Monday, September 24, 2012

Twitter Stories

Twitter Responses

Hey Team, I posted a few articles over the weekend on my Twitter account.  Read the article on homework and post your thoughts (Do you agree or disagree?)? As well answer these questions:

What do you like about homework?

What do you dislike about homework?

How would you improve homework?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i agree that we should chose if we were to get homework, because adulthood is based upon your choices, if you chose homework you chose to be ahead of the class, "to want to" is much more productive than "to have to".

    1. Well, kid's think that they are forced to do homework because they think that that their tacher is pushing them. I think that so little would say that they actually "want" to do homework then to being forced into doing it.

    2. To want is far more motivating and powerful

    3. Well what would happen if the kids didn't do their homework, but was a overall acheiver?
      Do you think that the teacher wouldn't tolerate what the child had to say.

    4. Well, I think that if a student didn't complete their homework, they would probably get yelled at by the teacher and get a consequence for it.
      I just think that the teacher would not want to hear anything the student has to say, because either they think that the student has a stupid excuse or they think the student is telling a white lie.

    5. @Tushar I think if the teacher knew that this is a kid who does his homework all the time and it's well done, They might let him/her off easy. The reason is the teacher knows that this is probably a one time thing. Though they may have to stay for detention to finish it.

    6. Well, I think that if there was a student that always handed in their assignments on time, and always completed their homework. And one day he doesn't, I think that the teacher will let him off easy because the teacher knows that the student is always on task.But I don't think they would get a detention more of "it's OK, but you have to finish it :)" that sorta of thing. I think that the teacher would understand. On the other-hand where as a rebellious student that does absolutely nothing they would be getting stuck with the detention.

    7. But a student can only take so much. I mean if the rebellious student is always getting stick with detentions all the time, they will just stop caring and not do their work anyway. They will have that "I don't care" attitude because they anticipate that the teacher will only serve them with a detention.

  3. The thing i like about homework is that when we're bored and have nothing to do, we can do our homework.It's something important and should be done everyday.Homework improves our memory when it comes to reading, if we were to read something as our homework then we should as it can increase our memory.

    1. Well, if your bored and have nothing else to do, you can just get bored with more homework but it depends. I think that alomst all kids would say that they don't enjoy homework because there so much other stuff you can do. I think that homework does benefit you in some ways and areas. So would you say you would want teachers to give you homewrok all the time, everday?

    2. great question Eden! How much homework do you think you should get every day?

    3. The amount of homework is very random. There could be a day where you have a few projects or just some math. Sometimes it veries on the time and day of the year. On a weekend a teacher can afford to give more homework in the trust that it can be done. The reason you have Friday, Saturday and Sunday plus you can stay up later on Firday and Sunday. On a weekday you should give less homework because you only have one day and you have school in the morning so you have to wake up early and energized.

    4. @ Mr. Cheney: i think the amount of homework that we should receieve is up to us because if dont complete classwork, its ho homework

    5. Homework is just basically a review and unfinished work so about 20 to 25 minutes from every teacher that gives us homework so that we have some time for our selves.I think teachers shouldnt give us alot of homework on the weekend thinking that we have alot of time because no we dont ,the weekends are times where most of our parents are off work and so we have alot of other things to do such as classes and kids want to spend time with their parents,not do their homework all the time.

    6. @Eden I think maybe we should get math everyday as our homework some english and time to time history,geograpy,french and some science.

    7. @Geetanjali, so you think that you would enjoy getting math homework every single day for the rest of the year? Well, I can tell you one thing that I would absolutely dislike it. I mean math is cool and all but I don't think that i can handle doing it everyday for the rest of the year for homework. There might be some nights that I won't be able to finish it. I don't really think that most kids would enjoy it either -.-.

    8. I agree Eden. I like math but

    9. I thinke the amount of homework they give us now is perfect because i hear no one complaining or saing i hate yea i like how much we have now.NOT to much preasure on us right now.

      Do you thinke we have enought preasure on us now.
      Tell me what you thinke.

    10. people don't complain...they just don't do it!

    11. Well, I don;t think they are gonna stick us with so much now, because its still the beginning of school. What kind of pressure are you actually referring to derrick?

