Thursday, September 6, 2012

Rebound 2 - The Punishment

Rebound 2 - The Punishment

Chapter 2 was a eye opener to how we make judgements, use our bias, and make moralist stands while sitting at our desk.  

1. Do you believe me that you are Mr. McCully and would have acted the same way?
2. Sean commented that people will see it "wrong" is this true?
3. Is this fair for Sean?  What should his punishment be? If any?


  1. Yes I do believe that I would've acted the same way as McCulley because, as Mr. Cheney said, we all are biased towards people in wheelchairs.

    I do believe people will all see it wrong because of their bias.

    I don't believe this is fair to Sean because he wasn't fighting at all yet no one (not even himself) believes him. His punishment will most likely be suspension, as McCulley said, and or expulsion.

    1. I think you should explain more to support your answers that way we can understand your point easier.

    2. Don't believe it because I said it...only if you believe it.

  2. I would have totally acted the same way because look at all the evidence bloody hand,shawn holding a paralized kid in the flore,bad fight history,any person would be bias and have done the same.

    1. Flush out your response. This is just the beginning of a detailed response.

  3. 1. Not really, truthfully I would have atleast heard both sides of the story, before making accusations. Sure, I would have felt pity on the kid in the wheelchair, but I still would have been fair.

    1. If you are showing pity would or could you be fair? It is the right thing to do, but would we do it in the heat of the moment?

  4. Q1: I believe you because even the smartest people would only know the right thing after they failed and got it wrong than they know that. At first every one would think that McCully was wrong to do so but if we were in the position we would have done the same thing as McCully. SO YOU ARE RIGHT MR.CHENEY

    1. AGREEED but i think mr.McCUlly should have loosined up with sean

    2. This is true of many people and many things. What we know is seldom what we do!

  5. I belive that in that type of situation anybody would have acted the same way that Mr.McCully had acted. He thought that Sean would go stoop that low that he would fight with a kid in a wheel chair, but that is not what had happened. He didn't even get the full story of the conflict beforte he started too judge.

    1. What do you think Sean's punishment should be?

    2. Well, I already know what his punishment is, Mr.Cheney read the book to us last year. So I should be asking you that question lol.

      What do you think Sean's punishment should be?

    3. OK.. I think Sean's punishment should be suspension from Mr. McCulleys perspective. Because McCulley only saw the "snapshot" of what happened and it was Sean holding the wheelchair guy. So McCulley thought Sean was fighting the wheelchair guy because of his bloody knuckles.

    4. So, why do you think he should get suspension if he didn't do anything? If you were McCulley what would you have done with Sean?

    5. To us Sean didn't do anything but to McCulley Sean was fighting the wheelchair guy. If I was McCulley I would've suspended Sean.

    6. @Danyal, yes that is right. In McCulley's eyes he thought he only saw Sean fighting with the kid because he was on top of him.

    7. Bloody knuckles is a great observation.

      Sean is innocent BUT could he have avoided this situation? Is he totally innocent.?

    8. Thank you, but he could have avoided it by just stepping aside and letting the wheelchair kid pass by and everything would be normal and Sean would have his fresh start.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. i cant lie, i have a bias, we all do. I do not agree whith his actions, nor do i deny he did the right thing. i cannot say i would do the same thing because i have been in mr.micullys situation before without raising my voice. In the cort of law if you raise your voice you automaticly lose, meaning he was very wrong to yell at and ignore sean.

    1. I agree LAUREN. Although meesa probably would've done the same thing as McCulley, would you have?

    2. first of all i cant tell you how grammaticly incorrect that question is and secondly i would have listend to both sides before judging, i am not saying this because this was the one thing Mr. Miccully didnt do, I was just rased this way.

    3. Its not about raising his voice, rather its about looking at Sean and the boy and assuming that Sean must be guilty.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Yes I would have acted the same way in Mr. Mc Culleys prespective, because he only saw the "snapshot" of what happened and it was Sean holding on to the kid in the wheelchair, also i realized that McCulley was mad at the wheelchairguy until he started to climb back onto his wheelchair.

    Yes I think people will see that fighting scene wrong except Scott, because most of the "crowd" was their a bit after and Scott was their right when it happened.

    No it is not fair for Sean because McCulley did not see the full scene and judged him right away, and since Sean had a rep. for fighting McCulley thought he was the one who was hitting the wheelchair guy because his knuckles were bleeding, but that was from when he got thrown off by the wheelchair guy.

