Monday, March 23, 2015

Speech competition

Speech Competition: Intro 

Let's start getting ready for our speech competition.  We will begin with practicing and constructing an opening sequence.

An opening should; clearly establish your position on a topic, grab the readers attention with a quote, poem, anecdotal story, and finally set up the audience with a brief highlight of evidence you will use.

Let's use this picture as our starting point 

Your topic is wildlife endangerment and the wilful destruction of our forested areas...right your opening 


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  2. wildlife endangerment and the wilful destruction of our forested areas

    The world is dying out, and as the only intelligent species with thumbs that are relatively close to our index fingers, we are the ones to be blamed. The one major flaw with our species is not only that fact that we take and take, but the fact that we do not give back to the environment. We see lumber jacks cutting down trees but do we ever see them planting them down? We are literally killing ourselves. It's not even a sub-conscience thought such as how the zebras flee when they hear a noise in the bush; we do it willfully, not because we need it, but because we want it. We want it to build bigger homes, or building materials for various constructs with a ridiculous amount of space. The reason i believe that we are willfully taking up, or should I say cutting down our wildlife is because we a simply greedy. We want everything as our own, we are wistful of the great things that other people have. And of course the basic material for most things is what? Wood, lumber, different name same value and same amount of people who want it. Not only are we taking away the plants that convert CO2 to O2 and not only are we slowly killing ourselves but we are also endangering that wildlife that lived in those areas that we cut down. Perfect ecosystems daily routines and ways of life, all disrupted by the touch of human hands


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  4. “A Nation that destroys its own soils destroys itself, forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people” For over 50 years organizations such as WWF have worked with the government, stakeholders, communities, and companies to help protect our forests. They have taken numerous attempts to protect and maintain our forests. 13 football field sized chunks of our forest are being destroyed EVERY MINUTE. Why should you care? Well forests do something called Carbon-Sink. Forests consume Carbon-Dioxide which can create a massive change in climate. Deforestation decreases the carbon-sink function, makes each and every day of our lives hotter and hotter. 15% of all greenhouse gas emissions are caused due to Deforestation. Forests are the most diverse types of land on Earth and that is why destroying them is so crucial. What are the other impacts of Deforestation? Some impacts include: Disruption of Water Cycles, Increased Soil Erosion, and Disrupted livelihood.

  5. “What is a fish without a river? What is a bird without a tree to nest in? What is an endangered species act without any enforcement mechanism to ensure their habitat is protected? It is nothing.”-Jay Inslee. Due to intentional destruction of the forested areas, the greatest threat would be put to species. Much of the environment such as forests, swamps, plains, lakes, etc. are disappearing for the construction of houses, roads, pipelines, and other business development. If we continue to demolish these animal habitats, we can almost nearly wipe out an entire species! Just take a minute to think deeply into the consequences of land destruction… once we begin to cut down our environment, we begin to lose animal species as they don’t have a habitat. No more natural environment, all we see is a bunch of factories, buildings, houses etc. What kind of environment will we be living in? There will be no more greenery and we will be living in our own modified world! Would you want to see the existence of our surroundings burn in front of our very eyes? Well, I wouldn’t…so what can WE do? Anyone who suspects the wreckage of our environment should apprise their authorities. This can also be done through public awareness! It is our environment, our land, we are responsible for takes place or what happens to it; I care, and so should you, because the acts of today is our future of tomorrow.

    1. powerful last line two your opening, but what difference would it make if we were to lose several, if not many species a day, we lose on average between 200-2000 a year,


  6. Did you know that every year, SEVEN MILLION HECTARES of ancient forests are cut down just to supply cheap timber and to make paper and oil? The last remaining rainforests that are in about 3 different countries are also disappearing! If we don’t stop cutting down rainforests, many animals will be endangered! Or maybe no animal of that species will be alive! Forests are earth’s lungs and if we take down our lungs, what would help us breathe!? As far as I know, no one wants to have oxygen masks on them 24/7, it would be so annoying! Today, I'm here to tell you about why deforestation needs to be stopped.

  7. Nature is where all humans, animals, and plants come from, nature gives us everything we need to survive in the world, water, clean air from trees, and food from plants and animals. but do we give respect to nature as much as we should? NO, if we did we wouldn't be taking it for granted and eliminating it by killing endangered animals for their pelts and for some odd reasons some people specifically hunt the animals that are already about to be extinct because they are "rare". poluting the air with smoke coming from factories, aswell as polluting the water with toxic wastes. I sometimes think about, once humans were no smarter than animals, but as soon as humans evolved to be smarter, they lost all respect that animals are also living creatures, its ok if humans eat meat, because it is part of the life cycle, plants get eaten by animals and those animals get eaten by other animals, but killing animals for fun or their skin, and not for survival is just wrong. lions/tigers are called monsters by some people because they show no merci, no regret, before attacking, but they are still better than those hunters who kill them for fun and for pelt.