  4. 1. what like about homework, is that whenever we get homework, its mostly not extra work. Its just doing unfinished classwork. So if don't complete that task, we wont be learning anything. Ifr we are not learning anything, than we wont be able to produce a positive outcome.

    1. Yeah, homework is based on what we learned that day and unfinished school work. It helps to recap your knowlege and memory and is benficial when studying for something like an upcoming quiz or test.

    2. If homework was new work don't you think that we wouldn't have to be micro-managed if so?

  5. Well, I do agree with the article because, they try to prep us for the upcoming years when we go off to hishschool or college and university by making us do so much. But we kid's can only take so much before we break down.

    I think that when you get to highschool you have so many other things to deal with that , school work and homework are not an option so they just give up, because they can't handle the pressure.

    1. High school and college does have more freedom and responsibility to do your homework ...the choice is yours

    2. But us as students, we know if we don't finish our homework there will be some sort of concequence, so we always try to finish it.

    3. Yeah well sometimes students don't put the effort in finishing it because they either don't want to do it or are forgettable. And the next day the come with an excuse and the teachers don't want to hear it so they get some sort of punishment and a yell.

    4. Now you see here's the thing in high school. They don't really care if you do your homework or not. My brother never did his homework in high school, he just did projects and the tests. Since the teachers don't care and we don't get in a lot of trouble, then the students "motivation" is gone. The same applies in university. If you wanted you could never go to university and only go for the exams. You can still pass. The teachers don't care if you pass or fail. They get payed anyway.

    5. Yeah, it kind of taps into the discussion of what we had in class about the teacher giving out zeros. He only did it because he wasn't getting no work in by the students. And they were probably fooling around half the time and not getting work in. BY THAT THEY GOT ZEROES ON THEIR REPORT.

    6. oh sorry for the caps-lock at the ending sentence :$

  6. Q1. The thing that i like about homework is that it improves my skill in school subjects like math,science,french,e.t.c.another good reason why i like homework is that it passes time at home because at my house im prety bord so the only way tp pass time is to read and do homework.I dont do much if im inside but when im out side i play soccer allot.Another reason why i like homework is that i don't do my chores because i tell my mom im doing home work most of the time.

    1. Oh, I see. So you use homework as an excuse to get away from things? Smart. But would you rather play soccer or do homework? I don't think that you always use homework to pass time because there are like so many distractions. Do you put an effort while doing homework? Or is just something just like, blagh whatever just want to get this done. You know what I mean?

    2. Yes Anyur it seems homework helps you get out of doing chores.

    3. yea @Anynur but some time it dosent work :] so i have to do chores and yes i try to do my homework to the best of my ability and YEa i know what you mean.

    4. Yeah homework can be a good thing when you want to bypass time, even though it can be boring. But it's a good way of actually getting something done. I sometimes use homework as an excuse to do chores like the dishes as well :$

    5. Yea exactly @Fried Chicken you get the whole point of it.XD

    6. Yeah, I do. Do you enjoy getting homework everyday?

    7. welll..... really no but when i do homework i kind of enjoy it all the time.But im not saing i like homework i mean when i do get homework i enjoy the time i spent.

  7. I agree with the article, students should always spend time on their homework, and if they want to do extra credit, it's their choice if they would want to do it or not. If parents are always going to be helping their kids with work, the kid's not going to learn how to do work on his own. Students need to learn how to be independant beacause they're not always going to get help from others. And when students become adults, you have to do everything on their own, and they should be prepared for it.

    1. Yes at some point parent pressure to do homework becomes a negative more then a positive

    2. I agree with that statement. But if you're always forced to do homework, you don't truly want to do it. So yeah they should prepare and start wanting to do it on their own. The problem is when people keep on forcing us to do our homework without any lecture been given, we end up not even knowing why were doing it so thats why most don't take it seriously.
      We need to know properly as to why homework is so important so that when we're on our own when we grow up, no one is going to be forcing us. In college or university, if you don't do your homework then the teachers don't care. Because at the end of the day its your choice wether you want a career or not.

