Thursday, March 5, 2015

Poetry exploration

Hey Team,

Let's look at these four poems and explore what we like, dislike and how our senses are moved by the words on the paper.

A great poem will set off all your senses;  of touch, of smell, of sight & emotion.

Let's look at these four poems: 



Answer the following questions for all four poems 

1. What was your favourite verse/passage/line from each poem?Why?

2. Exploring your senses - what senses were stirred up the most by each poem? What parts of the poem contributed to that?

3. How would you describe your poetry writing experience for the Soirée?


  1. my favorite line or verse or whatever is from the third poem. "there's not a cloud today, just a sky blue." this really makes me nostalgic, mostly because this is what my summer was. and we do really need this, after the winter we had. to me, it is a reminder that summer is coming. it is also nice to remember that it's not always a frozen wasteland here in Canada (cough cough, sarcastic joke, (not really) hahaha) it also reminds me of the fun things that i would do during the summer. it also has a great line in the last stanza that is like this. "to enjoy summer's day and let time stand still." These are my favorite passages from the set because they are simply the ones that makes me feel even slightly happy. it is very hard to make me happy. i loved the poem itself but these 2 (or should i say 4, idk) lines are the ones that stand out the most to me.

    your friend, me

    1. poem one was basically what my perfect day is, except it did not have reading a book or good music, but it is one out of three. the rain (to me) always seems to soothing, like when you had a rubbish day or you just feel pissed off at something or someone, the plit platter of the rain seems to calm me down, i wish i knew why, maybe it's my zen or something. poem one is like that, but in reading.

      in verse two, i got that "shut up and leave me alone" vibe. when people have headaches, they tend to want to be left alone and whatnot as well as they want no one to talk to them, my advise is to take an Advil. i really got that vibe mostly from reading the "sound effects." this really got my attention because that is what it really is. i know because when i have a massive headache, it feels like a leprechaun is doing the iris jig in my head.

      my previous comment explains 3

      to be continued...

  2. Q.1) My favourite line from A) was:
    “A raindrop contains many secrets. It is a bubble of anticipation and surprise.
    This line was my favourite because no one would think a raindrop has a secret, but when you read the line, you find it different from the rest of the poem and it stands out. It says something that you normally wouldn’t think about. A raindrop and a secret? When you read this line you figure out that a drop of rain could have many secrets.

    B) “Like a drum pounding in your head,
    This is a more realistic phrase because when you have a migraine, it hurts a lot and you feel like your head is about explode just like when your hitting a drum, and it makes a really loud noise.

    C) “There’s not a cloud today just a sky of blue as the sun shines bright it feels so new.”
    This line reminds me so much of summer because every day you see the bright sunny sky when you wake up and you look forward to doing something really fun. Also, it makes me think of how much I am missing summer.

    D) “Whatever debatie No matter how weighty Or how irritatey I could never hatie My bestest friend Katie.”
    So half of these words aren’t even real although it shows true friendship. Sarah is mad at Katie because she thinks that it was her that told on Sarah, Dan and Rob but still she is saying that no matter how big the fight, we will always be friends and nothing could end it. Like real friends say. I don’t know if this poem was made before the cheating fiasco or after but it sure says how they’ll be friends no matter what.

  3. 1) In the poem about the "raindrop", my favorite line would be " A little bubble of anticipation and surprise". This line turned out to be my favorite line in the entire poem as it seems to be the most deep and metaphoric. The line could have various definitions and impacts people in a different way. The passage could be a good thing to some people; whereas for others it could be a bad thing. A simple topic such as rain can impact how a person reacts to passages. Some people love rain, but others dread the thought. They could view the poem as something that can make their day, or simply break it. The thought of rain is described as a surprise and something that is thought to be anticipated but the reactions of this anticipation is able to vary.
    My favorite passage from the poem "migraine" is "like a drum pounding in your head, bang!, bang!, bang!" This line turned out to be my favorite as

    To be continued...

    1. there is a lot of expression and emphasis on the migraine; and the idea of how these very sounds can impact the person is simply fascinating. Using the sounds of extremely common objects, makes the poem come to life. It expresses pain and what you'll hear and feel from the migraine. Also, the idea of using the sound of the drum to express pounding; made this poem relate-able for me. As many migraines for me are the sounds of an angry drummer pounding away at my head!
      In the poem ' A beautiful day', my favorite passage would be " just until". I liked the line from the poem as it's can carry tons of meaning to different audiences. For some this line could be a transition to fresh and wonderful beginning, whereas for others this could mean a dreadful beginning. Passages and lines that aren't directed to a single set of people always turn out to be powerful; and defines poetry!
      The poem about the cheat was way different from the other poems, and used rhyme to grab the audiences. There was the line " Be pals till we're eighty" that was my favorite. This line was my favorite as it resembles the friendship between the two, It really emphasis the phrase "best friends forever". This line from the poem also shows the feeling and thought these friends really want to be together and the devotion and acceptance that went into the friendship. The line also has a sort of spark into it that show the poem off more! The elements of rhyme and the meaning of friendship was my favorite!

