Friday, November 22, 2013

True Grit

True Grit

Short Version

Long Version

Expanding on the ideas of student success and importantly engagement and motivation.

Tell me one item that homeroom teachers could do to support your GRIT by creating things that are engaging and motivating.  Explain in detail what you would suggest and how it would encourgae more Grit in students.

Then find two other students posts and challenge and question their suggestions.  


  1. Something teachers can do to give us little more "grit" is.....make us plan ahead. I mean then you would know what you want to do, although it may change, its something you will be focused on for a while. You will be motivated, you will know what you want to do. And at some point you will actually achieve it, it might be easy or it might be hard. This can make you more "gritteir" because you will know what you are after, and if you are really really in to it then you might start now. I'm sure everyone has at least one thing they are passionate of, why not start now?

    1. Explain how you know for sure that at some point we are going to acheive our goals.

    2. A goal is a goal, if you make it you are 99% good to to leave it hanging around. If anything they can use it as a back up plan.

    3. I am going to change this anwser sionce i have a new perspective after re watching the video, and the homework questions.

  2. I honestly think homeroom teacher's can't support grit and I say this because I believe true grit comes from yourself, others cant help nor support grit because its your self-motivation not theirs

    1. I think your wrong about "other not helping your 'grit'". Do you not thin they can help you make it a long term 'grit'?

  3. I agree with abdi teachers can not make/ build girt, this is because it comes for the students it self.something teachers could do is promote students to work harder and give them reasons why/ what will happen if they have grit.

    example: teachers show students videos like this one about grit, give the examples of grit or tell them why they should have grit, and how it will help them in the future

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    2. I also agree with Abdi. Teacher's cannot support grit because it is something us students have to create for ourselves. We have to set our own long term goals, it isn't something a teacher can teach or set for you. We have to be courageous and determined on our own, teacher's cannot create it for us.

    3. yes i agree with tamna and abdi because we have to be passionate and courageous towards something the only thing teachers are doing are supporting us by giving things that will help us.

    4. other wise it is 75% on the student, the student doesn't want it, the teacher can't do anything, the students needs potential and determination.

  4. To my belief I don't think teachers from grade 6-8 can support Grit, I think it comes from your first few teachers and yourself more importantly. Grit I think should be supported but really more for the younger kids and I think they stop supporting Grit at a certain age and they just assume you got it. From what I've heard Grit is a long term goal that you have a passion for and still will in years from now. I found this website and it shows (in my opinion) how Grit is mainly used in younger grades. So I don't think they can support Grit any more for me.

    1. i disagree grit is what you are passionate about and what your long term goals are, grit comes from you its what you want to be teachers cant tell you what you have to be.

    2. like the example for younger grades you said teachers create grit in you but you are the producer of grit yourself.

    3. Yes, you are correct in saying this but, As I highlighted I don't believe they can support Grit in our grade. You are correct Grit comes from yourself and if you really want it, You set that long term goal but they mainly start that in like grade 2 and it's your choice to continue it or not.

    4. i assume that in grade 2 you dont even know what you want to be and you are just passing grades having fun you dont have any interest in grit stuff.

    5. This is why when your young they ask you "What do you want to be when you grow up" and half of the kids stick to it, the other half wonder.

    6. when you are in grade 2 you just choose fun stuff you don't even know half of the thing that you can be motivated toward , when you are in higher grades you know more more to choose from.

    7. Yeah but by then you have forgotten the idea of Grit, and what you want to be, you develop a new thing that you may or may not stick too. Grit is mainly supported in the younger grades.
      Look at the link, it sounds like its for grade 2,3 and 4. I personally think that Grit cannot be supported any more for grade 8.

  5. No teacher could really support our grit. The best thing they could do is be honest with you , , give you constructive criticism . I like to be told when im doing things wrong it makes me want to do it right and to prove the person wrong ! Grit is all you , if you want to achive something you would work for it . Teacher cant support us entirly with our grit but they could tell us ways to build it and make us better at it . I dont want them to encourage me . I wouldn't want to be told "your doing great!' when I am really horrible. I would want the truth on how i could make it better ! That is going to motivate me to do better. So the best thing teachers could do is be honest with us .

    1. So your saying teachers can support grit but not produce it

    2. I don't think they could entirely support it . But they are able to help build ours

    3. i agree beacuse they can make you interested in stuff and motivate you but you ra ethe starter it come from you.

