Thursday, November 7, 2013

Rebound - David and his injury

Rebound - David reckless?!

David fell and smashed his face and his wheelchair when he apparently tried to jump down stairs in his wheelchair.  

He was described as Reckless by his mom and Sean. 

Is David RECKLESS? or is he something else?

First identify what Reckless is

Then justify with evidence that David is reckless / if you do not think so find a new word to describe him and justify your position. 

Chat with 2 other students about the words they choose or the example they choose.  Ideally people with opposing view points to create more meaningful dialogue  


  1. Reckless means: to be headless or careless. I totally think that David is not reckless.I just think that he's willing to take chances to make a change in his life. My opinion is that David is a believer! He believes in his self and is very determine to make a change in his life so that he can walk again.

    1. I understand what you mean when you say David believer, but he is reckless. He is careless! Remember when he fought with the high school students? if he wasn't being careless, then what is he being?? He couldn't have been believing, there's no explanation.

    2. Abigail i agree with both of you sometimes he i hits the hot side and sometimes he thinks he can make it through but most of times he is reckless.

    3. He does believe he will walk a again, and he believed he could make it down the stairs. Anyone could believe but we also have to think . David should have thought before he did it and he should of thought about his safety. It was a 50% chance David could have really hurt him self all because he didn't care about his safety .

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    5. To Abby,the part of the story where David fought with the high school students, is different. That had nothing about David begin reckless. Is just that David sees things differently, because he is not a normal kid who can walk. David knows how these students thinks about him, because of the way he had been treated by most of them in his past.

    6. is it possible to be only reckless sometimes but not others

    7. Are you trying to say that Because David's on a wheelchair,he's not normal? He is reckless, even though people treat him differently. He could of do what's best and ignore them.

    8. To Abby, kinda, because begin in a wheelchair means you can't walk! But all i'm trying to say is that David actions is all for a reason.

    9. Yeah His actions are because he has a short temper, we'll one of the reasons why he is reckless.~Ronella

      And to mrcheney, it is possible to be reckless at times but not at other, it all depends on the situaition.

    10. Ronellla : his actions of a short temper leads to reckless things . As Abby said .
      His reckless actions lead to silly things .

  2. I define reckless as care free or clumsy. in a dictionary its is described as careless,rash,head strong. maybe he's not totally reckless but at times he shows those qualities. like when he J wheeled across the road and cars almost hit him that's pretty reckless and after he wasn't worried he was pretty Care Free about it. the only worried one was Sean.

    1. Also rolling down long set of stairs and avoiding and elevator that probably wasn't the smartest choice and that fits the description of reckless

    2. what about that he believed in himself and he thought that he could make it because he has a passion of getting of tat chair.

    3. even though he believes in his chair hes taking a useless risk what is it accomplishing like you said "He ttakes action before he thinks".

    4. using the stairs before the elevator i think he was taking action rather than thinking it through.

    5. Was it a useless risk? Could David be trying to prove something?

    6. He did think it through! He wanted to try to jump over the flock of stairs. He knew that if he had done it before, he could probably do it again. David is so eager to get out of that chair. Walking or jumping down stairs is what "normal" students at school would do. He is trying to forget the fact that he is in a wheelchair, and not be called different by other people,

    7. We don't know that for sure Tamana . Reckless actions lead to silly things. I don't think this was planed to happen .

  3. I think reckless means danger of consequences of ones action. I do think that David is being reckless because a friend would help him and he does not come to classes and at the lunch table when it is lunch time.

    1. What about his 1st fight? He was in the moment and he did not seem to care that Sean got in to the trouble.

    2. yes but he was being reckless to Sean that he was keep on punching him and he did not care.

    3. so if you are punching someone you wont care whaat if he hits you back and you have to guard yourself

    4. Subbhan: Yes I know, but we are talking about David, not Sean. Why do you think David started the fight, he did not seem to CARE about his possible concenquences.

    5. If your fighting someone one you usually have a reason and David did have a reason . Not a good one but he still had one.

