Tuesday, January 8, 2013



Welcome back #80BEE

Check out this video on Creativity by Ken Robinson ( we watched his lecture on creativity a few months ago)


This video is challenging the role of education and the need for reform!

1. Do you agree or Disagree with the arguments he makes? be specific and make connections from BHJMS.

2. How could you apply any of the suggestions he makes at BHJMS?

3.  How did you like video? The style it was shot in to grab your attention


We are going to make a RSA video like this as our culminating project for Rebound!  I posted on twitter how you make these videos and shows how a class in the United States made them as well.


  1. 1) I agree and disagree. I agree that schools and the board of eduaction have their way of teaching but their teaching isnt always effective to most students. Some students learn other ways, like people rather learn on a feild trip or do a experiment. Also I disagree becasue gruops dont always colaborate to grow their knowledge, sometimes the gruops get in to fights or go off track with gossip. Like the TDSB bill 115, the teachers and the board directors cant colaborated in order to end the teachers strike.

    1. what are your thoughts on the bill 115 is it a big deal or just a waste of time?

    2. bill 115 is ruining the students extra curricular activities, and teachers always say join some teams, but now we cant. Which is hypocritical

    3. yeah and plus teachers lost over thousnads of dollars

    4. well they get lot's of momey to right.No offence to teacher but ther just greaty and whant more money

    5. I don't think its about getting more money but teachers do get good money

    6. I agree with Danyal. For some of my high school admission forms, they had asked me what extra curricular activity I participate in. I only participated so far in BAC and was hoping to participate in more however, I was unable to. So I had only one club that I attended so far this year.

  2. i do agree with this video, he explained it in a creative way himself. I agree with him because he actually mentioned almost all the facts our school has for example, sometimes teachers give boring work (science) such as jotnotes and they treat us like we are in a cave. He was also talking about how sometimes the teachers don't let our inner person to reveal itself (what i mean is that they just keep us boared). I am okay with getting boaring work as long as they give some break time once in a while.

    1. and teacher do break our groups because other kids fight and techers get sick of that.

    2. Do you think that the teachers deserve this kind of treatment? Hate,Neglect,Unruliness? I personally think people over react the way the teachers are sought to be.

    3. I do agree with Tushar on his last sentence. Although I know that teaching needs to be changed, I believe that the students should change also. Sometimes, I think that just because, one is great the other is poor. Like us peers, everyone is different as well as teachers. The way Mr. Cheney teaches is wonderful thou, he passed beyond the expectation to satisfy all of us. Truly not all teacher will do that and we need to learn to deal with it. The way each teacher teaches is different and if all were to teach like Mr. Cheney, he would no longer be unique and we will eventually find ourselves to dislike or get bored of technology too.

  3. 1. I do agree with some of the arguments he made. A connection to BHJMS would be the way teachers teach. It makes us bored, and think of other things we'd rather be doing. The always use the old teaching style. They never bother to come up with something new. It's just, teach & get your money for them. But for us, it's "learn" and not gain anything from it. They should be more considerate and realize how we feel. Don't they ever notice us being bored during class? I hate taking notes.

    1. teacher do try to change there way of learning but when they do, don't you think that we students take an advantage of it and make a fuss which causes the teacher to get mad.

    2. @Navdeep Teachers are not the ones learning, its the student. So how are "Teachers going to change their way of learning?" it's suppose to be change their way of teaching. Well we take advantage becuase since kindergarden we have been taught in the same way. So, when we do get taught differently we do take advantage.

    3. @Heta my bad i meant "changing the way of teaching"

    4. good teachers are learning and reading and educating themselves all the time

    5. Aynur, you said teachers just want to teach and get the money but, for us is learn and not get anything from it. Teachers chose to get this job so we can still see a bit of passion to teach in them. On the other hand, students, it doesn't seem like a few of them have any passion to learn in them. You can learn if your passionate from anything.

  4. first of all, I'm answering the 3rd question first because I feel it is easier. I did not like the video, but admire his drawings, and perhaps that was the problem. The drawings took away from his point he was trying to prove even though he used them to show people instead of always just reading or watching some boring video. He got creative with it and his idea is a solid idea, but I can't interpertate like that. The pictures kind of took away from the words and i didnt understand much of the video.