    4. i meant that i agree teachers can make you interested in stuff and keep you motivated toward your goals but we produce grit it comes from us teacher just help.

    5. i agree although teachers can not build grit they can support it in a student

    6. The criticizum might help you for one task, but that would help for that 1 task. That over all would not make you grittier.

  6. I don't think that teachers can support your grit because the teachers do not know how the student studies and they don't know what type of learner that student is, Also by the way your grit is in your body only and other grits in other people are inside them so I really think that no matter what the teachers do and no matter how long they will do it you can never change someone's grit in their life but I think that you can change your own grit.

    1. Hassan don't you think if teachers encourage creativity and to help students see that hard work and grit can yield moments of creativity students will increase their Grit themselves?

    2. With the motivation of teachers or anyone in general our grit could become much more better hassan.

    3. Gurvir I don't think this why is that maybe that student is shy and he does not like to talk and the teacher gives him a work to do he does it but not correct and so the teacher needs to know how this student will learn so them the teachers can help him, I know this my I was watching a movie and there was a child and he was not able to study the right way and he saw the words dancing so then his dad put him into boarding school, There he was also having trouble and he did not know what to do but on day one of the teachers was not here and it was a nice teacher so he also was an art teacher so he gave everyone a piece of paper so they can do whatever they want but the child did not do anything. Then the teacher went to his house to tell him that he had a problem so he was helping him to learn and the teacher was the same as him and the teacher found out how this student was and helped him to get better so i think now that when teachers find out how the student is they can change the students grit.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Yeah I know but with teachers that know how the student study's is going to help the teacher to find out how to make that student learn with that way Rochelle.

  7. I dont think teachers can really support our grit our grit come from us our motivation our determination no teacher can give us that its all from us and our determination to do so others cant support your grit it all you all other people can do is cheer you on

    1. People could help you by giving you things to work on. That will make you better and motivate you to fix them

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    3. People can help you not motivate you, motivation comes from one self not others

    4. Abdi people can motivate you for example, when coaches give their teams a pep talk during halftime, they are using motivation. They want their players to charge back onto the field or the court with renewed energy and focus, even though they may be too tired or disheartened to try.

    5. i agree with gurvir they actually are trying to motivate you to wrok better and trying to give you more enery and stamina

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Gurvir i agree you can get some motivation but you can only motivate yourself to get better faster and stronger it comes from our own determination it comes from our will to get better

    8. If we are motivated to do better i think we engage more eric . Its like getting a inspiring pep talk before a big game it gives you an extra push and you feel ready .

    9. yes that prep talk is nice aand all and it gets you pumped but what about that longterm goal to get better that comes from yourself and your own determination to get better your own motivation

    10. Eric's right, no ones going to be there 24/7 trying to motivate you. Yes, sure some one can motivate you to win a game or score a high on a test but that won't be of any avail in the long run, at the end of the day it all comes down to your self-motivation to push past your limits.

    11. I Think that both is important. You can't have grit if you yourself aren't determined. If you create your own determination, it will last for only a little time because you will feel bored and tired of continuing your goal if no one talks to you about it. Everyone needs a motivator and someone to encourage them so that they have YOUR motivation and their own to keep them going.

    12. So are you saying it's not right to rely on motivation from your peers or teachers?

    13. But self motivation is more important than other people that motivate you. If there are people motivating you, that's great. But you can't have grit and determination if you aren't determined yourself. No one can create it for you.

    14. i think true long term grit is what you have to gain on your own without having to rely on someone to support your grit its all about your own desire and ambition if you have true grit i dont think you'll need someone to support you. i dont think they do a lot to support your grit in the first place

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. "Tell me one item that homeroom teachers could do to support your GRIT by creating things that are engaging and motivating. Explain in detail what you would suggest and how it would encourgae more Grit in students."

    To set a long-term goal and stick with it is tough, and I don't think teachers will be able to support every single student with more Grit, that's virtually impossible and maybe even absurd. However, they can always motivate their students to follow their dreams or carry out their goals. They would be able to do this by lots of convincing and criticism (constructive), but they can also bring in an example of a success, and that person them self, could do the convincing . Give them proof that even if it is difficult, it is possible. Maybe then, the students will snap out of Fairy Tale Land and start getting GRIT themselves.

    1. So are you trying to say that all of us are living in a Fairy Tale Land? Do you think that nobody has grit yet?

    2. Not all of us, but chances are, that very few of us have started to fully commit ourselves to their futures and dreams, often straying from the goal on the way. Maybe some people do, and maybe some people don't, but everyone can build it up if they choose to.

