Monday, October 26, 2015

Character Traits - GRIT

Character Traits - GRIT 

What is the most important Character Trait to produce the best results as a student?  

Is it Grit?

Read the posted article and then answer the question.

Have a dialogue and debate with minimum 2 other students about what trait you think is the most critical to student success. (don't just respond to those closest to the top) 

Don't merely respond with anecdotes and personal experience.  Take advantage of the devices near by and enhance your responses with quotes and facts from additional sources 


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  5. I think that grit is the most important character trait. Grit is passion and perseverance for long term goals. In 2008 the character education partnership divided character into two categories, core ethical values and performance values, I think that grit belongs in performance value. "Over time, grit is what separates fruitful lives from aimlessness " by John ortberg.
    An article that I found said that true grit is the best way to success because using the grit scale that Duckworth developed with Chris Peterson they found out that grit is a better indicator of graduation rates. Also Bowen, Chingos and McPherson's found out that high school grade have more predictive value than standard tests and you may just see a shift from standardized test scores to high school GPA (grade point average)by some college admissions officers. As GPA becomes more important, grit will become more recognized as a vital part of 21st century student success as well it should be.
    In conclusion the best characteristic that a student should have is grit.

    1. this is a solid retell...go deeper into your analysis-share your thoughts and personal experiences

    2. In the second paragraph you talked about the article you read but not really about why grit is important. Also explain more about the performance value in the first paragraph.

  6. There are many important character traits needed in order to succeed as a student. it is very difficult to narrow it down to just one. I' ve decided on two very important traits needed to succeed, Grit and Talent.

    Grit is defined as the perseverance and passion for long term goals. Students who want to succeed don't need teachers or parents to give them a push, they already know what kind of job they want, what kind of house and car they want and what kind of lifestyle they want. they know they what they want and know that they have to succeed in order for dreams to become reality.

    Talent is also very important. You could have the motivation to succeed and know what you want, but if you don't have talent, it is almost impossible to achieve your desired goals. Grit is very important but there has to be some natural talent instilled within. you could want to get a level 3 in writing, but if you don't have the talent to, you aren't going to.

    Grit is not only perseverance and passion, it has many sub-categories. (according to they are:
    4.Positive mind-set

    Goal- directedness is you know where you want to go in life and what path you are going to take. If i wanted to go into corporate law, i should know which courses to take in high school and which university, i want to go to. You have the motivation, a strong will to succeed. you don’t accept failure as a road block. in order to succeed you also must avoid distractions and focus on the task you have. If your friends are going out friday night, but you know you have an important assignment due monday, you take the obvious route. Failure is going to come in life. you have to approach it with a positive attitude and find out what you did wrong.

    In order to have grit, you also have to challenge yourself at times. Step out of your comfort zone. nobody is going to hand you success on a silver platter, just because you can do one strand of math well. you have to challenge yourself to do well on all strands of math and have high expectations for yourself. there is a story about a boy named Cedric who grew up in the peak of washington’s crack epidemic. his father was often jailed and his mother barely put food on the table, but she always had high expectations for her son. Cedric graduated high schools and went to brown university, only to graduate with honors. (story is on same website as before) the moral is Cedric was challenged and didn’t disappoint. 25 years of research (refer to same website) determines that if teachers give students challenging goals out of their comfort zone, rather than moderate goals, achieves better results. therefore to have grit and to succeed you have to challenge yourself.

    Grit and talent often to hand in hand. you cannot succeed without one or the other. you can all the talent in the world, but if you have no grit, you aren’t going to succeed. and vice versa. After all “Overtime, grit is what separates fruitful lives from aimlessness.”

    1. great response...any personal examples to highlight your points

    2. There are many important character traits needed in order to succeed as a student. it is very difficult to narrow it down to just one. I' ve decided on two very important traits needed to succeed, Grit and Talent.

      Grit is defined as the perseverance and passion for long term goals. Students who want to succeed don't need teachers or parents to give them a push, they already know what kind of job they want, what kind of house and car they want and what kind of lifestyle they want. they know they what they want and know that they have to succeed in order for dreams to become reality.

      Talent is also very important. You could have the motivation to succeed and know what you want, but if you don't have talent, it is almost impossible to achieve your desired goals. Grit is very important but there has to be some natural talent instilled within. you could want to get a level 3 in writing, but if you don't have the talent to, you aren't going to.

