Monday, October 19, 2015

Homework Debate

Homework Debate 

1. How much homework is the right amount of homework?

2. Construct a detailed and realistic homework expectation for grade 8 at BHJMS 

Check out the News Report, stats, picture and comic to help formulate your position.

As well explore and research as there is a wealth of information available. 

3. Then engage in debate with two other students that have differing opinions and plans for homework


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You have some very good points but don't you think half an hour for us is too little?

    2. do you have any evidence to support your position? did you fact check or explore?

    3. "Most students are lazy playing video games, or they might be home watching t.v. If less homework would exist they might go outside." How is less homework motivate someone to go outside? They just have more time to play games.

    4. Your points do have logic in them however, would it really make sence to give 30 mins of homework each day? Some people don't do anything agter school. Is 30 mins appropriate for them?

    5. "Most students are lazy playing video games, or they might be home watching t.v. If less homework would exist they might go outside." Keirthanan, I don't really agree with you on this specific quote you said. If most students are lazy and if they have a lot more time to do what they want they might actually play more games or be an even bigger couch potato watching tv. Since that is what I would do if I had a lot of spare time.

    6. Also about what Krishotha said, according to this website I found (, only 57% of students take extracurriculars. Meaning that most people don't go outside much. So is 30 minutes really good for them or should they do more?

  2. 1) I think that students should have at least a little homework, but not too much. Too much homework could make kids have lots of stress. They have to worry about finishing so many different assignments for different subjects in such little time like in a day or two. I think that kids should get more time to on their homework so they could relax and actually learn Teachers should actually take their time to teach kids how to do it rather than giving them homework and expect them to finish it when they even know how to do it properly. We should be givin homework twice a week and have a couple days to finish it so we have time to relax and finish our homework.

    1. but if they were given more time on their projects they would get lazy and do it at the last moment and probably fail.

    2. But if they had a little time they would probably rush through it which would also get them a bad grade.

    3. the only reason they would rush through it is if they had other motives. (other things planned)

    4. find any evidence to support this position?

    5. We shouldn't relax that much, you can be well educated and get a good job, or have a job you wouldn't want.

    6. we should have less work but at the same time we should still study and pay attention in class to stay on paste and on task

    7. if they have assignment then the teacher would give a lot of time to work on it, but if you are lazy you would we working the last minute

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1) The right amount of homework is an amount that will take at most an hour. Now I know that kids work in different ways and in different speeds but that's the reason why I suggest one hour because most children will rush through their work and get it done in half an hour probably. But other students spend a lot of time on homework and they will be exhausted the next day at school because of the heavy load of homework.

    We need to think about both sides because the teacher obviously wants their students to pass with good grades and be able to be active in class. Homework will help us get better in certain subjects, but too much homework won't keep us active because we are so tired. According to the graph, more kids get A's and B's when they have one hour of homework. Also getting an A is going beyond, but getting a B is grade level. It means that they are doing well. Isn't that what we want, every student to be able to understand the subject?

    Most students struggle with math, language, science, history, and geography. We can't just give a student all of these things in one day! It won't help the child, it will just confuse them! And that's definitely not what we want. By giving this much homework, the teacher will only accomplish making the student feel like they don't understand anything.

    That's why I'd say that one hour of homework is better than giving a heavy load because that will help the student stay active in class and help them understand what's going on.

    1. you used the evidence provided can you find any yourself to support your well reasoned position

  5. 1) I do have to agree that students these days are getting a lot of homework. The right amount would be 2-4 subjects at most. However, there is always the "what if" scenarios. For example students could have projects they need to complete. In that case, 1-2 subjects will be the most that we students can handle. The reason why we are able to handle that much homework is because, most kids have extra curricular activities they need to handle. Most end at around 8:00 at the very least, and even still students coming home to a load of homework will just tire them. Also, if it's a project plus homework plus extra curricular activities, it will equal a tired student in the morning. We need 8 hours of sleep at the very least. Since there is a lot of homework floating about the student will most likely get less than 8 hours. There have been reports on students not able to focus on school activity because of lack of sleep. Which is why I say that at most 2-4 strands of homework and 1-2 strands if projects are involved.

    1. You have very good points, some students sleep at3 just to make sure their work is grade level.

    2. reports you specific when referencing a fact!

    3. I was researching and found this link as a source. This is where I got that people don't get much sleep.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 1. i think that about an hour of homework is enough for students in middle school. Kids these days sleep around 10-11 pm, and school ends around 3 pm. that leaves them with a maximum of 8 hours of free time after a 7 hour school day. an hour isnt such a bad deal considering that they still have at least 6 hours to themselves. its not like kids only have 90 minutes to themselves and im saying that 60 of those should be toward homework.