    3. But the question is how can teachers improve students grit, not how can students improve their girt!

    4. In your opinion do think it is necessary for everyone to have grit?

    5. oh. xD True..
      But I stated that I do not believe it is possible to force Grit into someone, that person has to develop Grit for themselves.

    6. Srushti- I think it's necessary to possess grit if you want to succeed an unimaginable goal or fulfil a dream of yours.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Perhaps Teachers need to MODEL the impacts of GRIT. Be honest with opportunities and explain the lasting impacts of decisions.

    Importantly get you to take ownership of your education and not depend on teachers

    But teachers need to work to make class engaging and motivating because this will spur on Grit...a boring and dead class can suck the life and energy out of most students.

    1. Teachers also need to explain to their students that just because you don't see the results right away doesn't mean that you should give up on your long-term goal. Long- term success comes with an ever lasting determination.

  12. I've read an article that has been written by Julie DeNeen, and she came up with an very interesting idea. Julie idea was called "isn't meant to have a perfect ending". She said that once in awhile it will benefit teachers students to give them a problem or worksheet that they cannot complete perfectly. Julie said teachers should warn them ahead of time that the goal of this exercise is simply to try, not to succeed. She said at the end, hand out a reward or grade that is dependent on their effort, not the aptitude.I actually agree with miss DeNeen because this actually shows grit!. This exercise is to try to succeed. And it can't be completed, so doing this will actually improve grit, cause it encourages you to try!

  13. grit is passion and persverence forvery long term goals.grit is having stamina and sticking with the future, not for a week not a month but for years.and passion is what we are motivated towards a teacher can tellus what we should be passionate about but they can help us get more motivate towards it. teachers can support but they cant produce grit from us.

  14. To start increasing Grit in students, teachers should firstly start planting sentences like, It can be frustrating to not get it the first time, but we stick with things and try again, to daily language in the classroom. Which can inspire students to keep trying when they don't understand and are about to give up. Homeroom teachers can also gather a great variety of books (fiction and nonfiction) that deal with the concept of perseverance and have read aloud and class discussions on the book the class read together. Teachers could plan on providing challenging team problems as part of a weekly curriculum. Teachers can gather ideas for team challenges, small group puzzles, brain teasers. These activities will challenge students to think and problem solve creatively. Students should have Grit inside them so they can believe in themselves and have the perseverance to do what they think is right and follow the path they want to. Homeroom teachers can help a lot in increasing a students Grit, and I think some of these ways can help in doing so.

    1. so are you saying that teachers support our grit. but we are the one who are working hard they are just motivating us like the examples you gave. but we are the actual creater of our grit.

    2. but what is your final answer........
      can techers biuld grit in students ?

    3. what are some ideas they can use to help support grit in stidents?

  15. Yeah Subhan that's what I was trying to say, because Grit is deep inside us and only we can access it, but with the help of teachers motivation we will be inspired and we will access our Grit.

  16. one item that your home room teacher can do to support our grit is to be honest with us so we can see what were not doing good at so we can improve at it.and teachers dont know what motivates us and or whats our long term goal so no i dont think our home room teacher can support our grit.

    1. i think they can support grit by making us more interested towards or goal but we produce grit.we tell what we want to bbe whats our goal they can support us.

  17. As in my opinion home room teachers can not exactly help us built grit, they can motivate us by using strategies that inspire us. Such as people who get motivated to do something by hearing real life stories or biographies, can be motivated no other way than that. Students build grit when someone encourages them, teachers can do this too. And it is not necessary for the teacher to know how every student in the class gets motivated, according to the fact that everyone has different ways to lead them to true grit.

    1. How can teachers encourage students? What should they do?

    2. what are some ways they can help support grit ?

    3. In some cases like assigning a project, they can give us a choice to present the project in a way we want. Such as some students like to express their ideas with technology , where the other may want to hear real life stories to show their presentation.