      2) In the poem "Raindrop" the senses of sight and sound really stood out, whereas senses of smell, feel and taste probably didn't even exist. The senses of sight and sound felt to exist in this poem due to passages like '"bangs on the roof", "splashes on the window" these lines used onomatopoeia to express sound which really made you hear the raindrop. It's as if you are in complete isolation watching rainfall and the generated sounds. Using lines such as " cleanses the earth" and "fills holes" made me see heavy rain, see and hear made the poem come to life.
      In the poem 'Migraine' the sense of sound stood out the most. Using common objects to create sound and relate to the pain of a migraine was great! The sound of drums, bells, parades, doorbells and so much more! This really made the poem more appreciative as the sounds made the poem more alive. Writing sounds in caps made the poem more alive. As if the migraine is "speaking to you", warning you of its presence!
      The poem "Beautiful day" didn't carry much senses apart from sight. There were lines such as " You can see smiles all around", " sky of blue. These lines greatly resembled walking during a summer day and seeing what a certain individual might see. Not much spoke to me apart from seeing what I could have seen. There is the sun, the blue sky and the town smiling...
      The poem about the cheat didn't carry any senses that stood out. Apart from the sense of the taste ( potatatie ) that's all this poem really stood out in; in terms of senses. The poem would be rich in meaning and rhyme, but poor in senses.

    2. 3) Writing for the poetry soiree was an amazing experience! Normally my writing would concentrate on details and ideas. But when a topic such as poetry is introduced the tides start to turn. Everyone soon began to realize that poetry is all about quality and not quantity. Whereas the premise of writing is detail, poetry is all about creating an impact! My attention went from detail to meaning. Creating morals and feelings, wanting to leave the reader questioned and write something that is thought provoking was extremely refreshing! It was great creating work that was "show off material", seeing teachers constantly compliment our work and being recognized as role models was a change from writing within the shadows.
      There was also the critical factors that made our poetry bloom such as our presenting methods. There was a plethora of multi-media presentations and even live performances. Having the opportunity to do something different and resurrect a topic such as poetry was amazing!


  4. Raindrop Poem: It looks very artistic and is very attractive and worth looking at it. I think that the way this poem is displayed helps you visualize the helps you imagine a raindrop falling in reality. I feel that this poem also has a sense of hearing involved. If makes you feel as if your sitting at home, relaxing and it's raining. Specifically the part where it says " It bangs on the roof, spatters on the windows, or splashes into a puddle. This really really helps the poem feel alive.
    There are many feelings that emotion that are involved in this poem. Obviously this poem makes you feel very relaxed and of stress and fear. Some quotes that really bring in feeling are "A raindrop Contains many secrets, it is a bubble of anticipation and surprise" This quotes to me brings in a lot of emotion and I think is one of the most powerful part of the poem. I know this quote doesn't give the meaning directly..unlike some of the likes although it's not always the straight forward quotes that have powerful meaning.
    Migraine Poem: I think that this poem mainly bring in my sense if hearing. There are a lot of different sound effects such as: Bang Bang Bang, Clang Clang Clang, Ding Dong Ding Dong, and Clip Clop Clip Clop. All these sounds are what bring the poem to life. I think the most POWERFUL part of this poem was "Like a troop of soldiers marching in you head" This was a very nice line and it has a good meaning..I'm guessing it means you are feeling dizzy and you see things spinning around in you head.
    A Beautiful Day: This poem is one if the poems I really brought in almost all my senses. I know there is not direct part in this poem that bring up smell or hearing. Although when you look at some of the lines you really notice all of the emotions sounds and odours. The poem makes you feel as If you are strolling about in your neighbourhood during the summer. Although there is only automatically hear the birds chirping, and the kids screaming and could even smell all the hotdogs from the stalls and hear the ice cream truck
    The Cheat: I felt that the rhyming was very good. There was no smell involved..besides the fact that you could kinda visualize Katy and I guess Sarah sitting together and I don't know maybe gossiping or talking together. You could almost hear them giggling with each other and gossiping. And you could almost feel a sad emotion...I'm assuming Sarah would write this as a apology letter or note ..knowing that Sarah is very good at rhyming.
    To be continued.....

  5. All of these poems are very good and they all gave me some sort of emotions but they are all very similar but ill touch on that late! So the first poem was very interesting because when I heard the topic I didn’t expect much out of it but I was surprisingly wrong this poem was good it has some very good verses but there was one that stood out to me the most and that would have been this verse “its bubble of anticipation or surprise”. This verse was the one part in this poem that like Cheney said will have you going back and reading it again cause its that one part in the poem (well for me at least) that got me thinking and it was that specific part for me meant that you could be waiting for something for that one moment to have something big or something will happen and it’s not what you were expecting! The second poem was ok. The only thing is that if I pick one part I feel like I might as well pick all of them cause there all the same in a way but I’m going to pick the second last verse “like a group of horses galloping in your head clip clop clip clop”. The only reason I can related to this verse is because of the fact that I know exactly what that sounds like and that’s probably in my top 10 least favorite sounds! This poem is just so MAJESTIC(well there goes the little manliness I have left)! There is a lot to this poem that I like but the best part for me is “you can see smiles from all around it looks like everyone came to town). This parts is great because before I came to portage I use to live in the exact same neighborhood as all my friends and every morning we all use to walk out at the same time and we would always be happy and jolly! This poem alongside with the poem we just talked about are my two favorite this is my number one poem because of the fact that its something that we don’t have alit of anymore and that’s something everyone needs and wants and that friend ship not just some normal friend ship the type of friends ship where if your buddy or you are in a heap of trouble you pull em out that you know that they got you and you got them if need be and that you will never sell each other out. So before I go on into a Cheney rant I will say that my favorite verse was” id never hang Katie my captain my first mate we wont separate be pals till were eighty” that touched my heart.