      Grit is not only perseverance and passion, it has many sub-categories. (according to they are:
      4.Positive mind-set

      Goal-directedness is you know where you want to go in life and what path you are going to take. If i wanted to go into corporate law, i should know which courses to take in high school and which university, i want to go to. You have the motivation, a strong will to succeed. you don’t accept failure as a road block. in order to succeed you also must avoid distractions and focus on the task you have. If your friends are going out friday night, but you know you have an important assignment due monday, you take the obvious route. Failure is going to come in life. you have to approach it with a positive attitude and find out what you did wrong.

      In order to have grit, you also have to challenge yourself at times. Step out of your comfort zone. nobody is going to hand you success on a silver platter, just because you can do one strand of math well. you have to challenge yourself to do well on all strands of math and have high expectations for yourself. there is a story about a boy named Cedric who grew up in the peak of washington’s crack epidemic. his father was often jailed and his mother barely put food on the table, but she always had high expectations for her son. Cedric graduated high schools and went to brown university, only to graduate with honors. (story is on same website as before) the moral is Cedric was challenged and didn’t disappoint. 25 years of research (refer to same website) determines that if teachers give students challenging goals out of their comfort zone, rather than moderate goals, achieves better results. therefore to have grit and to succeed you have to challenge yourself.

      This year in grade 8, i made it my goal to achieve a Level 4 in language arts. i knew i had the talent to, i just needed the grit and determination to succeed. up until this point i have been trying my best to achieve my goal. I’ve tried to take my time in completing my work and not trying to rush it, so i don’t have any homework. i put in the time at home to complete unfinished work and use the teacher’s feedback to enhance and make my response better.

      Grit and talent often to hand in hand. you cannot succeed without one or the other. you can all the talent in the world, but if you don’t have, you aren’t going to succeed. and vice versa. After all “Overtime, grit is what separates fruitful lives from aimlessness.”

  7. In my opinion, I think that grit has a vital position inorder to make students be successful. This is because, that all students need passion and perseverance inorder to accomplish the concept.  

    However, this grit must be given in a in-direct manner inorder for it to really shine it's true colors. What I mean by this is, we need to presure the students. Let them "Take chances make mistakes and get messy" the wise words said by Miss.Frizzle on the Magic School Bus. All students are not trying hard enough because their parents see them as "Mr./Miss Perfect" so they don't get the motivation to do even better.  

    In the article of The Toronto Star, there was a story. It was this: "There was an award-winning chess coach, Brooklyn's Elizabeth Spiegel, whose kids beat chess teams much older than them. What's their secret? Tough watched Spiegel coach and said frankly, she could be brutal! After each tournament, she had each student reply their game with her, and she would be frank in her criticisms. "What were you thinking?" she'd say. While many parenting gurus suggest you give your child 5 compliments for every criticism, he said Spiegel did almost the opposite! Yet by giving them the experience of hearing criticism - constructive criticism, not abuse from parents doesn't make me as a student want to try harder. It makes me as a student feel good with what I did. How is that soposed to make me improve exactly? I'll just be thinking "I'm the best at math" sit at home and watch videos while other students begin to surpass me. That's not the kind of motivation I need from parents. I need motivation that tells me I'm already bad. That way, I won't fail in the long run.

    I'm not saying that all the blame must go to the parents for not encouraging their kids the right way, but the fact that, even teachers are tnot being compleatly honest.  

    If a student gets a 45% on one of their subjects when they really deserve a 15% then there is somthing wrong with the teacher's grading skills. What 45% means is that, "Your almost there. Keep on trying, you will get it soon." and what I say to that is SERIOUSLY?! How am I almost there, when I don't understand anything, failing the subject, getting the worst marks in class, ... How am I NOT failing?! I deserve lower than 10% so give it to me so that I feel motivated and angry within myself. I want you to challange me because, there is no use in protecting me from how my marks truly are. They say that "Failure doesn't bring you down, it lets you up." The reason why they say that is because we are human, we are expected to fail at a million things, but we can't get better at it unless people tell us we really do suck, because there will be no motivation for me to pull at. At least, not the right kind of motivation.

    That is way I think grit is neccessary. So that all students can expiriance failiure, and get better from it, instead of having them sit around, do nothing and just fail in the long run.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. but to get to your goal you need confidence and strength to do want you want and you need to put work into it

    3. That is why I chose grit as a main character trait. You will have the perseverancec to keep going and trying. It's just my opinion that students need to be presuized in order to get the passion they need to keep going.