    1. so you are trying to say he should try something new, But his old way was pretty boring and this way he wrote down what he said so we can understand, i kind of agree with his new way.

    2. I agree with you. It would get a bit confusing at times, and I noticed how you don't really get TED (whatever the guys name is). The idea is probably something you can agree with, but you don't like the way he demonstrates it...Would you want to watch a couple more ted videos?

    3. so would you want to make a video like this if you do then that means you know other people will understand it is just you that does not

    4. it moves at a fast pace! certainly need to watch and rewatch to fully comprehend

    5. Yes, I had to watch about 3-4 times. A.M 17, maybe when we do make our own videos, we can do this by a slower version to make it understandable.

  5. Plus, he moves really fast(for my brain to soak in the writing and words), since there are words AND pictures, my mind just gets jumbled at the thought of what his point is.

    1. so you were confused because you could not catch up with him do you think that other people also feel like that

    2. Indeed he moves so fast that you can't even read out if he's giving any proof to his statements or not!

    3. Maybe his lack of evidence and experience was one way to hide it by using this fast paced mode of presentation.

  6. 1. I do agree with the argument he says because he says how we have been taught to do, good in school to go to college then geta good job but the thing is even with a college degree you are not guarnteed a job anymore. thats why kids have stopped caring. They know that even if you do good and get a college degree you still might not get a job so eventually we stopped caring.

    1. do you think we should care about getting a collage or univercity degree?

    2. navdeep, in the video ken says a college degree is useless now, you can get a job without it.

    3. a job yes, but certainly a University degree opens far more opportunities.

      Government,Teacher, Doctor, Cop, Lawyer, ect all need post secondary degrees.

      perhaps not caring is more a by product of not understanding

    4. I believe that Ken should have explained that better not creating any misunderstanding. In reality, some not even passing high school diploma can get a job. However, as told by Mr. Cheney there would be a lot more opportunity with more study.

  7. 1. I agree with all of his arguments from people who think their dumb are really smart, also about how kids with ADHD have to take pills so they dont think about exciting fun stuff, and make them focused on boring stuff at school and how they put kids in batches and they should put kids from how smart they are, but then some kids will feel bad that they have a brain of a 6th grader in grade 8.

    1. so you are saying kids don't pay attention because the teachers are making them do boring stuff, what if the teacher change would the kids also change?

    2. But if they did this before that wouldn't matter because they wouldn't know which type of grade they are in compare to the grades as of this time. Acknowledged your last comment though!

    3. So, Danyal how should the school put the kids instead of batches in grades? And how would we be able to determine this?

  8. The way i can apply this to our school is by changing the way teachers teach to a more effective that can attract the students attaention and still teach them what they need to know. We could do a survey and ask how people would learn best and than use those ideas through out the lessons to keep the students on track. That way all teachers can teach students and maybe the TDSB could do the same with all schools to get all students to reach their potential

    1. How would you convince the teachers to do so?
      Are you sure students would want to take a survey though? What if teachers don't want to change their teaching styles? What about then?

    2. how responsive are students? Such a huge assumption that all students will thrive with a more creative task.

      Our classroom tasks that have focused on creativity, wisdom, and freedom have led to 50% of people doing virtually nothing

    3. I've done that type of a survey once or twice in different classrooms. The problem was that not many students participated well and took it as another boring task rather than a new way for creativity.

  9. 1.I agree with this video because he used alot of ideas to explain his thinking and he gave alot of examples with creativity too.Also tdsb cant always judge the way a student has to learn,alot of student have a specific way of learning in thier own way they produce more work when they are not bieng judged and told what they have to do.

    1. so you mean to say that a techer should not judge a student the way he/she is doign the work?

    2. no not like that im saying if a teacher gives u work and a bunch of rules that you have to follow and then the teacher tells you to be creative!!! really how do youn expect a student to be creative when you cant use your own thinking and imagination.

    3. Use your imagination learn the rules and take them to your advantage, it's like breaking the rules without being caught.Take advantage of the rules and you might just be able to use creativity as you say.