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  7. Lines: (A) Unexpected yet often welcomed with a smile.
    The rain is not really unexpected for people who look at the whether channel, but it is for does who doesn't and already get set for a sunny day, to walk to school,go to work,take your morning run etc etc. The rain is something that surprise someone and just make laugh or get mad.

    (B) Like an orchestra playing in your head La,La,La!
    It's away that someone express themselves or express their Joy.

    (C) As the sun shines bright I feels so new.
    Whenever the sun shines bright and the sky is blue there's nothing that no one can do, the day would just make you feel confidential.

    (D) Whatever debatie no matter how weighty or how irritatey.
    Katie can be stupid at moments but she will always be there for her and she's always happy so whenever she's sad Katie will make her happy.

    To be continued.

    1. (A) A Raindrop.
      The rain is never bangs on the roof spatters on the window or splashes into a puddle. This pome deals with hearing the rain drop and seeing the rain drop. The pome really experience that no one really care or enjoy the rain, it's just water falling from the sky for a while.

      (B) Migraine
      Bangs Bangs Bangs!! This pome is funny but annoying but try to imagine yourself having all those sounds in your head. It's not a migraine and way be on headaches. The author for this pome must had have aaa

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  9. A) The first poem, "Raindrop" can awaken your hearing and sight. When the author talks about how rain can't be ignored, and how you can hear the "pottery" and "patter" of the rain hitting the rainbows. It also allows you to imagine a rainy day, whether it ruined a day of plans or just made a lazy day at home a cozy day at home better. It also allows you to think about a day where it has rained, and allows you to think about personal experiences, for example, I remember the spring mix, and it had rained a couple of times. Sure I was disappointed at the time, but it gave me something to laugh about. There's not a lot that I can complain about in this poem, but I wish it was a little longer, because it was that good. There could've been more to it, and the author could've expanded it more, because I personally really liked this poem, and it left me hanging a little. The line "it can make you laugh or make you cry" is one I enjoy because rain is like that. Either you can stay home and be mad, or you can grab your umbrella.

    B) I found this poem really funny. I get headaches sometimes (hasn't everyone) and this is exactly how they feel! Like someone is repeatedly put a jackhammer into your head. This seems like a younger child had written this, but this is very descriptive. It describes exactly how migraines/headaches are, using metaphors, that someone who doesn't know what migraines are, would understand easily, and be able to really feel it. This plays into your sense of touch; how you feel, and how you can imagine a headache. You can imagine how it would feel to literally have horses and soldiers stomp all over you. You can imagine "a drum pounding in your head", and that's why it's my favourite line in the poem, because I feel as though it's the most realisticly descriptive line, because all headaches feel have that "pounding sensation". The spelling threw me off a little, but it's a great poem. I especially like how the writer put the sounds in capital letters, because you can really see the emphasis, and headaches aren't a gentle "bang". It's really loud.

    C) This one of the more happier, positive poems, up until yiu get to the end. I like the ending line "Just until" because all good things must come to an end, but it's up to you to continue. This poem focused on my visual senses, because I could imagine myself walking around on a great day, walking down the street, smiling people and waving, not a cloud in the sky, up until the end of the day. The author describing how there wasn't a cloud in the sky, enjoying the summer day, really contributed to my imagination, and me visualizing this.

    D) This poem made me laugh, as childish as it seems, it's written by someone fairly close to our age. It rhymes extremely well, with everything ending in "ie" and "y". It works with your imagination (which I guess is your speaking sense and visualization) so you kind of want to say it out loud, because of how ridiculous it sounds! I laughed when I read it, and the line that made me laugh the hardest was "My Katie Potatie" because that's what she was nicknamed throughout the book.

    Overall, my experience with the poetry soirée was great. I came sort of late, and people had a head start, but I was still able to complete my poems. I'm glad that I got this experience, and like how it isn't just writing a poem, and handing it in, it's going above and beyond that, not only presenting it, but in a public manner, with parents, teachers and other students can see the work our class has done. This is a great experience for both oral and writing skills.


  10. #1
    Raindrop – I would say that this poem overall was an astounding and fascinating poem as it caught my attention just by looking at is, and by reading the poem, it was so descriptive which also gave me a sense of the different ways people look at rain! But my favourite line from this entire poem was, “A raindrop contains many secrets. It is a bubble of anticipation and surprise”. These lines brought thought into the poems and the poem was brawny mentally! When I think about rain, I never really imagine it as “ a drop of secrets” or “ contains as surprise”. The poem provides us with a sentiment of rain and a feeling of merriment, and I really enjoyed reading it.