    4. who is the quote from! The magic school bus was a fun and catchy way to get the readers attention

    5. I heard the quote worded differently somewhere. I'm not sure where it's from.

    6. I agree with Jonathan, to achieve your goal you need confidence and strength but you also need grit because you are pushing yourselves to do better and harder, trying new things.

  8. What is the most important character trait to produce the best result in a student?

    I believe that the most important character trail a student should have to be successful is responsibility because you need to make sure to finish and be trusted with work at school and even where ever you work. to e trusted is a big deal and gives you more opportunity to do things and help other people understand that you are loyal and will make sure to do thing at the right moment and return it on time.If you are responsible then you also have respect and kindness plus caring because that is all in responsibility.

    Is it grit?

    yes it is grit because if you are responsible you are showing that you want yo be trusted and want to make sure that everything is alright and make sure that we want to work together for a better future so you are putting in determination or courage to do something.Its show that you care about your education and try your best to do something just to reach your gold spot , your goal to what you wanted.

    1. In part 2 when you say "yes it is grit because" you defined responsibility and not grit why?

    2. Shouldn't the character trait in the first paragraph be trustworthy or loyalty since you got a little side tracked there.

    3. responsibility is a great you have any examples or find ant research that supports the same idea? explore...

    4. You could have added how grit is part of responsibility because like the way Kisho said you explained responsibility not grit, when you said "yes it is grit"

  9. 1) The character trait that is most important to produce the best result as a student is resilience. Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.

    For years, resilience has been known to be essential for great learning. Martin Seligman, the US psychology professor who has studied this extensively, has shown that it helps children think more flexibly and realistically, be more creative and ward off depression and anxiety.
    Resilient children give things a try.

    They understand that learning has plenty of setbacks and that they can overcome them. Resilient children talk to themselves differently from non- resilient ones, and don't turn mistakes into catastrophes ("I've failed my maths test, it's a disaster. I'll never get maths!"). Instead, they look at a wider, more positive picture ("Ugh, that was a horrible test, and I screwed up, but I didn't do enough work. Next time I'll do more revision, and it'll probably be a better paper as well").

    Resilient children take the next step forward. The ability to visualize there goals creates a mindset that makes there ambitions possible. Understanding exactly what they want is the foundation for there success. But executing that success requires taking the next step, every day, no matter how hard it may be.

    Having an open mind can improve a student a lot because when bad things happen like failed tests , it does not stop them from trying again, this ties in to being passionate and ambitious because they will not give up and they will keep trying until they get it. Which is why resilience is the most important character trait that produces the best result in a student.

    2) Is it Grit?

    It is not grit but it massively ties into grit.

    Resilience and grit work together hand and hand. This is because when you are a resilient person, you recover quickly when bad things happen, and grit is passion for a long term goal combined with perseverance to achieve it. So If you are a resilient person , when you fail a math test you have an open mind and tell your self that next time you are going to study harder and practice for a better mark, this ties in to grit because when you tell your self that you are going to practice for a better mark you also are being a grit person too because you are being passionate for getting a better mark next time. This is why resilience and grit work hand and hand.

    1. resilient is great do you have a personal example to go with this discovered research

  10. Out of all of the character traits there is, I think grit is the most important one. Grit is defined as passion and perseverance for long term goals so without it what could you do? You won't be able to graduate without it. There are many long term goals and one of them is graduation. Graduating is something that everyone dreams of but without persevering you won't be able to pass. You will give up on that one test that you are having trouble with and you would just quit. You won't get any good marks or anything, you don't try and you don't get the rewards. Persevering affects how you perform. If you don't try to get great marks then you will end up failing. Grit is basically your grades. With grit you get better marks and you pass. Without grit you don't even try and you fail. Long term goals are what you want yourself to be in the future. What jobs you want, do you want to go to university, etc. But as I said earlier if you don't try to do what you want, you don't get it.
    According to the toronto star thing Tough said parents often want to protect their kids from adversity at all costs, "but they're often doing more harm than good. Why is a certain amount of adversity good in childhood? It lets us practice failing" (adversity means difficulties by the way). If a kid is having difficulties they would know what failing is so they would want to try more harder to get what they want in the future. In which this defines grit. They would fail so they would persevere to get a long term goal. In conclusion grit is the most important characteristic.

