Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Rebound Chapter 20 - Dinner at David's

Dinner at David's

 David is living his life by believing he will walk soon.  He does the research and understands the science.  A cure could be discovered at any moment.  Sean and most have you also believe he will walk again soon.

David's mother has passionately argued at the dinner table that David can not live his life on a hope and prayer that he will walk again.  He must move on and accept who he is now as he may be this way until he dies.  

answer the following questions:

1. Is David's mother right to think this way and to want David to think the same way?

2. Should David stop researching and living his life expecting to walk again soon and learn how to live life in a wheelchair - accept who he is?

3. What should Sean do? encourage David and support his belief he will walk soon OR take the same position his mother has taken and help David accept his new reality.

answer all 3 questions and then engage in debate and dialogue about the responses...use evidence to support your positions 


  1. 1.) Yes, I think that David's mother is right because there are chances that you can't recover from a certain injury. Also when you get an accident we have more chances to be paralyzed an less for being better in that type of accident.

    In chapter 9, "David slapped himself hard on the leg and made a resounding noise. I can't feel that at all". That is saying that both his legs are paralyzed and with that he has less chances of recovering. He mentioned that his vertebrate broke which is L5 and I am amusing that if that is broken he won't be able to walk because that bone might not grow on him.

    In my opinion, I think that his mom is right that David should the way his mother is because you might not be in luck or you have less chances to fix a thing that has been broken.

    2.) Yes, I think that David should stop researching and live his life because if he start to do that it would be good for him and he will forget about all the things that could happen to him if he is still on the wheelchair.

    He should accept who he is because he has a new identity and he should start sticking with that because he might not be able to get off the chair. And he should start learning that he has chances to stay in that chair than start walking around.

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  3. 1) David’s mother is absolutely right in trying to persuade David, that there is no reason to get his hopes up for a superficial reason. David claims that a breakthrough can be reached as soon as tomorrow, but his parents aren’t so gullible. His mother’s explanation to Sean for not getting David’s hopes up is that he’ll spend his whole life thinking that he is going to walk again, going to play like he used to, but in the real world, there is a very low probability of this happening is highly unlikely, but not impossible.

    David needs to accept the fact that he is never going to walk again. He is paralyzed from the waist below. There are countless opportunities for people in wheelchairs and those who have handicaps. The biggest thing he needs to do is move on with his life, and stop hoping for a breakthrough that could take place after he’s six feet under.

    I’m not proposing that the spinal cord regeneration research is complete crap, and there will be never a breakthrough. However that breakthrough could take countless years. Therefore I do agree with his mother when she is trying to dampen his spirits. She has David’s best interests at heart. I do not fault David for doing research in his own time, and keeping the hope alive, that one day he’ll be back standings on his legs. But spending his whole life in this hope could cause David to lose a multitude of opportunities in his life. By the time he realizes that he’s going to sit in a chair for a prolonged period of time, it might be too late.

    1. you have good points but you also need to think that his mom is just turning the situation worse instead of helping him and making him have more courage to fight so he can walk.Davids moms is just thinking negative.

    2. David's mom is think negative, but it is for David's own good. If david does not learn to move on, he might never accept who he is. If david's mother was always positive, it might be worse for David's mental health. the effects may not show right now but they eventually will, if David expects to walk again.

  4. 1) I have to say that I can't pick a side on this because David has that hopeful side to him which is the only thing he's really holding on to. If he thinks that he will walk again, play basketball with his friends again, and become his old self, it's not a bad thing. He knows that it's the only thing he can do because he wants to feel like he isn't just a guy in a chair. That hope gives him a million reasons to live. You can't go up to someone like David and take that away from him. He's just a thirteen year old kid and he shouldn't have to live like this. "Sometimes, it rains the hardest on the people who deserve the sun." David had a whole life planned out ahead of him, playing basketball, one of the things he loves doing most. His mother can't take that away from him because she believes that he won't walk again. David is not weak and he's doing more than just relying on some miracle. He is still trying to make the best of this such as the fact that teachers pity him and they don't mark him late because of his chair. He knows his standards but he hopes that things will be better, which is not a bad thing if you look at David's point of view.

    Although this is true, we can't have David putting his life in the hands of some scientist that doesn't even know when this miracle will happen. He needs to understand that this is a very serious thing and if he refuses to know that he won't get up again, then he will spend his whole lifetime doing nothing. His mother has her own reasons for thinking the way she does. She doesn't want her son to be depressed forever for not being recovered after a long time. Because reality will come and slap him in the face one day and he won't even realize it.

    Therefore, I think that David should keep his hopes up and not think like his mother, but it should be limited, so that IF he doesn't get recovered, it doesn't crush him into specks.

    1. I think your response is good because you are talking about both sides. But if you were to choose one side, which one would it be- he can stand or he can't.

    2. I think that David should believe that he will get up even if it's not possible. I'm not saying that he will because even I have a doubt about that, but I'm saying that David should still go for that goal because it's what makes gives him hope.

  5. 1) Unfortunatly, I do think David's mother is correct for thinking that David should think he won't get better and that he should think that way in the long run. The rrason why is that if he keeps thinking he will get better he'll be more dissapointed when he wakes up the next morning. Every morning from the time he wakes up to the time he goes to bed, if he keeps thinking this way, he'll be living in sadness and misery for possibly the rest of his life, and no one wants that. He should focus his happiness on living every day to the fullest. That doesn't mean that you go crazy and injure yourself. That means make the most out of your situation, work your way around it and keep going. David should not be stuck in the past. David should look towards the furure. That is what his mother is trying to tell him.

    However, I do think that this is unfortunate for him to think this way. This is because that when part of your body doesn't work, it impacts your life untill that part has re-healed. I had broken mybone that helps me move my elbow on my right arm. I was right handed so things got really difficult for me. I could barly write, eat, I couldn't play games with my friends and many other things. It was hard to deal with, but I had to distract myself from the past and focus on the future. Even now, my elbow has not compleatly recovered. If someone hit it, the bone would start to vibrate and there would be a humming sound in my head. However I do manage to distract myself from it. That's because I don't dwell on the past, and it allows me to live life with a smile everyday. That's why I can understand how David feels. Also that's why I agree with David's mother.