    Migraine – “Like a drum pounding in your head, BANG, BANG, BANG! Like a bell clanging in your head, CLANG, CLANG, CLANG! I would say this is my favourite verse from the entire poem. I would say this because it sounds more practical and “down-to-earth” as many would say. I can relate to it; when my head hurts, I feel like something’s pounding on the inside and it kills me! It sounds realistic and the words, “BANG” and “CLANG”, really add power to the poem, to give the reader a sense of affection and fondness!

    A Beautiful Day – The verse I really enjoyed reading from the poem was the second one. “As you walk down the street, you can see smiles from all around. It looks like everyone cam to town” I really enjoy reading this part of the poem because it reminds me of when I visited Orlando. Everyone was roaming the sidewalks, smiling and laughing, eating and talking and it was just so relaxing. It was “a beautiful day”. Apart from the rest of the poem, I think this verse really adds feeling to the poem, which I really admired.

    The Cheat – “Whatever debatie, no matter how weighty”. I would say this was my favourite part of the entire poem. I’m guessing this poem was written by Sarah, I as I know how Sarah and Katie are best friends and how Sarah usually talks in a poetic format! I enjoyed reading this part of the poem because it was slightly humorous. I guess this poem is just showing from Sarah’s perspective how she and Katie are tight and no matter what happens, they would be best friends.

  11. # 2
    a) In this poem, the senses that were used were, touch and hearing. The other senses such as sight, taste, and smelling aren’t really mentioned aren’t described in this poem. When the poem speaks about “know on the door”, “bangs on the roof, spatters on windows, splashes in puddles”, that would come under touch. The raindrop touches the door, or the puddles or windows and roof tops. The earing sense jumps in when the poem talked about ” the raindrop is never silent.” I really like the way this poem included senses, because that is what brought the poem to life. That is what makes the poem exciting.

    b) In this poem, I believe the sense that is most commonly used would be hearing. I would say this because “ like an orchestra playing you r head, like a crowd clapping in your head, and like a group of horses galloping in your head”, these all come under hearing. And also, after every line, there is a sound, which is displayed “BANG, CLANG, LALA, DING DONG, MARCH, OH YEYH, CLAP, CLIP CLOP”, etc., these are all sounds. This is what adds emotion into writing.

    c) The only sense, which was stirred up, the most in the poem was seeing. There was no touching, tasting, smelling or hearing. The poem didn’t mention anything about rough tree branches, yummy ice-cream, aroma of hotdogs, or birds chirping. It was only mentioned how people see other smiling from everywhere. I think more emotion could have been added to this poem by including all 5 senses and I gave examples for.

    d) In the poem about the book “The Cheat” non of the senses are used. This poem doesn’t really talk about touch, smell, hear, see or taste. The poem just talks about friendship goals and how no matter what, they would always be linked.

  12. #3
    I think the experience I was given for the poetry soiree was amazing! I absolutely loved it! Writing poetry is something we can all do easily; we can be just entering kindergarten or retiring, poetry isn't that difficult to write, but to write astounding poetry and being able to present your work and being able to have others let you know how valuable your work is, is not something you can often receive! In 8A, we were given the opportunity to shine! We were given the opportunity to show off our work!
    Not only writing poetry, but we got to present it in a variety of ways that we usually don't get to. For example, making videos, photography, voice over, different and cool edits, etc. other classes in this school aren't given the advantage to all of these sources and here in Mr. Cheney’s class we can take the advantage of that, work hard and then present it and get people to tell us how amazing our work is! I don't think I would get a better chance to shine. And not only that, we get to teach the younger kids and give them a similar experience! Teaching them how to use the apps that we do and giving them mini lessons. It's like our own organization and it makes me feel good in myself that I’m doing something of value; that I'm doing something of worthy and something that can be valued. I really look forward to this poetry soiree!

  13. Q.2) A: I’d say that this poem set off my sense of touch and sight. Touch because when I thought of this poem, I thought about a raindrop landing on my finger like normal water and also stepping in a puddle of water. It set off my sense of sight because when it rains you see it everywhere; on the windows of your car and your house, coming down from the roof of a house and in the sky when you look closely. “Whether the raindrop is moving fast or slow, or is big or small, it always gets everyone’s attention” contributed to the sense of sight and “It bangs on the roof, spatters on the windows, or splashes into a puddle.” contributed to the sense of touch

    B: This poem set off my sense of sound the most .Drums, bells, horses, soldiers, every sound that was mentioned in this poem was going ringing in my head Luckily I didn’t get a headache from that. I can’t name one part because this WHOLE poem contributed to this sense.

    C: Sight! All I could think of was the summer day. Ice cream, sun, kids playing at the park, and the summery things. The first verse reminded me of summer the most because it describes the kind of weather which made me see a cloudless sky and a sun shining bright.