    Sean's punishment should be nothing probably just a warning but in McCulleys prespective he should have been suspended becasue he was fighting a kid in a wheelchair, McCulley had pity for the wheelchair guy.

    1. I like how you reffered back to what Mr.Cheney said about only seeing a "snapshot" of what happened.

    2. Also a well constructed response. Sean's reputation is haunting him - Is that Fair?

    3. I think its not fair because in a year things can change a lot, but its his fault for having that kind rep. in the first place.

  10. 1:If I would be Mr.McCully for sure I would be act the same way with Sean because what I saw was the only thing that Sean was fighting with the boy in wheel chair but I didn't saw the whole thing what actually happened and who started it..?

    2:Yes, but if no one saw the start of their fight then they would think he's wrong but for those who saw the whole fight they would say in their comment that he is right about that he didn't start the fight first.

    3:In my opinion it is not fair with Sean because the Vice principal( Mr.McCully) should ask the boy in wheel chair for knowing that is he or Sean the one who started the fight first.? and for what reason they started it? About the punishment if Sean was the one who started it then he sould get suspended for fighting with a boy who can't do anything, but if Sean's not the one who sstarted it then he wouudn't get any punishmebnt for that.

    1. those who saw the fight are going to think he is innocent? wont the witnesses see exactly what he saw! Last years trouble maker in a fight with a unknown boy in a wheel chair.

  11. 1.I do believe that I am Mr. McCully in the story. I would have acted the exact same way. As soon as I would see the boy in the wheel chair, I would see the situation the other way around. This would be bias. The actual reality of how a person think is that, if a person is on a wheel chair, they have many disabilities. We tend to help them more and be careful around them. We try to act nice to keep them happy so they feel that they are being treated equaly. What we do not understand is that people are not being treated fairly. If I knew what was going on, I would never have decide to go that way. Althought Mr.McCully did what a casual person would do when they see the situation this way, I would have changed just one thing. Even without knowing the situation, I would have took both students to the office. Not only taking Sean, but the boy in the wheel chair too. This would have made the situation a little less bias. They could have figured out what was happening. The vice principle should have at least brought the boy in the wheel chair to see if he was alright. This small step could have brought just a little change. It could have also proven Sean innocent.

    1. Is this true equality? going out of your way to treat certain people differently based on their abilities or by extension their appearance?

  12. 2: This is entirely true. Because if you saw a kid getting into a fight with a helpless handicap human then your brain automatically thinks that this is totally wrong because afterall the one with disabilities does look inncocent then the other. Thats how we think. Even if the kid in the wheelchair started it, it's like we refuse to believe this.
    Only people who have the right sort of mentality would realize and think that there will ALWAYS be two sides to a situation and we should take the time to figure out what that is and not just assume.

    1. "refuse" we are trained to think this...pity and feeling sorry for someone foster this type of thinking.

  13. 3. No, it isn't fair to Sean, but if they still don't want to believe him he would get suspended for atleast 2 weeks.

  14. Q2.It would look like is true because the fight happend so fast possibly people saw what the whanted to see like shawn holdind a weel chair kid in the floor,shawn pushing the kid to the floor,shawn holding the kid in the weel chair,ther are enless possibility.

    1. We see what we want or expect to see. Eye witness testimony in the court of Law is not as valuable as you would think. It is well documented the ability of the human brain to recall events. Their biases and previous knowledge influence what they think they saw.

  15. 2. yes it is true people would think it was wrong because of the other boy in the wheel chair, who seems weak but he was strong and he hurt sean. people saw sean running into the boy and thought he attacked him. what actually happened was the boy punch sean which made him fall on him. so if i were in the crowd i would think sean started the fight.

  16. After listening to the lecture, I think i would have acted the same way as Mr.McCulley, but the book is in Sean's point of view so I chose that Mr.McCulley was wrong and that he was bias towards Sean. If the book was in Mr.McCulley's point of view then maybe I would've done the same thing too.

    Yes, I think Sean is right, people will see things wrong and everyone has their own different story. Since Mr.McCulley saw only a snapshot of the fight, Sean got in trouble. Mr.McCulley also thought Sean punched the boy because of the blood on his knuckles.

