Monday, October 5, 2015

Rebound Poster and Photography Assignment

Rebound Poster and Photography Assignment 

Great Job 80 AYYY making composing and editing your Rebound posters!

The end result is some awesome and magnificent posters. 

Let's take a moment to appreciate and evaluate your work and your peers work.

Explore the pictures and answer the following questions and provide feedback on two of the pictures. 

Which ones are the most powerful and vivid? Why do they resonate with you? 

Which one provides the greatest recall for you.  Meaning as you see the picture the story of Rebound rushes to your memory. 

Things to consider when critiquing the photo composition, use of blur, use of lettering, relevance of photo, realism how well it tells the story of rebound

Keep the conversations smart and intelligent and avoid the temptation to be petty and insulting.

After we will conduct a poll and vote for the best picture of them all and also pick the group that has the best collection of 3 photos.

1A Pencil Drawing

1B Cigarettes 

1C Don't Touch my stroller

2A The Watch 

2B my Shirt

3A The Fountain

3B Coke Cans 

3C Smoke

4A Cigarette butt

4B Those Shoes

4C Trouble

5A Good Try

5B He's in a Wheelchair

5C I Need some Shade

 6A Going to the Dance

6B Crash

6C Drawing


  1. Replies
    1. nice use on the black for the outter edge. This picture catches the eye because of the black outter edge. Additionally it wpuld have been better if you had included better colour. I think the contrast is too low.

    2. This is a great photo but I think you can use more natural light so the drawing can be more visible

    3. I absolutely love this picture. The way that you used a very good prop brought my attention here. The only thing I would suggest is a bit more blur. It is barely noticeable as it is only shown as a little strip around the top. Other then that your picture is amazing. The way you guys edited the picture makes it stand out from the rest. The black outline makes the picture and the text stand our a lot. The text was also very nice compared to most others.

    4. we wanted to focus on the pencil to show that sean was a really good artist. But we can always improve!

    5. this picture provides the greatest recall for me. the instant i see this photo, the cafeteria scene with david drawing the grade 7 girls come to me instantly. the picture itself has very good composition and the text is done beautifully.

    6. the font and the shade is alright but the photo is a bit to dark and does not really stand out

    7. The most powerful and vivid pictures are 1A and 5A because 1A it has a good use of the fonts which helps the reader to understand what they are reading. 5A is also a powerful and vivid picture because it has a nice natural blur and the use of fonts also make sense

    8. i was supposed to put 5A on the other one

    9. We wanted to focus on David drawing the picture and his pencil. Thank you for the feedback by the way.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. I love the way the picture is drawn and the angle of photo, with the detail and the word usage with a variety of colours and font bast on the picture it truly was amazing

    12. Nice picture
      Ithe font looks nice and the scene that you chose was great you could tell that its a scene from Rebound.

    13. shaili it is David the one who was drawing it not sean

    14. Thanks for your feedback everyone! There's always room for improvement

    15. this picture was good i like how you made the picture kind of dark on the outside. it makes the drawing stand out. it was a little bit to dark though.

  2. Replies
    1. this picture is not that clear it looks like everything got blured. you could have done the cigarettes not blured. Good use on the text.

    2. this photo has a really good quote good blur and the photo is fantastic I really like this photo the only thing is the background is different from the scene in the book because they were at the party/dance.

    3. I like the scene and all but you should have focus the picture on the hands and cigarette and not make it blurred. But the text was good.

    4. I really like the picture and the text was good but I wasn't really to big of a fan on the fonts you used

    5. i also think that this picture looked a little bit to blurred. nothing is really in focus. other than that it was good

    6. This photo had too much blur I didn't know what part of the picture was supposed to stand out. You guys could have focused more on the cigarette to make the picture stand out

    7. Thank you for the feedback guys! It's nice to know that there are different opinions and different ways of improving our picture. :)

    8. Thanks for the feedback! :) There's always room for improvement

    9. in my opinion this was a powerful picture. the scene you guys picked was a very original. even without reading the text your mind goes straight to the scene with scott offering sean a cigarette. i like that you can see the daylight because in the book this scene took place right before school

      sean and scott are also far away from school, which tells me that they are off school property. i really admire your attention to little details like that. i like the background, even though it isn't a very wide picture, you found a way to incorporate the whole school.