    Another reason homework is important, is reviewing key concepts learned in class. for example if you are learning about forces and energy in science class, the best way to keep that information fresh in your mind is to go home and review it. this leaves you pre-prepared for an upcoming test or pop-quiz. homework is not nessacarily doing 'work'
    i just think there should be a designated time for reviewing concepts, sitting down to read or complete unfinished/assigned work.

    The main activity for children in their free time is use technology. I'm not saying that technology is bad but there has to be a limit on how long you use it. staring at a screen for hours can weaken your eyesight and cause you to get glasses. the hour of homework gives kids a break from their devices and gives their eyes some rest too

    According to the chart above children who do an hour or more of homework have the best grades. 50% of students who get mostly A's do an hour or more of homework. which proves that homework does improve your overall mark. most students would like to get good grades, but don't show the effort nessacary. if you want to earn a spot among the best, you must show it before you speak it. and homework is the best way to do that

    1. Good job referencing the stats...can you find any on your own to support your position?

    2. I agree with 1 hour of homework i believe that is good enough and wont give people such a hard time to finish their work and feel mad about it

    3. Getting 1 hour's worth of homework seems reasonable. It's something that I would understand. However, what about the times where students don't understand their homework? What would happen then? Would that time limit increase or decrease?

    4. most of the times homework is just concepts reviewed in class. the teacher just checks if the students knows and understands the things that were taught in class. this year i cannot recall a single time where we have gotten homework and the teacher did not teach the concepts beforehand. very rarely will you get homework that was not taught or reviewed in class.

    5. But still, what if the concept is taught in class but the student does not understand it? Would the homework time increase due to this?

    6. if a student does not understand the concepts learned in class, then it is his/her responsibility to ask the teacher and clarify anything he does not understand. i don't think it's fair to say that the student doesn't understand his homework because he didn't bother to ask the teacher. even if he doesn't ask there are other sources to gain information from. (internet,books) of course that will increase the homework time but it will be the student's own fault.

  7. 1. How much homework is the right amount of homework?
    In my opinion the amount of homework that is the right amount of homework depends on how long it takes to do. For example if you get homework that takes over 1 hour to do , that is a lot of homework. The amount of homework that we should get should only take about 30-45 mins because us kids are stressing out while doing homework because we also have other things to do like sports classes , music lessons, religious activities, language classes, chores and free play. We can't have a lot of homework if we have to be doing all these things. Of course not all of us have other activities to do but personally I do and it gives me stress and the feeling that I'll get in trouble for not doing homework. So the amount of homework we should be getting is 30-45 minutes of work or another idea is our homework can just be reading for 30 minutes every night which will improve our grammar skills as well.

    2. Construct a detailed and realistic homework expectation for grade 8 at BHJMS
    - All given homework must be completed
    - Given homework must take about 30 to complete
    - No homework on scheduled Holidays
    -Teachers should be mindful of A students busy schedule (outside activities)
    - if no homework is assigned the student must read for 30 minutes at night.

    An expectation like this is very realistic and this expectation is something I would agree to.

    1. "no homework on schedul" what about winter break you can just have no homework for that long.

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  10. 2) The average homework scedual would be that there will be a little bit of everything. I know that I mentioned earlier about having 2-4 strands of homework at most however, it really depends on how many questions you get. In my opinion, there should be at least 1 or 2 questions in every subject. Like 1/2 in Math, Language has to be 1, Science; Geography/History and French should have at most 1 question. For Music, Drama, Dance, and Phys. Ed., it shouldreally be up to you if you wanna practice it or not. That would be a scedual that most students should be able to co-operate with.

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  12. 1.) I dont think we should have that much homework of each subject because if we get each subject of homework we will be loaded of schoolwork and wont able to finshes it because we need our fun time too not just do homework all day and not chat with our frirnds online, play online games, waching movies/videos, playing outisde, eating our food, and other things we do at our houses when we get back from school. Having a lot of homework on one subject is hard and then we have other homework that we need to do, but we get confused what question, what subject, and what homework to do first. But at the sametime homework helps us with the subject we are doing but getting loads of homework everyday can stress us out and sometimes get confusing.

    1-2 subject will be fine because 2 subject is easy for example math or geography, math is the most subject we do a lot so that a good homework to get, geography we don't get that much homework out of it but we get projects but at least it is fun to do. Getting over 3-4 subjects of homework is very stressful and very confusing since doing 3 or 4 subjects homework in one day and at the sametime it would be confusing. So getting 1-2 subject of homework is fine but getting over 3 maybe to much and stressful

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  14. 1. My answer right now is NO! I don't think that children should be getting a lot of homework! Everyday when a student wakes up for school, all they wait for is the time school ends. But the upside down is the HOMEWORK! A study group of Australian researchers found out the average socres of relating to students academic performances against the amount of homework dished out at the end of the school day, showed clearly that when more time was spent of homework students were getting lower grades. The research clearly suggested that placing too much homework can cause lower scores and lead pupils to begin suffering from depression.

