moral skill in pursuit of the right aim.

    2) What traits do they have?
    Being wise bring out many traits of a person, being wise helps show kindness, empathy, moral skill and moral will. “Practical wisdom is a combination of moral skill and moral will” said Barry Schwartz, “moral skill is to do right by people, and moral skill is to figure out what doing right means” also quoted by Barry Schwartz, I feel like this is a big trait that wise people have, and as mentioned before a wise person knows how to use moral skill in pursuit of the right aim. A wise person is known to show empathy and tend to help and learn from others. A wise person also admits when they don't know something and always think before they speak. A wise person possess the ability to be kind, they never intentionally go to places that has negative vibes, they usually stay around positive people. An example of a wise person showing kindness and making an exception to every rule would be Charlene the janitor who chose to not vacuum the visitor lounge while family members of patients were sleeping. I believe all of these character traits come from being a wise person.

    A wise person I've learned from is my grandmother, we were really close after she got sick, she always used to advise me about my future and share experiences from when she was younger. Unfortunately she passed away before I was able to learn more from her, but she was one of the wises people I knew, and I hope to encounter more people like her to learn from.


  22. What Makes A Wise Person
    Becoming a wise person is becoming an individual who is willing to learn all the time and regardless of his mistakes will find something new to learn about. “ The Wise” don't end problems with no justice or they don't jump to conclusions but instead they put things in perspective; they have the knowledge,experience,understanding and they take all sorts of reasonings into consideration - this leads to making things better for greater good.

    What Traits Do They Have?
    Traits of a wise person include not only adapting to a situation but also not paying attention to what they get back in life from doing “ justice”,some more traits are wise people never take rejection or failure in a negative way they look at the situation and improve themselves, wise people use their imagination to the fullest extent to understand the situation, they tend to be more self-reflective in order to gain more experience and knowledge - this includes learning from a crisis that comes upon them and lastly i think that wise people are very tolerant to situations they understand that if they do not patiently go through the situation nothing will be resolved.

    Provide An Example And Tell The Story Of A Wise Person You Have Learned From Or Learned About
    A good example of a wise person would be Harriet Tubman; she was a African-American who escaped to the North from slavery in 1850 with her husband - she played an important and
    Very dangerous role in the movement that helped slaves from the south escape to Canada the so-called "Underground Railroad";and later on she made her hometown Auburn, NY a center of activity in support of women's rights. I think she took the initiative of a wise person and helped bring justice to those slaves.

  23. What makes a wise person?
    A person does not become wise based on their brilliance but what they have learned through experience and mistakes. It takes time to become a wise human being and you can't rush it. The person also needs to have moral skills to understand what is the right choice to make in whatever type of situation that you are in. For example when s person asked a group of people if they were willing to give up land for nuclear waste 50% said yes, but when they added that they were going to give money it went down 25%.

    What traits do they have?
    A wise person is responsibility, kind and respectful to others. The janitor that works in the hospital was kind the and respected that they needed to rest so he didn't vacuum while they were sleeping in the waiting area. A wise person would take responsibility for their action because they believe that what they did was right.

    A wise person that I have learned from would have to be my mother because she is kind, responsible and lots more. She would never treat someone like they were less then her. If she was asked for help with something she would do whatever she could to help.
