Monday, March 17, 2014

Out of Sight - Word Problem


Here is a picture from our problem of the week.  

What was the biggest obstacle to finding a solution?

How did you overcome the obstacle?

Share your brief narrative and then respond with two other students. One from your group and the other from another. 


  1. The biggest obstacle to finding the solution was trying to find out how to calculate the distance of boat B. Because the question already told us the information about A, we were stuck on other boat. I can say the part that really confused us of trying to find the answer was they said how far you can see a boat at sea untill it totally disapeared. That mean it would impact the answer.

    1. While figuring out the answer to the problem, what battled you and your group the most?

    2. I agree with you, it took a lot of time breaking down our problem to get to our solution, also we were all confused in the beginning so I think the confusion impacted it most.

    3. Trying to connect the distances of boat A and B.

    4. It wasn't connecting it was finding out when they couldn't see each other.

    5. Why do you think that we had trouble caluclating Boat B? Like what caused us to had trouble finding the distance of Boat B?

    6. Oh, so your biggest problem was to connect how speed boat A move to find the answer for boat B?

    7. I think it was because we had nothing on Boat B, and by nothing I mean no time, no distance nothing to really work off that confused us at first but we overcame that breaking down the question later onl.

  2. Honestly, I felt that our group had lots of different opinions or different strategies on how to solve the problem. This meant that it would be difficult in choosing who's solution we should follow. It took quite a bit of time, because each person with an idea would explain what they have, then we'd all decide after about who they thought was right. In the end, we went with Suhaib's idea, but I still had trouble understanding his solution. They had keep explaining things I just didn't understand, like "why they divided this number by this number", and so forth. I finally understand, but sadly, It was truthfully time consuming. By the time we finished, we ran out of time to actually write it down! Thankfully we got it all down on the second period we got.

    This is most likely the only problem or obstacle we ran into in the midst of solving our problem within our group of five.

    1. If you made your own strategie or answer would you use it ?why did you chose Williams answer?

    2. Actually, wasn't it Suhaib's answer? And If it was an individual task, I would have no choice but to use my own strategy because, well, it's not group work and I can't cheat xD

    3. However, i'm not very confident in my math skills, so in a group working activity, I'd probably be more open to other's ideas, rather than my own.

  3. 1.)What was the biggest obstacle to finding a solution?
    - In my group it was actually funny because the question at first was a bit confusing until we broke it down and actually knew what we had to do. The biggest obstacle we had solving the problem above would be finding the Kilometers and the Formula. Our group was a bit confused trying to find the Kilometers and doing that we mized up the formula and we had a big mess, in that result we got 2 scarp papers and broke it down from the beginning and it started to make more sense and appeal more. So our biggest obsticle was finding the Kilometers because it got us confused and it messed up our formula.

    1. So the km. was was a big part that we couldnt understand right? Yeah, i would say thats right.

    2. Yeah I think it was the distance (The kilometers) the really got to us, that and our confusion in the beginning.

  4. Our biggest obstacle in solving this problem was, when we first got this question it was too confusing which numbers to use while calculating the answer. Since, we were sure that we don't need to use all 4 numbers. When we finally figured it out, we couldn't figure out how to use the 200m to calculate the answer. This obstacle was solved when we found out that 200m was just side information. So, basically that 200m was the biggest obstacle for us, since there was no way to use 200m to calculate the rate.

    1. So the question was merely misleading to you and your group? If you had known that from the start, do you suppose you'd have had more time to figure the question out and no problems at all, or would you still have rough waters on the calculations? Did you have any troubles on the actual calculation as well?

    2. So are you saying that we were stuck with only the 200m to solve the problem or was it a number that didn't belong with the others?

    3. @Linda Yes the question was the basic part that was misleading us. If we'd known that from before, we wouldn't have had trouble understanding the problem. But still we would have had a different obstacle that we would have been through. We did have trouble on the actual calculation as well, we had two different calculations, but everyone went with the first one.

    4. I am saying 200m was one of the biggest obstacle but we did have other obstacles as well.As well it took quite long to figure out that if the number belonged with the others or not!

    5. So does it really matter if the 200m was in there or not?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. When we started to solve the problem, the first step we took was sorting out the numbers that were the most important to the numbers that really didn't have anything to do with the solution. Since in the first sentence the 200m difference between the two boats was stated, we thought that was what we should focus on. We tried figuring out how the 200m related to the speed of the boats. After that, we tried a different strategy, we would take the speed of boat A and work our way to the solution. That way we also discovered that the 200m really didn't have anything to do in the solution and we got the result.