    Most kids just want to relax and do what kids are supposed to do. You can get literally math, language, science, geography, french and computers all in the same day and get seperate homework from all subjects which will make your brain explode. sometimes most kids can't even spend time with their families or pets if they have one due to the cause of TOO MUCH HOMEWORK! Student's needs their brains to relax after 6 hours of school. Some grades in schools don't even get RECESS only lunch like what's going on here it's not fair.

    There should be atleast a minimum amount of homework, like reading but if they have a huge test coming up they can study which is reading and ask their parents to help them which therefore the student can spend time with their family members by asking them for help. Most of the time when students get to much homework, they end up losing the slack of sleep because sometimes they finish it like 1:00 A.M. in the morning! During school hours the students should be able to finish unfinished work in class and in that way they can ask their peers or teacher for help. They can get better examples too. Students shouldn't get an overload of homework that's legit due TOMORROW. Student's need time off, sometimes when given work and it finished and has to be handed in and marked, the teachers might not have time to mark it!

    A standford researcher has found out that students in high-achieving communities who spend to much time on homework experience more stress, physical health problems and lack of balance. How much is too much homework you may ask. According to the study, more than two hours of homework a night maybe counterproductive.

    1. We do relax, look at the amount of time people waste for social media

  15. 1.
    i think that we should have a little less homework than what we have now. some teachers give students way too much homework. sometimes it gets way too much.
    i think that students should get more time to work on it in school. at least we have teachers to help us there. i know we should ask parents for help but some kids have parents who work late. some people don't even have big bags to fit their books in. for example yesterday my bag was so full it took five minutes to close it. i also sat down doing homework for like an hour. kids don't want to come home and without having anything to look forward to. free time is something very important in a kid's life.
    i think it's good that Mr. Cheney doesn't give us a lot of homework. other teachers can give too much homework sometimes. i'm okay with getting homework every second day. if it get's too much i think i'll explode.
    everyone says that homework get's you smarter. think about it this way. you come home, then you sit down and start your homework. if you have a lot of homework that day you can be stuck with it for a long time. then you have to eat dinner. once you are done you won't have a lot of free time. you will be smart but will you be happy. i would be real happy if i got a little less homework.

  16. 1- I would have to say the best amount of homework would be about maybe an hour or less of work. Kids do not need to be overloaded by homework since they still want to have fun. I mean, if a kid is stuck doing homework all day he/she will not even enjoy it at all. If maybe there is an hour or less worth of homework he/she can just finish it and have the rest of the day to either do some extracurriculars or enjoy playing some games or something like that. If you were just bombed with homework you would need to stay up extremely late just to finish the 50 questions you were assigned. A kid's life is supposed to be about fun not to be slaves and work all day. Would a kid be forced to do homework instead of having fun? Do you really think a kid should not have any fun in a school day? They might not even do anything due to how hard the questions were or how much there is. Will you ever stay up til 1 or 2 am drinking energy drinks all day just to finish that one question you got stuck on or those 200 questions that you had to do for math? You are not supposed to do that stuff. You need to enjoy your life. Have some fun, do some extracurriculars, play video games, all that kind of stuff. If you had one hour of homework a day then you would have a lot of time to just enjoy your life instead of staying in your room and trying to do that one question. Probably about 5 -10 questions on nearly every subject is fine. 5 math questions, 5 geography, 5 science, 5 reading responses and I think that is a good about. You need to practice for all subjects so I think just about 1 hour of homework is fine. Also maybe on a holiday or something you could give 1-2 questions per subject so the kids can enjoy their weekend.

    2- This is what the homework expectation should be for grade 8 at this school. All of the homework has to be finished and ready to hand in unless it is either due another day or if it is a project that you are working on until you have to hand it in. There should be time to do some extracurriculars or time to play some games for them, so an hour or less worth of homework should be given. Half an hour worth of questions, half an hour worth of reading should be decent enough.
    If I was to give homework to some kids, what I would give is...
    -A lesson of math in the textbook.
    -1-2 questions for reading/language responses about their book.
    -Read 30 minutes a day.
    -Finally just any 2 or 3 questions from history or science.
    Also according to the chart above, it shows that around 1 hour or more is the average amount of time that kids use on homework and it is around some of the best grades.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I agree with you for the fact that doing more homework can damage a child's well being. Kids are supposed to have fun, it is a part of their childhood. If they don't do anything but homework, there is no fun in their life. Kids are supposed to enjoy their life, play games, take extracurriculars. Not to be homework slaves.

  18. 2. HOMEWORK

    Homework is defined as and out of classroom learning experience assigned by the teacher for the student's benefit.
    An average grade 8 student is expected to do 1 hour of homework on each of the 7 days of the week.
    Homework can be assigned for any and every subject the student learned during the regular school day.
    Teachers are requested to refrain from assigning more than 1 hour of homework per day unless the student has unfinished classwork to complete.
    3-4 questions per subject are enough to evaluate the students abilities, therefore no more should be assigned.
    A student is also requested to read in their leisure time to improve language skills.
    Subjects that homework can and should be assigned: math, english, geography/history, science and French.
    Please note that not all of these have to be assigned every day, a portion of subjects that totals approximately 1 hour, should suffice.