      Sean was also very confident in refusing a smoke. that is represented through his line being in all caps. the caps also differentiate sean's line from scotts again, you are paying attention to the little things.

      all in all this is a very powerful picture. Excellent job Group 1!

  3. Replies
    1. i think you should of incorporated sean in to this photo, to get a more vivid and immediate connection to rebound

    2. I really liked the scene that your group chose and the text really finishes the picture. This picture looks good to me because of the way how the text stands out on the picture and you could tell that the picture is talking about rebound.

    3. If you look a little carefully, you can see Sean's hand. Although you are right about needing to add more of Sean. Thanks for the feedback.

    4. The text is great but should have took the picture capturing more of the wheelchair and showed more expression to show the anger

    5. we didn't want to show the Sean's face because we were all girls, thanks for the feedback.

    6. You could have made the font bigger so that the text is big and bold. Additionally the composition of this photo is great.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. this photo has very good use or blur contrast and has the photo based on the wheelchair its a bit dark but just enough not a lot but this photo is outstanding

    9. Thanks for the feedback! Well, yes we could've added Sean i the photo, but as a group of girls it was really hard for us to portray him :) so we decided on making the main focus the wheelchair, and as for the text, we tried to make it bigger but it would blend in with the picture, so we made it a little smaller.
      The darkness of the picture represents that David was angry so it was sort of like a negative scene :) Again, thanks for all the feedback!

    10. Thanks guys. I understand everything that you told us, however as you may already know we are all a group of girls. (Jena, Reesa, me and Shaili) There was no possible way to show our angry faces without making them seem girly in any sort of way. And the text, well we definatly were fixed on the size because of the lighting of the room. Again, thank you for your opinion.

    11. i like the use of the text and how you guys blurred the back to just show Sean and David

  4. Replies
    1. the white in the writing is hard to read in some places.

    2. The quote to your picture looks amazing and the picture does have an amazing composition. However, you probebly should have made the font of the white text thicker so that it is easier to see. The reason is, the text is blending in with the ground a little bit. If it was thicker, the photo would have been amazing.

    3. this photo could have been great. You could have blured everything except the watch so it focuses on the watch. Additionally if you had added a bit more saturation it would have popped up even more. This idea was a great idea. It is unique i never seen this before.

    4. Your picture is great! But some parts of your quote is blending in with the background. You could've made the color of your text different.

    5. this photo is pretty good because is has just enough blur and lighting great photo

    6. The photo is really nice however some parts of the text is not readable

  5. Replies
    1. this photo makes it seem like david was scared of Sean, however in the text that is not the case

    2. No it doesn't because it looks like David is pulling on Sean's shirt and Sean's not trying to do anything because he doesn't want to hurt him

    3. But the text doesn't really sell the scene

    4. The text doesn't really go with the picture because there isn't any wheelchair and the scene doesn't really go with the text.

    5. the picture could have included the wheel chair. The text was great but you could have made it bigger.

    6. I disagree with Hassan. It definatly does not look like David is afraid of Sean. It looks like David wants to fight Sean. However, the text in this photo is all the same color and it does not go with the photo.

    7. the background did not fit the picture i like the blur but theres no wheelchair and in the fight there was a wheelchair we need to pay more attention to the details that we missed

  6. Replies
    1. there is no orange in the photo so why is there orange in the text?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. however i like the composition of this photo

    4. The picture is very blurry at the most important place which is the drinking fountain. the main part of the picture is the water and , the drinking fountain and they both look pixely and blurry which doesn't make the picture look nice, also in the words you could have used the whole space instead of cramming it into that one little spot. You could also choose different colours to somewhat match the picture to let the words fit in to the picture.