    6. Gitie: David was aware that there were consequences to be given. But not to him, because he knows he wouldn't get blamed for it.
      David's reason for fighting Sean was because he didn't move out of his way. Makes him not reckless, but risky.

    7. @tamana I have to disagree. He was risky . But he was very careless with his actions

    8. how about CALCULATED with his actions when he hammered Sean

    9. But Rochelle, he knew he would get away with it. It was a risk he was willing to take. So your saying that he is reckless?

    10. Calculated?
      Tamana/Rochelle: He knew he would not get in to trouble with his status (wheel chair+New kid). He is using it to his advantage just like how we mis-behave when we have a supply. We know we won't get in to MUCH trouble, because we don't care.

    11. We all care when we are in trouble just not as much as it was with our homeroom teacher.

    12. @gitie some of us mis-beave . But we know that the teacher has to write a note at the end of the day saying how we behaved . We know out reckless actions could get us in trouble . And yes Tamana it is a risk . But just like a supply teacher we know the consequences but we still carry on with our reckless actions

  4. Reckless means to be careless

    in my personal opinion i dont think that david in reckless. he might have gotten hurt but i dont think he did it on purpose. he might get in troulbe but he sure is caring. reckless means not to care about the world and to be careless. but david does care and doent show recklessness any where else in the book.

    reckless also connects to driving(a drunk driver is a reckless driver). but dvid doesnt show any any any signs with recklessness

    1. what word can discribe him in this situation?

    2. but what about the times he tried jumping 6 stairs when there is a elevator in the mall that seems pretty careless to me so wht you think about that.

    3. When David crossed the road he wasnt looking both ways and it was oncoming traffic that's crazy plus he jumped 10 flights of stair instead of the elevator and you dont think thats reckless then what it

    4. you guys do have a point so i am starting to think maybe david is a bit reckless

  5. The definition of Reckless is: Unconcerned about consequences of a specific action; careless

    In my point of view, I do think that David is reckless because throughout the novel, David was never concerned about what danger he puts himself into. He would always make his actions first before he makes his thoughts.

    Examples would include in the beginning of the novel, David fought with Sean over the staircase, he was being reckless by not thinking that he could get injured by falling off his chair, and making his body into a more disabled condition.
    David also puts himself into more danger by trying to fight Scott, or even getting into an argument with the 2 high school students. David is reckless because he puts his action first before he actually thought of it.

    1. I still would`nt call David reckless. One time doesnt mean all the time

    2. He didnt do it once, he did it almost everytime.

    3. But don't you think that David is taking these risks for a reason?

    4. what risks? No one would dare to hurt a boy in a wheelchair, they think stereotype. David is just simply reckless, and doesnt think before he acts.

    5. thats true. theres got to be a reason. like when he jumped down those stairs. he thought he could do it because he has done it before.

    6. yeah. David tried to go down so many stairs and is in a wheelchair that a risk!. So my opinion is that David did this to see if he can make it. To make a change in his life.

    7. yeaa he took a risk. But he is still reckless because he never thought the situation thoroughly. He clearly said, I go through 3 steps, these steps where like 6 steps, 8 steps, 10 steps. What risk, he`s being thoughtless

    8. To all the ppl who think David isnt reckless:
      David fought Sean in the moment (beginning) And once it was over, he didn't seem to care who got blamed for what, he knew he would get away.

    9. He just wanted to try something.

    10. Try what (question mark) Too put his life on hold (slash) risk (question mark) Thats just being plain thoughtless. Thanks again Gitie :D

    11. No problem :) He saw it coming, he is using the wheel chair thing to his advantage. I don't know about you but if I knew I was not ever going to get in trouble. I would go WILD!

    12. LOL yeah. David does use his wheelchair as an advantage, but he still is reckless at most times

    13. David is daring ! He cares but he still does these things

    14. Rochelle: what makes you think he cares?

    15. Exactly! David knows what he's doing and he's doing it for a reason.

    16. Rochelle: your right he is daring. He cares about what's happening in that moment, but he doesn't care about the consequences of his action. He is reckless.