  18. I don't think that that there really is a way that someone can help another to build or embed grit since grit is something embedded in one's soul and the matter is just how long that one takes to find it. Although, supporting isn't telling someone what to do nor is it - in this case - building the grit for them (grit is already in the soul and you, yourself need to find and build it). Supporting is when a side is taken and encouraged. What teachers should do to support and encourage grit is have a requirement for some assignments where they should present their work in a way that expresses themselves. That way, the students sort of discover themselves and their passion or grit is brought up to attention and when they think of it, they think of of their passion increasing the strength of their grit. The student for sure has a passion - strong or weak - and that passion is their grit. I believe that people's passion to fulfill their goal becomes stronger when one gets a chance to bring it up to others and that way they feel appreciated. After rejoicing on the fact that they are appreciated, usually people want to make it a bigger matter.

    1. Though isn't it true that teachers can motivate us if not support us?

  19. I really don't think teachers or anyone can help build grit. The only thing they can do is motivate us and encourage us that is a part of building grit. In my assumption I think we already have the grit inside us but we just have to figure out a way to let it be shown and expressed out. Grit is a way to show your passion and the way you learn well that is what i personally believe. As Khushi has mentioned and I have thought too that teachers should let students express their own selves in their own way when it comes to presenting and many other things they do in class that way they can find their true grit. As a matter of fact everyone has true grit and have different way to find it.

    1. for the beggining sentence i mean not exactly teachers can help build grit

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. One thing our teachers could do to somewhat impact our grit is just be honest with us tell us we suck tell us we wont make it will automatically make us want to do better it would make us more determined it would motivate us to do better

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This won't improve everyone's grit maybe this might make some of them give up. These comments can work on some people but everyone is the same.

    3. If our teachers tell us that we need to do better then we will try to do better if they give up the teachers will give them a reason to try again to do better to get a better future and then we will be even more determined to do better we will be motivated to motivate ourselfs it might not impact everyone the same but it will make a diffrence

    4. Oh now your saying that, but it is true ,since you added that. Before you said it will "automatically " improve your grit.

    5. Yes it will but for some very little impact and others a huge reason for success

    6. I agree with Eric if they tell you your good when you actually suck you'll just be building false security when you actually suck

    7. However, Eric, I know many many pathetic people who take these things, then sulk about it, not willing to change, including myself. Don't you think it depends on the person's personality?


  21. I don't think teachers can build our Grit because we have our own motivation and we get motivated by our own reason .Teachers can help motivate us for our success.Grit is your own passion and determination.People can only encourage you,Grit is something only you can build because it's for your future 'your long term success.

    1. so you don't think teachers will be able to help us improve our grit in order to reach our goal .

    2. Dont teachers motivate you to get better Can they help make you more determined?

    3. Rochelle I think teachers can motivate us a little bit but they can't build our grit it comes from our own determination.

    4. Eric I think they can because when teachers tell you are terrible at what your're doing you practice and you are determined to work harder and succeed at what ever your're your doing so yes they can make you determined.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I think teacher scan make more grit by having more fun in the classroom and doing something everyone likes and would enjoy. If the teacher does that they will even have grit to do it and keep on going and they will be more engaged in the lesson

    1. What if the teachers is a boring one what can they do then?

    2. Keep on trying to make it more fun

  24. After being questioned by Abdi, and doing the L.A questions, I actually though it through. You cannot teach someone to be "gritty". I take the word grit to mean motivated. And you can't tell someone you have to be motivated. Take me for example, I recently turned 13. And I do qualify for this since she talks about students. I do not know what I want to do with life currently. There is no way Mr.Cheney or any other teacher can tell me what I actually want to do. Abdi opened my eyes to realizing you teach someone to have grit. Some may have it and some may not. Its not really you job to tell some one how to do thing. You can't convince someone to be motivated. That is like asking a new born baby not to cry. It is not something you could just teach someone. It all depends on who you self are. But if you think you could be taught comment below and we will see if you think the same.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I dont think you could be taught grit . But teachers could motivate you . You say that Mr. cheney or any teacher can not tell you want to do/be but they could open your eyes to new options

    3. Most of you guys are talking about how if a teacher tells you, you suck then you would want to do better. Personally, that would help me with my one task, you cannot use writting skills in math, or vice versa. It might help you with ONE task, but that would not make you overall gritteir.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I beleive it could . If your being told what you need to do better always it will make you better it will shape you into a better gritter person

    6. grit is motivation or passion. I would try. But not everything connects. Math and Language have nothing to with each other, you may be super good at math but might be poor in Language. Obviously you will like math better. And you will work a little more harder for math since you know you can do it.