    3. I agree with you Aynur, when it comes down to homework in college or university, you do have a choice to do your work or not, but you're effecting your life which is your choice.

      But sometimes i think parents may want to but SOME pressure on their kids because they may not always be doing it and their marks are low. So sometimes parents really do need to push, but not all the time.

    4. Yeah at some point, the parents should stop because you want the student to know how to do it on their own. But a little help with their homework is not a bad thing. Yeah there's not always going to be somebody there so it is crucial that you know the work and get help as soon as possible and clarity.
      When you get pushed to much to doing it, you don`t do it because you want to, you do it because your being pushed to do it. But it depends if you don`t do it regularly as others.

    5. help with the work is great, getting you to do the work is the issue.

  8. I agree-ish! He is just saying that kids should have a choice to do the work and have more free time, but sometimes they take advantage. I agree with the fact that they need to have breaks inbetween their learning, but just like Mr. Cheney's scheme of 3-5 minutes is more than enough to get us thinking in a better way, or to help us on concentrating on our work with out distracations. In the past, I have never really had a teacher give us breaks inbetween so we wouldn't get distracted. We would only have free time when we had nothing to do, finished our work early, or worked hard enough for the morning/afternoon and deserved it. So I think this actually has made a difference in my learning, because I don't have the urge to get distracted as often.

    1. break time gives you a chance to relax and then refocus. The mind wont stay sharp if it works without breaks. Breaks actually increase productivity.

    2. You're right this is the first time any teacher has given us a break. All the teachers i used to have would'nt give us any breaks, the only time we were free was when there was recess.If our brains work to hard it gets tired.

    3. Well, yeah! You just pretty much summed it up for me :)

  9. Q 1: i like the fact that you will not forget the main lesson when attending school the next day. Also, you are sometimes givin a textbook whitch gives you the power to read ahead and become more experinced.

    1. Read ahead is taking homework into your own hands! very pro active!

  10. Yes, I do agree with the article. When you're doing homework you should have your mind into it. But it's hard because first you wake up, go to school, study all day long, then go home. You can get sick and tired of doing work and that’s why people often get distracted when their doing homework because they're basically using their own free time.
    Homework can either become that one annoying thing you don't want to face, or something practical.
    It all depends on the attitude you have towards it. If you're motivated enough to do your homework without the whining then you just want to get work done. But most of us enjoy our freedom. We'd rather choose having fun then homework especially when there are no teachers around to force you, but then of course there are parents. -_-

    1. Agreed lots of homework every night can be tiring and fatiguing. The long term effects are disengaged students.

      In grade 8 you are suppose to get 80 minutes a you think this is the right amount of time?

    2. I think 80 mins are approprite because grade 8 is suppose to get you ready for grade 9

    3. I do think it's enough. It's an hourr and 20 minutes, probably just enough time, if not maybe more.

    4. Hmm somewhat. 80 minutes is a pretty long time most of us. Time passes to fast right after school since were already into doing what we want to do. Then 80 minutes just seem like its taking up our whole entire freedom. That’s how most students see it! But it does make sense. 80 Minutes into practicing work on your own sounds alright if you actually think about it.

  11. Q.2 What i dislike about homework is that it is sometime really hard when ther is no one that can help you.Another thing i dont like about homework is that it sometime really anoing like when you just want to relaz but 2seconds later youre mom wants you to do homework!!!!!!It get in the way of most things like having fun.

    1. Homework is not hard. Homework is work based on what you have learned its to recap and refresh what you have learned. As well, you can relax when your done your homework so your mom has no reason to yell at you.

    2. Indeed its a recap and refresh.

    3. if it is hard use technology to help! everything in history, math, science can be found on line.

  12. EVERYONE hates homework, no doubt about that.If you check Twitter and follow one of those groups where they talk about the children today and what we dislike you can see a tweet which goes "Homework: Because seven hours of school wasn't enough -.-" and i truly agree with that, why do we have homework when we attend school for SEVEN hours?

    We go to school and learn a whole lot of stuff,but when we come home we have a stack of books and papers to finish. Theres so many things we have to do at home like chores and then we have homework. It's annoying.