    1. I think only 6 days of week, people do a lot on weekends

    2. I think finding One hour out of your "busy" day is not a very hard task. if you wake up at about 10:00 AM, and sleep at about 11:00 pm that is 13 hours in between. Even if you do homework for an hour you still have half the day to do whatever you want.

  19. 1. I know that teachers really do give too much homework but if i was the one to pick how much homework is enough then i would a page of writing every single day with 2 questions on math. kid now a days always get too lazy to do their homework but why? Well it because of the extreme amount of homework that they are caring in their bags but if any student had little amounts of homework then i believe that kids wold actually do their work and not feel so stressed and not worry that tomorrow their will work that they cant do because they feel to stressed to do it anyway.

    2. student are receiving way to many papers and homework that needs to be done and i don"t find the need to do that because that"s the reason that we come to school the teachers should give us time in class to do this and don"t give us so much and teens want to be free ,feel like we can do it but not have pressure to do it. we want less homework because it stressful get you mad sad and makes you feel like you cant come to school tomorrow because you feel like your teacher might give you an extreme amount of work and your going to be stuck in your room with books and you number 2 pencil. for example kid don't like a day with homework like geography math science french and core class work its just too much but if we had a page of everything then it would make it much more easier for kids and for the teachers.kid are happy to come to school and they feel more relaxed and ready for the next work to be given.just like in the state they say that kids do their work at school but they say that student feel more relaxed and feel better about school because it won't stop their learning they will learn even more. plus even on the comic that i have seen it shows that Dexder does'nt do his homework and its mostly means that he had too much and was too lazy and stressed.

  20. For a grade 8 expectation i would give the homework not too much but enough to help us. The reasonable schedule could be one different subjects on different days so it could be more organized. Furthermore if students were to have different subjects for homework for different days it would be much easier for the students to understand. Addtionally students should not have homework over the week ends. They should only have it for friday.

    This can be the schedule for having different subjects on different days.
    Monday- Laguage Arts
    Tuesday- History/Geography
    Thursday- French
    Friday- Math,art,music

    For expectations:
    -homework for only 30 mins
    -Teachers should never give homework over the weekends
    - If no homework assigned read for 20 mins.
    -Teachers should help students on their homework.
    -All homework is due on monday
    -Kids should be allowed to play outside by giving less homework
    -teachers should know their students extra curricular activities
    -teachers should listen to their students

    These are my examples of grade 8 expectation.

    1. Still, 30 mins of homework is just not enough. Also, what if teachers give projects and you procastinate to do the work? Wouldn't students be struggling then?

    2. keirthanan but when kids have homework on friday they just leave it for sunday, i think that a whole day of la, history/geography,science, and french is too much,maybe we could have 2 subjects for a day. and also gym is missing.

    3. illiaz, ive never seen Mr. Cheney assign Gym homework to us.

    4. About what Illiaz said. I totally agree, if you can do more than one subject a day just a little bit of it, you can keep doing little by little and still remember what you are supposed to be doing in class. Also what homework do we do for gym Illiaz? One last thing. Why due monday? Why not due until the next math class or until the next language class, since that way you can get assigned more homework for better practice.

    5. we don't have hw for phis.ed and it's their fault if kids leave homework do be done at the last moment also if teachers give assignments than students should stop procastinating and should do it

    6. That isn't enough, and how do you know they would read, most people I know don't read when they are assigned to, maybe they should do a reading response if they “don't have homework”

    7. Illiaz, a gym teacher CAN'T assighn gym homework. There is no definate way to check it or not.

    8. because they do dont need that much homework especially grade 3 and 6 becuase of EQAO

    9. Ashantae, homework will most likely be very helpful to kids who are going to attempt EQAO. i remember in grade 6, my teacher used to give a lot of homework, but eventually it showed in my EQAO results.

    10. i didnt say anything about gym homework.

  21. The right amount of homework for grade 8 is where we are able to do all the things we have that day. Having too much homework gives too much pressure on the child. Having too little homework will make them finish the homework in like 5 minutes and do what was part of their daily plan for the the day. We could have homework for about 1 hour which is not too much and not too little. In my opinion, i think that homework helps us in many different ways, such as improving on different subjects, getting better practice in the school work, allowing parents to know what we do in school and how they can help us when we need help.

    We all have different speed for understanding the work that is taught in school. When we can’t understand something we don’t bother doing our homework. Getting a lot of homework would stress the kids out because the have to finish their homework and go to the clubs like swimming, kumon, and other stuff that they do after school. I think that getting the homework should be just 3-4 subjects because it is limited work rather than having to do too much that we don’t understand anything we are doing and just answering the questions. Most of the time the student pretend not to the work so they could play games all day rather than pending at least an hour on school work. Having school work is good for overall practices.