      Ronella: He knows what he's doing at the moment, but he doesn't think before he acts. That's why he's reckless

    17. I agree with Ronnella. He's doing these things for a reason. It may not have mentioned it in the book, but David must have came to the roller rink for a reason. Maybe he knew that Scott and his friends were going there too! That could be why he showed up, maybe to get him into trouble and he did.

    18. Thanks Tamana. And to Abby, what do you mean? Because you said he knows what he's doing at the moment, and then you said he doesn't thinks before he acts.

    19. I have to agree with Abby . His actions are very reckless he doesn't care nor think before he does things .

    20. Tamana- The scene where David came to the rolling rink has nothing to do with him being reckless, or knows what he's doing. The only reason why he came because, the 7errs told him that Sean was going, so he tagged along.

    21. Ronella, what i ment was, that at exactly at the moment he's knows what he's doing as in, he wants to fight his target, but he doesn't think of the consequences of getting into trouble or getting injured.

    22. appear reckless but are they possible well constructed and part of a well calculated outcome

      starting the fight with the high school kids on thew side walk...could it have turned out any other way? or did he know exactly what he was doing

    23. Mr Cheney- well that relates back to one of the journal prompts we did, on whether the high school kids did anything to offend David. Instead of David approaching the high school students,one smart thing he could of done was to ignore them, because there are people in the world,that are going to make fun of you, at times you can't do anything about it.


    25. pooja-
      reckless also means not to think and just do" he does before he thinks about it" so i would say he is reckless
      he wheeled across the street when cars were coming, and he could have taken an elevator but NO he decides to jump off stairs.

      example: when a little kid jumps in a puddle and get wet when he could have just walked around

      same with david,
      he could have waited for the cars to pass or taken the elevator

    26. Suhaib; he is using his status to his advantage, he knows he won't get into trouble.
      Ronella: he might have gone to the rink for a reason, he seems selfish. Cares about himself more then others.

    27. Suhaib so, do you think David is reckless, because that's what it sounds like, I'm not so sure of what's your point...

  6. Was David reckless in that fight? Perhaps he wanted a fight and planned it out when he saw Sean on the ramp

    1. He's on the wheelchair and when he attack Sean, they where fighting on a ramp, that is dangerous, he was reckless because he could of gotten injured, he felled off his wheelchair, he could of gotten hurt badly. Therefore he is reckless

    2. I don't think he was reckless while fighting Sean on the ramp. He knew it meant danger to him ( I guess), but he also knew that it was possible for him to beat up Sean. As far as I know David mentioned that he does not liking people treating him different. But the reason behind that fight was Sean letting him go since he was on a wheel chair. As well he got really mad when he thought the high schoolers were mocking him. So according to that fact he was not reckless because he knew what he was doing and why he was doing it.

    3. I don't think Sean could of planned out "Let me beat up the first kid that try to block me" He was in the moment, and I feel like David knew he would get away with it (wheel chair + a new kid). And he did not quite seem to care about what Sean was going through.

    4. yeah he knows what he`s doing, but my main point is he needs to think before he acts, he does it opposite.

    5. Thank you Gitie for your support! :D

    6. Not always he actually knows what he is doing and why. That's why he does it.

    7. i think he had already planned the fight the fight because like we know David see things that normal people don't see. so he probably saw Scott, Sean,nick, Gavin picking on weaker kids so he knew they were going to pick on him so he planned that he would fight if the saysomething to him.

    8. David cannot just be like " Oh that kid looks like I can beat him up" David did know he wasn't going to get in trouble. Which makes him more careless for his actions. He is using the wheel chair thing to his advantage.

    9. Maybe he could have planned the fight but according to his short temper he just started to fight because he knew he was being treated different. And David did not see Sean and Scott pick on any kids because; first of all it was his first day, and second Sean and Scott didn't pick on any kids that day since Sean wanted to stay out of trouble.

