Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Speech Competition IV "The Phantom Speech"

Post your completed speeches here: 


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  3. Topic: What religion has done to our world?

    There was to be someone, someone out there that can find a medicine for this madness, the madness of branding humans with different religions." Nothing has done more to separate and divide humans from one another than exclusivist organized religion". Kids are always taught the importance of culture, the importance of no racism and you shouldn't judge anyone by their skin color but all that wouldn't be needed if we were just labelled as human beings. The reality is that our beliefs are creating a boundary line that divides the world into many parts. Are we god’s mistake or is God our mistake? I'm not against religion, I have a religion of my own but can't you imagine all these catastrophes that are taking place are because of our confidence on our religion.” I just wonder why people need to go to a church to let them be told what and what not to do in order to go to heaven or hell. I believe that "Faith" is a matter between a human being and God, Allah, Jehovah, or what he's called. No disrespect, but I don't need a priest or Imam to tell what’s wrong or right”

    Religion is man-made, it is an organized collection of beliefs, and it has many cultural systems within it. It is supposed to explain the meaning of life and how the universe got started basically the origin of life. Religion plays a huge role in society, there are many people on earth who have the opinion that humanity would be better of leaving it behind for a number of reasons and I can give you some of them. Let's start of with Messiah stories, they've been around for a thousands and thousands of years, the idea of human race is as old as the human race itself, since then it's been echoing through and creating beliefs in our religions. Furthermore religion doesn't line up with our Modern Values for example the Bible. Most are aware that the book provides the keeping of slaves, the murders of homosexuals and adulterers, and the selling of children. Some have the judgement that these things have no place in civilized society. Yes these things were common 2000 years ago, but that's the point, that was 2000 years ago it's 2015 everything and everyone's priorities have changed. We see the world in a different way and want to experience it in a different way than parent or grandparents did because we have had a huge milestone in development.

    I also want to mention conflict, the reason is that religion is behind many conflict, large and small. If religiosity is the key to understanding human nature and our place in the universe, then why don't we all get along? Why were there WARS? I guess we all cannot expect that everyone's religion has different concept of who and what God gives. There are hundreds and thousands of religions all over the world and they all can't be right, unless they're metaphors, different interpretation of the truth, maybe we all have the same goal but choose to go in many different directions.

  4. There is no really scientific evidence religion but ever since the development of science, we were able to recover things that we weren't able to half a century ago like the nature of matter and the structures of cells and proteins but some of our biggest questions haven't been answered yet. How did we get here? Where did we come from? Who were the first ones? There is no prove for our scientists to believe but many religions sates that we were a gift of God and the Earth was designed by God. Who don't believe encountered that it very much does look like a design but we cannot make false judgement because it will change the generation to come.

    The number 1 reasons to leave religion behind because religion helps us to avoid our responsibilities. If every aspect of our existence is part of god’s plan, if everything that did or will happen is Gods will and if we only if we only live for God, the need for us to be responsible would be redundant because everything's going to happen by Gods will and you can't change the point of being responsible doesn't make any sense.

    I want to indicate an event that took place on 16th December 2014, The Peshawar Attack, a school shooting, killing 145 in which included 132 children of an Army Public School. I didn't read or heard or even watched on TV. I was actually in the country when the attack took in place. It was like the soul of the country was crying; there wasn't one mother in the country that didn't have a tear in her eyes. Are we for serious we're ready to sacrifice children live cause no child should have to suffer through what they had to do. We're losing all our humanity what do you thing the next generation is going to do, have little kid carry around guns and the first person they see with different skin colour there going to shot. Wow what great examples we're being. Are we really that thirsty for blood? What did those kids do, they sacrificed their live. There are no grade 9's in that school every one of them got shoot, are we really out of our minds. Many people say in the name of god everything's possible but our god can't be that blind and heartless that it wants the lives of children, sometimes we import a different meaning of our text into our minds. We need to think like humans not robots that are controlled by the mighty religion.

    Everyone has the right to have a opinion and I want to purpose a statement I believe that there's one God but has a million names. Once a wise man said" your beliefs don't make you a better person, your behavior does” We shouldn't have so much hatred in our self that we are ready to kill the other person. We can't change the past but we change the future. We have to change the way some of us think. We humans are very stubborn but now it's time to accept the truth that we all live on this planet for peace not for hatred. It's time to move on even if we do believe in religion I'd like to make one request we're the generation that has to change so the generation to come doesn't become a disaster. If you believe that everyone has different beliefs then you can turn the world around.