    4. That reminds me of the president speech for the BAC we had. I ran for president and all the students running were to write a speech within 1 minute and just a short introduction. It had turned out as a fail, since the speech were short and with a body and a conclusion missing. Later, we learned that nobody could have actually done anything or even cut us off if we were to BEND the rules and show our true creativity and passion.

  10. I think we can always try using something different in videos or any assignment by adding pictures AND words to scatter the info into someones understanding. This video clearly showed me that if I was to do something similar to this, I should really consider my speed.

    1. Totally agree! Making a RSA video will take more preperation than filming. Even though we want to head to the good stuff, we have to consider our speed.

    2. Would we have to draw along as the videos go or have it draw before we start as a preparation?

  11. 1.I think that Ken Robinson tries to differentiate the idea of having a new thing and having an idea that works but has been as I guess "old". Ideas don't have to be new to work for people, many grat figures have acheived almost impossible quantities trough divergent thinking learned from the steps for learning that we use today. Sure the age group idea was somewhat reasonable but, that idea doesn't fit as well into everything like it's supposed to.

    I don't agree with him and his fixation on (creativity of the mind). We can do absolutely well without relating others to the arts.
    Like BHJMS we can acheive without changing everything but, we can do so to make it effective. Like our class.

    1. 2. The connections this video makes to BHJMS is undeniable, we do learn things meant for a higher capacity of mind. Before I go on I'd like to say that education isn't affected on what you are using to write something. We are not machines, we are humans, we are different. Everything goes to BHJMS except the idea of ADHD. Barely anyone in this school has that problem.

      It can seem like that because of "repulsive" behaviour that the the teacher must've caught from one of their (subjects). Everything about the things he doesn't like would be the things determined beings would consider instead of a change. I know I'd like almost everything to stay the way it is.

    2. 3. The way this video was shot was quite interesting.
      Quality of video and smoothness of camera movement was at it's best. The people who shot this may have some great editing skills and some great video taking skills. Truly acknowledged it but, it interfered on learning the things that he had said. But overall good video.

  12. 1: i agree with all the arguments he make in the video because the first argument was that students who are of the same age are not the same like not all of them are hard working, not all of them have intersts in EDUCATION. if we take example on a intelligent kid in a class and then compare it to the other students they would have different thinking about the work then the intelligent student would have about the same work. so like NOT every student is the same.... Some are smart in everything but some are not... some are really active at school and some are dull. that is the difference of a smart student then a dull student in the same grade and of the same age.

    1. indeed our class is grouped together by age not academic and intellectual prowess! how would you divide up the classes differently at BHJMS?

    2. I personally like the standards put into our curriculum! How do you feel about the intelligent prowess you have to learn to be in "that" group?

  13. Q1: Yeah I do agree with his because he's right. Most teachers do tell us where answers are and then tell us not to copy them because that's cheating. But like i told Mr. Isaacman yesterday stealing ideas from one person is plagerism, stealing ideas from many people is called research.

    Q2: All our teachers should teach in the same direction that Cheney teaches. Allowing us to use our devices in class, letting us have almost complete free reign, and not forcing homework on us because homework is probably what's getting us to be like 'bleh'. Also the teachers should give us group projects to do like if we find the people we work best with we should work with them to get our work done good.
    More so, they shouldn't feed kids drugs because they have ADHD. My mom doesn't feed me drugs, Even though we both know on some level I have ADHD(don't think I'm joking. I'm not).
    Q3: I liked the video a lot and I think the style of video it was shot in was pretty cool. It's also kind of what my Math Video group wanted to capture in. We thought we could do jump-screens like when you film a scene film another, put them together, cut the transition and use the final finished product.

    1. nobody in our class is even close to ADHD

    2. John, to be honest I think you're over exaggerating the idea of ADHD. ADHD is something that rarely is caught from people. Sure they can choose not to focus, but that's their choice. We just can't change that no matter what we add to our school system.