    D:I don’t know if any senses were stirred up by this poem but emotion could be a sense because Sarah talks about her and Katie’s friendship and how they won’t stop their friendship because of a fight. So emotion is the only sense that set off while reading this poem

    Q.3) My poetry writing experience was amazing because I never thought that I would have been able to write three different poems especially about the two topics that were assigned but I did! I love my work because even though they might not be as good as the poets in our class, they were pretty good. I learned that in the beginning if you think you can’t do something, doesn’t mean you can’t do it, you have to work hard and you’ll be able to accomplish it. I am really looking forward to the poetry soirée because I have done nothing like this before and it will be an amazing experience!

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  15. 1. From the first poem, my favourite line would be “A drop of rain is like a sudden knock at the door. Unexpected, yet often welcomed with a smile” because it describes the exact feeling I get every time it rains. It just starts pouring unexpectedly and that I just hate, but there’s something just simply refreshing about rain that automatically makes it welcomed with a smile. From the second poem, there isn’t really a specific line I like, but I like the various different ways they’ve used to describe one feeling of a migraine. From the third poem, I like the line “As the sun shines bright, it feels so new” because I personally have this feeling every time the sun shines and it’s always refreshing. Also, this definitely gets your mind to picture and imagine the scenario as well. From the last poem, my favourite line would be “We won’t seperatie, be pals till we’re eighty, my Katie potatie.” because the usage of words to make it rhyme is very unique and sounds great. Overall, the entire poem is in great rhyme, sync and meaningful as well.
    2. The first poem overall got the sense of sight set up because not having seen rain in a while, it still gives you a memory and gets you to imagine a scenario anyways. Also, the poem visually is pleasing because as a shape poem the shape of a raindrop could easily give away the poem was about raindrops without reading anything. The second poem sets up the sense of touch because it pretty much remind you of every time you got that migraine and definitely felt how properly each verse described your situation. The sense of sight and emotion gets stirred up as well because the way the person has written the poem in a very funky way because maybe they were having a migraine at that time and out of anger they wrote with such font, etc. The third poem definitely has that feeling of emotion because it gets you feeling cheered up, etc., because you can exactly imagine how perfect “the beautiful day” is. Also has the sense of sight because it can help you visualize how that one phrase goes “as you walk down the street, you can see smiles from all around”. The fourth poem sets up a lot of emotion as it is a great poem for your best friend most probably by Sarah to Katie. Also because it would somewhat encourage you to write somewhat similar poem to your best friend as well. But overall, all the poems do stir up the senses.
    3. At first when we got the assignment, I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do and how I was even going to complete the assignment in time! But as the due date approached and I started creating all sorts of poems for each topic, after the first poem I got the hang of it and everything just seemed to fall in to place! Once I completed all my poems, I displayed them and they were good to go. However, after viewing everyone else’s poem displays, etc I realized I could’ve done a better job with presenting and trying new ideas. I did learn a lot from others and hopefully I’ll try new ideas in the next assignment or in fact these skills will definitely help me in the long run. The Poetry Soiree itself went absolutely well, the live presentations were great and so were the activities with each group. I really enjoyed teaching younger kids how to make just a certain kind of poem or how to use a new app, and I would definitely want to do it again! Overall, my experience with poetry was really good and I’ve finally overcome the thinking that poetry was boring and pointless because some people’s reactions were priceless and words can definitely make their way to someone’s heart!

  16. a... the line i liked the most was "Unexpected, yet often welcomed with a can brighten your day, or ruin your plans. It can make you laugh or make you sad". i chose this line because this line shows how rain can effect you depending on your prespective, situation, and your intrests. for example if someone wanted to go to the beach on a nice sunny day, another person wanted play outside in the rain. if it rains it will brighten the guy's day who wanted to play in the cool rain, but it will ruin the plan of the guy who wanted to go the beach.The beach guys prespective is that he wanted to gosomewhere nice and sunny but the rain ruined his day, the other guy is happy because he didn't want sun and wanted to play in the rain, they both have diffrent intrests.
    b...the line i liked most was "like a drum pounding in your head BANG BANG BANG" the other lines didn't seem so realistic, only this on seemed realistic. i can tell because, even though i don't have migranes, people i know do. a migrane feels like somthing is pounding really loud in your head, some people can't stand the slightest bit of loud sounds, when they hear loud sounds, it seems much more louder than it really is.
    c...i those the first verse from this poem "there's not a cloud today just a sky of blue, as the sun shines bright, it feels so new" i liked this verse because the setting seems so nice, a clear and sunny day with not a cloud in the sky, it reminds me of the summer days of july

    to be continued............................

  17. a... the line i liked the most was "Unexpected, yet often welcomed with a can brighten your day, or ruin your plans. It can make you laugh or make you sad". i chose this line because this line shows how rain can effect you depending on your prespective, situation, and your intrests. for example if someone wanted to go to the beach on a nice sunny day, another person wanted play outside in the rain. if it rains it will brighten the guy's day who wanted to play in the cool rain, but it will ruin the plan of the guy who wanted to go the beach.The beach guys prespective is that he wanted to gosomewhere nice and sunny but the rain ruined his day, the other guy is happy because he didn't want sun and wanted to play in the rain, they both have diffrent intrests.
    b...the line i liked most was "like a drum pounding in your head BANG BANG BANG" the other lines didn't seem so realistic, only this on seemed realistic. i can tell because, even though i don't have migranes, people i know do. a migrane feels like somthing is pounding really loud in your head, some people can't stand the slightest bit of loud sounds, when they hear loud sounds, it seems much more louder than it really is.
    c...i those the first verse from this poem "there's not a cloud today just a sky of blue, as the sun shines bright, it feels so new" i liked this verse because the setting seems so nice, a clear and sunny day with not a cloud in the sky, it reminds me of the summer days of july

    to be continued............................