    10. I don't think David planned it out. Why would he want to plan this whole fight out when he doesn't even know if they were picking on weaker people. In the book, Scott and David don't have classes together, and they aren't even together at any time. How can he know if they pick on others or not

    11. Srushiti- Go back through the novel, why would he fight with the high schoolers when they havent done anything to him (question mark) Why would David jump down like 10 steps, when in reality he an only jump 3 steps. He takes risk, risk that he never thought over.

      Subhan- Scott and his crew doesnt pick on weaker kids, they pick on anyone that gets in there way.

    12. Srushti/Subbhan: He knows he is not going to get in to trouble, so he is using it to his advantage. If You/I never got in to trouble, I am positive us both would go WILD! Why do you think we mis-behave with supplys? We know they cannot do anything

    13. i agree with you but if you are hurting someone badly and you are picking on them they would probabaly fight you back

    14. I don't think David was reckless in the fight, I guess ever since his accident he's been cautions about things. When Sean must of bumped him by accident he didn't really have second thoughts on what he's was about to do.

    15. Subhan: yes I agree we would have to fight back, but what would that have to do with anything?

    16. Yeah Jackie your right about how David accident made him change his attitude. Good inference. But either way he still is reckless, he thinks that he can be a regular kid. He's in a wheelchair he has a disability. He won't be able to do everything we do. He just care a about that. He's reckless, never thinks before he acts, because he doesn't really focus on the fact he can't do everything like how we do

    17. @jackie he was reckless with his actions. He has a short temper and he needs to care about his safety and think about what is going to happen before he gets mad .

    18. I agree with Rochelle, he does have a short temper, so that what makes him reckless.

  7. Reckless means to be thoughtless about the affect when you do something. I wouldn`t call David RECKLESS, maybe he just wanted to take a risk because he was able to jump down a few. Just because he took a chance, doesnt mean he is reckless

    1. yeah but he never thought about it because, even though he thought he can go on the staircase, David actually could of thought to himself that hey mabye these are too much stairs for me, i could get injured. That means hes being careless, therefore he's reckless

    2. yeah, thats true but maybe he thought that because he was able to jump down a few, he could try jumping down a few more

    3. Do you think David can be reckless sometimes??

    4. There are rarely any times when I would want to call him reckless

    5. How about when he thought with the high schoolers (question mark)

    6. Remember what mr. Cheney said? People see things in different ways. Oh and remember the quote we had to write about? "We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are".

    7. well he does see things differently but what about fighting sean,almost ready to fight scott,and arguing with the hightschooler

    8. I fully agree with you pooja this quote is very usefull

    9. im pretty sure all this happened when david wa sin a bad mood. oh and thanks harpreet

    10. pooja if u think that david is nt reckless what other word would describe him? and why?

    11. When David took a chance to jump over 6 stairs he should have thought about the consequences of if he couldn't make the jump. He just jumped without thinking twice. That shows how much David is reckless.

    12. I wouldn't call him reckless, or not even careless. He's just wanted to give it a try, and he knew what he was doing. He was confident about it, you know people make mistakes.

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    1. Wouldn't you think that the fighting with Sean when he wasn't moving was a little over board? He fought in the moment, not really caring.

    2. dont you think risky falls into reckless because risky can lead to reckless things like jumping 10 flights of stairs

    3. @gitie he still was aware of what he was doing .
      @eric risky and reckless are two very different things . When you take a risk your being daring . Like how David took a risk of flying down the stairs . If he really was.reckless he wouldn't care . But he thought he could make it showing he did care .

    4. Eric: agreed
      Rochelle: he knows he won't get into trouble, because of his condition (wheel chair+new kid). He's using it to his advantage, and going a little crazy with it. He doesn't seem to care because he knows people look down at him.

    5. That is true gitie .I believe he is reckless now . His actions are very careless !


  9. I think I think reckless means to not pay attention to your self, letting your self or someone else in danger purposely, knowing something bad is going to happen but not taking action towards it. I basically think that reckless means to be irresponsible and careless.