    5. You can see through the text very easily. It's tough to read and also considering the fact it's too crammed. Additionally, there is no sighn of orange in the picture. I see brown, but not orange. Keep playing with the text to fix that.

    6. I also forgot to add that, you are able to spread out the text. One corner makes it hard to read.

    7. this picture is a smart idea. you could have included a bigger text. it would have popped out more.

    8. the picture is a bit to plain,no color and the quote is great but the choice of color was not fitting the text

    9. I think that this is an amazing idea and the water is nice and clear and blends with the story and the words make it really affective. It would be appreciated if the font can be a bit think the I felt font

    10. This is a great photo although the text seems to be too small. Make sure you enlarge the text and change the colors to make the text stand out, and also, the white blends in with the fountain so it's harder to read. The orange doesn't contrast with the picture so change the color for that as well, maybe black so it stands out. Good job!

    11. I think the scene that you guys chose was good but it could have been better and maybe you could have used a silver or grey colour for your font because orange doesn't really go with the picture. Also you could have made the font a bit bigger so we could see the text without needing to make the picture bigger.

    12. i think you guys should have made the text a bit bigger to make it stand out with the picture. but oveall was a good photo

    13. this picture was great. you did a very good job using the fonts. i really liked your choices of fonts but you could have switched the orange to gray over lapped by black. the angle was good to. over all i would give you a level 3

    14. I really like your photo. My group tried doing it but ended up failing the whole thing. The way you hid the hand pushing on the fountain was the thing that caught my attention. It was really nice as the water looked amazing while frozen still. One thing that you could have improved while editing was the blur. As the background is one colour the blur was hard to get in. But what you could have done was focus on the fountain head or just the water stream to be able to get a focus point. Focusing on both seems nice but I would suggest you focus on one so the editing can really stand out. You also could have made it just a tad bit warm or a tad bit cold for that extra colour details. The thing about your picture that I loved was the water. It stands out more then everything.
      About the text. I really liked the fonts you used and how you displayed it. The text really shown out to me but what you could do to make it stand out just a bit more would be overlapping. Overlapping would have made it way better as it is hard to see the white text. I saw that little orange mark around the fountain head but you could have done silver overlapping with black or blue. The thing that I loved about the quote was its importance. I would have to say out of all the fountain quotes out there, this would be the most important one to do. It stood out to me so I think that it was a good picture. Some more positives about your text is the font. I liked how you made some of the important words a different font and left the rest the same font. It was a really smart idea. Keep up the good work! :D

    15. You guys could have used another color rather than orange because it doesn't go with the scene

  7. Replies
    1. i think you should of played with the coke can colors (red and white) instead of adding the black to the text

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This is a powerful picture. It has flare and natural blur . But the coke cans can be positioned a little differently to make it look more realistic

    4. The text is way too small to read. I have to tap on the picture and zoom in inorder to read it properly. You should have spread ou the text a little mot and made it bigger. That way, I am able to read the text.

    5. I think that the text could be more vivid because it's a really eye catching picture which makes me not want to read the text.

    6. I like your picture. It has a good focus and it also has a flare which actually makes the picture look better. But your text is a bit too small.

    7. you could have put the coke cans on the grid lines and the text could have been bold and big. I like the natural sunlight.

    8. In my opinion I think you should move the cans near the net so it would give a better idea of what your trying to say

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. This picture brings back the most rebound memories in my opinion. It is a decent photo but the thing about it is the cokes. The cokes remind me of the bet, which brings it to the lunch time and then to everything else. The lunch time is connected to Mr. McCully, the grade 7 girls, Sean, Scott, and David. It brings back all those characters during lunch time and the cokes just connect to it due to the bet. Also about the picture and quote. You could have angled the cokes a bit more so it would be more of a better picture. In my opinion it is basically rushed, barely any editing. Another thing is you could have used the blur a bit better. Other then that I think your picture is pretty good. It shows a lot about the story.