  18. a... the line i liked the most was "Unexpected, yet often welcomed with a can brighten your day, or ruin your plans. It can make you laugh or make you sad". i chose this line because this line shows how rain can effect you depending on your prespective, situation, and your intrests. for example if someone wanted to go to the beach on a nice sunny day, another person wanted play outside in the rain. if it rains it will brighten the guy's day who wanted to play in the cool rain, but it will ruin the plan of the guy who wanted to go the beach.The beach guys prespective is that he wanted to gosomewhere nice and sunny but the rain ruined his day, the other guy is happy because he didn't want sun and wanted to play in the rain, they both have diffrent intrests.
    b...the line i liked most was "like a drum pounding in your head BANG BANG BANG" the other lines didn't seem so realistic, only this on seemed realistic. i can tell because, even though i don't have migranes, people i know do. a migrane feels like somthing is pounding really loud in your head, some people can't stand the slightest bit of loud sounds, when they hear loud sounds, it seems much more louder than it really is.
    c...i those the first verse from this poem "there's not a cloud today just a sky of blue, as the sun shines bright, it feels so new" i liked this verse because the setting seems so nice, a clear and sunny day with not a cloud in the sky, it reminds me of the summer days of july

    to be continued............................

  19. #1:
    I think that all the poems were okay. My two favorites were the last two ones. A beautiful Day and My Bestest Friend Katie.
    What I like from the first poem 'Raindrop' is the line that says "It bags on the roof, spatters on the window or splashes into a puddle". I like this line because it reminds me of one summer there was a storm and I was home alone and that was all I heard. The heavy rain falling against the roof and windows.
    What I like from the second poem 'Migraine' is the first line that say "Like a drum pounding in your head". This line is my favorite because when I have a headache this is exactly how I feel. I feel like my head is throbbing and this is what I think a drum pounding in your head means.
    For the third poem I actually liked the whole thing. It reminds me of summer vacation. It's sunny, there's a sky of blue and there is no school. You just sit around all day and then go outside to enjoy the sun's warmth.
    I thought the poem that Sarah wrote for her best friend Katie was cute and funny. You can tell that Sarah loves Katie a lot. For this poem my favorite lines were "I never could hatie" and "My bestest friend Katie". It says that no matter what they do they will always be best friends. I loved how all the ending words rhymed with Katie just to make the poem more fun.

  20. 1.)I picked poem D’s last line: “I never could hatie my bestest friend Katie”. The reason I picked the verse: “I never could hatie my bestest friend Katie” is that I relate with this verse. I too would never betray my best friend, even if he and I are fighting over something. Another reason why I chose this verse is that it summed up the whole poem. In my perspective, Poem D is a poem to Katie from Sarah that shows that Sarah would never betray Katie. To me that is summed up, in the last verse. The reason I think of this poem this way is that poem say things like be pal until eighty. This suggests to me that Sarah wants to be with Katie till the age of eighty. This basically mean they should be together until they die because most people die seventy or after. This shows that the poem represents Sarah showing that she won’t betray Katie. These are the reasons that I choose this specific verse. For poem C, I picked the line: “To enjoy the summer’s day and let time stand still”. It seemed like it was the best line in the poem to me. It seemed to make the poem sound more like beautiful day. It reminds me about a time when my friends and I were hanging out under the shade of a tree, just lazing around. We were enjoying the summer’s day, to us it seemed that our time stopped and we were the only one in the world. For poem B I would pick the verse: ‘Like a drum pounding in your head, Bang Bang Bang Bang’. To me, it is the sound I hear in my head when I have a migraine. So this verse relates to me more than the other sounds. For poem A, I would pick the verse: “A drop of rain is like a sudden knock at the door. Unexpected, yet often welcomed with a smile”. This verse defines raindrops the most perfectly out of all the other verses. A sudden knock on the door mean it can come from out of nowhere. Unexpected, yet often welcomed with a smile mean that it might not be predicted but we still like it. This verse sums up what a rain drop is.

    2.)I had many of my senses stirred up. My hearing was stirred by the migraine poem. The beautiful day poem and the raindrop stirred up my seeing sense. The migraine poem made me hear the sound of people’s mind when they were having a migraine. I could the banging of drums, claps of a crowd and clip clop of horses galloping. The raindrop made see the raindrop coming down. I started to visualize at the end of the poem when the poem was stating what a raindrop does. I imagined it filling hole and cleansing flowers. The beautiful day poem made me see images of summer. I could see the clear blue sky where not even a single cloud can be seen. Seeing people smiling on the street. These are the senses that got stirred by the poems.