  10. In my opinion David is not exactly reckless, he is just harsh sometimes and goes out of control. He is over confident with him self which sometimes leads to problems. Such as when he was at the mall, and there were stairs there as well as a elevator. He chose to take the stairs which got him into an other accident. At that time he was too over confident with himself that he purposely invited danger to himself.

  11. I don't think that David is reckless. As you all know that David strongly believes that he we get better, he we stand, walk, run again. He will not stay on this wheelchair forever. And he also wants to be treated normal.
    So maybe thats why he decided to use the stairs instead of the elevator. I think that he is just overconfident/ positive thinker.

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    3. going down the stairs rather than and elevator in the mall i dont think that's being a positive thinker i think that's being a bit reckless don't you think

    4. what if he fell and hurt his legs again then he might not be able to walk forever i think thats careless.

    5. i do agree with u. but at this point i think that he is a positve thinker. he thought that he will make his way down all those stairs(even when he is on a wheelchair).

    6. Do you think David was reckless without the chair too ?

    7. Dhavani you say that you think David is a positive thinker, I agree with you but not always. He was positive when he had confidence that he will be able to walk again, but when he was positive that he will make the jump why didn't he think of the consequences of making that jump? Positive thinkers always know what are the pros and cons of making a positive decision. Depending on how many pros and cons are there to making that decision. In David's mall situation there were more cons, so he should have made a wise decision.

  12. i think that david is a bit immature
    such as ........................
    -cross road without looking at the road
    -falling off his chair
    -forcing sean to play better in the basketball game
    -sean touching his chair

    but he also cares
    such as...................................
    -seans little sisters on his lap
    -doing the science project
    -knowing alot about cell reproduction

    1. David isn`t immature. Crossing the road without checking, everyone even adults those that almost everyday (okay sometimes). Falling of his chair, umm thats not immature, thats just being reckless. Forcing Sean to play better in basketball, theres nothing immature about that, if you on a school team, and your team player wasn`t playing as well, i would tell them simply you arent playing good. And Sean touching his chair, he simply dislikes someone touching his chair. David is not immature

    2. so mannat you gave reasons that he cares and doesn't care so do you think he is reckless or not?

    3. Mannat you were saying that falling of his wheel chair sometimes can happen and second he is saying that to Sean so then he can become better in basketball and he his helping him out, Third of all you said touching his wheel chair David thought that Sean was going to do something bad to him so maybe that is why he said not to touch the wheel chair.

    4. That's not being reckless, that's really not thinking twice.

    5. Not thinking twice is also known as reckless

    6. reckless also means not to think and just do" he does before he thinks about it" so i would say he is recless

      and immature a bit he wheeled across the street when cars were coming, and he could have taken an elevator but NO he decides to jump off stairs.

      example: when a little kid jumps in a puddle and get wet when he could have just walked around
      same with david,

      waited for the cars to pass or taken the elevator

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  14. Reckless means: unconcerned about the consequences of some action; without caution; careless.

    I would say that David is a reckless person because he - throughout the book - is always involved within a fight either with Sean or Scott or any other people whom he finds intolerable. He started off with a fight with Sean on the first day of school and then - luckily solved the problem the easier way - played a 2 on 2 basketball game against Scott and Greg and also almost got into violence with the high school kids and recently he came with a black eye and is angry at Sean for trying to protect him.

    A specific example that shows he doesn't really care about what comes upon the consequences would be when he got injured despite knowing that is mother had warned him to stay away from fights.

    1. It's true he gets into fights, but reckless means to be careless but in some fights he is not careless. Since he knows what's happening?

    2. if he wan't careless then why did he still fight eve nthough he knew his mother told him not to?

    3. He cannot tolerate anyone judging him according to his wheelchair.

    4. But you know David doesn't really start fights for no apparent reason. He always has one. And that's thinking bout yourself. Yes he might have put Sean in a couple of those fights, but if Sean didn't want nothing to do with it he could have back out. But he didn't.