    1. We have homework because we tend to forget what we have learned during the day. Homework is meant to recap and recall what you have learned today. The 7 hours of school is Learning, the Homework is analyzing what you have learned.
      It may be annoying but nobody else is benefitting other than you.

    2. everybody has lives outside of school. sports, church, clubs they all contribute to your well being...homework can conflict!

  13. The thing that i like about homework is that we get to test our skills in subjects to see what skills you have and are unique to you from others and soon, every grade you get more homework but which improves your brain. its like a PRE-TEST before you enter sdult hood

    1. So 7 hours of school isin't enough of learning?

    2. yeah it is but homework is just a little quiz to get you ready

    3. It is enough but homework is like a review of what you did at school.

    4. true but sometimes it is way to much reviewing

    5. I agree some teachers oush it way too far like giving us 3 assignments while we have other teachers homework to do, we need to have atleast some freedom right?

    6. yeah becasue sometimes we have to work for over 3 hours because when i do title pages it take me more than 2 hours

    7. Well, it`s to recap everything your doing in one subject to the next. And sometimes unfinished assignments in school. Teachers do push it in a way that you can get confused and stressed that you have so much to do in so little time. You get 2 assignments from one teacher and next thing you know you get like 5 more. Suddenly your 2 assignments have just turned into 7.

    8. Too much homework doesn’t provide children adequate time to process and rehearse, which makes it counterproductive. However, worse than that, it turns them off to school and to learning. We need to be provided with a reasonable amount of homework while at the same time, develop a love for learning.

    9. I completely agree with Eden's point. When you suddenly get more assignments for work it surprises you. Since it's a lot, you can't afford to waste time and enjoy a little. Like when I get a lot of work, I zone out. I start switching assignments in the middle of one and then I go to watch tv for 5 minutes. It just ends up being frustrating.

    10. Yeah it does, but I try to finish one assignment first then head on to the next. And then I get so frustrated that I don't want to do it anymore.

    11. I agree like some teachers *cough* Ms steer *cough* gives us a map to finish then another map then a similarities Venn diagram sheet then to top it off an essay of how do you think the first president of Canada was like , something like that.

    12. @ Danyal Canada has never had a president so your essay should be short. But I do hear your point.

      @ Eden absolutely amazing comments. Indeed you can cripple student achievement and progress but burying them in homework, especially if it is just BUSY work.

  14. 1.What I like about homework is that homework refreshes your mind after school, you recap what you have learned, and understand it. What I also like about homework is that we can finish any work which has not been able to be finished in class.

    2.What I dislike about homework is that some teachers tend to give too much homework, which leaves students like me up all night trying to finish it. Teachers expect us to do all homework which is given in 1 night, which leaves us with no time to relax. What I also dislike about homework is that theres too much of it, if there was a bit of homework from each teacher each day we would have time for ourselves. But NO, almost each teacher gives homework that takes almost 30min-1hour to do.

    3.We can improve homework as I said, if each teacher can give a bit of homework each day. Students do need time for themselves. We can also improve homework by studying. When we study it helps us remember what we have learned and as well as make homework done more faster and easier.

    1. great well homework assignments that take a few days is often good.

  15. I agree with the article we should get some free time because we do alot of work at school that we don't need to get homework but still we do get alot of homeworks and then we can't focuse on all of them because some are too much that it tooks us some hours to do and some are not that much to do. so, if we start from the one that is less then we cannot finish our homework we get from school. So, the techer don't have to put too much burden on us to do our class work at class and then our homework at home we should get some free time. But some people can't focuse alot because there's lots of presure of work on them to do and they don't do it properly how the techer wants there work to be.

    1. The free time recharges you and actually makes you work with greater focus later. remember the health lesson last year?

  16. I like homework because I can use it has an excuse to not do chores, also it can be an excuse to go on the computer, 1 tab facebook/youtube and the 2nd tab google ahaha.

    I dislike homework because we have school for 7 hours and after that we have homework like isin't 7 hours of school enough of learning already? Also the teachers ask us for homework when we have other teachers homework to do, and when we ask them did you mark our test they say I had to mark other peoples tests, it dosen't make sense.