    1. so is it wrong to believe in a religion? is it wrong that a person can believe in something or someone on a higher plane of existence? honestly, the world needs some divinity in it. everyone is entitled to an opinion. also, your religion does not give you an excuse not to do something, but a reason to do it.

    2. so is it wrong to believe in a religion? is it wrong that a person can believe in something or someone on a higher plane of existence? honestly, the world needs some divinity in it. everyone is entitled to an opinion. also, your religion does not give you an excuse not to do something, but a reason to do it.

    3. Its not wrong to believe in religion but taking it to far for you to have to convince your child not to be friends with a different skin color is wrong, honestly i have been told not to go anywhere or not to be friends with different skin colors and people or to reliable on god but the fact is that we don't even know if god existence.

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                         As the new law has been confirmed by Kathleen Wynne since February 2015, about sex-education finally being conceded in schools in Canada, the majority of parents have been debating on this decision since most are religious or simply loath the idea of their children being exposed to so much at such a young age. “Children at this age- they're still not physically and emotionally ready to hear anything about grownups and sex. They're not ready for that so they shouldn't be hearing things like that.” Said a disaccording parent. Which can be agreeable, who would like to risk their children from doing such things, but then again we have to remember this specific curriculum is so in depth and well thought of, that the writers (of the textbooks) are careful of what they write for the teachers to educate. This topic is the most delicate topic to touch with children especially in grades 1-6, so we have to be mindful that the students will learn what should be done and what shouldn’t. They wont only be taught what sex is and that it’s fine doing it whenever they want.
    In 2010 Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne had promised that sex-ed would begin for students to be aware of how to treat the concept. But many angry parents fought against the whole idea which is why McGuinty put the decision behind and forgot about the whole thing. Until in 2014, Kathleen Wynne once again made the idea public and wanted this all to occur. Some parents say not enough of them were surveyed so they cannot proceed with the agreement meanwhile the papers were already signed and the curriculum was ready to ship. On a certain website where it talks about the new curriculum, it gives you the option to vote and so far, there are 6,454 votes which is 32% of people that are pro with this whole idea. But there are 13,375 votes which is 65% of people against the idea. So I'm here to diminish those 13,375 votes of disagreement. But don't freak out, let me explain.
    Many parents agree that their children should learn about this in a safe manner meaning also being aware of the consequences of their actions. which would happen with sex- education. Meanwhile other many parents do not want their kids to know about these things being afraid their own children will make the wrong decision and end up messing up their lives and keep saying sex-ed will corrupt kids and their minds. But think about this: There are so many teens right now making the wrong decisions, and it's already too late for most of them, so if from young they learn its a wrong thing but it's still taught at school, there is a greater possibility of more control in this situation. Why? because they will know the consequences and they will know its wrong. Hasn’t it happened to you that when your parents say NO YOU CANT DO THAT! there's more of a possibility that you'll do it because you have an urge to see what would happen. And what doesn't benefit at all is that sometimes the parents don't want to explain so they just say don't do it. Not explaining the consequences will make the child do it. But if the child is explained, there's a chance they'll be afraid or even terrified of what could happen so there could be a chance of nothing happening. It’s also been said that this curriculum uses shame, fear and guilt to scare young people. Some people don't agree with this but I do. If you show the bright side of this delicate topic, of course the students will find no problem in trying it out, but if you show the bad side effects, then the students will undoubtedly not want to do it, until they're old enough, and will completely understand.