    5. Jackie it's true that David doesn't start a fight without no apparent reason, but David never thinks before starts a fight. He just starts the fight, if he wanted to he could stop himself and put himself in control but he doesn't want to. Don't you think David needs to think before he acts?

  15. Reckless basically means that he/she really doesn't care. They aren't concerned of what is going around them. They do what they want to do.

    Is David reckless? You can say about 75% of the time he is. I think we have all verified that David has heavy mood swings. And when his moods hit that "hot" side, He seems just to have his own way. Or in other ways, him being mad is his motivation to do something reckless. Like at the Roller Rink, David want all unicorns and butterfly, when he had found out Sean never invited him. He knew what Scott and the guys were up to, so he had decided to just "snitch" on them. Also i do think that David is reckless because he is confident he can face the consequences. I can't lie, he doss seem like he can beat anybody up. He is not afraid of anything "negative".

    1. Him having a short temper does it mean he is always careless?

    2. He knows he have a slight chance of getting into trouble, and he is using that to his abilities. Lets just say, anger is his trigger.

  16. Reckless- unconcerned about the consequences of careless action.
    I think that David is reckless because why would he cross the road when he sees cars coming by? he dose not care. why would he jump six steps in the mall when he could of used the elevator? he dose not care and cause he's reckless.And why would he start a fight on the first day of school with Sean. He didn't even know who Sean was on the first day of school.In my opinion I think that David is careless.

    1. so you are saying that he is careless what about the times he is not he started a fight because the guys were picking on him a what if someone picks on you wont you try to fight back i also agree that he sometimes hit the hot sides and goes wacky.

    2. Subbhan: Yes I know you have to defend your self. But majority of the fights we have heard about, he started.

  17. the definition of reckless is utterly unconcerned about the consequences of some action; without caution; careless

    I think David is reckless because he doesn't care what action he is taking and are going to be the consequences of it, for example when he fought Sean in the beginning of the book.he could've thought that he could get hurt he is careless.

    David is a kind of guy who takes actions without thinking for example arguing with 2 highschoolers, ready to fist fight Scott so i think David is reckless because he takes his actions without thinking.

  18. Reckless means lack of care of danger or the consequences of one's actions.

    In my opinion I think David is Reckless because he doesn't care what will the consequences be if he takes a wrong decision. David just says or does whatever he wants without thinking it over, that if he is doing the right thing or not and he doesn't take anyone's opinion before taking a decision. For example, a specific example that shows that David doesn’t care about the consequences is when At the first day of school when David started a fight with Sean because of the ramp, David didn’t think of the consequences of getting into a fight. Another example is when David got into a fight with the high school kids-he never thought how the teenager have more advantage of hurting them because they were older, he just started to shout.
    These are a few examples that show how Reckless David can be at times and do thinks without thinking twice.

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    3. David doesn't do what ever he wants he does what he thinks is the best. And about the fight on the first day he knew he will get out of trouble since he is on a wheel chair basically taking the advantage of a wheel chair.

    4. David didn't for sure knew he was going to get out of trouble. He got lucky that time because the teachers felt pity for him, but not all teachers are the same. Some feel bad for others some don't.

  19. Reckless Means: Careless,Clumsy,Rash or Risky

    Q:Is David Reckless
    A:I Think that David is reckless most of the time because David starts many fights just out of the blue the also takes many risks like when he went across the road in moving traffic i believe that's Being careless he could have died but he does make some aright choices like not hang out with scott and them and also instead of the fight a basketball game well in my opinion david can be very reckless sometime but also he can care.

  20. To me Reckless means not reponsable dosen't care about the consequences.....David is reckless sometimes because he dosent really think before he does somthings and it dosen't look like he really cares about the outcome for e.g; when he crossed the road without looking he din't really care beacause he probaly thought ''what else could happen to me im already in a wheelchair"

    1. But David knew a car was coming, so he was up for it. He took a risk. I'm positive that David wouldn't say something like that. If he wanted to get hit, he wouldn't have the dream of walking again.