  14. 1.Well i think his argument is correct and it seem like it's true.Why sould people see kid's with ADHD stupitity on ther own.It's not true the education make them stupid when they try not to.Why force them to focus even if you have to give them drugs and teach them in a boring approach to education.Why not use the ADHD and make the classes more fun and exciting.Why fight the ADHD rather than embrace it and work with it.Make classes worthy of remembering.

    1. I totally agree because an energetic class can always get a better outcome. Not even a student without ADHD will not pay complete attention to a boring class.

    2. actually not documented or true at all! it seems easy to say that if class were fun you would excel but that is not true.

      You still need to value education, thrive and seek knowledge.

    3. Focusing on ADHD is the problem. Not having it. People can acknowledge education without fully paying attention to it.

    4. well if you focus on ADHD you can stop the root of the problem.If you know if ADHD is real you can see how to stop it.Well @Tushar if you can see it frome the point of view of the kid how has ADHD you would see ever thing boring because of the drug.I know i know Mr.Cheney told us we don't see this problem allot in school but if we do't stop it it could grow and grow more.An example is the common cold we don't see as it a big deal in our body but when it grow and grow it become a huge problem.

  15. i agree with what he said about grouping up same age groups and putting them in the same class sir ken said that we need to change that because there are some younger smarter kids than older kids because me myself know people that do not deserve to be in gr.8 instead i believe that we should base school on allowing students to fail a grade and redo it also if students do not fail then they will never be scared of it

  16. 1) I have to agree because it's the truth, but is the video trying to say that we all have ADHD? Because I'm pretty sure that barely 1 minute into a lecture and 65% of the class is thinking about something else. Connecting to BHJMS, not all teachers teach the same way some teachers are more harsh, some of them just don't know or didn't study the subject, and then there are some that explain in baby step process it's like you are not allowed to answer the question before you write the date and give us a long lecture on when we figured out the date and how to write it.

    1. I doubt it. He is referring to how people aren't as open minded and that there is a reason for why people constantley think school is boring and their attention span is now more limited, and if they continue, ADHD may spread.

  17. "If an oppertunity comes knocking at your window, don't pull down the shades." I think that his point was that in this time period, people are only paying attention to one thing, and arent't going into enough depth of whatever they may be "learning" People need to open up their limitations sometimes because like he pointed out; they are referring to the past and how things were done back them... if that makes sense

  18. I agree with what he said like sometimes teachers tell us to not copy the answers on the back of the book because its cheating and that we won't find out the answer ourselves. Then whats the point of having them. I also agree when he said that even if a child dosen't have enough money to pay for school still need education, its all about money these days and that whoever can pay can get education. Who knows maybe that particular kid has a mind full off creative ideas and just because he can't pay enough means that he can't go to school. I also agree when he said that kindergartens have the most creative minds when you're a teen all your creativity is sucked out of you because of the way teachers teach. Some teachers speak in monotone and the lesson becomes boring and hence you start to hate the subject mostley because of the teacher.

  19. 3)The video caught all my attention because of the artistic drwaings and at the same time i the guy put info in to the drawings so i got knowledge beacuse i got ingaged to the lesson. He portrayed the lesson in his drawings.

  20. I agree with this arguement because I think he is right about his perspective of education. We shoudnt be seperated into age groups. the most important factor is not the "manufacturing time" but the skill level. I know younger people who are smarter than older guys like the show "Are you smarter than a Fifth Grader?" Also elementary schooldoes not set u up for highschool because elementary school teachers cannot give a mark lower than 40% so you cant fail(even when you deserved it). From Grade 8 to highschool is a huge jump. Many people drop out for this reason.

    1. I agree with you on your last sentence. When you think about, kindergarten to grade 8 was a waste of time in reality. 10 years spent in school and I bet I could have learnt a lot more. 10 years isn't less of years! In other countries, mostly in Asian countries (including south Asia) instead of wasting time with useless things, they star straight up a head and by time they are in grade 8 they know grade 12 knowledge. The pressure should have started right from the top!

  21. 1) i agree with his argument, he has very valid points and composes it in a wonderful, creative, different way. The biggest point that jumps out at me was that, back then if you had a collage/university degree you got a job, now a days if you had a collage/university degree you were not garenteed a job. my brother and mother were talking about it in the car, its a very concerning issue. today, the average joe will not survive in this economy. scary.