    I would improve homework by finding something to do to make it fun like listening to music while doing homework helps me concentrate also it can be entertainment. Also I would make homework less work like some teachers make us do so much stuff and on top of that we have other teachers homework to do, and we have no time to entertain ourselfs.

    1. Music is a great way to do homework. I always blog listening to tunes!

    2. Do you really study and do work 7 hours a day at school?

  17. 1.What I like about homework is that it helps you in your work and sometimes it helps you in class and homework also helps you like if you dont get the unit you can keep on reading it until you get the unit and it also help kids work independently in their homework I think that kids do homework is to challenge what you can do and what they cant do like for example if you are not good at math you can keep on challenging your self to keep on going and when it comes to homework you can do it the way it is suppose to be done

    1. Yes if you are self regulating you can focus your energy on understanding difficult tasks from the day.

  18. the thing that i like about homework is that i get to expirament ideas to get the answer to the question in every subject homework helps me to understand the subject better.

    1. do you do that in ever homework asimen?

    2. But what if you don't understand the homework that was given?

    3. derrick:no not all of them.

      sarah: umm then i will stay back in class and ask the teacher but only if im not in a rush. or ill ask a peer on facebook or twitter.

    4. Yes it is very important that we understand the material that is being taught to us. And if by chance we have trouble or difficulty we can stay back and have a chat with a teacher to clarify or contact a friend to help. And also ask a parent if available.

    5. agreed eden do you think there is another way to get extra help any other way ?

    6. The internet. It can be a great tool. You tube has lessons on all subjects! take advantage of that resource.

    7. Yeah, you can always ask your parents permission to get a tutor to tutor you in subjects or areas you might be having difficulties in.

  19. The thing I like about hmework is that, in the times were you don't know if you are doing good in school or not you will always know so because of your homework.I don't necessarily LOVE HOMEWORK, but it sure does put alot of pressure on you. I sure love that pressure, it pumps me up for the upcoming events taking place. Pressures what keeps me going, I wouldn't do my homework if I didn't know it would impact my life so much . It's like breaking a bone.You wouldn't have known it would impact you so much because it could heal but it can impact the way you run or do anything for that matter.

    1. I really think this is a biased thought/question because it says "do you like homework?", it should say "what is your opinion on homework?" like and not like tend to appeal to the younger audience.

    2. The only thing I don't like about homework is the expectation level that the teachers give us.
      The expectations are nearly like a drop of water and a tank of water.You don't know if you have to give them a drop of water or a tank full.When it comes to the actual evaluation it leaves me infuriated that,EVERY SINGLE TEACHER HAS A DIFFERENT TYPE OF INVISIBLE LINE OF EXPECTATIONS.It leaves me infuriated that I didn't know any better.
      This motivation, this drive is what keeps me going like a steam powered engine. I store the information in and when it's time for work I start discharging it.

      This is the only thing I don't like because little expectations keeps me discharged and too much makes me act like a parrot.

  20. 1.What I like about homework is that its the work that you didnt have time to finish during school time but you have enoughr time to complete it at home.also homework helps you prepare for test and eqaos for grade 3,6,9 and the literacy test for grade get practice to make your work perfect:)
    2.what i dont like about homework is that some times teachers give homework but dont even explian what to do and if you ask them they dont tell you much.then you go home and call and text your classmates to see if/what they understand,the next day when you go to school with your homework incomplete you get in troule and if you tell the teachers that you dont understand they will just think its an exscuse.But only some teachers are like that;P
    3.we could improve homework by trying to complete it every day and try to learn somnething from doing your homework.

  21. What i dislike about homework is that sometimes you get way over the the appropriate limit and so than you are taking up more time than u should have and just like in the article it said that you need freedom to enjoy homework

    1. I agree but what can you do to make homework more fun?

    2. but to do homework you must give up free time right so youre kind of taking youre freedome away right?

    3. maybe you could put in some action like a you could do a word search in 1 minute to see if you have goood skills to take on challenges

    4. Yes that could be fun I guess but what I would do to make homework more fun is too listen to music while doing it.

    5. Yeah sometimes we can have so much homework that it can take up the whole day, its even worse if you don`t understand it.