    3.)I enjoyed the poetry writing experience for the soiree. I liked writing the poems for this event. The best part of this event would be the process of writing the poems. It was fun writing the poems. It was great experience that I would like to experience again. It was fun to write in different poetry style and presenting them in different style such as Over. I really had fun doing the poetry soiree.

  21. 1. I really only enjoyed one of the poems which was the one titled 'A beautiful Day'. The other three weren't bad but they didn't exactly seem like poems to me. They didn't make me imagine or feel anything, no image was painted into my mind as I read the other poems. A beautiful Day was the one poem that painted an image in my head.
    My favourite line in this poem would be "It feels so new", everyone has experienced this feeling and you can just picture the day on your own. You can picture how it looks, who is there, you can even feel the joy you'd be encountering.
    Even though I didn't like the other poems as much doesn't mean I didn't like them at all, there were some lines that I liked. The line I liked in the poem titled "Raindrop" would be "It is a bubble of anticipation and surprise". I think this would be my favourite line in this whole poem because it can make you think of something as small and simple, like a raindrop in this case. I like poems that can paint pictures, and actually have you sit down and think.
    My favourite line from the poem titled 'Migraine' would be "Like an orchestra playing in your head". Orchestras are pretty...very loud. This poem actually does paint a picture as well, you can imagine the pain you would be enduring if you had a migraine just by reading this poem.
    This last poem was obviously taken out of the book we've been reading. I don't like this poem very much, it seems childish. All you had to do to make a poem like this is pick words that rhymed with the name "Katie" and then call it a poem. If I had to choose a favourite line from this poem, it would be "Be pals till we're eighty". I like this line because it explains how much the friendship means to Sarah. It basically means that they'll be friends for a very long time.

    2. From the first poem entitled "Raindrop" I just started think about my best and worst days. Most of my worst days started off rainy is what I noticed. The think the part of the poem that made me think about this is where it said "It can brighten your day or ruin your plans". Rain was just always one of those things that ruined my plans. I never liked rain and I never will.
    For the second poem entitled Migraine made me start to think about my grade 6 teacher. She always talked about how she had serious migraines but I couldn't really see how it made her feel the way she did because I had never had a migraine. Reading this poem made me realize how much pain she actually went through. The line that I think triggered this memory was "like a drum pounding in your head". She always said her head was pounding so I think that was the trigger to my memory.
    For the third poem entitled "A beautiful Day" a memory of my summer last year popped up into my head. I remember just walking around and enjoying the weather. I think that day was one of my very best days. It was beautiful outside and it was just me outside, no device to distract me or anything, just me. The line that definitely triggered this memory was "To enjoy the summer's day" because on that day, that is all that I did.
    For the fourth poem taken out of the book we have been reading (The Cheat) it just made me imagine how strong Sarah and Katie's friendship must be. The line in the poem that made me think about this was where it said "My captain, first matie". The two words "first" and "matie" made me realize that Katie must've been Sarah's first friend which tells us that they've been friends for a while and it gives us a hint on how strong their friendship is.

  22. 3. My writing experience for the poetry Soirée would be described as memorable. I would describe the soirée this way because it was the first time, I feel, that I had actually produced good quality writing. I had read my poems over and had a hard time believing I wrote them. I had written poems of such good quality and it had been seen by almost half the school, I will always remember the soirée if I ever begin to doubt my writing in the future.

  23. 1a) The tender poem about the "Rain-drop" had two unusual lines " A rain-drop contains many secret. It's a bubble full of anticipation and surprise". I think the two line from this poem are trying to express Thai rain isn't expected to fall at a certain time it just comes, just like you should be prepared for anything because just like rain there can be a surprise coming your way and you shouldn't expect what you want to happen at a certain time.
    B) "Like a drum pounding and your head, BANG BANG BANG!" This is a more reasonable phrase that relates to the poem and when you read the line you would instantly think about a head pain or a migraine.
    C) The phrase or line from then poem "A Beautiful Day " that I admired was "there's not a cloud today just a sky if blue". I think what this phrase specific. Means to say is that there's nothing blocking your way you shouldn't wait for someone else to come and make the decision it should be you that choses.
    D) this poem was quite aerated and my favourite phrase was " we won't separatie, be pals till eighty, My Katie potatie" I think the reason this poem caught my eye was the funny way of using the words and changing them to rhyme with Katie and I also like the way the author was describing his or her tight friendship with Katie.

  24. 2. Exploring your senses - what senses were stirred up the most by each poem? What parts of the poem contributed to that?

    For the first poem the senses that were stirred up were sight and feeling. My sight was stirred up because of the way the poem looks. The whole poem was talking about raindrops and it's in the shape of a raindrop. As soon as I look at the poem this catches my eye. The way it's is presented. My feeling was stirred up because as I read some parts of the poem I start to remember things or events that has happened to me and that relate to what the poem is talking about.
    For the second poem the only sense that was stirred was feeling. The poem was explaining how painful and annoying a headache can be. The way the poem says it describes exactly how I feel when I have a bad headache.
    For the third poem the sense that was stirred was was also feeling. The poem express the feeling of a beautiful day and while I'm reading it I remember summer time. The exact words in the poem are how I feel during summer.
    The last poem didn't really stir up any of my senses. To me it was just a silly poem to make you laugh. They way all the rhyming words rhyme to the same thing and also the made up words.