    1. Well, the world is getting bigger and so is the population. This creates less space for everyone and more competition. However, if you have the passion you would find a job in your interest if you try your best and last in competitions.

  22. 1. I agree with Ken robinsins when he argues about grouping students by their age. I know students that think at a higher level than expected. I've seen many students who are younger than others but their brain works at a faster pace. Students who can't work at the expected level should drop down.

    1. Outside of the box, do you think that people will even bother to try if you are fixed at a level of who knows?
      Maybe a 3rd grader.

    2. How would the person who would drop down feel? We can't just push them off to the side with a low education. But, at the same time, the embarrassment might just the motivation for who wants to be with their friends and learn. Also, for the people who study a higher level than their own grades, it seems to be a waste of time to go through each grade because, they already know most of the stuff. If grouped by intellectual, it can help a few students catch up to their time and move through a faster pace.

  23. 2. i like the idea of working in groups, the problem is so many people don't get along in groups. they get distracted, so maybe if the group work was entertaining it would keep us on task.

    1. what do you call an "interesting" task for group work

  24. 3. i loved the style, i always thing in images so it made it easier to understand.

  25. 1. I agree with his argument about how students find they way teachers teach boring because what they find interesting nowadays is the advanced technology, video games, etc. So they they don't learn anything, or not as well as others. So teachers have to make learning more interesting for students to start paying more attention.

    1. What ways do you think teachers can make a lesson more interesting? Like an example take science class how can Mr.Sam make friction more interesting? How can history be made more interesting? When we started jot notes they were alright but them students began to claim that they got boring it was because we have been doing them for a very long time and things end up getting boring so do you think teachers should have a different plan on doing something each week? is it real that easy?.


    2. Do you think if students really are committed to doing something then they will do it some how one way or the other? If you really want to get good grades in a subject then they should be able to bare with how the teacher teaches?

  26. to connect to BHJMS can be done in many different ways on e is that teachers take out the fun of life and just makes us sit down with a pencil and pen and todays world has many different ways to distract you from something (class) however this is what keeps us away from learning properly... our imagination is more interesting than school

    i liked the style because it was a different way of learning and it was more interesting than other videos which made you understand the video more

  27. I agree with you completely. I think Robinson is pointing out that there
    are " must have" in this world but this based on the person except for
    really basic things like reading,writing,basic math.

    1. Well "sam". The truth is that you don't need those things to be creative. It's just what you think is right may just be wrong.
      If I connect this to times when teachers tried this I would say "Two wrongs don't make a right".

  28. 2. If we had sometime during the day at BHJMS to be grouped by our learning skills, instead of age, that would be pretty fun to try. We talk to people who learn at the same pace as ourselves.

    1. Yes! That would actually be a great idea! We would be able express everything 'OUR WAY'. Maybe, if this was used as an experiment, we would be easily able to prove that being put together with age groups isn't the best way to learn.

    2. But wouldn't you think that will be a worse way? I do because like you are beginning to compare students by their brain perhaps someone age 13-16 gets paired with a grade 4 student.It just makes them feel stupid .Ken R. in the video talked a bit about the academic and non academic the "smart and non-smart".Just because you are a piano mover or don't have a great job that doesn't mean you aren't smart its just due to some judgement made by people.And once people do figure out they are paired with a grade 4 instead of trying more they will just give up on it and say they are stupid.In my opinion that should not happen.

    3. I definitely agree with you Neha. All this time I was looking at one perspective of success while ignoring the people who is just as equal. On ther other hand, it may be that they are smart but, not able to apply the skill and is misplaced with younger groups. At that time, this might give them an advantage to move up to grades by learning the level their brain is comfortable with. Also, in a positive way, students would want to be in certain classes and to do so they would do their best to achieve it as a motivation.

  29. I liked the video and I like the way style was shot and and they zoom in every sence after they are finish with there video they zoom out and everthing looked so nice from far.

    1. Yes, the ending picture in the horizontal position was very nice. Sometimes however, the zooming in and out made my head hurt and feel dizzy.