    I don't think it's fair for Sean, but like I said Mr.McCulley only saw a bit of the fight. If Sean gets a punishment Ithink it should be helping the teachers and promising to never fight again...if he can keep the promise.

    1. In his position of authority the VP needs to act to keep the situation safe and in control!

      Didn't Sean already give his promise?

  17. 1. Honestly I can say yes I act like Mr. McCully because as Mr. Cheney said we act biased. The reason I'd act the same way is because i see Sean who egts into fights and trouble all the time last year. But I see him fighting a kid in a wheelchair, that puts it over the top. Unlike Mr. McCully i would get both kids in my office and listen to them both instead of just blaming it all on Sean.

    2. Yes the majority of people would see it wrong. At first there were a few people that saw it from the begining when the kid ran his chair into Sean and started trash talking him. But as the fight progressed, more people came and they saw a kid(that gets in trouble a lot) fighting a kid in a wheelchair. So majority saw it wrong.

    3. I say this is not fair for Sean since only a few people saw what really happened and the chance of Mr. McCully talking to those students is very little. If Mr. McCully doesn't find those kids, then Sean would be suspended. However if he does find those few students, then Sean should recieve a lighter punishment and the wheelchair kid should be punished also.

    PHEW that was a lot.

    1. What do you think Sean's punishment should be instead of saying a light punishment?

    2. Is it wrong if they think thats what they saw?

    3. Danyal- Sean and the wheelchair guy should get like 1-2 months detention and also they need to see the guidance counsler to help them control their anger because the both reacted when they should have stayed proactive.

      Mr. Cheney- Yes it's wrong because they only saw, like what Mr. McCulley saw, a troublesome guy fighting someone in a wheelchair. It's like reading a book, but only reading the climax. Most of them saw the most "exciting" part. Also they chose to believe that the wheelchair guy was the victim, just like how we chose to believe that the guy on his feet (frOm the cover) was the one who helped the wheelchair guy.

  18. 1: I think that I would have acted the same way but have bit more sympathy for Sean because no matter what I know that it's not right to go way too hard on someone. But I guess thats just me. But yes, I would have been furious at Sean because the kid is in a wheelchair! It just makes things look so much different then from what it actually is.
    I would have been raging at the fact that Sean had basically betrayed our truce. That I thought we had cleared up things but he decided to ruin that.

    1. Betrayed is a powerful word and Yes McCully might have been livid because of it.

  19. I know i would like to say i wouldn't have acted like Mr.McCully, but I know if I was in his shoes, i would've done the same. Knowing Sean for always getting in fights, Mr.McCully thought right away it was him who was punching the kid in the wheelchair, him who started the fight. The bloody knuckles didn't help Sean much either. The only thing i believe i would have done different from Mr.McCully was to question the kid in the wheelchair too. He was yelling at him until the point he saw the wheelchair. I would have brought both guys into the office to talk to, not just Sean. Also, i think everyone would have seen the fight wrong, like Sean thought. No one (other then Scott) saw the beggining of the fight, everyone just saw the end when Sean and the wheelchair guy were rolling around on the ground. The students at the school probably know Sean for fighting or getting in trouble too. They see him sitting on the bench outside the office, they're not surprised. So yes, people might have seen the fight wrong. This is not fair to Sean, he really didn't do anything to him, the wheelchair kid pinned him to the ground and started throwing punches at Sean. Which was wrong. If by any chance Sean does get punished (if found guilty) he would get suspended, just as Mr.McCully said he is. If people tell the story of the fight wrong, then it will be a longer suspension. But if he's not found guilty, he shouldn't get punished. The least Mr.McCully could do is make Sean and the wheelchair kid become friends. That is all.

    1. Great detail. However, break this response up into paragraphs.

      Can anybody MAKE people be friends?

  20. Imagine that the kid in the wheel chair was not in a wheel chair. And was a student that had no history of fighting or getting in trouble and got in a fight with a kid that has a long history of fighting.

    Would you expect the same punishment for both students?

    1. I thought that too, but still, Sean didn't fight back! It was all the wheelchair kid, so why should Sean get punished for fighting?

    2. true is it just the wheel chair that makes him different......although he is no different from any other human bieng

    3. I know he didn't fight back, but he still got in a fight with the kid even though he didn't fight back. @Sarah, because Mr.McCully didn't even see the whole fight so he automatically assumes that Sean had started the fight.