    1. This is good but you could have went to different site to give different facts thus making this more better.

  11. I think the most important character trait to produce the best results as a student is grit because you need to keep hold of all the other traits. Think of grit as your base you cant build anything up without a base so once you have grit you can pile curiosity, conscienctiousness and self-control up to build a stronger more powerful and devloped character.

    i think a children need failure to build such a character "if you are not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything ORIGINAL" Ken Robinson
    this qoute shows what failure really means, people put such a big stereotype on failure "since you failed now your a failure" NO thats wrong failure brings you to higher places that can bring you even higher places, the only time failure doesnt work is when you make the same mistakes over again

    1. You could have added more to your response and a personal or life experience to it for why your saying that

    2. How is grit the hold of everything? You didn't explain into further detail.

  12. I think one of the most important character trait a student should have is #1 their Attitude! ¨ Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude.¨ (By Ralph Martson) They have to always have good positivity in themselves and stay positive in their school work and their academics because they need to always have that positive vibe that they can do it, even though they have their ups and downs they know that they can do it.

    Also another one is ¨Self-aware¨. That's when a student shows the understanding and knowledge of who you are including your skills, values, interests, behaviours and character. These traits are very important for a student should have. It will be able to show the ability, skills and behaviour they have in themselves. Its for them to stay positive in their school work, they need to have good gratitude so they can accomplish in their future, they have to be hardworking! Our character traits are what gets us where we want to be which involves our reputation and the plans we have ahead of us. ¨We choose our own paths. Our values and our actions, they define who we are." (by Stefan Salvatore - Paul Wesley TVD)

    Grit is defined as in psychology is a positive, non-cognitive trait based on an individuals passion for a particular long-term goal or end state it is coupled with a powerful motivation to achieve their respective objection. perseverance. I would say this is a way of grit because courage is being grit and having a positive vibe is basically the same.

    Students with better attitude and self-awareness seem to be doing better in school. They show better understanding and acknowledgement with using these character traits. They tend to focus and listen more all because of their attitude they impact towards their school work.

  13. The most important character trait that I believe that will make your life much better is respect. Respecting can get you happy and far in life. You can accomplish many things just by respecting. Teacher don't first look at your grades they look at your behavior. Facts have proven that respecting others can cause bullying not to happen to you and those around you. On the website it had mentioned that many kids who are taught respect don't bully anyone or get bullied, but kids who are taught nothing about respect can make them bullies or get bullied. It has been proven that if you were to be kind and respect others many people will work with you. This can apply at school and at work. Another example why respecting is great is because you can love your self. This is called self-respecting. If you don't respect your self how are you going to respect others.

    Bullying is a serious problem. Many people have committed suicide because many people were disrespecting them. Bullying can cause many problems. To stop bullying we can respect others. Respecting is key to solve many problems even this one. Scientist have said if children were being disrespected their anxiety level will increase. They will be trapped in a black hole. Bullying is happening because the bullies don't understand the meaning of respect. They only bully because no one respects them so then they respect no one. The cycle of disrespecting will go on, but so will the cycle of respecting. If more people were aware that disrespecting is the problem of bullying, many lives can be saved. A note by a girl named gif had said before she had died that "it so funny how you will give your condolences at my funeral but not when i'm here". This note has happened because she was being disrespected. We can defeat bullying by respecting others.

    If you were respecting many people you can included in many things and you will have more opportunity in life. It has been proven more people like people who respect others because they don't cause any fights and they listen to everyone's ideas. Many people want to be surrounded by respecting people so they can feel good about themselves. On the website it had mentioned respecting others can give you respect back. Many careers doors will open. Others will want to do you a favor.You will gain a reputation, and friends. Finally, many people will will want you to succeed.

    If you were to respect yourself you can learn your strengths and weaknesses. Respecting yourself can be great. If you can't respect yourself how are you going to respect others. On the website it had mentioned if you were to lack self respecting you can be attacked. Many people can attack you physically,verbally, and on the internet. If you respected yourself you can be strong. Many people won't target you. On the website it had mentioined that if your were not respecting yourself you won't be a positive person.

    Respecting is a grit. Many people will be happy for this reason. Respecting others can conclude your confidence do boost up.