  30. 1. At first, I didn't really know how to answer this question but, as I watched the video over, it made it a bit easier. As being me, I am still unsure whether I agree or disagree. I guess, in the end I chose to agree due to information he had presented and how her certainly proved his point.
    Yes, to relate to this video is absolutely straight forward. As a student I understand what is going on in the minds of other peers of my age. I guess the way the teachers were to teach was used in "old school". Not that I fully accuse the government for this because, at that time, it was probably the right decision or nearly the most possible logic that can be explained. As for now, it's a new generation and specific matters changed over time. To teach well, it would be a high expectation for any teacher since this generation is made with various distractions. The problem is, the modern society has upgrade, and with this so has the people but, education remains the same.
    What also let's student's hopes down is how the situation changed over time. No longer is it guaranteed with a college degree will you get a good job. As to relate that in real life; I have a cousin who is an accountant. Unfortunately all that hard work did not pay off since no she has a job in day care instead of an account though she passed exams and has all the degrees needed.
    I don't want to mention this in a bad way, but the generation has advanced and gotten a lot brighter. Telling students not too look at the back of a book with answers isn't really going to work. We are now thinking advance and differently than what was expected before. I definitely agree with him questioning why the education system is placed with age groups. It makes the system simple, but not and improvement to the educational level.

    1. In class in BHJMS, I see a few people dazed off and daydreaming. Later on I found these people to be creative in their own ways. In the video they show a man saying " Art?" then refusing him pushing him down with the "dumb" sets of people. They may not be academically smart but certainly not dumb. More likely smart at art, or such their talents.

  31. 3. I think the video was pretty cool, i'd definitely want to try it out. It looks like a lot of planning and work, but it never hurts to try. It's different from most videos is what i like most.

    1. Yes, something else I would like to try is the lyric videos they have in you tube. Some are placed for songs but we can use this program for something else. The words that word flows would be good to point out for some parts of videos or lectures.

  32. 2. There is several suggestions he had made which we could absolutely apply to BHJMS. As Mr. Cheney teaches, we can clearly see the upgrade of the ways of teaching which fits in to our generation. A bonus on that would be, that there is always a use in what he teaches. One day, I am pretty sure we will have to use all the apps and technology we are learning to use. It would be great if some teachers were able to make a slight upgrade. I do understand that this is a bit of a 'tradition' and easier to teach but, students in this generation demands more then the last one. Technology does not have to be the MAIN source of upgrade. In English so far in my life, we had to write boring letters and issues on topics we didn't even care about. The journal responses we get is a great upgrade! The point where we had advanced was in the various topics which made it fun to write about. I was actually willing to write as much as I want and express through out. Normal questions would be "Describe yourself" and that isn't even a question ( more of a demand). Mr. Cheney's way of teaching on the other hand gave deeper thoughts to think about and 'new' things to think about like " Which quality best describes your life?" It was amazing to the results when we had to write one word on to the white board, and such amazing and new words were used to describe our lives.

  33. 3. The video was very well presented. It's something that a student wouldn't listen to but, due to the way it was presented, it attracts them to watch. In general, I really want to learn how to create these videos.
    One thing that did disturb me was the voice in the background. Not that the voice wasn't letting out information but more to the fact that the pictures distracted me from the video. I had spent my whole computer time watching the video over and over to understand what it is letting us know. Everything gets jumbled up and confusing. However, I don't think that would be a problem since our voices or video can go slower if timed.

  34. I could apply a few of these suggestions at BHJMS because yeah some tdsb teachers including teachers at beaumonde ,like take Mr Cheney he teaches us the way we are taught to live and now learn its more like our own generation whereas other teachers around the school are still like the 90s teachers because those teachers have probably teaching that way all there time teaching.

    1. I agree with what you said about the generation logic. What Mr. Cheney is teaching us according to the technology, it is something that will certainly help us in the future of studies and jobs. One example would be when we went to TCI and went to the computer room where they were learning and using this programs when we ALREADY knew how to use some.

  35. 2. We could apply the suggestion where Ken Robinson mentioned that we should be grouped by our learning skills instead of our age. I think it would be a nice thing try here at BHJMS.

