Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Quotes Wall

Good morning Team,  please place the quote you picked and the explanation for why on this thread there ... don’t forget to also share your quote with the hashtag on twitter 



  1. When your mind is a weapon your never unarmed -Malcom X

    i chose this quote because it was maid by one of the most inspirational african americans other than martin.lkj in my opinion this quote also inspires me to use my mind and think about possible outcomes of certain things


  2. My quote is ´Believe in yourself even if they don´t.´-Derrick Rose. I picked this quote for two reasons, the first reason is because over the 10 years he has played, most people didn't believe in him but he proved them wrong and during the 10 years, he has gotten injured so many times and he never gave up and all. It relates to me because in grade 6 in a different school so bad bad but every day I would read it so I would ignore the bullying and encouraged myself. He is also a really good player, he is just came out injure and dropped 50 POINTS!!

    1. how will you apply this when it comes to school

    2. I would apply it when I don't think I can do it like school work or if others don't then I can use that quote

  3. "Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard." Kevin Durant. The reason i picked this quote is because i play basketball and the nba seasons have started. Also the golden state warriors are one of my favorite basketball teams. I also picked this quote because i can relate to this quote because allot of people have talent but i've seen people who work hard beat talent like right now, Raptors are in the top of the league. They don't have the best players they are working hard.

  4. ¨Be yourself; everyone else is already taken¨-Oscar Wilde
    I picked this quote because there are so many people who try to shift their appearance or personality to fit others, or at least what most people want.People should not push themselves to meet the expectations, people should not put on a facade.This quote represents that being yourself is being prerogative, and getting obliged is spoiling your own personality,and you should not bluff like someone else, since someone is already that person.

    1. i love this quote vary good choice sarvesh

    2. How will this effect the way you perform at school

  5. I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
    -Nelson Mandela

    I chose this quote because it reminded of the first time I went on a roller coaster, I was really scared and I didn’t have the courage to go on. After thinking it over for 5 minutes, I said to myself “ If I never go on I’ll never know what I am scared of”. So then I went on and it turned out I was scared of nothing.

    1. Fear is a wise persons response to danger

      great quote so how will you apply this wisdom to class?

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    1. We all get distracted, the question is, would you bounce back or bounce backwards?
      -kendrick lamar

      I chose this quote for two reasons; first of all, it came from an artist that i love. Secondly, this quote means alot to me because it shows that we all have the opportunity to rise up and be a better person but many of us choose to stray from that path

    2. kendrick speaks the truth

    3. its easy to stray from that path ... how will you use this quote to inspire you at school?

    4. strong and inspirational

  7. Math is how we describe our rold when words are not enough. Everyone deserves to speak math, to enjoy its beauty and its power.

    The reason input this quote because it will give you some refresh inside you to make you study and whatever i wrote on my quote is all true and math is actually beauty and a good opening for your life. But the other reason i put this is to stay on ut track

  8. “Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.”-Harvey Fierstein
    The reason I chose this specific quote was because all around the world people are killing themselves over this exact problem. We just need to remember that we are all special in our own way and there are people in your life that like you just the way you are. Don't let others make you into something you are not.

    1. powerful! are these words to live by at school? how will it inspire you?

  9. "You cant win unless you learn how to lose"-Kareem Abdul Jabbar. The reason i picked this quote is because i think its true.I think that because everytime you lose a game or a match or etc,your not losing,your learning a lesson just the Toronto Maple Leafs,they lost every season but now their doing amazing because they learned by losing.

    1. Great quote. how will this influence you at school?

  10. Life is like a CAMERA
    you foucus on what's important
    CAPTURE the good times
    DEVELOP from the negative and if things don't work out take another shot.-ryancowan quoets.

    This quoet specifically related to myself and our class, because of or relation to thecnology. Especially Instagram we really do what a CAMERA dose, but it suprising that nowdays pictures are everything it's not as much as we're you took the picture what it means or who is in the picture.its more like how many people follow me, how many likes the pic got. So this is reminding us what the meaning behind, real pictures are

    1. The story behind the picture... brilliant . Whats the story behind your picture at BHJMS? how will this inspire you to be at school?

    2. Well we look at things very one sided (the richness of the brand we made for ourselves*social media) when it's about spending time with each other like example if we win or lose at a game it matters that we sent time together it's are last year at BHJMS LETS MAKE IT THE BEST!

  11. I'm an optimistic guy. I'm one of those big dreamers. I'm one of those kids with that annoying imagination.
    Tyler okonma

    I chose this quote because Tyler is my favorite musical artist and one of my biggest role models. And i can relate to him alot same with this quote because i like to be optimistic and positive and i do have big dreams for myself and my future. And sometimes my imagination is so crazy and al over the place i get so many ideas but i can't always follow through with them.