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  7. 2) In my previous answer, I never faulted David on researching. He is human, he’s expected to have a small sliver of hope in his soul. But he should stop living his life fully expecting to walk again. The signs are there, in the book and in real life. How often have you heard someone being able to walk again, when they're in a wheelchair. There are a few inspirational stories, but what makes them inspirational stories in that they don’t happen very often.

    We can infer from the book that, David has learned to live a life in a wheelchair. But the next step is to learn to accept his life in a wheelchair. If he lives his whole life waiting for the breakthrough that may or may not happen. Even if it does happen the cost could exceed hundreds of thousands of dollars. More likely than not, David’s parent probably cannot afford to pay that much.

    Accepting who he is is not going to be an overnight process. It takes time, and to some some extent, effort. Instead of doing spinal cord research, maybe he should do research on opportunities for disabled people instead.

    In conclusion, I think that David needs to accept who has become within the last year and move on with his life. If he spends his whole life in regret, and doesn’t learn to move on, he could be in serious trouble. If spinal cord research doesn’t help him move one, then by all means he should stop. But if it just a hobby and done for relaxation or updates, then I don’t think it should be a problem, in the process of accepting who he is and moving on.

    1. But if he continues researching both ways he might be obsessed with it and think about nothing but that, day and night. I think he should stop researching now. A lot of people become obsessed with something that destroyed them and there's never a good ending.

    2. If David keeps researching about different types of injuries, he's still going to end up researchin about his own injury. It's human nature to think that way. If he stops he'll be able to accept his loss a lot faster and move on.

    3. i never said that David should research about different types of injuries. I said that he should research of different types of activities for handicaps. And if it makes him feel better then he can also do some spinal cord research.

  8. I believe that David´s mother is correct in for thinking the way she does. If I were in her position I would tell David that, but if I were David i would also think what he is thinking. I know that hoping and doing nothing with your life will impact your future. ¨You only have one life so live it well.¨ David just wants to be happier so he doesn't want to lose his hope. He also doesn´t want Sean to feel bad about him. Furthermore he wants to believe that because he thinks that´s the only thing he can do.

    David´s mother is correct because she wants the best for her child. All she wants is for her son to be happy and live his life without any regrets and for her son to be satisfied with what he had accomplished. This can not happen if David is still hoping that one day he will walk again. In the text it mentioned that the research is just begging. He can be waiting over 30 years doing nothing with his life. Then, when he can walk again he will have nothing to do with his life.

    In addition David´'mother is correct because she wants David to be happy. If he gets on with his life he will meet many great people, and opportunity. Every human being that works hard lives a successful life, David can´t do that if he doesn´t do anything. His mother wants him to get a job and a family eventually. That can´t happen if David is still hoping.

    To be precise David mother also wants him to live a life with no regrets. Every human being has many regrets, but we can lower that amount. When David can finally walk can he do. Can he join the NBA when he is 40. Can he get a good job that pays a lot of money. Furthermore he can´t have a family. It would be difficult.

    All his mother wants for him is to move on. That why they had an argument. His mother wants him to not hope. In times where something is missing we hope for the best, but David need to learn that he need to live a successful life.

  9. Rebound Questions

    1. Is David's mother right to think this way and to want David to think the same way?

    I find that david's mom has just has live with david for a really really long time and she probably feels like it's just hopeless for davis to live a past ,life and a life that he just can't go back too.Unfortunately he can't walk but when david's mother starts to say that he won't walk and he will have to learn to deal with that then you just wonder if she just lost hope in david or if she is just sad that his dreams are just something like a fantasy.I wouldn't really agree to her thinking because when you have a kid aren't you suppose to tell them the truth but make sure to tell them not to give up and just to keep on going, because maybe he will be able to walk or maybe this book just won't have a happy ending.In conclusion i just dont agree with her thinking and i think she should push david to keep on trying and not leting him down by thinking that he will have to learn to deal with it for the rest of his life till death.

    2. Should David stop researching and living his life expecting to walk again soon and learn how to live life in a wheelchair - accept who he is?

    What davis should do i not give up and do a bit of research but he need to make sure not do it often because then he won't get caught up in do that all day and just thinking he will start walking tomorrow.But for real he does need learn to accept himself but not giving up.Living in a wheel chair is defiatly not easy and for sure I never been in one but what I would do if I was in a wheel chair then I would just cry all day for sure because a lot is been and being taken from you but at one point in life you actually think and belive that your going to have to live like this but you will never waste time trying to fine help or trying to find a say the truth you probably will die before finding a cure and thinking of what you can do for yourself but at the same time people also need to understand that you will die at one point in life but that also doesnt mean stop trying. Keep trying but make sure to live life happy.

    3. What should Sean do? encourage David and support his belief he will walk soon OR take the same position his mother has taken and help David accept his new reality.

    Sean if probably david's best friend and looks like he's only friends but being a friend is to love and care for each other but david is in a momment that is hard for him and he's family and he's heart is also broken from lisa when he was turned down and he didnt know what to do so thats when he had in accident at the dinner table but at the same time sean is helping a bit but its not enough beacse you can even tell that davids is mad sand etc and sean is the one that need to make him happy and help him even more because his family can control him and he is just beliveing that he won't walk again when sean should tell him that he can do and just be there for him when he needs to be.Like Friends.But if david walks again i feel as if the whole story line would change like if you think about it david had a fight because he counlt pass with his wheel chair and sean was in the way so then that when they met but if davis walked then they would of never met and it would have change the whole story line but in real life and even in stories or fairytale they will always be a reason for everything.So overall not everything is bad.David really need to think of the good and bad of everything that has happened and this is where sean is suppose to come in and help david think about whatbhe can do and what he unfortunatly cant do.David is also just thinking about all the negitives in his life but what he hasnt done is think about the positives and how he can bring happiness to his life.