    4. Great question! Clutch

      This is going to be the next journal response.

      Eden you are off to a great start this year!

  21. Q3: Its not fair for Sean just because some PUNK comes and pushes Sean around and has to struggle to survive all those punches even though sean is a big guy. And the kid in the wheel chair has his leg problem as a cover for him so that he cant get in trouble. His punishmenet should not have been suspension but maybe a detension because he was acting tough with an attitude to the kid in the wheel chais when he came to school becasue he should have just moved and give a little glare to show the kid whos boss!!!!!!!!!

    1. Sean didnt get suspended yet. And the wheelchair guy hit Sean with his chair then told him to move, the wheelchair guy shouldve just sadi please move.

    2. Well, Sean should have not been at the ramp in the first place. They could have avioded the conflict if he was not at the ramp in the first place. So in a way the kid had a point..

    3. The wheelchair guy should've first said nicely please move

    4. Well, he could have said it nicely but he didn't. Why would he be at the ramp in the first place. And the kid in the wheel chair did say "either get wheel's or move it". Sean should have just moved and let it go and let him pass. He was the one that wanted too make a fresh start in the beginning of the school year, so he should have not let something as little as not moving so the kid could get pass get in the way of his fresh start.

    5. But saying "get wheel's or move it" is pretty mean I wouldn't have moved I would've made him say it nicely, also I agree with you that Sean and Scott shouldn't be sitting on the ramp.

    6. Well you could clearly tell that the kid in the wheel chair was pretty upset about something by the way he was acting, but I still think that Sean should have got a hint on what too do when the kid said that.

    7. True he wouldn't get that mad so easily, and yes Sean should've just moved from the ramp.

    8. perhaps the most insulting part was when Sean turned away and began talking with Scott again, like the Kid in the chair was a complete nobody! He didnt say anything mean but his body language said bugger off loser I dont care...thus the kid plowed into him with his chair.

      Great back and forth dialogue Danyal and Eden - SUPERB

    9. Ohh yeah I forgot that one piece of detail, and thank you very much.

  22. Q 2: our minds sometimes misinterpret scenes and actions. we might recall a memory that never really happend, or a dream that was really reality. Our minds overwork themselves, when they do the hard drive overheats, they try to make somthing seem real, to be within the boundarys of reality. when our minds recall the memorys it tends to change it so that it is more real.

    1. our memories are totally romantisized to justify whatever it is we want to feel or recall.

  23. Before mr cheney read the book today i would have done what mr mcully did but after reading chapter two today,if I was in mr mcullys place i would have listened two what both of the boys have to say(but that would be after i read the book)

    I would agree with sean because when the crowd approached the fight it wouldve seemed like sean was fighting with the boy in the wheel chair.

    no this is not fair for sean.... i wouldnt have said this if i didnt know what chapter two was about.speaking of the punishment he shouldnt get one because the vp didnt see the whole fight so he shouldnt make any decisions YET!

    1. VP's have to move quick. Sean's reputation is burning him here, who fault is that?

  24. 3. I think it wasn't fair for sean getting such a harsh punishment. I truly believe that the wheelchaired boy should get it because he started curing. all sean did was talkback so it wasnt his falt. so sean is an inosent victim

    1. he is about 90% because he didnt move when the wheel chaired guy said so.

  25. Answers:
    1.Well depends because making judments doesn't always give you the outcome you really need for making the right decision and maybe even making a couple thougtful,and meaningful decisions.If you choose the wrong answer these outcomes can come;have students full of deceit at the starting of the year, goes on your own principal record, and has people turning their heads because opf your recklessness.
    In theory, no I would not act like Mr.MCully because i have learned from this book already.

    2.I might as well leave this question because I know whats going to happen and if I say the wrong answer there is no reason for that ether.

    3. I know this one too i'll be asking you the questions people.

    1. Because you have learned this already is that enough to know you wouldn't act like McCully in the heat of the moment.

  26. I Think That I Would Have Done The Same.
    I Would Of Yelled At Sean Too. The Reason Why I Say This, Is Because Sean Gets In Alot Of Trouble And He Promised To "Me" That He Wouldn't Do Aything Bad Again And "I" Did not belive Him. Because The Kid That Was In The WheelChair Obviously Looks Innocent Until Proven Guilty!