  25. 1. a) my favourite phrase of the first poem, "raindrop", would be "a raindrop contains many secrets". this would be my favourite part of the poem because it has a deeper meaning then anticipated. after that line, the poem goes on to say "it is a bubble of anticipation and surprise", which leads me to think about how each drop of rain could have its own background story, even if it is a drop of water. perchance the story could be about where the water came from and how it has traveled throughout all the stages of the water cycle, (evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection), and how it ended up where it needs to be. the story of a raindrop is undoubtedly interesting. the raindrop could come from the amazon river, the nile river, a puddle in a city, or the ocean. the raindrop can hold many secrets of where it's been and from where if first came from. the line "it is a bubble of anticipation and surprise" comes into play because it's true; the raindrop itself comes with anticipation and surprise.

    b) In this poem my favourite/phrase would be "like a drum pounding in your head, BANG BANG BANG! like a bell clanging in your head, CLANG CLANG CLANG!". this is my favourite part of the poem because I feel that the sounds represent a realistic migraine; when you have a migraine there's clanging and playing of drums. whenever I have a migraine it seems that these two sounds would be the loudest and most relevant noises that would be going on in my head!

    c) my favourite phrase in the poem "a beautiful day", would be "there's not a cloud today / just a sky of blue / as the sun shines bright / it feels so new". this is my favourite part because it reminds me of how we all were just a few days back, the weather was warm, the sky was full of blue and the sun was beaming down at us all. it was a beautiful day that day and this poem commemorate just how stunning the weather was. the first verse is a great start to the poem and as I can connect the poem to something that's happened to me, brings out a better understanding, which is why I decided that the first verse was my favourite!

    d) my favourite part of this poem would be, "whatever debatie / no matter how weighty / or how irritatey". this would be my favourite verse because I found it indubitably sweet towards Katie. im assuming that sarah wrote this as she speaks in a poetic manner and we could see she adores writing poetry. I found this part of the poem cloying and thought it was captivating as sarah expressed her and Katie's friendship in the format of a poem!

    1. 2. a) this poem brings out the senses 2. a) this poem brings out the senses touch, and hearing, i assume this because in the poem it goes on to explain, "a drop of rain is like a sudden knock at the door." i believe this shows the sense of touching, because the rain drop has touched something such as the door. how the poem shows hearing is when it goes on to say "the raindrop is never silent. it bangs on the roof, splatters on the window, or splashes a puddle." these two lines explain how the raindrop is heard which leads me to think about how the raindrop makes the noise.

      b) this poem displays the sense of hearing. I can comprehend this because in every other line there are sounds such as BANG BANG BANG, CLANG CLANG CLANG, LALA LALA LALA, DING DONG DING DONG, etc. that is why this poem only shows the sense of hearing.

      c) i think that this poem just has the sense seeing. i think this because throughout the poem i dont see anything written about touching, listening, smelling, nor
      tasting. the poem goes on to explain about there are smiles all around and "it looks like everyone came to town".

      d) i believe that the last poem shows no signs of senses because the poem just explains about katie & sarah's friendship. it doesn't mention anything about seeing, tasting, smelling, touching, or listening to anything. therefore I can conclude that in this poem no sense of anything is detected.

      3. my writing experience was unforgettable! i enjoyed all of the aspects of writing and presenting the poems in all of the different ways. never would have i thought that I could produce three great poems under a time limit and be able to present them in a nice and orderly fashion. the experience of it all was one id never forget because it was something that I've never done before which is what i liked the most. and hearing, i assume this because in the poem it goes on to explain, "a drop of rain is like a sudden knock at the door." i believe this shows the sense of touching, because the rain drop has touched something such as the door. how the poem shows hearing is when it goes on to say "the raindrop is never silent. it bangs on the roof, splatters on the window, or splashes a puddle." these two lines explain how the raindrop is heard which leads me to think about how the raindrop makes the noise.

      b) this poem displays the sense of hearing. I can comprehend this because in every other line there are sounds such as BANG BANG BANG, CLANG CLANG CLANG, LALA LALA LALA, DING DONG DING DONG, etc. that is why this poem only shows the sense of hearing.

      c) i think that this poem just has the sense seeing. i think this because throughout the poem i dont see anything written about touching, listening, smelling, nor
      tasting. the poem goes on to explain about there are smiles all around and "it looks like everyone came to town".

      d) i believe that the last poem shows no signs of senses because the poem just explains about katie & sarah's friendship. it doesn't mention anything about seeing, tasting, smelling, touching, or listening to anything. therefore I can conclude that in this poem no sense of anything is detected.

      3. my writing experience was unforgettable! i enjoyed all of the aspects of writing and presenting the poems in all of the different ways. never would have i thought that I could produce three great poems under a time limit and be able to present them in a nice and orderly fashion. the experience of it all was one id never forget because it was something that I've never done before which is what i liked the most.