  10. 2)
    I think that David should continue researching about his life and his future because even though he needs to accept who he is, he should still believe in these things because even if he stops researching, he will still see his wheelchair everyday, which will remind him that he may never stand up again. The thought of his life being better encourages him to think that his life can get better. After the accident, he lost the ability to do the things that he loved, you can't just take that away from him. Like I said in #1, David is only thirteen years old. He shouldn't have to live like this and he shouldn't throw away one of his last hopes in the trash.

    I think that David has already accepted the fact that he's in a wheelchair. He's only been sitting in one for about a year. Even though he knows that he might not get up again, he still has the ambition because that's the goal that he wants to achieve. In my opinion, David should still believe that he will get up again. If he accepts the fact that he's not going to get up again, then he will start to live in a pool of misery. That's definitely not the way I want to live, dreading about all of the horrible things that happened to me and it's not something I can forget because I see the same chair everyday of my sorrowful life. If I keep my hopes up, then I will have a reason to wake up in the morning. I can't imagine what David may be going through. Just the thought of it terrifies me.

    1. I Liked your response, but what if David keeps researching but then..... after 30 years it still hasn't happened, what if he doesn't walk again, all that hope he had would go to 100-0. Waiting for so long it could change him, after a while he'll notice that it may not happen and he'll become frustrated and angry

    2. if david does keep researching, hoping he will walk again, that might slow his process in accepting himself. if david wakes up everyday hoping to walk again, he'll miss opportunities for people in wheelchairs, because he expects to walk again. BY the time he realizes he won't walk again, it might be too late.

    3. What if it takes too long for the cure to come. David would regret waiting so long. He would regret ever living he waited this long.
      Also he would not have a proper future. What if you were him how would you feel? Would you do the same

    4. It's like saying to give up. Do you really think that you would stop doing something that gives you happiness and hope just because someone says it's not worth it. You're just telling David to give up on life and telling him that he doesn't deserve to chase something that's important to him.

    5. But Shaili, if David wastes his entire life thinking about walking again, that life would be a waste. He would just be stuck on the year where he got his accident, and he'll keep waking up wanting and waiting to walk. When David finally snaps out of this misery, he probebly would have wasted his entire life hoping and dreaming, but time was still moving and he still nrver recovered. He'll be even more upset. That's why he needs to think that way. So he can move on.

    6. To Mariam
      If he gives up now, that may also frustrate him because he knows that there is nothing he can do anymore.

    7. To krishotha:
      How is hoping misery?

  11. 3.) I think that Sean should and shouldn't encourage David because if he doesn't encourage him their friendship will stop and if he does encourage him their friendship will go for a long time. But overall I think that Sean should take David's mother beliefs because I think that it can now be a new identity for his part of the life and he has less chance to get out of the chair and get recovered.

    He should accept the new reality because we don't know if he will be able to walk soon or he will not. He should know that being in a wheelchair wont hurt him because he has been in the chair for about a year, and if he needs to wait for a while he should because the problem can get worse. We know that he still loves to do the things that he did when he used to stand but it's his good to forget that he will stand again because the recovery can start showing in a year or less this hasn't.

    If Sean encourages him that he can walk again then David is getting some support that someone is their that can help him when he is sad and needs something. But is Sean doesn't encourage David that he can walk then he is all alone trying to fight to freedom. He will have to do everything by himself and work hard to get to the end and move the chair and start walking again.

    In my opinion, I think he shouldn't encourage him because we know that their can be less chances of surviving the accident and being recovered, he might have fight by himself rather than having a support hero can help you lead to the right path. But if he does encourage him he can work with David to reach the goal that David wants to so that he can do the things that he enjoyed to do while standing.

    1. Why would their friendship stop if he doesn't encourage David? Their friendship is not built on encouragement. Your opinion is never clear, in one paragraph your saying that he should encourage him and in the next you're saying he shouldn't. The first paragraph says their friendship will end if he doesn't encourage him, but in your conclusion, you say Sean shouldn't encourage him. Does that mean that you want their friendship to end?

    2. I didn't say that I want he friendship to end but we all know that David's gets mad very easily and withe they will talk to each other and be friends but not as close as the one they before.

  12. 2) I do think that David should stop researching and go and enjoy his life. This is because that if someone keeps thinking about what has happened yesterday, they could never live tomorrow. What this means is that if someone just thinks about what happened yesterday they would keep thinking about it for the rest of their lives. You would never escape that thought. It depends on how much of and impact it would be. If you lost your parrents that would hit you hard and you would never forget it. However, if it was something like you were yelled at you won't really remember that in the next 5, 10, 20 years. You would remember though that your parrents are gone. But a lot would go on since then. Maybe you'll get a new job. Maybe you'll be the prime minister. Maybe you'll be a parent of your own someday. So you should try to put the past behind you, whatever it is that is keeping you down, and try to keep going. We all have a purpose in this life so we shouldn't waste it on trying to do things to defy the past. If you are in a wheelchair like David is, you shouldn't keep thinking about that fatful day, researching about the cure, praying to the gods above that you will recover. Instead, you should think about tomorrow, study to become who you would want to be when you grow up and thank the gods above that you are alive and well.

    1. You never really explained why David should accept his life and move on other than he will keep thinking about it. Also i think yo should structure your response in paragraphs, next time.

    2. Well the reason why would be that he won't move in life. If someone just hangs on to the past, they won't live the future. If he doesn't live the future there would be no meaning in life for him.

  13. 1.) I think that David’s mother has every right to think that David will not be capable of walking again because in reality, miracles don’t happen to all of us. David is still hoping that one day he will be able to walk again but he has the right to think that way too because it is his legs. If your ability to walk just vanished today, wouldn’t you think that you will be able to walk tomorrow? David’s mother has many years of life experience and is his mother and she obviously know him better than we do and if she thinks that her son will not be able to walk again then why should we?

    As David mentioned before, research for a cure is in process but the process is in a sedate state, there is no hurry and if scientists are going to take their time like that then by the time David is dead they still won’t have the cure out. Even if the cure did exist then it would be extremely expensive most people wouldn’t be able to afford it at such a high cost .