    1. Great line...the boy in the wheelchair is indeed innocent until proven guilty. For Sean it doesn't take that much.

  27. I would have acted the same way Mr. McCully acted because Shawn last year was always in trouble and when he saw Shawn holding his hands against the wheel chaired kid and also because of our judgemental

  28. 1. I think that I would have acted the same myself because, at the time of the situation you just want to get over it. The one thing that Mr. McCully did was not listen to Sean's point of view. The one thing that I would have done differently was actually listen to Sean's point of view. Mr. McCully made a decision at the moment, what he saw was only one snap shot of the fight. I would probably not have made a decision right away but, although Sean made a promise with the VP at the end of the year that he wasnt going to get into a fight next year, yet he still did. I would just think things over before making a final decision.

    2. Well, just because Sean didnt want to get in trouble he thought that people would think wrong of him. But, everybody has a diffrent perspective, and people think diffrently. So, what Sean thinks is false

    P.S. Finish #3 later

    1. even if you didn't make a choice right away...likely you would have believed that Sean had started it? Im unclear with number 2, do you think witnesses will support what he said or help him get suspended.

    2. Yes, I would believe that Sean started it. could be either but mostlikley helo to get him suspeded

    3. 3. Yes, do think this is fair to Sean because the VP cant always keep on giving him chances and eventuallty you will have to pay the price which would be suspention

  29. 1.yes i would have acted stern just like Mr.McCully because everyone is bias and if you think your not that just makes you bias,even i think that i would have acted the same becaue my little brother is in a wheel chair too but i still treat him more speacial.

    1. you have a very personal connection with the story then.

  30. It is not fair because he truly did not fight(he didn't puch anyone so how is it a fight?)Its like you getting blamed for a crime you didn't comit.I belive shawn sould not be punished because he did nothing wronge he only tryed to be good.

    1. He didn't fight because he didn't throw a punch. If he could have managed a punch would he have hit him? Should he get off punishment just because the other kid was too strong for him?

  31. Yes, i would have acted like Mr.Mculley because since i would have used my bias i would assume that it was sean who started the fight since the other kid was in the wheel chair i would assume the kid in the wheel chair would be helpless and have done nothing.

    i think it might true because the other kids bias might make them feel sorry for the kid in the heel chair so then they will think that he will have done nothing and they will tell Mr.Mcculley that it was all Sean's fault making Sean in trouble even though he did not do anything.

    No i do not think this is fair for Sean because he did not do anything he was the one being pushed around and punched and he did not even hit the kid in the wheelchair back.

    i think his punishment should be a detention at least because he was still involved in the fight even though he didnt do anything.

  32. Definitely I do believe you that we are Culley and yes we would of acted the same way because of our bias. We do think its wrong and judjing like that and it is wrong but we would have acted the same way.

    Its like Mind over Matter. I say this because our mind automatically thinks that the wheel chair guy is the victim and innocent but the matter was that the wheel boy was the one who hurt him first. All though Sean was the one who said "make me" to him after he said "move" he kind of started the fight. But wheel chair boy was the one to give him the first punch. Plus we would of acted more like Mr. McCully after relating this matter to Sean's promise.

    Sean said that people would see it wrong . I think this is true. Because I think that everyone has a bias just like us so the crowd must have one too. The crowd probably knows that Seans a bad and big guy. People might use that and plus feel bad for the other boy and blame it on Sean cause they will feel bad. Also, people might think see just a snap shot of it. Just like how McCulley did.

  33. i would most definitely do the same because my bias would tell me that i will feel sorry for the boy in
    the wheelchair after all this world taught me to do is always feel sorry for the disabled or the "less lucky people".However, disabled people can do everything that we can do we should feel sorry for them in a way but we can not always do every thing for them even if they are capable of doing it them selves.

    i think that sean has the same feeling that i would have "what if they saw a snapshot?" i would be paranoid just like sean is and i think people are going to see a snapshot also i predict that mr.mcCully will choose the people that he does not know.

    this is not fair for sean even though we all would do the same sean should get justice however he kind of did because mccully allowed him to talk a little i can not i answer What should his punishment be? If any? because i know the answer.

  34. why sould anyone be punished if he did nothing wronge?

    1. Well, in McCulley's eyes he did do something wrong. McCulley was so quick too judge that he didn't even get the full story of what happened. He thinks that if Sean explains too him, that hes just making excuses not too get into trouble. And he obviously doesn't trust Scott too tell the full story even though he was an eye witness of everything that happened.