    1. fun quote! any way to learn to organize and record these great ideas?

  12. “I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

    ~Michael Jordan

    I chose this quote because everyone knows that Michael Jordan is one of the best basketball players to ever play, he’s arguably the greatest of all time. Even though he’s one of the best to ever play the game, Michael Jordan has made mistakes before too. No one is perfect even the people that are the best of the best. I think what Jordan said is very true, you have to fail over and over again in order to succeed. Everyone should relate to what Michael is saying, I know I am.

    1. how can you relate this quote to how you perform at school?

  13. “Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past in real.”

    This is a quote by Cormac McCarthy, an american novelist. Although I do not know much about him, this quote is really powerful. Scars, whether physical or not can affect us in the long term. This quote has both a literal and metaphorical meaning for me.

    1. its a deep quote ... how will it inspire you at school?

    2. I think this quote will remind me of the 'scars' and encourage me not to repeat my mistakes. It also tells me to keep going despite my past.

  14. “Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.”
    Bruce Lee
    The reason I chose this quote is because, humans all are around the world go through rough times weather it be poverty or being homeless; people think that asking for a better life will work out i think that this quote is right, we have to learn to strive through tough times and that's what makes us proficient in patience.

    1. a humble quote! how does seeing this quote make you perform and act in school?

  15. What is love?Love is playing every game like it's your last. -Michael Jordan

    I picked this quote because it inspired me so much, it has a deep meaning to and by this quote you can tell how much he loves to play basketball.Some people love to play basketball al lot and they even want their career to be a
    professional basketball player.But they are reasons of why they want to make it some because of money some because of fame and some because of how much they love to play.Not only people that are to good at basketball means that they love to to play the game better than anyone in nba.But for me I think Michael Jordan's love of game is to the next level.

    1. Jordan gets alot of attention ... so how will this inspire you in school?

    2. how will this inspire me in school is that you have to love the game to play it good.If you want to make it in schools sports team you have to love and respect the game.People who don't love the game they don't always want to try.

  16. "You get what you work for, not for what you wish for"-Anonymous. This quote really inspires me because it pushes me to work for what I want. I can't sit around hoping and wishing I'll get it. I have to work very hard for what I want to achieve. No one is just going to hand it to me.

  17. "I'm not afraid of storms, for i'm learning to sail my ship."

    I chose this quote because it relates to all of us as grade 8 students. We are getting ready for a new journey which we don't know if it will be smooth sailing or if we are going to get caught in the storm. We are learning how to get through the storm and move on to the sunnier side of things.

    1. navigating the storm is essential ... now, later and forever

  18. "it's easy to stand in a group but it takes courage to stand by yourself".
    Mahatma Gandhi

    The reason why I choose this quote is because it can show how confident you are. its can show what courage you have and how you can you it,Even if you are wrong it's ok because your showing the courage and positivity that you know whats right at what you are doing

  19. “You don’t always need a plan sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens— Mandy Hale

    This quote motivates me, because You just don’t have to have a plan you just have to let go and see what happens, because you just have to see where it take you. I choose this quote because, life is a adventure witch comes with bumps along the way and sometimes u just need to go over them.

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    ~Mahatma Gandhi

    I choose this quote because the meaning of the quote is powerful. it means that what work you do right now it would carry on in the future since you are good at it. For example If you are good at math that is everyone at you future career could be math related job so you can study more harder or else you might no succeed in that subject you want to be in. so that's why i chose this quote that study hard in the beginning so you will have a good career in future

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  23. "i was born make mistakes,not to fake perfection"

    I chose this quote because this represents that the industry tries to convince you into to thinking that if you make a mistake it's horrible,this is false if you make a mistake it helps you learn not to do it again as you already know the outcome.Not making mistakes does not make you perfect, in fact no one is perfect.Mistakes could help you a lot throughout your journey all though they may seem bad.Faking perfection does not mean you have succeeded even if you may think you succeeded.

  24. "Before you give up remember why you held on so long"

    I chose this quote because sometimes I want to give up but then I realize that I have put in to much time and effort to give up. Also I remeber why I started that.

  25. " Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world"
    - Nelson Mandela

    This quote helps me stay more dedicated to education because knowing I can change the world with just having a good education inspires me to learn more.

  26. Be kind. Words matter

    I choose this quote because it reminds me of when I was bullied but not any mir and to me it means think before you speak

  27. "Cry as much as you want to, but just make sure when your finished, you never cry for the same reason again".
    -Selena Gomez

    I picked this quote because this quote inspired me so many times. The meaning behind this quote for me is that the next time you cry just think that they are not worth your tears and if it is from how passed away just think that they wouldn't want you to cry. this quote helped me during my Grandpa and my brothers death. The is a really strong quote.