  8. Opening:
    “ If you can’t sleep then count sheeps , Don’t count endangered animals, You will run out” that’s exactly what we are doing counting endangered animals because we are running out. We are always trying to explain the importance of saving these poor animals so everyone wants to change the world but no one wants TO CHANGE for the world. The difference between humans and animals or any endangered species is not a lot, we all live on this planet and we all have the right to, But most of the time us humans are branding the Earth to be ours, but isn’t sharing, caring. Why can’t we be flexible and change our selves so some other species can live on this globe? Saying something won’t make a difference, doing something will because in life you got to take the challenge before you lose something really important.

  9. Every year millions of trees are cut down, for us humans it’s nothing but for the wildlife animals, it’s their everything. Where would they live and what would they eat if there’s nothing . Do you know trees are very important in our lives, we need the trees to save us from floods or tsunamis for example: if the seawall breaks down there won’t be nothing in the way from stopping the water, that’s where the trees comes in,we need to plant trees like mangroves just for safety. If someone could see what trees means for the wildlife and too us they should understand if they do cut the trees they should think that their destroying nature and killing animals .

    1. What comes too your mine, why would someone want to destroy nature and killing the wildlife. Easy for me money , if they cut down all trees there will be no money cause money is made out of paper and paper is made out of trees , no trees no money . Think of it there destroying the forest and the animals won't have place to sleep at night but us human have a comfortable and warm house to go home too, and the wildlife animals don't have nothing if they keep on cutting down the trees. So if they don't have no money there home will run down or they would have nothing like the wildlife animals. So think before you act.
      My name is Gabriel J. Edghill and I will in lighten you about Wildlife Endangerment and Forestry....

  10. The main reasons for wildlife endangerment is us humans as our species is expanding we demand our own house or apartments to live in so then we have to get some property which could have many animals habitats inside of it, and make that place ours by destroying there home to make our houses or buildings and when those animals don't have a place to live in then they have to find a home in any type of weather and sooner or later death will arrive. NOW Imagine that happening to you, its something that it is hard to imagine just because it is so cruel and mean ,but still we do this to animals!! almost every year we do this to these animals. Hi my name is Manjot Singh Hunjan and today I will be talking to you about,WILDLIFE ENDANGERMENT. . . .

  11. “The continued existence of wildlife and wilderness is important to the quality of life of humans.”
    -Jim Fowler
    Have you ever given it a thought how it would feel like if your future generations won’t be able to see certain animals and species? Those animals would just be in books or museums. Just like today, we haven’t seen woolly mammoths, quaggas, cave lions and Irish deer and trust me, we wish we could see those. Today, certain animals don’t matter to us and we wouldn’t bother if they became extinct, but have you ever thought how it would affect the food chain which will eventually lead back to us? For example, if bees become extinct every supermarket would become empty and the world will be in starvation. For small advantages like making money we are killing nature, habitats, forests, etc, but if you look at the bigger picture, you are eventually killing your own self.

  12. 100 years into the future when almost all wildlife and crops on earth are gone, As humans we look for someone, “Something” to blame but when we will realize we are the ones to blame. We’ll wonder what we did wrong, where it all happened we’ll look around us to look for an answer but instead will see nothing but empty shopping malls filled with vines and tree roots that provide homes for what is left of the wildlife, and we still won’t know what went wrong.

    “We are living on this planet as if we had another one to go to.”


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  14. “It takes hundreds of people to turn their backs on and endangered species and just two to make a difference.” Can you believe that the animals you love will go extinct? That the future generation wouldn't be able to see tigers, pandas, polar bears and more animals that you see in the zoo? It’s about keeping animals in their environments. They can’t be on someone’s purse or shoes. Of course they won’t go extinct in a day, but what we do right now can affect it in the future.

  15. “Save it to cherish or leave it to perish”. Do you think it matters? Do you think it matters if they are dead or alive? Do you think it matters when they are going to go extinct? Well, I do because one day you’re going to look back to all of these beautiful creatures that you loved as a child, and won’t be able to see them in real life again. As a child you might think that everything you do right now doesn’t affect the animal kingdom, but something’s that you wear on your skin, does affect the animal kingdom. “It’s about keeping animals in the environment. They can’t be on somebody’s purse or shoes or something”.

  16. A solitary, nimble-footed and powerful predator prowls and roams the land of eastern Russia. A coat gleaming in bright fur. An amazing sub species of leopard is now critically endangered; with only 60 individuals left... "We need to stop wildlife crime it's dead serious". Not only is the threat of wildlife endangerment increasing but the threat of deforestation has also risen to a critical level; and what do we as a society say? "Why care? Everything created is doomed to extinction..." As citizens, members of a community, what will it take to change this mentality? I believe that we can stop wildlife crime and willful destruction of forested areas by pushing governments to protect threatened animal populations by increasing law enforcement, reducing demand for endangered species products and reducing demand for illegal wildlife parts and products by encouraging others to ask questions and getting the facts before buying any wildlife or plant product.