    1. Would separating students by their learning skill be the best way? Is there any better way to do so?

  36. 3. I was able to understand Ken Robinson's discussion easier. This style shot my attention fast because it was much more entertaining because of the pictures. I was able to "see" his discussion and made it easier for me to understand.

    1. So you would prefer a visual picture to go along with lectures? What if there was no picture? How much of a difference would that make?

    2. Do you think that the illustrations may have distracted some students while watching? It was an attention seeking video because of the drawings so some may have been more interested in watching him draw pictures rather than actually indulge the information he is trying to send

  37. Ken Robinson in the beginning of the video viewed reality on how schools have been changing over the past years “how schools have been reforming” One point that I agreed on was about how the generation has changed over the past time and so has the way of leanring.Before there was a method set that was sure for you to be successful it use to be go to school, study, go to college, get a degree,get a job , be successful people believed in that then but not now . Standardizations is over the top and day but day this stacks up so there is a very unlikely chance for you to even pass. Know perhaps you to pass college but here’s the next issue. Work! its barley even sure if you can get a job it wont always be gaurenteed.And then earlier in the video he has mentioned that schools have been trying to reform because of the economy. Economy is basically financial wise (dealing with money) which reminds me of the article we read last year on “super people”. This article was about how students BUY their way into school. In this generation schools tend to care more of money than anything else. Colleges will take a person that will pay and help with the school funds yet can be “not so smart” and the “smart” kid doesn’t get his admission into the schools because they don’t have the wealth and that’s how it may work for a job too. In this generation everything has changed, nothing is really expected anymore it’s just kind of the matter of luck. Before it was sure that you were to get it but now it’s just unanticipated. The reason I really agreed with this statement was because I see school in the same way. To make a connection to Beaumonde heights the school itself is a middle school so there isn’t really much you can connect to because this statement because you don’t need to apply for middle school. But I can connect on how mostly everyone agrees that its uncertain so people say if they don’t do their work it’s okay if they fail it’s okay because it’s just uncertain for me get a degree so they think slacking off is the answer. Students study hard and yet not get into school and this has been proven often as a grade 8 applying into high school. This process was a bit difficult because I had applied for specialised schools which include filling out applications writing 750 word essays’ about yourself taking standardized tests to see if you’re capable of being that student. I can be “over the top smart” but it’s not sure that I will be accepted for the specific school, someone else can take my spot in line. All that hard work just went to waste and later people do regret that they studied very hard worked their butts off and still aren’t qualified to be this student and as I said before day by day the standards increase drastically. Which I can connect to the next point I agreed on about how we people have now been divided off into specific groups the academic (smart people) and the non academic ( not smart people). You may not be an academic but that doesn’t mean ur not smart many brilliant people think they are not brilliant just because of this one judgement made because they have been judged with this particular point of mind. Which to me just doesn’t help the person but takes their self-esteem low and then in the ending people don’t care much anymore. Let’s take extracurricular activities as an example when you go for a sports team and people tell you aren’t good enough just because they said it doesn’t mean it you cant be good at it too its just the matter of the effort but since people don’t think that if you study and practice you will always succeed they just decide not to even give it a shot they just leave it where it is they don’t want to take it further but from that point on that person will say they aren’t good at this sport even tho they are JUST BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN JUDGED WITH A PARTICULAR POINT OF MIND. Its like saying if you fit in you can be here if not then leave.

  38. 2. Some of the suggestions that we can apply to BHJMS are to the teachers and they way they teach, also by not grouping us with students our age but try too group us by our learning skills.

    1. Would grouping them by their learning skills be better or by their creativity or interest level?

    2. Don't you think that being grouped not by age but my learning skills will bring low self-esteem ? Will make the population of drop outs more? Being put with little kids isn't as pleasant, it brings people to reality but its just a big punch in the face.

  39. 3.I really liked the video because the way Ken Robinson thought of creating the video was well thought out.I liked how he was talking and drawing while explaining it that caught my attention. I would have thought it would be boring but, it was actually interesting and i enjoyed it.