    I can relate to David. I once lost something really important to me and I waited for so long and I haven’t gotten it back. I still believe that I’ll retrieve it but I won’t because reality slapped me in the face and I finally came to my senses knowing that not all miracles happen. Like David, he has this feeling inside of him that he’s going to walk again and run and play basketball but none of that is really true and I could tell him that right now, he isn’t going to be able to walk again and he will flip out. Sometimes something is taken away from your life and there’s no turning back because no way there is a time machine.

    David’s mother knows him best so why should we try and change the way things are? Things for David are already bad enough, he got rejected by Lisa and he plays it cool but deep down there is a ball of hot raging fire. Maybe David’s mother is wrong. Maybe David is wrong. Maybe, nothing will change at all. But we don’t know what will happen because his life is not ours. If I was David I would continue believing for his sake just to make him feel better but we both know that we never get back what we need the most.

    1. I Liked the way you focused on reality for what's actually going to happen. And your connection was great too

    2. your response is very well articulated, and i liked how you added a personal example to really sell your response. though i would suggest you add what you lost

    3. I believe what you are saying is correct. I believe that David´s mom knows the best because of her experience and becaus that is her son. She would obviously know what is best for her kid.

    4. I like your response with a good personal example and yes you are correct that a mother know their child the best and we don't know as much.

    5. like the way you focused on reality and made a personal example , i also like how you gave different point of views . i would suggest you have that you have told us what you had lost

  14. 1.)Yes i do agree with David's mother because if David believes that one day the nerve regeneration project will be complete and he will be able to walk. What if the project ends in failure? then what? David will be left with nothing but regret. He wasted his whole time learning about nerve regeneration and one day it will disappear that thought is the thought that David's mother had.
    If I was David's parents than i would do the same thing, i wouldn't want my child to follow some belief that might not even happen.I'm not going to let my child be so depressed he might go to the point of suicide. David's mother want him to live a happy life one with no regrets.
    It's a parent's duty to worry and that is exactly what she is doing, worrying about their child's future. David should understand this and accept
    this if he wants to be happy in his life.
    2.)David should accept who he is because if the project fails then he has nothing more to do in life. On the other hand I don't want him to stop researching about nerve regeneration because it might give useful advice if the project does succeed.He should believe that he will walk again just not as much as he does before the conversation. He should learn to live his life in a wheelchair.
    3.)I think that Sean should take David's side because a friend's job is to believe in another friend that has obstacles to overcome and give them joy while they are going through tough times. but still it's right to care about him and let him know that he should not believe it as much as he did. he should warn David and if David is still in disbelief than just go ahead and support him all the way. If the project ends up failing than so be it just be on his side when it does. Help him overcome his sorrow and whatever he would do just don't give David any pity.

  15. 2.) In my perspective David should stop researching about regenerating nerve cells. He should carry on his life accepting that he is in a wheelchair. David is only in grade 8, and he has been through a lot. David has experienced what many kids haven´t. His life is much harder. That´s why David should move on. He can´t be in the world of wheelchair. Because he has been through a lot it would be harder. If David would keep believing that one day he will walk again his life would be a disaster. When David learns to accept himself he would be much happier. He would make more friends, and he would stop picking fights.

    If David learns to move on with his life he would be much happier. HE would be living the dream. He will get many fantastic opportunity. If he works hard anything can be possible. When David learns to act like a regular person, he eventually would feel like one.

    Another example would be David would be more social. If he only thinking about walking again he would only research about that. He would give up his social life. if he concludes that he will move on he will make more friends because he will more interactive. He can´t blame anyone that he is in a wheelchair and he can´t release his sadness on people. For example Lisa had liked David but she didn't feel right because he was putting his anger on her. That is why Lisa had turned down David to go to the dance.

    David would also stop picking fights to release his anger. David picks fights because he get too angry, but if David were happier he wouldn´t pick fights. HE would be a much better person. For example in the text David had went to Wendy´s to buy some burgers with Sean. David wanted to pick a fight with a manager , but Sean knew the true purpose of why he wanted to fight. He wanted to feel good bout himself. In addition Sean always mentions that when he look into David´s eye there is sadness and anger.

    In conclusion David should stop researching about regenerating cells. HE should move on with his life and accept who he is because he can be much happier and live a better life.

    1. Actually, anything can't be possible. If I asked for a hot pink corvette and got it tomorrow i wouldn't get it. And besides, I don't even have a license!

  16. 1)Davids mother is right because shes trying to persuade him , to realize that theres no reason for him to keep on expecting that he'll walk. While David claims that a cure can be attain as soon as tomorrow, but his parents doesn't figure that it'll happen.

    Davids mother explained to Sean that he should get davids Hope's up beacause hell grow up envisioning that he'll walk, play and run again . his parents know that it is possible that hell walk again but its very unlikly

    2) Yes David should stop researching and living his life expecting to walk again soon because, David needs to accept the fact that he might not walk again, that hes crippled from the waist below, there are countless apportion done on people in wheelchairs and they stilk havent found a cure . the best thing for him to do is move on with is life and Learn how to live his life in a wheelchair , he also needs stop hopping for a breakthrough .

    3)not finish as yet

    1. Nice but what if David finds a cure that can help him ,then his dreams will come true.

  17. 1) I think that David's mom is right about David. In the book David is hoping and trying really hard to find a way that he will walk again. Life is short and time goes really fast. If David thinks like this for the rest of life he will get more and more sad everyday wondering why he is still in a wheelchair. There could be so many opportunities that David missed or ignored because he is so focused on hoping that he will get out of his wheelchair and walk again. David thinks that he will get out of his wheelchair which is a very rare thing that will happen. What if David didn't even get out of his wheelchair he would have wasted all of this time hoping and trying really hard for something that didn't even come true, there could have been opportunities that David missed which he may have wanted to go back in time for. If David finally realized he wont get out of his wheelchair it would be too late and could be a big regret from him.

    David should just focus on other things and not worry to much about getting out of his wheelchair. David doesn't know 100% that he will get out of his wheelchair and walk again so he shouldn't stress on it to much and be happy with how he is. David's mom just wants David to be happy and enjoy his life right now because you cant go back. I think that David should care more about other things that make him happy. David should think more like his mother wants him to think because if he thinks like this for the rest of his life it will get him nowhere in life and create a very bad future.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. He already focuses on other things due to his world. Since when Sean experienced being in the wheelchair both Sean and David had to focus for cars because people did not see them. Is that not focusing enough?