  17. Katherine's post...
    "We all have a responsibility to protect endangered species, both for their sake and for the sake of our own future generations" -Lorreta Lynch. what does this tell you? protecting endangered species helps the animals and our future generations, thats basically it, right? but lets think about the concept a bit more deeply. how do we kill these animals? well, there are factories, our modes of transportation, our littering, our peoples´waste,smoking, the amount of paper and plastic that we need and much more. all of this falls under pollution. also our deforestation "companies" where all they want is to build their own "world of buildings" and leave the animals starve to death or have no habitat of their own. but why protect the animals? what do we get out of that? because for example we have to apprehend and accept that they are creatures of God, that just like humans, plants and any living things form a part of the creation, another thing is anything ecologically involved is to be respected which means if we destroy them we are basically destroying our human race. so why kill them if we are simply killing ourselves?

  18. “What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.”
    -Chris Maser
    And if what Chris Maser says is true, then boy is humanity doomed. Because it is happening, we are destroying forests, whether we like it or not. We cut down trees as if we don’t depend on them. If anyone remembers grade 3 Science, they can tell you that humans depend on trees, a lot. So why cut them down? Why not care about the other living things that call those trees their home? Because they can’t speak for themselves? After all, we take so much from our eco system; food, water, shelter, and this is how we repay the favour? Stop, and think. How would you feel? If someone barged into your home, destroyed your home, and told you to pack your bags and get out? I’m guessing, if you’re like me, you wouldn’t appreciate that at all. An estimated 18 million acres (7.3 million hectares) of forest, which is roughly the size of the country of Panama, are lost each year, according to the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization. 18 million acres of our land, 18 million acres of some animals’ home, 18 million acres, gone, due to human decisions. And this clearly needs to stop. The fact that we are destroying what we are going to use tomorrow is saddening. Today I will list the reasons why I am against Wildlife Endangerment and Deforestation, and hopefully by the end of my speech you will agree with me.

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  20. “Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are in fact plans to protect man.” - Stewart Udall
    We are destroying our way of living to make things that make my life better. Ironic isn't it and not only are we destroying our futures but the future of animals too. How do we enjoy the world if we are suffocating from lack of air? I get that trees can be made into things into things that are useful to us but why not replant them. We can’t even try to give back to the animals’ homes that are destroyed, even though we will benefit from it. I don’t get it, we know it is right but we ignore it. From every angle I look at it, I can’t see this any way then I already see it and I hope you see it my way by the end of this speech.

  21. Where it all started, a place that was never touched by man. Now slowly being corrupted, slowly being chipped away at. Hundreds of trees being cut down being slaughtered for our own gain. Something that puriys the land something that's been cleaning up after us for hundreds of years and hopefully continues on. But this is not possible, we need to learn; no more clear cutting, no more destroying lives of young innocent animals, no more of ruining our own future. “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.” - Gandhi our greed! Our need for something that would never benefit us in anyway has driven us into a corner. We are stuck in a loop cutting down 12 foot ball fails worth of trees while planting 5 trees per week. "Oh we are helping the environment we planted 1 singular tree" wake up

  22. "We are all in the game of life together. There is no divide, no 'us' and 'them'; no 'man' separate from 'nature'." With a quote like this why can't we open our eyes just a bit wider? We're really selfish if you think about it, only thinking about our generation. What will your children and your children's children wear? You never think about that, it's always gotta be about us! As many as 30-50 percent of all species are possibly heading towards extinction by mid-century. Extinction means gone forever, not for a period of time as we all probably think. What is our next move after they're gone? What will we all do next?


  23. "we are living on this planet as if we had another one to go to." - Terry swearingen. the smell of fresh air, the look of the trees, the sounds hidden behind the trees, all gone in a matter of a couple of decades. if we don't take up responsibility all that's been growing for years and years, will be gone and we'd be left with nothing but a dirty planet and 7 billion people left. do you know what percent of land forests cover? 31%! that's 4 billion hectares that we will lose if we do not step up now. our of all the species on our planet, we are the most arrogant and the most intelligent. we're the cause of all this and we can put an end to it. we treat our world as if we had a backup, a plan b, or a right hand, but we're losing our animals, plants, ozone layer, and forests. "only the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize that we cannot eat money." - unknown

  24. "Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money."
    Wildlife endangerment and wildlife destruction is happening more frequently and by the time we are done there will be nothing left and them we will realize how much we needed tress and animals in our lives. All these forests, plain land and lakes are just disappearing and houses, roads and buildings are just popping up. On our planet 31% of land is covered by forests. what do these forests do for us? Well the forests supply food, water and shelter to a variety of animals. If we take this away the animals will go through a painful, slow death and one by one, the entire species is gone. Think about this, what if some construction workers came to your house and demanded for you to evacuate simply because we a new mall or a few buildings were going to be established. This, is what we are putting all the species of animals, trees, and insects through. We must put a stop to this before we end up with the blood of nature all over our hands and on our feet.