    1. So why do you think 200m were given in the problem? Was it just there to confuse us, or it really had an impact on our solution?

    2. How did you know what numbers to start with or what to do first with those.

    3. so what was the main problem

  7. Our last problem of the week was a very difficult problem to solve.We tried many ways to find a solution but we failed most of the times.The times that we failed was all because we've couldn't figure weather if we needed to covert the kilometers into meters or not.
    It took us a while to figure the answer out, but we did. We converted the kilometers and into meters, and from that our solution started to make more sense!

    1. But did you have any problem with the 200 m? Were you also confused when you read the problem? And by the way the last sentence in the question it said,"How fast is Boat B travelling, in km/h?"

    2. At first we've couldn't figure what the 200m was for, but at the end it totally made sense. Yes! As i said we've tried many ways to find our solution before we had the correct answer.

    3. So finding the formula wasnt really a problem for you? You guys already knew what to do, you just wasnt sure to convert it or not.

  8. In my opinion, our groups biggest obstacle was the formula we use to answer the question (ex. Distance = Speed X Time) We knew what formula we need to get our solution, but then we were confused on what was our exact distance, what is our speed, and most importently what was our time. Without knowing our formula, we weren'table to find our solution. This was a big struggle for us because the question itself caused the slight confusion in our group to not being able to find the formula at first. Eventually we overcome our solution by breaking down the question step by step, making sure we fully understood the question, taking each of our calculations step by step, and our final answer was 11.2km.

    1. So did you use the formula (ex. Distance = Speed X Time) to get your solution or just go ahead and took your calculations step by step?

    2. Yes, we found what numbers we needed for our formula to get our solution.

    3. Abigail the formulas that Mr.Cheney had put up on the boared were they helpful to your group?

  9. 2.)How did you overcome the obstacle?
    - I think I said this in the first one but what we did was we got 2 scarps pieces of paper and just really refreshed and broke it down as much as we could so it would be simple to understand and it worked, it definitely got us bck on track and I believe we ended up with 11.2 as our answer. Overall I think we over came the confusion.

    1. What did you and your group broke down? What basically got you guys back on track?

    2. We broke down the question, we made it easier for us to understand to so it would be easier to solve. if that makes sense. The breaking down and refreshing and re focusing got us back on track.

    3. oh really i dont think i remeber the 2 scraps of paper. for the first class it was confusing we got a few wrong answers but after we tried to explain our calculations we saw our flaws and re did some of our calculation.

  10. 1) The biggest obstacle was when we were trying to explain our work in detailed, neat, and organized why so other people can see our answers easily. The way we overcome this obstacle was that we used different colors and we also wrote big so other students/teachers could see the problem/solution far away.

    1. Did you have any problems the the question itself?

    2. yeah we had a with the question itself and it was to find the speed of boat B, because they were giving us other numbers like boat A & boat B were 200 m apart/ the viability at sea was 5 km so we really did not know the numbers to use to find out the speed of boat B.

    3. Hassan was in my group, but i don't think getting our solution neat and detailed was our biggest obstacle.But why do you think so?

    4. because we did have less space on the chart paper and we needed to fit our solution

    5. I don't finding another chat paper was a huge problem!

  11. The groups biggest obstacle, was for everyone to agree with one idea, it was much more difficult then we thought. I mean it wasn't that difficult for that question and it probably took us half a hour. Me and suhaib finally figured out, what was the solution and the answer to the question. The really tough thing was that, We had to get people to agree with us. Arvind, Dante, and linda were the people we had to explain to a lot. What made me really impatient was the fact that, they still did't get 15X4=60. During the coarse of the day, they finally got it. They came together to help each one understand clearly.

  12. The biggest obstacle that our group faced was not knowing the formulas because without the formula we couldn't solve it correctly yea, we did have our own answers but we knew something was wrong and so we just keep on answering the question with a blind eye also we came up with theory's of how the formula shown the the white board but we just couldn't crack it.

    The way we overcame the obstacle was we first asked the teacher and outsiders for help in understanding the formula and after we got the general understanding we came up with more accurate Theory's to solve the question and we thought it through with tough consideration and we came up with our answer that's how we overcame our obstacle.