      He automatically will think that the kid in the wheel chair will be innocent because well...hes in a wheel chair. And what harm could he do too such a big boy like Sean, right? And also Sean does have quite a history of getting into fight's and half those fight's he didn't even start.

    2. So at this moment in the narrative, McCulley just think's he has a good point too punish Sean because of what he viewed at the last moment.

    3. Which I think is completely wrong and unfair too Sean, but we all would have acted the same way, because McCulley is reflecting what we would have done in a circumstance like this.

  35. Yes This Is True!
    Sean Did Say That People Will See It Wrong Because Last
    Year He Got In Alot Of Trouble!

    1. and because he got into alot of trouble alot last year its most likely that hardly any one will believe sean.

    2. into a lot of trouble last year*(my mistake)

    3. "your always innocent until proven guilty"

    4. indeed being in trouble a lot last year is going to influence many people in what they see this year!!!

  36. i think sean will think people will see it wrong because it will look like shawn is hurting the wheel guy by getting hooked on the wheel chair and the wheel chair guys has nothing to do with the fight because he is in a wheel chair this is why i think sean will think people will see it wrong

  37. I dont think it is fair because really sean didnt do anything but Mr.McCully thinks he did and i think his punishment will be suspension

    1. Other than a suspension what other SEVERE punishment could McCulley give too Sean?

    2. what i also think he can also do is expel sean
      Becasue for sure if we where Mr.McCuly that will be sean second or first punishment to give him

    3. Yes it appears like Sean is going to be in a bunch of trouble.

  38. 2. I do think this is true. I think the people had seen it wrong.The crowd had slowly formed as people had started noticing. At the Beginning, they did not see who had attacked. Instead they had just seen them fighting as if Sean was hurting the boy in the wheel chair. Even thought the boy in the wheel chair might have friends who saw, they would most likely cover up for him by lying. Even Scott had seen this, but the vice principle wouldn't even ask him assuming he would also cover up for Sean. What might make the story interesting is if, one person had actually seen what had really happened. They would be able to save Sean. I wonder if there is someone who saw anything?

    1. a mystery novel! Yes will Sean have any supporters in the crowd? We will find out soon.

  39. 3. This is not fair for Sean at all. It wasn't his fault that the boy in the wheel chair jumped on him. Although he was told to move in not such a polite way, he was very surprised. Maybe the boy in the wheel chair felt annoyed that Sean was staring at him like that. It is kind of an insult to the boy. Anyway, he shouldn't be punished. If he were to be punished, from what we had read in the text in his point of view, he had high confidence and was desperate to get on the basket ball team. When people are punished, they have things they love taken away from them. He may get suspended and not be able to play basketball OR he may not be able to stay after school as if he is grounded.

    1. Great observation, Sean may have inadvertently insulted the boy by how he looked at him

  40. in the text Sean said that if his parents found out about the fight then his basketball opportunities will be taken away from Sean by his parents.

  41. I think Mr.McCully would trick the students like "you think Sean did it right right " and then the students would agree with him because they really couldn't care less because it's not like they are getting suspended .

    1. Well, I don't think that McCulley would go that far too trick the students into saying that he did pick a fight with a kid in a wheel chair.

    2. True he is the VP and if he tricked the student he wouldn't really set a good example for the students at the school when they find out it was not Sean's fault and that the boy in the wheel chair had started punching Sean out of no where for what ever reason.
      he also is sort of lying to the students because he for sure doesn't know that the boy in the wheel chair was not physically fighting Sean.
      Honesty is the best policy!

    3. Maybe so, but its a great prediction of how McCully may investigate to gather the information he wants.

  42. There's always two sides too every story...

  43. 3.sean did get in trouble a lot from last year so yea he dose deserve it

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. So does that mean we are accountable for our past?

    3. His past is HAUNTING him fair or unfair? that is the question.

  44. Q 3. Many of you will not agree with me when i say Sean's intentions were to hurt the kid until Scott stopped him, so yes, this is fair. No he may not feel its fair, but he could have given more respect towards the boy and completely avoided this whole incident. he was already breaking his promise with the vise principal before there was physical contact, he was verbally slapping this kid. I believe he should get suspended, he should have just controlled himself better, this is mostly his fault even though he didn't hit him.