    6. yea @Nauman some thing like that.Also ther are difrent way to expres fun in homework time like music.Ever day i do homework i lisen to music.

    7. Yeah but, I can't concentrate on doing my homework when there is music playing. I need a calm quiet place to focus or I get distracted and lose thought.

    8. really its because i love it when my room is noisy and music is all over the place and when my favorite song is on i reaally concentrete on my can say it

  22. What I like about homework is that homework is basically practice for tests/quizzes, and it's your choice to complete it or not. It affects you, not your teachers or peers. Sometimes students think it's okay that they haven't done their homework if another student/friend didn't do it either, but it's not like you two are going to split the consequences. Whatever choices you make, make sure they are what's best for you and your learning/learning skills.

  23. What I like about homework is that it helps you practice what you just learned in school. You could expand what you learned by finding different ways, or easier ways to finish the task.

    What i dislike about homework is that it takes up my free time, especially days we get a lot of homework. We go home, start it and work for a straight 3 hours, and when you're done it's to late in the day to do anything.

    I would improve homework by having a max amount of homework given at once. Also, I'd think about what i'm giving out for homework. If it's something i know the class already knows so well, i would skip it. I would give out work that students need to learn or practice more so that they improve on it.

  24. what i dislike about homework is that it takes up your time when you have better things to do like play video games go out side and play outside other than just staying in side to finish your boring homework also what i dislike about homework is that if you dont do it you always get nagged by your mom and your teacher.

    1. If you hate homework so much what can you do to make it more fun?

    2. ummm im not really sure i can listen to music while doing my homework and probably sing along to the music idk i dint think homerk can be fun its just plane boring.. what do you do to make homework fun danyal ?

    3. As I wrote in my post i also wrote listening to music while doing homework can help me concentrate.

    4. Well, homework is boring but I don't have anything to make it fun. I can't listen to music while doing homework because it will be too distracting then i will go of task. Then I need a quite place to do it.

  25. 1. This question is amusing to me because honestly, I don't like homework too much(no shock). However homework helps a lot whether I know it or not. Like when there's a test. I never study more then 10 minutes. The reason, I've learned a lot from doing that subjects homework. A test is just like homework. Also it keeps me sharp. After summer my head is pretty "hollow". So when school starts, I do the homework. Then I remember everything. Also homework prevents me from wasting time, and makes me stayed organized. If I didn't have homework I'd be playing on PS3 and others things all day. Now I can't do that. So I have to stay organized so I don't end up working till 1AM.

  26. I do agree with the article because they just what us to improve and prepare us for high school so that we don't get nervus and quit learing because we can't do it.To be better at things we must give up some freedome like our free time.When you have nothing to do just pick up a book and learn.

  27. A kid will only do homework if they're smart and dedicated to their work.If they pay attention they'll get everything finished. It all starts with school if you participate in class and love school, you'll obviously finish your homework, I myself come home everyday and finish my homework. If you practice coming home and doing your homework you can get your homework finished everyday. Children today all have one thing in common:*Teacher gives homework and says its due next week*"Okay"*its friday*"ill do it on saturday"*Saturday*"ill do it on sunday"*Sunday night 10:00*"IM DOOMED" every kid does that, so to improve your homework come home and start right away, that's what i do.

    1. why do you think only smart people can do it sometime they also get confused about what the homework is about or what we have to do.?

    2. i think your kinda being biased. Not only "smart" people do there homework. Others do too. Even if you pay attention you may not understand. As well, you dont need to "love school" to do all your homework

  28. To improve my homework i would like it to be a question every day, so when you go home you just have to answer 1 question but that 1 question has every thing involved in it to get a level 4 answer like it would ask to connect each subject to it thats how i would like my hoe work to be plus this way there willl be less of a load to carry home!.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. The thing I DISLIKE about homework is that we have alot of homework everyday to do (not our class) have that much work but the students in grade 4,5,6 they have so much presure of work to do and sometime they lots there attention from there homework because it's too much for them to do and they are so small to have so much burden of work on them. Some go home and start doing there work and they do there work till night and then they are so tired of doing it and they go for sleep and next day the teacher them more work to do then it was yeaterday. But when they are tired they don't do it. One thing on weekends why do we get homework? I never understand this thing that when we get too much work to do on weekdays then why? why do we have to get more work to do on weekends when we don't want to do anything just want to have FUN and be relaxed.