    11. this photo is nice but you just need to have the cans a bit more closer to the camera the can are a bit to far and the background should be a basketball court not a feild

    12. i don't really get why you guys used black. i think you should have used a pattern too.

  8. Replies
    1. maybe you could've used another colour or took the word "I'VE" out of the grass because it blends into the grass and you can't see it as clearly.

    2. The word "I've" isn't that clear. You could've changed the color of it.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. nice photo but i does need some blur and a bit of darkness on the side but pretty good photo

    5. You could have added lens light and you could have put the cigarettes in the corners of the picture. Great editing!

    6. The word IVE blends in with the grass but great photo

    7. i like your picture but I'VE could have used another color so it would have stand out
      by the way nice picture

  9. Replies
    1. I think that 4A seems to be the one which is really powerful because it represents the haunting image of peer pressure that Scott is trying to put upon Sean. And it resonates that scene from Rebound. I like the way this group’s photo had the proper composition at the side and how they had the cigarette as the thing in focus, and not much distractions as regards to photo taken. I also like the way about how this photo was presented in a negative, dark light, as to show that something was downbeat. This photo exceeds terms with realism, because of the feeling that it’s giving off of the situation and how accurately it’s portrayed.
      As for the text, I like the way they used a small, but important quote to show the scene of Scott smoking, and I also like the way the colour of the text was coordinated to the cigarette colours. They also used a solid text after a much gentler text font, but they were still powerful. However, a mild suggestion would be how the text overlaps. To me, it was just a little bit hard to see (the orange text) because the white slightly overpowered it. But, overall, I think that this photo was really nice, because of the photo quality, the text and the editing was also nicely done. :)

    2. This is a really nice picture because the text is nicely overlapped but maybe you can put scott's shoe in there so that it goes better with the text.

    3. You're picture is very nice. You just added a bit too much blur. The text is amazing! You overlapped the quote nicely.

    4. Thanks for your opinion guys! It really helps, and there is also a lot of room for improvements on our pictures! :D

    5. nice use of the darkness to attract the cigarette . YOu could ahve blured it. The text should be bigger

    6. i really like the picture but at the same time it would be a bit better if scott was handing the sig to sean but overall i think that its a good photo and great use of props. the photo is great nice contrast and look amazing . the quote is fantastic and mach'es what your photo is. the text is more then enough and your font is pretty good, great work.

    7. I feel like you could use a better quote from the book the picture is nice and is good but to ,are it better, the words come into play and in my opinion that doesnt seem like the best. Unless that's the only quote referring to Scott and smoking

    8. I really like the way the text is placed and really like the photo

    9. Thanks for the opinion guys! We tried our best to make these photos! :D

  10. Replies
    1. I really like the composition of this picture and also the blur you put on the picture aswell. For the text, instead of having a 3 lines of text on the bottom of the picture , try start using the text to the left of the shoes then move down and swing the text around to the right. Other than that the picture is good.

    2. Thanks for the advice! It would really help on our next photography assignments! :D

    3. nice use of saturation. great composition. The text's font should be bolder. Great idea.

    4. i like how the shoe is what repersent the photo and how the blur looks like its around like a border the camer is nice and focused on the show great photo i really like it

    5. The photo lookd amazing! I can clearly see what you guys were thinking when you were talking picures of the shoes. Maybe play with where the text is a little more. That way you guys can see which way looks the best. I suggest putting bits of the text on the top left corner and go down to the bottom right. It would make the picture look nice. Overall, I find that the picture looks really good. Great Job! :)

    6. Thanks! But I feel that we needed to make it a bit less warm. :)

    7. Krishotha & Abinesh the picture would have looked crowded if we put the words along the side.

  11. Replies
    1. It's hard to tell where you guys have blured the picture. It looks blurry everywhere, so it's a little bit tough to find out what your main focus was. Try to decrise the blur stregnth a little bit. What I like about your poster is that, the quote is in the right spot, it's also got the right colors which makes the picture look good.