    1. continued.
      In Toronto (TDSB) the first graders, children will know the body parts. In grade 2, they will learn the stages of development and body changes, no means no, and elements of verbal and physical violence, in grade 3 same sex- relationships will be exposed to the children. Grades 4-5 there will be changes associated with puberty, in grade 6 there will be discussion about masturbation and gender expression, in grade 7-8 contraception, preventing pregnancy, anal and oral sex and sexually transmitted infections, and grade 9-12 it will be more advanced. Some commenters indicated that starting to teach first graders, is too soon and just plain absurd, but in reality from grade 1-5 the children will only learn how to protect themselves from bad people, they wont learn so much in depth so its not that bad. But from grade 6-10, students get curious and have more freedom and thats exactly when it all begins to be exposed more, so thats the perfect time to teach everything; So they know what they are getting themselves into once in the situation.
      Our parents may wonder how come at 10 years of age we know so much that well they learned when married! Well, back then there wasn't internet or Youtube, they had just started to invent TV’s. So there wasn't much exposed since everyone was so innocent and all they did was play around with their friends, finish homework and do chores since there was nothing really else to do. And for research they had to go to libraries and I really don't think bad things were written on books unless for adults. But now we have so much internet and bad influences around us and we are too young to choose our friends in a mature manner, so we learn things we are not supposed to at an extremely young age. Anything we want to search up or know, we can just search it up and thats it, we get what we want. There’s no security in what we see so we end up finding out about things and begin to be curious. Also, most of us have older brothers or sisters and since teenagers are messed up in this generation, they teach us bad things which also leads us to curiosity, and our friends talk about it all the time with us. As much as our parents want us to be all innocent for a good amount of time, it’s hard nowadays since everything we want to know is served on a silver platter for us. But with sex-ed wouldn't you rather teachers following a specific curriculum to teach your children other than their friends or the internet? I would because i know that those teachers will teach with precaution of not meaning the wrong thing or idea while bad influences will convince their friends that its completely fine and is very fun so why not try it?
      But parents, do not think that this speech is showing you as the bad guy. No. I just want you to think about what could be making teens have intercourse without even being married- Meaning only doing it for pleasure. Yes as a parent since you don't want your children being exposed to all of this you think avoiding the topic or forbidding it is the best thing to do. But for example, if you avoid this topic- I won’t guarantee it-  But you're son or daughter could make up an excuse maybe saying "I didn't know it was bad" or "you never told me it was bad so you can't punish me”. And well that is true so it’s better them knowing its bad and it’s better that they don't have to be so awkward about the subject with you. Everyone has a different opinion and different reasons why, I shared mine with you, so now the question is what do you think?…. Thank you.

  7. Informative speech
    Mental illness:depression

    Wake up; get out of bed, getting ready for the day. “Can’t you come back with me? I’m sure you don’t want to do anything today.” Try to block it out, continue with your day. “Come back to bed…It’s not like you’re going to do anything.” Ignore, about to leave, but no energy. He’s right, that voice in my head, I won’t do anything because nothing is worthwhile, it’s all pointless. Get back in bed, do nothing all day.

    This is a normal day for someone with depression. You can’t vision your future, and nothing can and will make you happy. You feel disclosed from the world because no one understands. It’s a pit, you keep falling down into the darkness, but when you look around to see the light, it’s there, but slowly receding. It’s where you need and want to be, but its fading; your chances of going back growing ever so slim. It is your heart or mind breaking, and you are only a fragment, an imprint, of what you once were. It is waking up hating yourself. It is depression

    What’s worse is when people make fun of you, when they say it’s “just an excuse for being sad all the time” but it’s more than that. It’s losing you a place no one else can go. The comments keep coming and you build your mental barriers. Blocking them out. When you think you can take it, it slips through. Your barrier brakes, pieces fall off, the comment slip through “you are pathetic” “you are useless”. It hurts so much but no one understands, it’s all about “being sad.” But your mental psyche, already damaged by yourself, shattering to a million pieces because of the finishing blow. Can’t be put back together, the pieces are too much, and some lost forever.

    People are always saying that whatever mental illness you have is just an excuse for being lazy or being sad all the time or why you keep doing that thing you do. But it’s not. The problem with a majority of people is that they won’t even bother to try and see the position you’re in because they have not been in it themselves. People don’t understand that mental illness is a not a laughing matter or that it’s not an excuse, it’s something people struggle with every day of their lives. Mental illness affects your mood thinking and behaviour. But it’s always never worse for someone else. You think your life is bad? Oh boo hoo, your grounded and can’t watch tv for about a day. Someone wakes up every day hating themselves and can’t tell anyone because they knows they’ll make fun of him/her.

    Just try to put yourself in their shoes. Oh wait, you can’t. You think that you have been hurt emotionally, try not comprehending emotion. You say you can’t remember a thing and joke about, talk to someone with Alzheimer’s, someone who virtually lost their lives since they can’t remember a thing. Oh, you’re feeling sad? Talk to someone with depression. I’m starting to believe that people with mental illness are better actors than others, mostly because some of them can fake or hide what there really feeling. I mean look at Robin Williams. One of the best actors ever. Had mental illness

    It’s not only the people who have it that it affects, but it the people around them that are affected too. The feeling of helplessness as the soon as they realise that there friend is succumbing to it, a dark place that can be described only as lonely, sad and morally destructive. Knowing that you can’t do anything for them and all you can do is stand by and watch. When one person is affected, then everyone around them is affected too. One struggles with fighting themselves. Everyone else stands around helpless. More than one leaves them in lost hope. All in all, depression is no laughing matter. It’s something real, it’s something people fight. It’s an uphill battle.