    3. but think about it this way, if you were David would you listen to people that think negative about your dream, you would just keep on proceeding with your hope that one day you will stand. You should have thought about what would happen if David could walk. Yes it might take a while but he should not give up he should think more about his future that's all. It doesn't mean he should totally forget about the fact that he is in a wheelchair.

  18. 3) I strongly believe that Sean should take the same stance as David’s parents. As I previously stated, David needs to move on and accept this new reality. It may be a harsh one compared what he was living in before, but he needs to leave the past in the past. The best thing David could do is live his life, thinking he has been in a wheelchair for his whole life.

    If Sean chose the former option of encouraging David, then that would create two contradicting sources in his life. One being his parents who are telling him to accept who he is now, and Sean, who is telling him to continue doing research and believe that he is going to walk again. David may not know who to listen to, and may end up hurting one of the two sources.

    Sean is David’s friend, so he should have his best interests at heart. One of those should be to help David move on, and recreate the sweet, loving kid that was present before the accident. He could recommend clubs, or activities he could participate him, which could lessen the emotional and mental impact of the accident. David likes to play basketball. He could maybe join a wheelchair basketball club, that could help him get over the accident, and doing one of the things he loves.

    In conclusion, I don’t think Sean should focus on encouraging David to keep living his life in a lie. He will never walk again, and he needs to know it before reality slaps him in the face, and runs over him like a freight train. He should help David move on with his life. I think David knows he is never going to walk again, he just needs that extra push.

  19. 2.) I think that David should accept who he is because there isn’t much time and life is very short. Maybe if he stops believing that he can walk again then he could live life happy again. He may be different but if he keeps thinking that a cure will be out overnight then he will never be happy again.

    I think that he knows that he won’t be able to walk again too but because his hopes are up so high he doesn’t want his dreams to fall. David is already broken knowing that people make fun of him and look at his physical appearance but not who he really is inside because that’s all people care about nowadays, how they look.

    If David doesn’t start working on living his life in a wheelchair now then he will be bullied continuously throughout his entire life and I’m pretty sure you would want to throw someone a mile away when they talk behind your back about your flaws and that’s probably how David feels because he has to live with the snarky comments knowing that he’s nothing but trouble every day.

    In a journal prompt last year I said that hope is real and alive and David will be able to walk again because that’s what he thinks and anything is possible. BUT nothing is always possible. Real life unicorns with rainbow coloured tails aren’t possible, 10 arms aren’t possible , being George Clooney isn’t possible. I don’t understand why people think that everything is possible because life is so precious so I think that David should stop hating himself for who he is because he should love himself and everyone in the world has purpose living on this earth.

  20. Q: #1

    Yes I do believe that David’s mother is right because David is confident and has his hopes to high for believing that he will start walking again. I’m not saying that he would NEVER walk again I’m just going to point out some possibilities. What if it’s like 30 years after and he still can’t walk again, it could be maybe more like even 50 years and he still can’t walk. How do you think David would feel? He would feel devastated, destroyed, maybe even a little heartbroken to know the one wish he’s hoping for never even came yet.

    It’s going to be a long wait for him, and his mom feels it’s right to let David think this way or else it’s going to ruin him, waiting for so long and it hasn’t happen yet. She doesn’t want David to be stuck on this forever and it doesn’t happen, she wants him to be prepared for the possibilities for all this going the wrong way she just wants him to understand. But I also do understand that David hates being in a wheelchair, but his mom is right, but then again David only 13 years old, hope and faith isn’t going to give up on him. It’s just a matter of time.

    David should understand what his mother is trying to explain to him, she could be right and she could be wrong and David still has more time in life, and maybe that day will come, but he’s young and anxious and no one can blame him for that, his mom just wants him to be PREPARED.

    2. Well, David is very young, he still has so much time in life that he can use up even if he can’t do most of the things he used to do. But it's not his job to research about this, that’s to the doctors to know how it can be healed, it’s not a bad thing to just search up on it but it shouldn’t be overtaking him, by the facts that he researched he can’t cling on that forever, and only think that it’s going to HAPPEN. There can be… difficulties so for now I think he should accept the fact that he’s in a wheelchair and he could possibly be stuck in it for a while or forever.

    He’s been in a wheelchair for over a year now, and it if is really possible for him to start walking again it will take some time, maybe 10, 20, 30… years you never know, but he shouldn't be hooked on this forever, waiting and having so much hope for so long isn’t going to make anything better for him. It would just make him angry, fretful, agitated and apprehensive. It can destroy him. But he should accept it for now because I’m not saying he’s NEVER going to walk again, but he should accept it by now because he’s used to it.

    3. I think Sean should think about it, like what he really believes would happen. He could be going with David’s mom and David at the same time, both point of views are right. But if David knows that Sean is agreeing with his mom on this, David could and will get angry, but everyone can’t just keep telling David to give up and Sean is his best friend well a great friend to David but Sean does believe David will walk again, he can change his mind or be better friend for David because he know’s what he’s going through. But I consider Sean should think it through before one day David asks him “Sean… you really think I will walk again? Do you think my mom is..right?” and that’s where Sean has that BIG decision to make for what he’s going to say and he should be prepared for a question like that. This is just the possibilities, I’m not saying that David should give up but he needs to be prepared for something like this to happen.

    In conclusion I think that David’s mom is just trying to make him understand and I do understand what she’s trying to say, but then again walking again can be possible for David.

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    2. I have the same point of view about David moving on in life because the cure will take countless amount of time to produce. So many people have cancer as of today, if they can't find the cure for cancer then how does he think that there will be a cure for regenerating cells?

    3. you can't just expect David to give up on his dream, it doesn't work like that. Everyone that is in a wheelchair's number 1 dream is to rise up and out of the wheelchair even if they act like they don't care deep inside they do, more than anything else in the world they want to get up and out of their prison. David was an athlete, he loved playing basketball, he wont let go of that dream so easily. If he never gets back up he wont call sean a betrayer. He knows that Sean was just trying to give him a hand.