    In conclusion respecting is the best character trait for many people. Also respecting vcan get you far in life. It will also save your life. Their are many traits that many people follow but i believe that we should treat others the way we wanted to be treated.

  14. Yes. I agree that grit, might be ONE of the best traits to produce the best results with as a student, because it’s defined as the passion for a long-term goal combined with the perseverance to achieve it. I think that “grit” will help students succeed because we all should be aware with the fact that we have to understand our goals in order to achieve them, and although this may seem like the ultimate trait in order to be a successful student, this isn’t. Character Traits are like a stairway- You need all the steps in order to become successful, not only one.

    According to and, there are also other crucial traits which can be seen as necessary in order to get good results from a student- some might seem consequential and some the opposite; but in reality, each of these traits matter.
    Traits include:
    Autonomy- the ability to act independently;
    Curiosity- an interest in all ongoing experience;
    Resilience- the capacity to prevent, or minimize the effects of adversity, and etc.

    Self-discipline, hope, gratitude, being a hardworker, and having a sense of natural leadership are also other traits important for a student to be successful as well, because of the fact that each trait is foundation, or a building block for every other trait to develop. All these traits (including grit) will help students succeed because they are all part of a person’s personality. Your personality and attitude does determine your actions, which, consequently, will lead to your future. Yes, and we can agree that grit (as a trait) stands out because of the fact that there is a way to measure it using the “Grit Scale” - made by Angela Duckworth and Chris Peterson (according to which can measure GPA and graduation rates more effectively.

    We all probably have that idea on what makes other grit and other traits important, but why? Why are traits like grit and perseverance and passion and hope so important? It’s because we all need to have an understanding of our dreams and what we are going to achieve in our lives. This is where grit comes in. The quote “Your dreams are on the other side of your grit” is what applies here. Grit- meaning passion for your dreams, which can only be achieved if you have the ability to persevere and progress to your way there, You have to stay dedicated, and not give up. You have to have that dream in your mind and continue to advance towards it; little by little. Having ‘grit’ is basically like having all these traits integrated into one large trait that becomes a part of your personality and attitude, towards that dream, and daily life, and you have to stay confident. In the original blog questions case, you can call it a students ability to produce successful results rather than a dream (in my opinion). So, having grit is indeed an essential for producing results!

  15. In my opinion the most important character trait would be Integrity to produce the best results as a student because Integrity would mean that the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles Integrity also means doing the right thing when no one’s watching you. The reason why I choose this Character trait is because in order to produce the best results as a student, you need Honesty, you need Responsibility you need Co-operation and when you need to Respect your teachers and your peers.

    Grit can also be an important Character trait to produce the best results as a student because the student has Courage and strength that they can do something, and that they can produce the best results as a student. But in my opinion I would still say that Integrity is the best character trait because of how Respect, Responsibility, Honesty, Co-operation etc. All fall into one category which is Integrity.

    1. I think you should of added your own opinion and used additional resources to further solidify your point

  16. NOT DONE BUT THIS WHAT I HAVE DONE SO FAR.............................

    The most important character trait to produce the best results in a student is grit because you are able to show if you want to improve, handle problems, have self control, knowing how to communicate with others, conscientiousness and curiosity. They are important because it shows how strong you can be to do something and how you don't quit easily.

    I think that we could fail sometimes because we are learning new things from what we failed but if we fail every time it is going to go in our character trait. “The one who falls and get up is so much stronger than the one who never fell”-Anonymous. This quote is a great example because when we fail we are able to know what we need to improve on, but when we try not to fail and think we are too smart we would not learn as much as the ones who fail and learn.

    Our parents usually want to protect from failing because they think it gives a brighter future but it really doesn't it. If we fail once we are learning something new from it no anything bad.

    My personal example is when

  17. i think the most important Character Trait is grit. grit means Perseverance and Passion for Long-Term Goals and in order for someone to be successful they need grit. they need alot of strong perseverance and alot of passion in them to become successful and achieve there goals.for example (to be continued)

  18. My personal life experience is when I had a friend who didn't really do much about school because she knew that she is very smart, but there was a time when she failed a project and she had a miserable time. She shouldn't do that because she needs to learn when you fail.

    Is it grit?

    Yes, because we need to learn how get a control of ourselves, learn to talk to others, conscientiousness, and curiosity. Also we need to try new things even if they are challenging at first. Learn new things when failed something and need patents to stop protecting us too much.