    2. but that risk was being reckless j wheeling into ongoing traffic nearly getting hit don't you think that's a little reckless

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  24. RECKLESS means careless and i really dont think david is reckless at all.David thinks before he takes action to any situation. Those highschoolers must have done something to get David mad at some point as included in the text David said they were mocking him. David wanted to create a fight because they did something wrong otherwise David would never create a fight without any specific reason.

    1. He knows barely anyone would get him into trouble, and he is taking advantage of it. He doesn't seem to care, because he knows people look down at him.

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  26. Reckless means to be utterly careless and show disregards for danger.
    I think that David isn't reckless. David is a risk-taker. I think David definitely cares about his actions and other peoples actions. David is a smart and wise kid, he doesn't do anything before thinking. He just likes to take many risks and knows the consequences to them as well. Just like when he raced down the road knowing that there was a possibility of him getting hit. David is certainly not reckless.

    1. but what about when he j-wheeled across the street or jumped off the stairs at school. he could have waited for the cars to pass or taken an elevator but he decides to "do before he thinks"!

    2. Maybe he wanted to show that he could use the stairs like "Normal" People do, or is just impatient, so that he can't wait for the cars to stop?

  27. Reckless means to be careless. Not to really think about anything. Not putting your mind straight on things and not thinking about anything or anyone else. Not even yourself sometimes.

  28. In my point of view, David is not reckless, He could be rude at times, but there is a difference between reckless and him. I say he's more 'Hard-Bitten'. He doesn't let small things pass him by. He's really a firm guy. He's a smart boy who's trying to find anyway possible to walk again an wont stop till he's on his feet.

    1. Him and walking doesn't have to do with his reckless-ness, what do you think about when he j-wheeled across the street, was that not reckless?

    2. I agree with Gitie, there is a difference between being reckless, and being a believer. He is reckless he j walked across the street, he gets into fights with people without even thinking before he does it. Therefore he is reckless

  29. Reckless means to be careless or headless.
    In my opinion David is reckless. He does stuff with out caring what will happen . Like when he was fighting Sean. He didn't care about what was happening actually he didn't think before he took his first punch. He just swung. David flying down stairs shows he's reckless. He didn't care if he would reach the bottom or not . He just flew down the stairs. David is a smart guy and I'm sure he thought he would make it but at the end of the day he still didn't care or think about his safety .

  30. Do you still think David is daring

    1. No I don't . David acts very reckless more than daring . He is adventurous and does bold actions but you still have to think about what's going to happen .

    2. You still have to care about your safety instead of doing sill any care free things .

  31. Reckless - Utterly unconcerned about the consequences of some action; without caution; careless (usually followed by of ): to be reckless of danger.

    In my opinion David is a pure genius, I feel like every major scene that has happened David either planned or was ready for. I don't find David reckless in anyway, and I also don't think he fell down a couple of steps to mess up his face. I think what really happened is he and Scott got into a fight, and as evidence,we haven't seen Scott yet. He is probably worse than David. I think that fight with the high school kids was planned, I think that Sean and David's fight was planned, I think that basketball game was planned. I think David is pure genius. I would use the word Genius to describe David. He also is acumen in every situation, He's a genius.

  32. Do you think he's a genius when he j-wheeled across 4 lanes of moving traffic he could have died

    1. I wasn't Genius but he's also daring as you said before.

    2. David wasn't daring he just just playing dumb he didn't think it though

    3. i dont really think its all that daring people do it all the time because of recklessness because they can't wait to cross the road.

    4. If you want to be daring so something else rather risk your life for nothing.

    5. that can cause an accident he probably wasn't thinking about that. not thinking things through a bit reckless for our genius isn't it?