    4. kisho I never said he has to give up hope

    5. good point connie

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    1. How can hoping build confidence. It will get you depressed everyday waiting. It won´t make you happy and it definitely wouldn´t allow you to have more confidence. I believe wasting your time hoping will allow you to have a horrible future

    2. But if David finds a cure in the future he'll have a better future

    3. Hoping will make David stronger and not want to give up.

    4. But still, false hope can do wrong to people. He should still think that he won't recover so that he can actually move on.

    5. Keirthanan hoping does build confidence, and Philip finding a cure for that could take years not just one day over night, he was hurt badly in that accident

    6. I agree with you Krishotha, and do you really think this book will be all about David getting to walk again? he shouldn't have his hopes too `high'for something that may not happen

  22. 3.)I don’t think Sean should say anything or do anything to upset David because if he says that all you’re doing is wasting your life believing that you will be able to walk again David will probably punch him the face and then they’ll be in a brawl and beat each other up and we all know that David is feisty and Sean might fight like a girl with David because he doesn’t want to hurt him. And after that… they’ll stop being friends. They’ll glare at each other in the hallway and probably hate each other which causes a huge commotion.

    I think that Sean should have deeper understanding about living life in a wheelchair so when he’s around David he will know what not and what to do . I don’t think Sean should say that David will be able to walk again because if he gives him false hope there will be one more person on the list that he felt betrayed him because he promised something that he knew would never happen.

    Understanding David’s lifestyle creates a stronger bond between David and Sean and David may feel better because at least someone understands how it is to go through such an unfortunate event in life. And if he sees how hard it is for Sean to even walk after hours on a wheelchair, then he might understand on his own that he can’t walk forever no matter what happens and realize that if you play with fire you’ll just get burnt, like the time when David fell down the stairs when he attempted go down them and he hurt himself.

    Therefore, Sean should just learn more about being someone who can’t walk.


  23. 1. I think David's mom is right to think that David can't walk again because when someone gets into an accident and is in a wheel chair the chances are very unlikely for the person to walk again .Most people don't really recover from a wheel chair that fast or that easy and most of the times people don't even recover from being in a wheelchair. I think that if David thinks like his mom he won't have to be miserable about him not walking again ,or think about when will I ever walk again , I waited for so long now and I still can't walk. All those thoughts might be in David's head because he believes and has hope that he will walk again. By David thinking to move on and accepting that he is in this condition and might be like that forever will help David to realize that he shouldn't be thinking about him walking , or even when he will walk because he will never accept the way he is . If David just accepts the way he is now he won't have to be worrying about how he would never walk and that he was just believing he could walk again all along when it was never true. I have a relative that got into a car accident and has the same situation as David he is a wheelchair and this accident happened a very long time ago , He has still not recovered from the accident and is still in a wheel chair .

    2. I think David should not give up completely that he won't walk again but he should understand that there are more chances of him being like that forever than him walking again. I think that David should accept how he is and not discriminate that people in wheelchairs can't do anything because there are many people In the world that can't walk and are in wheelchairs that have fun and accept who they are and think positively that they can do things and don' t discourage the fact that they are in a wheel chair from there daily lifestyle. He should learn how anything is possible but sometimes in different ways , I also think that David should study what bones needs to be recovered in order for him to walk again ,what are the needs to be able to walk again ,how the bones recover and how long they take , also how people in wheelchairs recover .David should understand how people in wheelchairs live their life and not be negative and think negative about how they can't do anything just because they are in a wheelchair.

    3. I think that Sean should help David understand and accept his new reality because certain bones in his body may be broken that can't grow back and that it's not impossible that you can't have fun being in a wheel chair, if David accepts who he is now then he won't be sad that he was never gonna walk again ,and how it was all a lie, or that it's impossible to walk again. Maybe if they found a cure it would be a miracle to him ,but if David moves on and accepts reality he will have better chances of not thinking about walking again ,when it's really unlikely . But if Sean took opposite sides of David's parents and just believed he would walk again , if David finds out he will never walk again he may think that Sean was lying to him about him walking again .

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  25. 3.) I believe that Sean should take David's mother´s side. I believe that Sean should have a serious conversation with David. Also Sean should tell everyone of his actual feelings. He should tell all of David's friends to help David in anyway. They should all tell him to not worry. Furthermore Sean should accept his decision and help him in anyway possible.

    Sean should have a serious conversation with David. He should also talk about what his mom said. He should say that he should stop researching about regenerating about nerve cell. Furthermore they should have a plan on how he can move on. He can start talking to Lisa, and he should be polite. If Sean were polite to Lisa maybe now he can go to the dance with David. Furthermore David should go apologize to all the people he picked a fight with. For example he picked a fight the Wendy´s manager. He also picked a fight with the high school kids. He has to go say sorry to everyone.

    Another thing Sean can do is aware everyone that David is changing to be a better person. David did make Sean a better person because David allowed him to hang with instead of Scott. I just believe that Sean should do the same. Sean is an amazing friend. He has potential to do anything for David. I believe he should. He should tell everyone that David wants to be different so we should all help in anyway possible.

    Furthermore, after the conversation Sean should respect David idea. He should by his side no matter what. If David wants to believe the nerve regeneration will come Sean should help. Maybe Sean should tell him to become a scientist who will find the cure for regeneration. That might give him some motivation. If David decides to give up believing Maybe David should try ro get into the basketball team. He should apply for wheelchair basketball.

    In conclusion Sean should spread the word and help him in anyway possible. Sean should follow anything his mom says because she knows best.

    1. If Sean follows David's mother's footsteps he will be even more outraged at Sean then he was at his mother because he thinks that friends always have to be on his side and agree with him. If Sean ever tells David that he won't be able to walk again, a fight would start and I guarantee it.

    2. If Sean on his mother´s side his mother knows best. His mother should make the decision not his best friend, but it all comes down to David.

    3. David does need a little hope. Just because the truth is obvious doesn't mean that you have to rub it in his face. I thonk Sean should stick to David's side, so that he will still be happy.