    Remember, liking a post that says help depression victims doesn’t do anything, quite the opposite, people have to help out in real life. Be supportive. What can you do?

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  9. Sikh Injustice/Discrimination
    Manpreet kaur Gill

    June 3-8, 1984: Thousands of Sikhs go to The Golden Temple to worship the God but many do not come back alive. September 2012: Soccer players with headwear are banned from Quebec Soccer fields. Around the world Sikhs are being held back from doing things because of their headwear. Whether its soccer, schools or the RCMP, we get banned only because we cover our head and wear something religious. Really? Why are we being stopped from doing things everyone else can? I don’t understand because Canada is a place where everyone gets equal rights no matter what race or religion.
    I understand that many Sikhs wear a sacred dagger but it’s not like they will be using it to hurt someone in any way. It’s only a religious symbol that means “mercy, grace, honour and dignity”. Say a Sikh wanted to go into a cricket match with his/her Kirpan to hurt someone, would they be that open about their kirpan? Wouldn’t they just find a way to smuggle one in? Ceremonial daggers were banned from courthouses in Toronto because they “posed a threat” but in 2012, they were allowed and I am really happy that I live in a city where religions are understood and accepted.
    We may be living in a place like this but that doesn’t necessarily that everywhere you go, Sikhs or anyone else covering their head will be accepted the same way. 3 years ago in Quebec, a teen named Aneel Samra was told that he could not play on Quebec soccer fields because of his headwear. The head of the Quebec Soccer Federation told media that kids that refuse to take off their headwear could “play in their backyard”. Um… excuse me? Why do they have to play in their backyard? Because they covered their head? It doesn’t make any sense at all! Well Aneel took that suggestion but it didn’t really work because his backyard didn’t have any grass. And it was too small. “It’s actually safer for the individual wearing to play with the patka on because it would keep the hair intact,” he said. “If we played without it we’d play with the fear of having it come unravelled or having our hair pulled.” You get what I’m trying to say? Headwear is only used to cover the long hair. It’s not like anything bad is happening. So before you think of banning any Sikh out there, think of their religion because everyone believes different things so you have to learn how to respect it.

    1. I’ll go to the other side of the world. To India, where justice still hasn’t been served after 30 years. I’m talking about the attacks of 1984 or also known as Operation Blue Star. This mission was led by former prime minister of India, Indira Gandhi who was killed by Sikhs after these attacks. Here’s a short story about what happened. In 1983, a Sikh fundamentalist preacher, named Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale took shelter in an area of the Golden Temple because of the danger of being arrested due to threats he made to some nationalist organizations. Now don’t think of Jarnail Singh as a terrorist or criminal because he wasn’t. He was only a saint who was trying to make Sikhs follow the path of Sikhism and he kept weapons for protection. Indira Gandhi was in fact, in my eyes, the most sinister person on the world. She took the lives of almost 5,000 innocent Sikhs only to eliminate Jarnail Singh along with other Sikh militants and regain control over the Harmandir Sahib. Also, she destroyed the Sikh shrine, the Akal Takht. Jarnail Singh did eventually die but he inspired many Sikhs because of what he had done. As I said before, Sikhs had killed Indira Gandhi but no one understood their problem! They lost someone too! Probably not relatives but someone who believed the same faith as them. It’s the same thing! After the attacks, it’s not like Sikhs went out killing thousands of Hindus because of what happened to us. Then when Indira died, why were about 3,000 MORE Sikhs killed? Many innocent Sikhs were picked off streets and put in jail and to this date not many of them have been let out.
      All I want is for you to understand that people wear or do something for a reason. Although sometimes the reasons are mindless. Going and hurting, banning or killing someone isn’t going solve a problem, its only making it worse than it was before. Being one whole community will make this world peaceful which I’m pretty sure everyone wants. I’m going to end off with a quote that to me is very inspiring and I hope is to you as well. "...For the Sikh faith I am ready to sacrifice everything I have... For the safeguard and protection of the Sikh religion we must all be united... I can die but I cannot see the desecration of my religion." Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale. A person that doesn’t care about him dying but only about his/her religion is certainly god’s gift to the world because it tells others to not only think of you, but think of others as well……. Thank you.