  13. The biggest obstacle in our way of finding the solution was that we knew what to do, we just didn't know how the numbers fit in and what numbers went where. After a couple debates within my group class ended and I wasn't here the next day when my group finished so I don't know how my group overcame that obstacle

  14. 1.The biggest obstacle to finding the solution is the speed of boat B ,Also when we calculated the speed we got the wrong answer because the speed of the boat was too low ,one thing in math that you always need is common sense becuase if a boat is travelling at 2km/h its not possoble.Also everyone had different opnions we didnt know whos to choose becuase everyone that had a strategie and they thought were right .

    1. True, everything was difficult, everyone had a difficult time understanding. I mean it wasn't that difficult to understand cause suhaib lead me to the right thinking to get the answer.

    2. That's true. 2 KM/H seems really unrealistic for a boat, but better than 0.2 KM/H.

      I find that it was partially difficult to understand the solution given and explained by Suhaib because they weren't justifying the only thing I wanted to clarify; The reason why they did what they did.
      I think the time used to explain the same and irrelevant things to me was simply a waste of time, don't you?

  15. finding the solution isn't really the problem. at first we had a few wrong answers but after we took some time to read it over we found mistakes in our calculations. the biggest problem was explaining our answers some times it didnt make scence or our explanation did not mach our calculations. which gave us our right answers

    1. So it was just really time consuming, same deal for us

  16. the biggest problem for my group was not knowing were to start. We didn't know what we should have converted to get any where closer to the distance boat b was traveling . With out not knowing were to start my group was completely lost . We tried to use the formula on the board of distance , speed , time. etc. We had no idea what we should have done in class . we sat there with numbers and not knowing which one we should start with or what we should do with the number after finding it , do we convert ?do we subtract ?or do we just choose another number? Complete confusion.
    After a million tries during class we decided enough was enough . We did a million solutions but we decided to to break it down . Start with boat A to get the distance of boat b . We ended up with a lot of answers but we chose the one that had made more sense to us and the problem . The answer that had made sense to the formula too .

    1. but you forgot the part when we got the answer and were ready to finish it we could not understand it so me and tamana started again!!

    2. I understood it . I came and helped you two find the answer , i think it was just a number confusion basically caused by over thinking the answer and the steps.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. enough is enough. We definitely needed some fresh air. Breaking it down was the best way to do it.

  18. the biggest obtacle to finding the solution was finding the speed of boat B and how many kilometers it was traveling at per hour.Also because at first we didn't really understand the question,also we were confused where to start from.we tried doing the problem different ways the problem was we couldn't find the formula.
    we overcame these obstacles by breaking the question down and turning the km into meters because then it made more sense and we did the question again and we compared it with other groups and we got the boat B speed.

  19. How we over come it was putting a side the detials and just focussing on the 2 boats, how fast they could go, and how long you could see them beofre you couldn't. Since they were 200 m. apart, we could tell that one boat was going faster then the other. Since we already knew the distance that boat A was going it was easy to calculate that boat A was travelling a while to get to it's 200 m.We couldnt say the exact for boat B, but trying to find it's km could mean it was even more slower then boat A's hours.

  20. One of the many obstacles we faced would probably be the "Number Confusion". We did not know what number would be needed and what wouldn't. Did the time really matter? Did the visibility at sea matter? At that point, we were clearly uncertain. But fortunately we over came this stumbling block,as we did a series of different equations with the distance and speed, speed and sea visibility, distance and sea visibility etc. But using our common sense, we picked what made seemed to make most sense to us. This lead us to answer!

    1. Group Members: Tamana Rochelle Mannat Eric Me

    2. i forgot eric was in out group!!!!!
      oops :)

    3. Do you agree that the formula helped find our answer ? Or do you think it was just used as a guide line ?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. It helped with the answer Rochelle. It was also a great tool to use to help our numbers remain organized.

    6. I personally did not get the formula so i would say I used it as a guide line

    7. did you understand how we got the answer ?