  26. 1. Is David's mother right to think this way and to want David to think the same way?

    1- David’s mom does not have the right to think this way. She is just making her son more depressed and making him have less faith. Because research is still going on, and there could be a cure any day now. An example of this is cancer. Cancer research is going and who knows how long it’s going to take. But with all the money invested into it and all the research the people did, they can actually cure it. But the question is when. Same goes for David. No one knows when the research is going to be done. It could be tomorrow, day after that, months, years, decades. All we know is that they WILL do it.
    David’s mom does not have the right to make David think this way. David worked so hard, research, having hope, and David’s mom just wanted to throw that away. She wanted to make David feel sad about him not being able to walk. David’s mom just does not believe in miracles or she does not have hope in David being able to walk. But David does so she does not have the right to put David down. David did a LOT of work. He researched about how it regenerates, how people can walk again, so David’s mom does not have the right to make David think the same way.

    2. Should David stop researching and living his life expecting to walk again soon and learn how to live life in a wheelchair - accept who he is?

    David should not accept who he is. Just because he is really used to the wheelchair does not mean he should stop believing. He shouldn’t accept who he is, he did his research and someday hes going to walk. He will not accept who he is, he has hope, faith, he believes he will walk again. And believing is more than just believing, it’s knowing that he can walk in the future. Why focus on the negatives, when you can stay positive. If you believe and have hope, it will come true. In my opinion, if you have a goal you should strive for success. So that’s what he is doing. He wants to walk again, he’s going for it and he is not stopping.

    3. What should Sean do? encourage David and support his belief he will walk soon OR take the same position his mother has taken and help David accept his new reality.

    Sean is going to encourage David and support his belief that he will walk soon. Sean knows that he will walk soon and it even says so. “(Page 96 Chapter 9) “David…” He looked up. “I believe you” He smiled.” He is helping David as of this moment and he will not take his mom’s side. He believes, anything can come true as long as you believe and have hope, faith. He is sticking by David’s side and he is not stopping. Anyone can do anything and I am pretty sure that Sean believes in that. He knows David will walk again due to all the facts that David told Sean. Also David explained a lot to sean so he is convinced that David can walk again. (around page 125 chapter 11).

  27. 2) I don't think that David should quit right away and give up. I think that David should research more on his nerves, so that he realizes that it is very hard to recover from being on a wheelchair. If he researches more on these he finally might realize that the chances are very low of him getting out of his wheelchair, and him walking again. Once David finds this information out he may realise that he shouldn't spend all his time hoping that he will start walking again and spend it on other things that will make him happy.

    I think that David should accept that he is in a wheelchair and he may have to live like this for the rest of his life, so I think he should start getting used to it and accept it. He should accept that there is a very low chance that he will walk again so he should start getting used to his wheelchair, and still have fun at the same time.

    1. But don't you think he should stop worrying about his ability to walk NOW? He's already 13 , and next year he's going to high school, he should focus on defending himself because there are a lot of cruel people who bully you just because you aren't popular and don't have what others do.

    2. If you want David to research a bit more to find out it is going to take a while, wouldn't he be more motivated? Since he actually KNOWS that there is 100% a cure to it. He is just going to hope and believe more.

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  28. 3)
    Sean is David's best friend and Sean should support David because I can tell you that David looks at Sean and sees the him as the only person in the school that will stand next to him all the time. David trusts Sean as his friend and he should trust Sean to believe in him. Sean shouldn't break that trust because even if David might not walk again, Sean should encourage David because that's what may keep him happy. It proves that no matter what the situation is, no matter how wrong David may be, he will always be there for him.

    You may say that David needs to accept reality, but that's not the only reality in this situation. Researches are still trying to figure out some cure for this and that's another reality. They are not giving David false hope, because it is possible that some miracle will happen. And what about all of the other people in wheelchairs. If you say that Sean shouldn't support David, then nobody should support anybody who sits in a wheelchair or are disabled. They don't need to feel like they have hope. They aren't curable. You shouldn't waste your time with these people because they are disabled and they don't have the right to live the way we do.

    It's not always about reality. It's sometimes also about someone's feelings. And if Sean supports David, then David will feel like his world can be better.

    1. David world might be better when he is a kid but when he is an adult he won´t have no life. All he can do is hope. Is hoping going to make a difference. He need to take action others wise something bad might happen to him

    2. How is giving up taking action?

    3. If Sean is the only one there but what if he knows that he won't be able to walk and even if he encourages he might have something that he knows that he won't be able to walk and also in chapter 9, it said that he slapped his leg and couldn't feel it so it can also mean that he can be paralyzed for his life with less miracle chances to be free and walk

    4. Also, you said it yourself. He's just a kid. Why do you want him to lead a miserable life by giving up. He's going to get depressed after all this because he will know that he can't escape the life of his chair.

  29. 1.Yes, I think she is right to think this way because David can’t dream of walking for the rest of his life. I think that David should move on with his life and just accept the fact that he has to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair, because it could take years for the scientists to create a cure and David’s social workers were right about how David needs to stop thinking that he will be able to walk again. Also I think that it’s not possible to recover a crushed vertebrae because it’s connected to your spine.
    2.Yes, I think that David should stop researching and start living the life that has been given to him because, no matter how long he waits for the treatment it would be impossible for the scientist's to create it before David dies. In fact a cure doesn’t just appear it takes a lot of time to create a cure. “ Medicine is only for those who cannot imagine doing anything else”- Dr. Lunda Grazette. MD and she’s right, David doesn’t need Medicine or a cure to walk again David just needs to forget about a cure and try to live his life happy.
    3. I think Sean should take the same position as David’s mother has taken and help David accept his new reality because if Sean keeps telling David that he will be able to walk again it will generate more hope into David which will make him believe he will walk even more than he did before and it will make David think that he is right about how he will be able to walk again, but if Sean tells David that he won’t be able to walk again it might just make David mad but it might also tell him that he’s wrong and that he actually won’t be able to walk because everyone around him is saying that he won’t be able to walk which will make less hope in his body.