    2. If you look carefully at the picture the camera was trying to focus on the cigarette

    3. It's still hard to tell in my opinion. They probebly should have expanded the blur stregnth box so that I could tell.

    4. i can't really see what you guys focused on. my advice is that you lower the blur strength a little. you can also put the inner brightness higher.

    5. We tried to focus on that cigar, but it did not really go with the plan. So sorry about that. Thanks for the advice too! :)

    6. yes what Aaron said we had more of the focus for the cigar so we blurred the rest of the image

    7. you had bulred everything. the picture is not clear as well as the text. i liked the your quote.

    8. its nice and focused but lower the blur and go more closer to scott and sean's legs it a bit to far and its hard to understand what i should be looking at

    9. I love the photo amazing, good adjustment with the brightness and nice job making the shadow stand out, amazing place to do the scene and amazing quote from the book and nice font to finish it off I would say this is a perfect photo

    10. This is just my opinion. But this picture looks as if everything is blurred. It's just too hard for me to tell. I understand that you are trying to tell me that it is suposed to focus on the cigarette, but I just can't see it that way.

    11. I know it is pretty hard but we tried our best to make our photos nice! :D

  12. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I liked your idea about the whole basketball thing. It is better than the regular boring ones. The lens light editing effects really made the net stand out but you could have angled it a bit to the side of the sun so it does not look like the sun burned a hole into the net. Also the focus on the net is clear to what you are trying to take a picture of. What you could have done though was make it just a tad bit more bright so it would be more visible. The only other thing was the text, you could have maybe made the word "IN" stand out from the others. Other then that I really liked your picture. It shows a great part of the book. The quote was in a good place, you took a great picture of the net, and I like the lens light effect. Keep up the great work! :D

    5. the picture was great with the lensflare but you could have changed the colour of the orange font a little darker.

    6. the text in a bit weird but like mr cheney said basketball doesnt really catche any attention like it use too when it was brand new but over all nice picture i like the flare but good job you did good on the photo

    7. The lens light wasn't edited it was real

    8. the lens flare was natural

    9. I really like this photo. Even though Mr.Cheney said it's not best to do it, you guys still took that chance...and look at the results! This picture is absolutly astounding. It really catches my eye. I would suggesy just to fix a little bit of the text and it's color. Overall I think this is my favorite picture.

    10. Wow! Im impressed! Great job on the natural flare, as to most others it looks sort of fake. But it seems legit to me. Good job guys! :)

    11. You could've cropped a bit of the bottom part of your picture.

  13. Replies
    1. I think that this is a good picture and I understand it, the quote and text + the fonts is really good too, it caught my eye as I was scrolling down looking at the pictures

    2. thanks mariam any advice you could give us

    3. Yea the picture looks too crowded, maybe you could of minimize some texts

    4. The picture is great. Then fact that you edited it so that the shoe bottoms are the main event in the picture makes it better . I also like how you used the colours from the picture in the words which catches my eye. Great job

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. I like how you guys had the picture. The picture looks amazing, and the text fits right in along with it. This picture really caught my eye, and it stayed that way. Excelent job!

    8. I am able to recall the part where Sean and David had a fight and Scott told Sean that he is in a wheelchair and he shouldn't have fought David (5B)

    9. great work nice contrast i beleve that your photo is really nice there are even more that are pretty impressive i like how the jordans are focused and how every thing else is darkened out it catches my eye great work

  14. Replies
    1. I can fully tell which scene it is just by looking at picture where Sean and David went out to the store and bought cokes then started to play basketball which was a challenge them 2 versing

    2. there is no shade but you do have enough blur and the cokes dont really have any meaning to be there when it doesnt even explain it in the quote

  15. Replies
    1. The quote is a good quote. However, the text is all over the picture making it hard to see what is going on. Next time, make sure that the text is off to the side. Also, don't make the edit black and white. You could tell that it has been edited. I like the photo and I like the quote, just not the way you placed it or in other words the format.