  33. A genius is described as a exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability. If David was a genius I don't think he would have done those silly things because he would have cared about his safety

    1. So you don't feel he planned those silly things?

    2. No it. All was because of him be reckless

    3. He didn't plan those silly things . He just had reckless actions that lead to silly things .

    4. No, If he was reckless he would be in the hospital by now. Think back to those high school kids, It was all a test, It was all planned by David. You wouldn't call knowing and thinking ahead Genius? You wouldn't call knowing what's going to happen next Genius? You wouldn't call his A in science Genius?

    5. EricNungNovember 8, 2013 at 9:33 AM
      Your using the work genius too much if he was a genius why would he risk his life chance of walking just to get across the road in

    6. just because hes not in the hospital beds doesn't mean hes not reckless whether you like it or not he does make reckless decisions

    7. I over use the word it is true but answer,You wouldn't call knowing and thinking ahead Genius? You wouldn't call knowing what's going to happen next Genius? You wouldn't call his A in science Genius?

    8. If he is a genius, it doesn't necessarily mean he can't have reckless as a trait. And Deandre, we don't know for sure if it was a test or not.

    9. what do you think the test was for or maybe who it was for

    10. You wouldn't have to call it Genius but High Intelligence?

  34. Normally when David goes down the stairs he bumps down each step like in the story. but in this part David tried to jump down all the flights of stairs. Because of his actions he fell down the stairs, smashed his face and his wheel chair as wheel. Recklessness means not showing proper concern about the possible bad results of your actions. In this case David did just that. But on the other hand David id fearless. Like when the 2 highschoolers were mocking David, He did t wimp and walk away instead of that he got enraged and furious to fight those highschooler. This made David fearless. And with those to mixtures of actions. He jumped down the stairs because he knew he could make it. Sometimes David can be stupid and reckless. Doesn't mean that he was completely reckless with this situation.(David j-wheeled across the street with cars nearly hitting him).

    1. I still don't think David actually fell down those stairs, I tihnk there had to have been more, I think he got into a fight with Scott.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Well i don t tae david got into a fight with scott cause look at his wheel chair. All broken and smashed.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You just can t can t say David would be in the hospital by now. What about when David j-wheel across the street nearly getting hit. Do you think David planned that out?

    2. Yes indeed, Read my reply to Eric below.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Okay I did use the word to much but it's true, I feel like that was planned, I think David was testing Sean this whole time, Seeing if he is a true friend. When he crossed that street i'm inferring that David either wanted Sean to stop him or stay close with him and not stay at the end.

    2. If it was a test the when Sean said are you ok David said that I don't need youto fight my battles

  37. If you check reckless means utterly unconcerned about the consequences of some action; without caution; careless (usually followed by of ): to be reckless of danger.

    So is David reckless? yes. He proves this himself by trying to get down stairs with a wheel chair and doesn't think about the consequences if he falls. he also walk across a really busy road at rush hour and j-wheels across it almost getting hit several times. If he thinks this will help him get his legs back, it won't. He tries to get up sean's front steps, but instead he can us the back door where he can get up easily. since humans were meant to walk and if he gets a little special treatment it's okay because he's not going to look normal anyway, everyone will always perceive him as kid in the wheel chair so he can stop being so reckless, because he can never be normal while he is in a wheel chair

  38. I think that being reckless means doing crazy things without thinking them through before doing them. However, I do not believe that David is entirely reckless, because yes, he may have shown some signs as to being reckless, but he has also shown a mild sense of self-control. David is not stupid, and does think, though. I think that half of the crazy stunts that he pulled, David was not afraid. He is fearless more than anything, I think.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Reckless-adjective ; utterly unconcerned about the consequences of some action; without caution; careless.

    According to this definition I would say David it exactly reckless, he is concerned about the consequences, he knew he would get in trouble if his mother found out about the fight between the high-school kids.
    But then again he did start the fight, he wasn't aware of the consequences, until after the fight. He dose get reckless while going down the stairs, he thinks he can make it but he is not aware of consequences, he might get injured.
    an example is when he crossed the busy street, without looking both ways, we taught hat in kindergarten. He could have got run over, So in conclusion we can agree that David is quite reckless.

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