    1. Won't David think that he is less than everyone else is if you tell him he's wrong though? He already has low self-esteem about himself because he isn't capable of doing something a normal human being would be doing so it will just bring him down thinking that he's stupid for believing something that is beyond impossible.

  30. 3) I think Sean should support David. It's not easy being in a wheelchair, and people telling him he won't get better won't help him either. To David, Sean is not only a friend but Sean is his relm of hope. If Sean took David's mother's side David would not have any sign of hope.  If David had no sighn of hope then he wil get depressed and mist likely take drastic measures. Anyone would possibly go too far and end their own life if they find no sign of hope. That is the main reason why Sean has to have David's back. It's so that he can grab a chance to move on.  

    Another reason why I think that Sean should support David is that, Sean is David's friend. If Sean just tells him the truth, their friendship would be over real quick. Not only that, Sean is pretty much David's ONLY true friend. If Sean just takes off on him that way, that both of them will regret, it will leave a mark on the both of them. It will hit David hard especially. Since his parents are telling him that he will never recover and no one else tells him that he will when Sean leaves him, things will get ugly and they will get ugly fast. That's why Sean has to support David. It's to make him hear both sides and give him a reign of hope to bestow on. Also Sean needs to tell David he will recover, even when he knows it's not possible, especially when David needs him the most.

    1. In my opinion, he wouldn't end his own life. He has already lost half of his life, he can't play basketball with his legs anymore and he knows how much he's lost so what makes you think he'll suicide? If he "suicides" then everyone will think that he isn't as strong as he looks and for a person who can't walk, he's still holding on stronger than most.

    2. I agree with Connie because if he suicide the all the time he has been fighting and getting in trouble was to show that he is strong even if he is in a wheel chair, I don't think he is going to plan a suicide because he is still strong but can get emotional, which is common.

  31. This is my opinion.
    People keep on saying that David should move on and I agree with that as well but there will be that one part of him that will never let go because he is still not over the fact that he was in a accident one day and just couldn't walk anymore. If you were blind tomorrow and you didn't understand why it had to be you, wouldn't you feel like you were a disappointment to everyone and your life meant nothing? You wouldn't be able to see beautiful colors and people anymore. That's like David, if he moves on, he will never be able to completely forget about what happened to him. And everyday, he will still struggle getting out of bed because he needs to climb in a wheelchair, and it may be unfortunate because his wheelchair represents who he is now.

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  33. 3) I think that Sean should just wait until David wants to hear his opinion, because if Sean takes David's mother's side David would get really angry and feel that Sean betrayed him. If sean went up to David and told him right away that he's not going to walk, the situation will get worse and might turn into a fight, which Sean wouldn't like. If Sean took David's mother's side David would be really sad and get depressed. Sometimes you just have to tell the truth at the right moment and Sean should wait for that time to come, but until he should just support David and stay out of the situation.

    If sean stood out of the situation I think it would better for him and David because it would be easier for both of them . They would still be good freinds and if Sean told him the truth he may have felt bad for David because he lost all his hope and will be very sad that his best freind lied to him. So I think that David should stay out.

  34. 1. I don't really think David's mom is right for thinking that way and wanting David to think that way to. It's good that David's mom told David a head of time so that David can start getting used to the wheelchair. Even though this might make David sad his mom still told him the truth so David knows he's not going to walk again. This might help David develop more confidence in himself. This might make David a bit more nicer towards people. David might be sad at first but eventually he'll have to get over it because there will be nothing he can do about it.

    2. I think that David shouldn't stop researching ways to walk again . By David still researching ways to help him walk again it is making him have more confident / faith in himself and that's good. David is gonna keep thinking he's gonna walk again and once David finds something on the internet that can help him then hopefully he'll walk again. But if David does not find anything then that means his mother was right that he wouldn't walk again. But if David keeps hoping his dream may come true. If David does not do anything about this then he'll still be in the wheel chair for a very long time .

    3. I think Sean should encourage David and support his belief that he will walk again. David having someone on his side and believing that he will walk again is good because it will help him become stronger . If Sean helps David research ways to walk again and it works then David is lucky but if David and Sean does not find anything that will help David then David and Sean should just forget about it and move on with there lives.

  35. 1. Is David's mother right to think this way and to want David to think the same way?
    In my opinion David’s mother is right to think that David has to accept the way he is and not to rely on the hopes and prayers that he will walk again someday. I say this because who knows if the cure will be out there before David is still alive? David is paralyzed from the waist below. A lot of people who are paralyzed don’t get completely cured to the point where they can walk again. It is good that David is not giving up on himself, but the reality is, David should move on and accept who he is now until he dies.
    For David’s mother to say these things to David is not a good thing to do. David can’t change the way he thinks because someone told him “No.” David is probably is more motivated to research the science and cure in nerve regeneration. If I was David I wouldn’t give up either but the sad truth is , he has to accept who he is and not rely on the cure.

    2. Should David stop researching and live his life expecting to walk again soon and learn how to live life in a wheelchair- accept who he is?
    David should keep researching if he wants to learn more about what happened to him or if he wants to talk to other people similar to him in the same situation. This doesn’t mean that David is researching all day, this just means that David knows more about who he actually is and he needs to learn to accept himself. David is most likely going to be in A wheelchair for the rest of his life, so for him to research about himself all the time before he dies isn’t worth the time if he’s looking for a cure.
    David should be accepting who he is and go out there and have some fun. Being in a wheelchair doesn’t mean that it is all over for you. But if you are all alone just hating yourself for being in a wheelchair is not good. When David finds out that he can move on in life and have fun, He will be much more happier, and when the cure is out he may not want to go get treated because he is happy the way he is.

    3. What should Sean do? encourage David and support his belief he will walk soon OR take the same position his mother has taken and help David accept his new reality.
    Sean should support David whatever he believes. If David takes the side of his mother then Sean should encourage David to his new reality, If David chooses to believe that he will walk soon , then Sean should encourage that. Sean should believe whatever David does because that is what a good friend would do. A good friend would support another’s idea/decision no matter what it is. ( this does not include bad things like drinking, smoking, etc)