    1. I agree with what you are saying, he could have dodged the whole fight if he just got out of the way but he decide too stay where he was until the kid got even more unhappy.

    2. I agree that striking Sean wasn't the best option but Sean was asking for it in a way.

    3. Its possible the only reason Sean never threw a punch was because he couldn't and if he had broken free he would have begun punching as hard and as fast as he could.

  45. Before everyone was talking about detention, now suspension, next expulsion? I think people need to think of more creative ideas, even me.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Agree with you 100% because there is always another character and different side to the story. Like if you were in the principals shoes you would be maybe thinking that "'s that menace again". "Wait why are they fighting?" then screams "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!"
      takes them to his office and then he is outraged thinking that he creates these problems because of Scott. If the wheelchair kid seemed innocent to him, then he had no record of this in the past, meaning in theory, he's a really nice kid.Then, that means the wheelchair kid was really ticked off that the fact that Sean thought that he was a little misfit.
      That would be a slap to the face to him maybe by the fact of him being in a wheelchair and being made as a weaker link, he must have been dying inside.

      The moral is that look trough the walls not just keep it simple for a simple question as Mr.Cheney said simple questions allow to show what you'r capable of.Like what Lauren posted is thinking outside the box just don't dumb it down. For example, "oh... he's going to be suspended an somehow they're become friends". Don't just make predictions for the story make predictions for the characters, that's what makes you a better reader.

    4. Holy, I had to read this 3 times before I actually understood what you were trying to say because I would read one part then caught up with an other part, and get confused. Also I agree with you too on the second paragraph.

    5. I agree so many people simply state "Then they become friends" wow is getting friends that easy? would you really become friends with someone who just beat you up and humiliated you in front of the school,

  46. That is right but do you think its all Sean's fault,but my question is why did the boy in the wheel chair start punching Sean.Was it because maybe he(the boy in the wheel chair) is to aggressive that he cant tolerate Sean talking/yelling at him.....the boy didn't need to start the whole physical act,both of them could have just talked it out.if they had done that then Sean wouldn't be in the danger of being suspended and the boy in the wheel chair would not have be feeling a little guilty.

    1. Well Sean was actually about too hit him first until Scott told him "Scott what are you doing?! He's in a wheel chair" then next thing you know the kid swing's at him. I don't agree that it was the right thing too do but Sean was asking for it. He should have just moved and he would have avoided the whole sistuation.

    2. Sorry I meant "Sean what are you doing?! he's in a wheel chair"

    3. Great questions Preet! take a look at the boy in the wheel chair. What is his history, why does he lash out at people for seemingly no reason.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. When McCully goes too "investigate" he just wants the students too tell him what he wants too hear. Which is "Sean started the fight with the kid in the wheel chair".

    1. This is totally possible and not that uncommon for most of us. We ask people who are going to tell us what we want to hear.

  48. I predict that the wheelchair guy used to play hockey because of his hockey jersey and he probably broke his legs while playing hockey? Also that's probably why he knows how to fight?

  49. The Gold Book was right. The weather tonight was dark, with continued darkness till morning.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Yes I do think I do and I would judge him. I can say that because of my bias. As today in class Fatma stated that its judgement amongst the person and I can say each and every one of us judge one another for anything and everything simply by just holding a door. Yes just by holding a door! Usually we hold doors for others but as the time changed we just push it open and hold it for 5 seconds for the next person behind you to hold on well now a day’s most of us do that..but if it were a disabled person, we would hold the door all the way through until the disabled person is in or out . I know I would and so do you so basically that’s being judgemental! Also we are very judgmental in the wheel chair person like we get that “sorry feeling” by that I mean we think about all the things that might have been taken away from this person’s life just because he /she can’t walk anymore. Which makes me want to feel sorry and help that person in every way .

  52. @Mr.Cheney sorry i couldnt post earlier during clas time i was helping fatma and when i got home i was having internet problems and my internet finally started working again

  53. i didnt post either earlier cause i had to go out for my birthday :$

  54. my blogs that i did in the computer lab didnt go threw ? what the heck ?

  55. @ Pablo and Neha that's okay but most importantly I appreciate you communicating this. There are days when we get busy, that's life and certainly there are days when technology doesn't work, that's life.

    I'm sure over the duration of the year your best work habits will shine through.