  25. hey my fellow cassmates the question is how can teachers support grit not if they can build grit in a student!!!!!!!!

    so please read the question :P

    in my opinion teachers could support grit by.......
    example: teachers show students videos like this one about grit, give the examples of grit or tell them why they should have grit, and how it will help them in the future

    1. What if that doesnt convinve them, personally it did not convince me. I am happy with what I am currently am at. I do not need a random you tube lady telling me i need to be more "grittier".

    2. Hello my fellow classmate, I don't think that the idea of Grit can be supported any more in grade 8, I think it is either you have Grit, yiu have the passion and motivation or you don't, but that doesn't mean you can't build it for yourself. You can build Grit for yourself I just don't believe teachers can help that. Here is a link of how to support Grit in the class room, but honestly in sounds like you can only support Grit in the younger ages,
      Check my post if you want more on my opinion.

    3. thats what i have been trying to say. THANK YOU DeAndre!

  26. I think should show what true grit can do for us. And give examples of how it has helped people. The teachers are here for our guidance, so they should help us set our true grit,
    So we can perceive in excellence.other wise it is 75% on the student, the student doesn't want it, the teacher can't do anything, the students needs potential and determination.

  27. The biggest assumption is that students work hard at difficult and challenging work...over under %50 how many push themselves when work is hard...hmmmmmmm

    This is you thinking in THEORY but not always PRACTICAL

    Consider your math homework. When the questions are tough, you skip it, rush it, ask for help to get answer

    Consider your math group problems. Are you all in to get the solution or waiting around for others to figure it out.

    Consider your blogging. Are your answers indepth and thought out or just one sentence answers that any grade 4 could duplicate

    You argue you want honestly, are you sure, most students cripple and complain when the roots of their faults are addressed and go into victim mode. Again the THEORY vs PRACTICAL, the computer world vs the real world, the moral self righteous finger waving from our computers

    just things to consider

    Perhaps this is when the teacher needs to play a role

    1. i DO NOT understand how this relates to the question or grit?
      please help me uderstand !!!!!

    2. it relates to all the responses and all the examples given to support their positions

    3. under 50%
      ^For me is if I actually have the time, yea i will go throug
      h it all *(with my siblings). But if i am rushed then yes i might skip it.

    4. Teacher can show the impacts, but other wise it is 75% on the student, the student doesn't want it, the teacher can't do anything, the students needs potential and determination.

    5. under 50%
      your right, the majortiy of us would wait for bail outs on questions,or just give up so soon. There are those types of people who wouldnt give up until they find an answer, but in this class, its usually that the person skips the question or ask for bail out. We are smart kids, is just that we dont try as hard.

    6. ^therefore we are not grittier towards it

  28. In my opinion grit cannot be taught. But we can build grit up. We can make class rooms more fun. Show inspiring videos. So slowly we can end up building grit.

    1. List more reasons on how we can build up Grit instead of classroom fun.

  29. Well, what home room teachers can do to help us students to have girt is nothing. The teachers can do absolutely nothing! The question ask how can teachers motivate us for students. Students get motivated by role models, Students choose what they want to be motivated by, and if Teachers really want to help us, they only thing they can do is set an example, thats all that they can do. They can`t build Grit for us, They can`t guide us all the way, It all depends on us students. Besides setting an example, there is really no way a teacher can help us build our girt. It all depends on how the students want to be motivated.

  30. the example about the role models is true and i agree with you.

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  32. I think teachers can do something to increase grit in us. In our age group (as what many people say) there is barely anything that can do anything to build more grit. But I noticed something. If the teacher makes us play games or something fun, it may build grit. If we are "persuaded" to do something, we would be a bit more gritty.

    1. There is actually allot of things around us that can help us build our 'grit'. Do you think we just not might see it?

  33. What homeroom teachers can do is taking each of our weakness and helping us do work with them and activities with them. So that way we can build up our 'grit' and use it fir allot of purposess. But still contenuie to work and get motivated. Because we explore our 'grit' in those new ways we might quit or drop out because we are not use to it.

  34. I think that teachers should start giving their students more challenges and puzzles. That's because I believe that failure eventually leads to success. So if any student fails/ loses in the challenge, contest etc. They will realise what they need to improve in and they will try and try. That way the Grit in them will start to develop. I think this would be a way that teachers can support their students.

  35. Like for example with math some people struggle with instead of siting in a chair almost the whole time and trying to do it themselves, they can get active with it. Do more activities and hard ones to improve and expand their 'grit'. So that way when it comes to a test or exam they have the ways and solutions to solve it.