    In the picture with the girl and the boy, in my opinion, I think that the girl is right because it helps us better understand the things we learn in class, especially when we are having trouble with a subject. The boy is saying that we need to relax after school because of having too much homework.

    1. tanvir i think that you have good points but when i get too much homework, i dont feel pressured i just do the harder homework and leave the easy homework so i can still have some time to myself, i understand your opinion on the classes but and hour is a little too much maybe 30 - 45 mins of homework is good enough

    2. Thank you Illaz! But i am talking when we have homework for each subject plus having more that 5 assignment due the next day

    3. question 2 continued

      In the website it said that the students in Horry County, SC (WMBF) don’t get homework. I think that if not homework that the teacher have assigned from another subject then they should tell the students to that finish the work that was not done in school, read and practice the lessons so they can understand the concept

  22. 1) i think that a worksheet a day would be the right amount, but not to hard questions maybe level 2 and 3 questions. this way the students will remember how to do that kind of work. example: ms.ang gave her students a worksheet for homework, it was not to hard or to easy which made it a good way to practice because the students would remember the work they did on that worksheet. so i think that a worksheet a day is a good way to practice what you learned in class.

    i think that when teachers give lots of homework daily that this is bad because sometimes kids just want to play outside or go out with there family, sometimes students can have a lot of activity's to do after school there could also be many classes that they could have. such as: music classes, soccer classes, karate classes, etc. on the graph where it shows how long students work on homework most of the students work on homework for an hour or more, i think that teachers could give a bit less homework so there students could have some time to themselves. i heard on T.V. that children should have at least 60 mins. a day to be active, but with all the things that kids have to do they dont get very much active time.

    overall students have too much homework and teachers should give less homework.

    2) i think that grade 8 can have a little bit of homework from each class. so for language students could read and article and answer some questions about it. for math there could be a math worksheet with level 2 and 3 questions. for french we could write some french sentences about our day. for science we could go outside and explore what needs science and how some things work. for art we could draw something of our choice. for geography we could write definitions of the words we dont know in the unit. i know that we grade 8's dont have every subject every day so on the days that we have that subject we do that work. or somedays we could just say what we did that weekend for the weekend.
    in the first link it says that students already over everything in the curriculum at school so this shows that homework should not be given to students so much that they have no time to themselves.

    1. so you think we should have less or more than 1 hour???

  23. 1.) I say that the best amount of homework that should be given to students should be a couple of questions on certain subjects. even though people say that practice makes perfect, if a person answers 3 questions right and to al lvl 4 than they could answer 50 questions lvl 4 its just wasting time. So the right amount of homework is a couple of questions on all subjects not 5o questions on 1 subject and 20 on another.
    if you give too much question for homework the kids might not even do it. They might do it but only lvl 1 or 2. They might do it to a lvl 4 but they wouldn't be spending enough time to spend with their families and friends. Yes homework is effective on subject that you have trouble on but that is up to you. if people don't want to practice their disadvantages that is their fault not the teachers.
    Teachers don't think of student daily lives. Students might have tutor classes, extra curricular activities and most important of all they might have special occasions they need to go to and more homework would prevent that. It is also more trouble for teachers because teachers will already have things to mark such as tests and quizzes on top of that if they have to mark homework it would be a disaster for them.
    If you look at the article the two children have different points one was yes and the other no. If you read the one that said no, he said we want to do other things when we get home and if you look at the chart people that gets a's and b's on tests do homework for 1 hour in my opinion that is basically 2-5 questions on every subjects/
    In conclusion i think that people should have around 2-5 questions on every subjects and the same amount of homework on week ends.

    1. I agree that students should not get that much homework, but i think that is too less. A few questions is to little for grade 8. I would say 10 question, but these questions are not that long. Maybe 9 quick questions and 1 long questons.

  24. I think that kids who are 6-12 should get at the most 10-15 mins of homework because they still are in elementary school school but if you bot 13-14 should get about 1 hour and 20 mins because it is preparing them for high school.

    now a realistic homework plan for grade 8's is get home do the easier stuff first to give you more time to work n the harder questions or assignments . like i said in the first question 1 hour and 20 mins is good because the canadian council of learning found out that grade 8 students should get no more than 80 mins of homework per a day. that proves 5 hours of homework is not the way you go.

    1. Why should grades 1-6 get 10-15 minutes of homework? They most likely need to improve their skills more than we do.

    2. 10-15 minutes of homework isn't going to help a student at all

    3. 10-15 minutes of homework is not enough. and when kids will be 13 they will suddenly be forced to do something they haven't done their whole life. from 15 minutes to 80 min is a big increase, especially in the time span of one grade. the increase will likely result in more stress than the actual homework.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Ages 6-12 are grades 1-7. Why do they need less homework? I know you said grade 8s should get more homework as it prepares them for high school but grades 1-7 is where you grow up. You should know some more as you are younger so the next few years should be easy on you. One last thing. Grade 7 is where you prepare for high school too so...