    2. you used too many fonts. i think you should have stuck to 2 or 3 good ones that represented this scene

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. i agree with hassan using many fonts can disturb the photos details.

    6. I like the scene you did, but you put to many fonts and how come you used white and black for the scene, instead of using colors?

    7. you should have stuck to a pattern when it comes to the fonts and colours

    8. the photo is great. nice use of black and white. the text is blocking most of the picture. you could have made the text smaller.

    9. It was a nice picture, but you guys could have kept the font to a side so that the viewer can see the picture clearly

    10. Thanks for advice !

    11. its a bit too dark but its okay i see how there was a lot of people going to the dance but it need a bit more details to fully understand it i like you quote but the font was a bit random but good job

  16. Replies
    1. i think it should be along the surface instead of among the surface

    2. they used a great combination of colours

    3. This picture was very nice. When I first saw it, it was the picture that I knew would be my favourite. The way that the wheelchair is fallen over and for the fact the person is on the floor makes it seem more realistic. The blur is nice and the text is awesome. What I would suggest is make the text like its falling down instead of just a simple line after line. "Skidded among the surface." That could have been maybe sideways instead of going down to match with your quote. It was a very nice picture overall. One last thing is that you should make the wheelchair stand out a bit more.

    4. you could have edited the photo by increasing the saturation and you could have blured the outside of the peroson. Nice use of text.

    5. 6B was a really nice photo in my opinion. I really liked the composition of that photo because it really focuses on the incident between Sean and David and that’s the main focus! The text also does good to the picture, because of the colour-coordination of the picture’s colour and the text’s as well. I also like how the words ‘Heavily” and “skidded” have emphasis in the form of big, bold font because those are major actions which was portrayed in the book as well as in the picture. This scene which the photo has captured immediately reminds me of the fight between Sean and David on the first day at the wheelchair ramp. Realism factor is good too- you accurately portrayed what had happened in the book in the picture in a very realistic way. I can see that there might be some natural blur to it, which is a really good thing; however, with the text, the black text is sometimes really hard to see (“....into the pavement” etc). Overall, a stunning picture with the composition and text. Well done! :)

    6. the scene that you chose was nice but the picture doesnt really go with the text because in the text david and sean both fall together but in this picture it only shows david whos on the ground.
      So you should have added sean then it would look like a scene from Rebound

  17. Replies
    1. this picture has a nice natural sunlight. It shines on the drawing. the composition is great as well. It is a vivid picture.

    2. the last line is kind of hard to see on the paper

    3. The picture is good and also the editing is also good. For the text you could have moved it up a little bit and not let the text touch the paper , to get the full effect of the drawing. Also you used to many fonts

    4. You guys can play with the colors of the text instead of having the text all white.

    5. Nice picture with good angle the desplays the trees in He backround with an amazing quote and a detailed drawing of a girl amazing I don't think there is anything to change with that picture and I in my opinion would give it a lvl4

    6. the picture was great. i like how you guys got the flare shining down on the drawing. the edit was good you could have blurred a little more on the outside of the picture. the fonts were not really in a pattern and i think that you should stick with 2 or 3 fonts. i really liked everything else. the colours were in a great pattern and i liked your combination. I would probably give it a 3+ or 4-

    7. you could have sticked to 1 or 2 fonts. nice quote. great composition.

  18. I think 5b is a very powerful picture. The editing goes along and connects with the photo. It has great blur and focuses on the shoe and wheelchair which tells the story. When I look at the photo I know this scene is from the book rebound. The text is also amazing because the colours and the font match the photo. There's a lot of red in the photo to show there's a fight going on. I also like the photo because it's covered in detail everywhere around the photo has a meaning and shows there was good use of space in that photo. The photo is very easy to understand which is why I think it is one of the best photos.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I like the red in 5c photo it really bright and the font matches the red

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I think 1C is okay but the font is covering a little part of the drawing

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. They are resonating with me because it is a good picture that is showing the drawing of one of the girls in the cafeteria that David is drawing(1A)

    This picture resonates me because it have many good effects such as the natural light

  27. i think 5c is a very powerful picture. when i see it instantly takes me back to the scene where sean and david were purchasing coke and david couldnt drive and drink at the same time. it has great composition. my only comment would be that, the ground should have been blurred out, so the text would pop out more. it is an excellent photo.