    The character trait we need to produce the best result in a student is grit.

  19. In order to produce great results as students, we need a lot of character traits which include the ones Paul Tough mentioned, grit, curiosity, conscientiousness, and self control because it's not easy to be one. Nobody can be a perfect student, but you can always be a better student. You always need to be able to take at least one step further because if you're walking on the same spot everyday for hours, you're never going to get anywhere.

    We all want to be the best we can but we often think that in order to produce great work, you can't fail. We've all been hearing the saying, "we learn from our mistakes," for many years. In the article, it says that teachers and parents need to show more discipline towards kids which means that when they fail, we need them to push harder. But nobody is doing that! Kids are just passing and if they don't fail, how are they supposed "learn from their mistakes?" That's how we learn, by always persevering, by going above and beyond, to keep trying no matter what happens.

    We want to be successful and we want the key to success. We've been saying that perseverance is the key to success or in order to succeed, you must always be positive. Those are all great thoughts but in reality, when failure comes and slaps you in face, you'll realize that it was because of failure that you are who you are. "Failure is the key to success, each mistake teaches us something." And this is true, every time you fail, you gain more ambition to do what you want to and without it, you would've been nothing.

    If somebody says that in order to succeed, you cannot fail, then go tell that to Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Winston Churchill and many more people that didn't succeed the first time, but these people certainly have something in common and that is grit.

    Therefore, I think that grit is one of the most important character traits you need. Grit is basically when you have a passion or persevere to do something. It means to keep going no matter what, even failure stops by. All of those people mentioned above are people who never gave upon matter how much people criticized them.

  20. Education. Who cares about it really? Your mother might ask herself, why are my kids not getting good grades like the other kids in school? That’s an easy question to answer. They don’t care. They don’t bother to pay attention in school. They don’t have “grit”. What is grit? Grit in a psychological term is passion, and a long term goal for success. When you work hard, success is your award, you need to work for it.

    If you look at two kids, one who works hard for their future and studies daily and a kid who sits in class doing nothing and staring out in space, you can easily tell which kid has a low academic average and who has a low academic average. People are “smart” because they work hard for it, nothing comes naturally. Grit, is a characteristic that most successful students tend to have, because they want it and are motivated to do better than good for their future, they work. Students push their selves to get up there and it isn’t easy but they do it anyway. As they say, no pain no gain.

    Not all kids are born with natural academic excellence, they work hard for good grades and do their homework unlike other students who don’t want to thrive. Students face excruciation when they are younger so when they get older and what they are being taught gets more complex, they wouldn’t be so stressed because they are already familiar with what’s going on. You don’t need to be Albert Einstein once you’re born, but you can work to get to their level. John C. Maxwell states that “Dreams don’t work unless you do.” So say goodbye to your dreams of being a doctor, lawyer, accountant or anything else. Everyone will be having a great life, and you would be struggling and working a job you don’t even want to have. It’s never too late to turn the clock around.

    When kids have grit when they are younger, they can keep up with grades as they get older. Louise Brown from Toronto Star states that kids in seventh grade have had a lower average in standardized math test from 7-8 percent, and if they don’t do great in language, they will continue to lag behind in eighth grade through high school. This shows that these kids probably don’t have much grit because they don’t have passion to study in school. There is a big gap in between eighth grade and ninth grade so you would probably want to cross that bridge, and not fall, because you never worried about studying and homework, you think high school is way too hard for you, and you become truant, and before you graduate, you end up dropping out. Other kids who actually want to be someone that matters go to university and do outstanding things that would make people and themselves look at them as if they’re special because they have perseverance.

    Students learn by being motivated, they have to want to do something in order to be good at it. Look at me for example, my parents make me go to piano lessons and I absolutely detest it, more than anything, I don’t have words to describe it and it’s not like I’m amazing but I’ll still practice to get it over with so I don’t need to deal with it in the future like education, you may not be academically smart but you would have motivation to still pay attention in class and do your part because you don’t want to face hardships in your future which you will because life isn’t easy but that’s that and you should deal with it but life will be easier now if you work hard. That’s why I think grit is an important characteristic in a student that will make them successful.

  21. (Continuing ). For example before Alberta entisen was successful he needed a lot of grit, he needed a lot of passion and perseverance to become successful.without that it would be a bit hard for him to become successful.a lot of passion and perseverance helps people to develop more confidence in there selfs.