    6. I like your respond but you could have added more detail to it,facts, statics or comic that are there put something from there too prove why the amount. Also it is on grade 8 not the elementary classes. 6-12 shouldn't just get 15 mins of work but a bit more because what would happen to them when there in high school.

  25. 1) First of all I would like to say that, homework is good for every student and that homework helps each and every student understand the subject also
    homework gives students another opportunity to review the class material at home. Another reason why homework is good for students is because homework gives parents a chance to see what their child is learning in school. Also homework teaches students how to take responsibility by taking the homework home and bringing the homework back finished. Homework can also teach student how to work independently.

    Now, I would say that the right amount of homework would be
    -read for at least 30 minutes
    -write about what you read
    -answer math questions 1-4

    That would be enough homework for a student to do so that they have the rest of the day to do what ever they want. The reason why I just choose : read for at least 30 minutes, write about what you read & answer math questions 1-4 is because that way you are at least revising your grammar, your writing skills and, your math in less homework. Another reason why

    2) 1. My schedule for homework as an 8th grader would be
    2. Math at least 1,2, or 3 word problems
    3. Journal Prompt ( 1 topic)
    4. Geography- definitions of words
    5. Science- lab reflection

    I choose these subjects as my homework because it gives me a chance to take a look back at all of the subjects I need to look at to help me. Another reason is that it will impact on our integrity and how we are acting today determines who we will be tomorrow. This is not a selective reality. I cannot pick and choose which areas of my life will determine who I will be.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. 2.) homework at BHJMS grade 8
    .math questions 2-8
    . L.A: finish questions for quote
    . Geography: study for quiz
    .French: write what you did at weekend
    .Science: write how a mouse trap helps to move a object
    (This is actually less than it looks)

    1. expectations
      .a bit of homework
      .prepare for tests and quizzes
      .moderate number of assignments
      .finish classwork at home
      .moderate time to finish assignments

    2. I see your point. Writing our actual homework made me see what we actually have to do. It also made me realize that we might be able to handle more than 4 strands of homework. (Depending on what it is of course)

  28. 2)
    I'd suggest that we give certain subjects for homework on certain days like the subjects most of the students don't do so well on because if we give everything on one day, the students will only struggle to:
    1) Complete their homework
    2) Understand the homework
    That's why I think that maybe we could have one or two of the harder subjects and if it's necessary, a little bit of homework where we could get creative like art. This way, homework will benefit everybody.

    For example, we should have a few questions of math with maybe a science lab reflection on one day which won't be that heavy and maybe the next day, you could have a language response and you have to take history notes. This way students will understand their homework better and that will leave plenty of time to do any activities you want to for fun or hang out with your friends.

    Also, I think that instead of having us answer a whole bunch of questions for homework, we could have small projects sometimes which will get us more involved because we are able to get creative. And a lot of students learn that way.

    Anyways, a good homework plan is having 2-3 homework subjects everyday which will have us doing homework for one hour or 1 1/2 hours. Teachers should expect us to do this much homework everyday for our and their benefits.

    1. You're right for the doing homework and understanding part, it's important

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. 1) How much homework is the right amount of homework? Do you get a lot of homework? Do you not get homework at all? Parents were surveyed in October, 2000, revealed that 64 percent of parents felt their child was getting "about the right amount" of homework, 25 percent felt their child was getting "too little" homework, and only 10 percent felt "too much homework" was being assigned.

    Everyone despises homework. But it's important. I think that the right amount of homework is not too much but not too little, just enough so you can understand what teachers are trying to educate you with. If you say no homework? That's just not right to me. You need homework so when your teacher reviews a lesson with you she or he will know your strengths and weaknesses. In my opinion, a little bit of 3-4 subjects of homework is precise for kids in grades 6-8. In grades 3-5 I think the accurate amount of homework should be reading a book for half an hour and 2-3 subjects of homework since kids are preparing for the EQAO in grades 3 and 6. In 1994 about 12 percent of nine-year-olds, 28 percent of thirteen-year-olds, and 26 percent of seventeen-year-olds said they did one to two hours of homework each night. I think that the curriculum has changed so I don't think that this amount of homework should be given to a nine year old. Innumerable kids in first and second grade still don't know how to read so I suggest them read a picture book and do a little subtraction and addition everyday to prepare them for the future.

    Homework everyday, that kids will take 3 hours everyday is stupid, people have lives with their families and have after school extra curricular programs as well so homework shouldn't interfere with that.To be honest, it isn't the teacher's fault that they give you homework, they just want you to succeed in life and they probably give you so much because you don't pay attention in class, it's pretty much your fault, don't blame it on the teachers. So I think that the most important lesson is that we should have homework.