    1. Roshelle, would all videos and speeches look good and catch attention if it were created like this? Is there any such video which might not look good with this program?

    2. How long do you think it may have took him to make this video? Because as shown he is a spectacular artist but mistakes in pictures may have happened along the way, also having the voice match the pictures on the perfect moment seems a bit complicated right? Do you think our class has enough skill to make this video ?

  40. 2. In school when copying or looking at the other persons work is stated as "CHEATING", but when you step out of school that's called collaboration. We are our own personality but when we go to work we need to collaborate. Our education system is teaching us to watch for ourselves and be ignorant about others knowledge and bringing competition which is a good thing but when you step into reality that cheating is collaboration meaning team work. Why do we not instill that teamwork from the very begging and in teamwork people do work what they LIKE doing together, example the people that enjoy science they will collaborate or team together to learn and work. I do agree that everybody has to have minimum level of education to find their road.

    1. I agree because when you start work whether low or high state, collaboration is the first thing you need in hand. If not, and you lack this skill, you will apparently get fired and not succeed in life.

    2. The school board doesn't comprehend; they think they are attaining us for the future, for the "job life" when really that’s all wrong. In my opinion they are getting us equipped to fall short in the future. One of the most important skills is being pointed to us as “wrong” not right. What are your opinions on the school board? Are they leading us to success or failure? Is collaboration yet the most important or is one of 10 the most important?


  41. Who is to judge who is genius or not? Because perfect example Bill gates man that created Microsoft: drop out Steve Jobs man that created apple: dropout Mark Zuckerberg man that created facebook : dropout and at that time parents and teachers thought they would get nowhere in life they were nothing but non academic people so ,it is not what everybody’s teaching you , is it what you enjoy doing and you can make that as your career. In Beaumonde we should have clubs like that. I like using technology so there should be a club where we can learn more about it and let others experience the same as well. A place where our ideas aren't rejected by right and wrong but by trial and error if you don’t try you won’t know you made a mistake.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. So not to divide the education system by academic approach but more likely from various interests?

    4. Yes, most people grow up to be what they like/want to be, or try to aim for that goal. Why is it that if i want to succeed i need to be "smart" in everything? why do my marks need to be above the academic standard? Isn't it most important to be good at in what you can become? Tell me if you drop out of high school the main majority means you dont have standards marks right, so how did Mark,Bill and Steve reach that far? Ex.Mark he may have not been good in language or math he may have struggled but he was a genius in hacking computers he was a genius in technology and it goes the same for Bill Gates and Steve Jobs they didn't recreate something but were able to invent something new which has now completely changed the life of the society and the way they work.

  42. This video created was very high quality! I enjoyed understanding what needed to be told! So as people are saying teachers need to make class less boring.This specific video made it less boring.It was a bit complicated to understand because the pace of the video does run quickly so it was a bit hard to catch what he was saying but i had repeated the video a few times. i like that there were some graphic pictures because while Ken talked it clarified what his point was.Overall great video but they may wanna slow it down a bit

    1. Do you think the art in the graphic pictures were good? I noticed that they had limited colors like orange and some simple colors. Do you think there should have been more color or different art?

    2. The art was brilliant! He was a very good artist , in my opinion I don't think the colors really matter what really matters is that the information comes across the persons mind and if the person is able to understand.You say can there have been different art ,what different art can you think of? Like in my mind what art can get better then this.More color would have made the video more complicated to make as well it would have made the video 10 times more distracting.

  43. This is just a question, do you think that students that know that they aren't qualified to succeed high school are going to answer this question differently?

    1. By question Tushar, which question do you mean?

  44. 2. As we can see from the video Ken Robinson think school is a like a factory and it's true to some people point of view.We should have some sort of survey that tell how kids feel about school.If the students think it's garbage they should be in a group that sees school as a waste of time and a another group that think school is like a piece of goal.So that the idea is how students see school and put them in a category.

  45. 3. Well i really was entertained the whole video.What really cached my eye was how fast it was and the information he gave us.What i mean is if some teacher told us all this information(Not Mr.Cheney) to us it would be boring right and the video made it really fun to hear.