  10. she turns 4 tomorrow, what she gets isn't something she can just hand to anyone else and let them borrow. can anyone guess what it is, does anyone know? barbies, dresses, oh what about a new doll house? the answer to them all is no. the little girl in pig tails received something electronic, something rechargeable, something bigger than her head. it was an iPad, and the next day was the day, she got misled. the little boy had just turned 5. angry birds, temple run, and subway surfers seems to be the focus point of his and his sisters lives. is there too much tech around kids nowadays? is this classified as normal, is this okay?

    “New technology is common, new thinking is rare.” – Sir Peter Blake
    as some of you know I have two younger brothers, jugraj and gurveer. I don't want to admit it, both have their own devices, aside from that there's something i fear. im scared that instead of focusing on getting good grades they'll care more about the monster city update. let me tell you, both cannot write a proper story, but trust me in their games, the stories are up to date. they came up to my one day and yelled, "didi! didi! guess what we did today!!", and i thought to myself, did they do their homework without me telling them to?, i hope and i pray. it turns out, they didn't sadly, instead they just waved their ipad and tablet in my face. but the way they both ran into my room, you'd think it was a race. this had made me think, i imagined what if my parents said no to both brothers begging and pleading for an iPad/tablet, if they both said no in a blink. but how? how has just one device affected them so much? when I see them why is it that there's always a device in their clutch?

    you might be thinking, but what is the impact of technology on the developing child? let me warn you ahead of time, the effects aren't something mild. studies show that the growing child exposed to technology has seen an increase in physical, psychological and behaviour disorders that the health and education system are just starting to detect. guess what, there are even more effects. diagnoses of ADHD, autism, coordination disorder, developmental delays, unintelligible speech, learning difficulties, sensory processing disorder, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders are associated with technology overuse, and the number of diagnoses is expanding at an alarming rate. but I'm sure we can avoid these terrible fates.

    how?, some may wonder. how do we avoid the terrible fate that will be placed upon the children of the future without committing any blunders? the type of material the child is viewing can be easily changed. for example, instead of having 8 different versions of angry birds, the child can have razkids or star fall as an exchange. having apps or websites that involve learning in a fun and positive manner could help children improve in areas such as reading, math, abc's, colours and more, based on what ive seen the computer lab at school and at my cousins houses, I know that these websites are ones that kids absolutely adore.

    the little girl in pig tails turns 14 tomorrow, it's been 10 years and her future hasn't been full of sorrow. she's on the honour roll, hasn't lost the spot in a couple of years, and she had achieved one of her goals. the little girl in pig tails started off playing animated games, but after a couple of years, realized the needed different aims. the little boy has now turned 15, he doesn't seem to care about subway surfers anymore, he doesn't care about what's on the screen. successful is all that he's been, everyone knows the he has gotten the win. from subway surfers to book to honour roll to success. the brother and sister have saved themselves from a life full of regret and stress. in the end, all I have to say is, yes there may be too much technology, but that doesn't mean you can't turn it into something positive. thank you.

  11. Speech- Animal Testing
    While lathering your head in shampoo or applying make-up to your face ever thought, ‘How is this safe to use?’, ‘How did scientists figure out that these products are safe and non-toxic?’ Well the procedure that is taken place to answer these questions is Animal Testing. Yup! Feeble and vulnerable animals are being tortured and abused without any say in what happens to them. I think this topic is not talked about commonly and inhumane. From the horrible things I’ve learned throughout writing this, I think it’s important to share and persuade you that this is a disgusting and cruel action.
    The definition of animal testing is ‘Animal testing is also known as animal experimentation, animal research and in vivo testing, is the use of non-human animals in experiments. What this means is that scientists or people who experiment on animals are testing out new products or medicines on animals. This is because some of these products may be harmful to humans and if the animals react negative to the chemicals from the product, they know not to use it on humans. During this process what happens to the animals are appalling. Some of the gruesome events that have taken place while the experiments were carried out are the injection of harmful substances into the skin, abdomen and muscle of the animal, the animals are exposed to drugs that cause them illness, pain, distress or death, they are forced to eat and inhale toxic chemicals and most of the animals die by the time the experiments are over.
    Animals are a part of our world and without them I know lots of people whose lives would change drastically. My neighbour had a dog that sadly passed away and she cried for days. Imagine if that same dog or any other pet had died from an unnatural cause such as chemicals in his/her system or injections into their skin; she would’ve mourned even more. All of those animals just lying there slowly dying out don’t need that. What they need is that a home and people to love them and take care of them or they need to be put back into the wild in their natural habitat, it depends on what type of animal they are, the animals should not be left to rot in a lab. All of the creatures are just taken against their will and I’m sure they don’t want that. We don’t see scientists taking random people off the street without asking them and just going to experiment on them, so why do it to animals?