  28. Overall I think 5B is a good, vivid and my favourite picture, it stands out and I really liked the scene they took its where the plot started! As I said it caught my eye and my attention and the fonts they used is very eye catching including with the colours they used. I can recognize the scene by looking at the picture and it was very organized and neat. But I found that it was a little crowded with the fonts and they could of at least minimize it but it was a really good photo!

  29. From all I like 5B because there is natural colors and it stands out a lot with the text and the photo also the scene is every clear of what's happening, what part of the book eye re telling us, and the way they used the color and text in the picture is very eye catching and I also like how they organized the picture and took time finding he color and font that blends in with it. But I think they could have overlap some of the words but from all I liked 5B and its an awesome photo.

  30. 5c is a great photo. it sends a message that everyone can understand. There is a natural blur in the background so the focus is on the drinks, and in the quote it mentions the drinks as well so you can see that the photo and the text fits very well together. Since it sounds like it's a sunny day and you're looking for shade maybe you should've took this on a sunny day rather than a cloudy day to express the heat. Great job!

  31. 1c is also a great photo, although I don't like how it has too much blur. The text's colors fit well together and it shows what the image represents.

  32. 4A is a very powerful picture.The text is so eye catching and detailed it shows the mood and the colours of the text are really bringing out the picture. I think this photo is one of the photos that have the most powerful and vivid writing and technique their photo resonates ours because we also did a photo with a cigarette.

  33. Overall i think 5b is the best because it is eye catching. The picture has a great font and text. It is big and bold. You can read it clearly. The photo has a great composition. The saturation is perfect. It allows the sunlight to show. The colours are very vivid they stand out. The shoe is the main attraction. THe shoe and the wheel chair are not blured. The text stands out because it is on the blured parts of the photo. THe shoe stands out. The brightness on the show gives it colour. Additionally the angle is great. You can see the crowd of people watching. Also, you can quickly find what seen this is from. The quote is also great.

  34. i like how 4A seems very dark and the pop of color is the cigarette. i also like how the blue and orange look and how the cigarette is to the side it give space for the font and the white font and the dark background go very good with each other. : )

  35. 1a resonates with me. This is probably my favourite picture out of all, and I don't like how it's too dark but now I understand that the darkness is what makes the photo creative. The photo itself when I first saw it was astonishingly beautiful, I like how the picture of the girl looks a little mysterious, and the darkness connects with it. It is a very deep photo and the text goes well with it too.

  36. I think that 5b and 6b are the most powerful photos. They both represent the fight between sean and david in chapter one where the two were beaten and felt like their life had ended. Out of all of the photos, I chose these two because they were so vivid and eye catching. People say that pictures say a thousand words and I could tell you that these two pictures do say a thousand words, maybe more.

    There wasn't a lot going on in 5b, but it said a lot.. There was a shoe (basketball shoes) hanging off a wheelchair. I didn't even need to take a glimpse at the text to know what was going on. It was the part where david fell off his wheelchair during the fight because of sean and there was a crowd watching. Then the text supports what is going on, scott trying to get sean to stop. The text is also red, black and white. It represents the colours of the shoe, which is why I liked that photo.

    I also liked 6b because it is so vivid. The photo was edited nicely but that's not what caught my eye first, the acting done by the person who played david looked like they were in so much pain and was on the ground with the wheelchair behind them, that instantly told me that this is the fight. Also, the text supported the picture so well which made it such a great picture. They even angled the photo so well and they put the text in the blurred area which made it pop.

    That's why I liked 5b and 6b so much

  37. i really like 1A it is very emotional and it has great composition