    2)I think the appropriate amount of homework for a 8th grader is 3-4 subjects of homework, and almost different subjects everyday because we will be going to high school very soon and you will surely struggle with homework and probably fail in a few courses. If you aren't keeping up with your grades in 8th grade, how good do you think you'll do in ninth grade? And if you fail 10th grade math... You won't be graduating high school until you put effort in the work you'll do. I think that we need homework everyday so we can have an idea of what the future looks like and when you get used to homework you won't whine so often in high school since you've already experienced annoyance for homework. It's better you work hard and struggle now than in high school, because if you don't succeed you will be a failure to yourself and people who believe in you. According to, junior high students can benefit from more time on homework and the amount might vary from night to night. This is why you should focus now, you go to school for 6 hours a day to learn, and you get homework to improve your knowledge.

    If you think that a lot of homework is given now, just wait, a big storm is coming for you. We should also read often so our vocabulary becomes more advanced. When you grow you become more mature, we are in 8th grade now, we should be able to take initiative by doing our homework to the best of our abilities. We're mature now, the right amount of homework is also the proportion of homework that our teachers think we need.we don't get to decide how much homework is efficient for us to understand, it all depends on if YOU pay attention in class to understand what is being taught. Therefore, homework is important and if you want to succeed? Just do it.

  31. 2. Homework is a way of saying unfinished class work. So it is not a way of saying do everything today, and their are assigned days of when each subject's work is due.

    The schedule for have the homework on one day should be:
    Do the unfinished work that has not been done in school (eg. science, french, and other work.)
    4-5 questions of math
    read for 30 minutes
    review what needs to be reviewed for next day or for a test

    I think that we if we focus in class we would be able to finish all our work so rather than complaining at home to our parents that we have too much homework, we would be done and read or study for something.

    Having something for a few subjects is good because we are able to still review what we do in school at home so we can memorize it .

  32. This is how I think an average 8th-graders’ daily homework at BHJMS should be.
    *The duration should be about (80-90 minutes)*

    (The timing and lessons are based on my perspectives, and how much I think an average student can do, and this is my opinion on how I can cover most of the subjects in the timing

    -3 or 4 questions out of a math lesson (20-25 minutes approx)
    -A short response based on an article or lesson from the same day (20 minutes)
    -Reading (20 minutes atleast)
    -Any Review or work from other subjects that is needed to do (French, Geography, Art etc) (30 minutes)

    -There should be the same amount of homework assigned on the weekends, not less and not more.
    -There should be no homework assigned on holidays
    -The homework assigned should be something related to the lessons we learnt on the same or previous day, it shouldn’t be like a workload of something repetitive related to that subject because students don’t tend to learn much from those kinds of homework.
    -The amount of homework given everyday should be consistent and balanced
    -There should be different subjects of homework to do, not just the same subjects all the time. The homework schedule should be balanced so students can review all subjects they’ve been taught.

  33. 2.) The average homework for Grade 8s is that they should get a little bit of homework that they learned everyday so they can remember everything. I think the average we should get is atleast 2-3 subjects for homework. I do admit I'm not stressed everyday going home thinking I have to much homework because well I barely get homework but from other subjects I do struggle, the homework can be too hard which does stresses me out!
    Having different subjects with different teachers can be hard cause they're all different, one might give you a lot of homework, the other might give you less or none. But this year at BHJMS it's the grade 8s last year and we are preparing for highschool but we deserve only a little bit of homework for our hard work throughout the years. As I said we should get atleast 2-3 subjects of homework and some reading.

    1. getting stressed out is have a headache, i only get a headache when i do homework for hours non stop. once i came home and had so much homework until my head started hurting, when i checked the time it was 11pm. but i think that your point is valid since homework should be 2-3 subjects and some reading.

    2. i think we should have an increase in homework as we get older and advance to higher grades because the work is getting harder not easier, as we get older. the harder it is, we have to put more effort into our work. therefore, i think you are incorrect in stating ¨we deserve only a little bit of homework for our hard work throughout the years.¨

    3. No, when you get to high school, you won't get used to the amount of homework that is given so we should prepare now, our last year here doesn't make a difference, if it's university, that's different

  34. 1.) I believe that kids should be allowed to only have homework for only 30 mins. I know that homework is essential. These students are stuck inside doing homework they don't have time to go outside. It is scientifically proven that kids who don't get enough exercise are not healthy. Additionally, kids have a life to, not just adults. We have to explore the outside world. On the website it refers that homework is used for punishment. Who would want to punish their students. Additionally is is scientifically proven that children that do homework can depression.