    1. Another reason why animal testing should be discontinued is that our human bodies might not react the same ways an animals would because the human race is a different species. Earlier this week while I was doing my research I started to read this article from huffpost.com. Part of it states that ‘Although we share most of our genes with other mammals, there are critical differences in how our genes actually function.’ An example of this could be a piano, you play all of the same keys for each song but yet each song comes out in a different tune and has a different melody. So this means that if a product is tested on an animal and comes out positive, if we use it on humans it might act negatively on us. If this happens all of these poor animals are dying for no reason.
      Animal testing does happen in Canada. Canada only supports animals testing to help in health and medical care but this is still injustice. I still think this should be banned and not used at all. I don’t think we need animals to help us improve our medicine. We can find many other ways with the amount of science and technology we have. It’s shocking to see the products that are tested on animals. Some of them are the most common products in many households. Some of them are Vaseline, Windex, Dettol and Dawn.

      ‘To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less than that of a human being. The more helpless the creature the more that it is entitled to protection by man from the cruelty of man’
      -Mahatma Gandhi
      I think this is true. Animals can’t speak up for themselves because they can’t speak and we cannot take advantage of this. Like the quote said the more helpless they are the more protection they need. I think that animal testing is brutal and relentless and with all the science and technology we have today we can find other ways to ensure that products are safe to use on humans.
      Thank You!

    2. I had to put it in two parts cause it wont let me put all at the same time

  12. Deadbeat Dads
    "If you lay down and make a BABY, stand up and be a DADDY." What happens after a family breaks up? 87% of children end up living with their mother, only about 7% of children live with their fathers. After a family separation children regularly see their fathers, irregularly see them, barely, and then never. It's pretty easy to make a child but seems so hard to actually be a father. Both the mother and the father are have the authority; they are the authority, the father is the more stern one that makes sure the child is listening and obeying rules. The mother is more of the comforting one and the one that makes sure you're okay at all times. Without a father figure a child is like a free spirit. Growing up without a father is like growing up with no authority so they don't know how to respond to it. This is why most children with absent fathers would be described as "disrespectful" or "out of hand", this is not it. They just don't know how to respond to authority since they've never really had any apart from a single mom. This doesn't apply to all the fathers out there, just to the ones that know they can be there but don't want to be.
    A mothers role in a child's life is EXTREMELY important. She's there to pick up her child when he/she falls, she's there to help the child correct mistakes that are made, she's there to teach her child about the things she knows will hit the child in the future. A fathers role in a child's life is also an extremely important. He's the provider while the mother is at home. After work, he comes home to help his children with their homework, he teaches them self defence, he teaches them that life isn't always rainbows and lollipops.
    When a father leaves everything is automatically put onto the mother. She now has to get ready for work in the morning, make lunch, get the kids ready for school, drop them off at school and still have to get to work on time. She then has to rush to the school, surpassing the speed limit, pick up the kids, take them home, prepare dinner, get the kids ready for dinner, feed the children, get them ready for bed, and clean up from dinner. After this she's way too tired to even think about relaxing. She passes out in her bed and the routine continues the next day.
    Parenting is absolutely not the job for one person. A man or a woman it doesn't matter. There are some deadbeat moms out there who would put all this work onto the father of the children because they simply aren't ready to take on such responsibility. This goes both ways. For deadbeat moms and deadbeat dads.
    I have a story to share. My dad left in about grade 3 or 4. He said he was travelling, I didn't exactly know why. The problem was my mom didn't say much about it and neither did he. He calls from time to time. I wouldn't consider him a deadbeat dad though, I just don't think I understand the situation he's in. The one thing I admire about my mom though is that she makes sure I don't resent him. She always makes sure that me, my sister, and my dad are always connected in some way. There's a difference between a deadbeat dad and a man who's circumstances put him in a difficult place but still puts in an effort. Don't ever get it mixed up.

  13. "Boys laugh at what they put girls through but they won't be laughing when they're wiping the tears off their daughters face for the same reason"- Will Smith. You'll all be fathers later on, learn from this speech and make sure you don't take advantage of women, you don't want to have to watch your daughter be treated the same way you treated these other women. Find a women you'll love for a long time so your children don't have to experience what it's like not to have their father there sometimes, or all the time. Also, wait till you're ready to be ready not ready to be cool. Thank you.