    8. How come you were confused ?

    9. Well technically I was not there when you guys overcame the stumbling blocks, as I was helping the grade1s

  21. this was a very interesting question i had a lot of fun and a bit of trouble doing it.
    in my opinion i would say that my groups biggest obstacle/ problem was finding out the numbers to begin with. once we had done everything the problem was understanding it. our work was a bit confusing to understand. so our group started again and that took our time.

    we over came our obstacles by starting a fresh page.
    in my opinion i think that this was a GREAT problem even though it was the most difficult yet. i enjoyed it ;)

  22. Our group struggled quite a bit. The numbers have seemed to confuse us and we had trouble figuring out what numbers to work with first. We had many different solutions and numbers were scattered all over the page from the decision of which numbers to begin with first. We finally decided to take a deep breath and start again on a fresh page. We chose the solution that made sense to the group and went in a sequence where we understood it in. We did this by first finding the distance traveled from Boat A by multiplying the time by the speed and followed the formula of the pyramid. We chose the solution that followed the rule and came to a final conclusion of 11.2km/1h

    1. I agree we struggled in many aspects of problem solving but after a day or two we decided to start on a fresh slate and we tried to look at the problem in a new perspective witch was a good start and we stuck with it till the end witch provided us with the answer.

    2. Personally, that really was one of our biggest concerns in this problem so I agree!

    3. i personally think that the problem was understanding the question and numbers

  23. I think that the biggest obstacle we had during solving this problem, was when we I read the problem and I didn't understand what they meant. It was kind of confusing to understand where the 200 m goes. Then I read the question again, that's when I noticed that the 200 m was not supposed to be included in the solution. It was just side information.

    1. The 200m was used to find the solution. Well my group used it

  24. I would say the biggest obstacle to finding the solution was not being able to understand the question properly. It was pretty hard because almost every time we read it, we thought it kept getting confusing. Another obstacle would be that we didn't know which formula to find. The time, distance, or speed. You need to know the main parts if you want to solve the problem correctly. Our group had a lot of trouble picking the right formula to use. Sometimes, we would use time. Other times, we would use the formula for speed, and other times, distance.

    1. Did you notice that some of the numbers weren't needed to find the solution for Boat B? Did your group face any problems with figuring which numbers you have to work with?

    2. our group as confused by the numbers. do you think that your group have a problem like that?!
      the formulas that were given were they help ful?
      pooja nice "moving" picture i like how it moves not the picture

    3. my group used all the numbers

    4. So did your group finally understood the question, and was it easy to solve the question once you understood the problem?

    5. Mannat: The group had a lot of trouble with the numbers at first. And yes formula did help. btw thanks (:

      Srushti: We started understanding the question a bit, not really. It was kind of hard even though we understood the question.

  25. How many solutions did you guys come up with to actlly figure out the answer?

  26. 2.Well since we knew the boat speed was low so we found out that we still need to multiply with the distance and we got 11.2 as the speed for boat B ,also we went around to other groups to compare our final answer with other groups and it turned out we had the same answer with a few groups.

  27. The biggest obstacle to finding our solution in our group was understanding the question then showing how we found our answer, Almost every member in our group had a different way of showing the answer but at the end we all agreed on one way to show our answer. The question was difficult and it also got confusing since everyone had different ideas of showing how we found the answer but we solved our problem and completed the solution.

  28. The biggest obstacle our group had faced when we were solving this problem was that in the beginng when we were first reading the question and we were trying to figure out the speed of Boat B we thought that we had to do something with the amount of distance between the two boats which was 200m. Then we kept on trying to use 200m to find the speed of Boat B, but we were coming up with different numbers which were not right. That was the moment we had to stop and re-thing this whole problem over again. So to overcome this obstacle we decided to remove 200m from our strategy to find the answer and we used different strategies and then we got the solution to the problem. That was the only time had to stop what we were doing and thing together on what we could do because that strategy wasn't working. I think our group was cooperating with each other very well and that's why we were able to find the right answer.

  29. The biggest obstacle in finding the solution for out of sight was doing the calculation between different units. While finding the distance that boat had travelled in 15 our group had an argument. Since boat a was travelling 8km/hr, so we divided 8 by 60 which go us 0.13km/min or 13M/min.
    while converting metres into km we sort got confused. For example when we multiplied 0.13 by 15 to get the distance of that boat a had travelled in 15 min, we got 2. So this is where the confusion was we did not know if it was 200 m or 2km.
    So we resolved by a big point that we hadn’t considered doing , since 15 min is a fourth of an hour, we could have divided 8 into 4 and got to two. Since it was 8 kilometres it meant 2 was 2km not 200m. so I got proven wrong and confused while took all the glory.

    1. wow rajveer i really liked how you were so specific with your numbers

  30. What was the biggest obstacle to finding a solution?
    Our biggest obstacle when trying to find the solution was when we got the meters we didn't know if we should make it to KM or just leave it as meters then our solution was all over the pages so we had to kinda rearrange our work.And everyone had a different way to get the solution so we all after a while chose one way to get it and we did.