    Students do not get enough exercise. Video games and t.v are big distraction. These video games can be addicting if you let your self be. Researchers have done an experiment. They tracked a group of students who play video games and a people who don't play video games. The researchers found out that the students who play video games there homework was not being done and they were dropping their grades in reading and writing. Students already have one problem so why is there soo much homework.

    A stanford researcher have found out having too much homework is bad for your health. The students will experience physical problems and, a lack of balance from the real world. Denise Pope has researched that kids who always do homework are not social . They are disconnected form their friends. Kids an be depressed because of homework. Homework is one thing students don't like to do.

    Teachers have created homework to punish students. In the website they have said homework is created to punish kids, I wouldn't agree to this but i would say that teachers created homework to get children in trouble. If students don't do their homework, they will get a phone call home or a detention. Researchers have collected a data of students if they like homework or not most students have said they do not like homework. On the website it had mentioned that students think its pointless and boring. They won't have time to play. Sometimes it might steal your sleep.

    Bassically having 30 mins of homework will be great for students. All these reasons will not happen. Most students will be happy about not having a lot of homework.

    1. "They have said homework is created to punish kids, I wouldn't agree to this but i would say that teachers created homework to get children in trouble." One thing about this, think about it. If you say that teachers created homework to get children in trouble, would that not be the same thing as punishing children? If a kid gets in trouble, obviously they will be punished as a phone call home or detention. It is basically the same thing you are talking about. Agreeing to the same thing you are disagreeing to. The last thing I disagree about is one of your other quotes "They are disconnected form their friends." Why not do the homework WITH your friends at their house?

    2. why would teachers want to get children in trouble? students have an average of 7-8 hours of free time everyday, how is doing 30-60 minutes of homework going to take away their playing time, cut into their sleep or make them feel depressed. and video games are not apart of this argument.

    3. i am trying to say that having 30 mins of homework is not going to cut into thier play time, sleep. Having more homework for extensive hours can. I recommend 30.

    4. Video games can cause distractions for homework.

    5. yeah they can do there homework with their friends but they will be more involved with homework than there friends.

  35. 2) we should have an hour or less amount of homework twice a week
    the homework should contain 2 to 4 subjects

    Language write about a certain topic
    Math questions 1 to 5
    Geography find definitions on specific words and create map
    Science find definitions and awnser questions in notebook

    The expectations should be that the homework is due next week
    If there is no homework then read for 30 minutes
    If you had trouble with the homework ask teacher for help
    If there is a project you will not be given homework
    Try you're hardest on all of you're homework

  36. 1.
    In my opinion I think student my age should get 45 minutes of home work. But it also depends on how much homework you may have. If it's a lot 1 hour and 20 minutes and if just a little 30 minutes. That's how much time we should get to do our homework.

    We also do lots of work at school so why do so much at home. I read from that more then 2 hours of homework a night has a negative effect on a student or counterproductive meaning having an opposite effect. Also something I found interesting was that some student did so much homework they never had time to do aster school programs and learn other skills. Some people might have after school programs and not have time to finish all the homework. So little homework should be given.

    At school I think we should get a little homework for each class. It would be easier for most people. Because as I had written earlier to much homework is not healthy. Also some people have after school programs so simple homework would be fine. The homework also can't take very long. I have an example below.


    1. math questions 1-5
    2. geography map
    3. Language rebound

    That could be home work for one day. The next day it could be art, science, and math so only have homework what u did that day. And nothing to hard and something you could do in a reasonable amount of time. Because sometimes you get so much homework you never have time for your self. Maybe you wanted To go walk or you wanted to go to the park. But you did not have time because you had so much homework.

    Over all we get lots of home work and that should be minimized. We should be allowed more the time to do what we won't because we do so much work at school.

  37. 2.
    kids in grade 8 should spend at least 20 minutes on their homework. i would say that the maximum time we should spend on it is 1 hour. homework shouldn't take long to finish. i also read in a Time magazine that if a student has to spend too much time on homework he/she won't learn any better. it also said that researchers at the University of Oviedo found out that Math and Science homework are the most hard ones. they are also the homeworks that we spend more time on. I agree with them because every time i have math or science homework it takes more time that any other homework. we should get less science and math homework. maybe a little bit more language and art. we should spend 15 minutes on math and 15 on science. then we should spend the next 30 minutes reading or drawing. some teacher give us too much homework and i might take 80-90 minutes to finish. this schedule would give us more time to do other stuff.

  38. 1) I think the right amount of homework for kids would be 2 sheets of work and 10minutes of reading. This way the child won't have a lot of homework to do so they will be able to have fun,do what they like to do best and spend more time with there family. This will help the child with there learning and also help the child to get free time . Having homework will help kids a lot in the future even though having homework bothers the kids it still helps them later on I the future. For example is someone wanted to become a famous person who knows art they are gonna have to go to school for that.

    2) Grade 8 homework expectation:
    2 sheets of language
    2 pages of math
    1 page of science
    20minutes of reading
    Any unfinished work