  31. I do agree with the article when it comes to deciding about homework because us kids can only take so much. Even though homework is assigned, there are always students who never choose to do it. so if we give some freedome to us when it comes to homework.

    Teachers don't have to worry because kids who are consistent in completing their homework will definetly continue to do so. The only difrerence is that there is less pressure on them. those who dont do there homework, the teachers dont have to strress them to do so because its the studnts choice to do their homework or not.

  32. I absolutly agree with the article. Homework should have its limits. The world isn't ALL about school knowledge, there's more to it. Homework is spent on a student's life for quite a while. In that mean time, we could improve on things we lack as a person. Due, to homework, people don't have time to take extra classes and other clubs to be well-rounded.

  33. I really am not a big fan of homework i think there is no use of homework even through its preparing us for our later years where the work level would be much higher we still get tierd after 6 hours in school we can't bare
    one more minite of it and what do you know you got a load of homework.

  34. to improve my homework i would like mr cheney to give us like 3 questions for homework based on the lesson so we dont forget the lesson also so its fresh in our mind so the next day we come we can already have like a thought of how to do it and maybe so we can get better at it. this will help me improve on my homework.

    1. your want mr.cheney to ask 3 questions in the morning, I think thats a great idea. But do you think we should still have homework?

  35. What I dislike about homework is that sometimes it can be confusing. Such as; if the math text book for example is incorrect, and you may not know it's wrong, I would think it's because I just don't get it, that I don't get it. Sometimes I feel shy/embarrased to ask, but I try and remind myself that it's better than not getting it done at all, and if I do ask it'll be easier to understand etc. I also somethimes just feel lazy to do it.

  36. 1. What I do like about our daily homework, is that we have practice." Perfect practice makes perfect." Homework is neede in more subjects such as math and spelling. Math is something you cannot do, if you don't practice. Spelling is something you need time for memorization. These subjects should be homework. I like how, it makes it easier for us and more prepared for class when we do a few bold homework. It also gives us time to spend in our afternoons. The most positive part about our homework is how it prepares you for the future. Once we get to high school and university, the high pressure will all drop on us. Homework helps control ourselves and use our time wisely.

  37. I agree with this topic because now days homework is getting enlarged which is double the study I did last year. On top of that I am not a much of a fan of homework I think that homework should just be a practice test. So if I do not do it, it will only affect me. There should be a catch to homework that if you do it right you get candy in order to make children do their homework. In a day we children should get about half an hour to study and 20minutes of regular work. So it rounds up to an hour, there should be no more than 110 minutes and no less than 10 minutes. So every kid in the world doesn’t have to stay up all night just to finish their homework.So that is what i think home work should have.

  38. We can improve our homework by staying on track of what we have to do in our homework but when we have lot of homework then we can't stay on track because then we are worried about our other homeowrks that we have to finish.

  39. I think that homework is important because you practice your learning skills not just at school but at home as well. If your not done the work at school you have a chance to finish it. Also, many say if you do homework everyday you will be organized and you will automatically keep that routine. If you do practice on the work you will eventually do better at school. You will have discipline and you will take homework seriously. You can also pre pare for a test. Well you will know everything your supposed to know.

    I dislike homework because sometimes all techers from every subject will give you enough homework for the whole day without knowing we have homework from other subjects as well and some days you have a lot of homework from every subject.. one of the things I dont like about middle school. Some times its not reasonable! But i guess thats how LIFE is right? Last year I hated the blog and emphasize on HATE. I couldnt deal with it because its I wasnt used to it checking and doing my homework every two hours was a big deal then, but now I know how to deal with it!

    To improve homework I would have to take it more serously and to make sure I would is if the teachers check it everyday(evnthough its a waste of time. Many get away with out answering their journal responses by not doing them but getting involved in the class dicution making it look like they did do their homework. And since I care about my grades I would care if my homework was completed or not.

    1. i agree but what would be your excuse if you did not do your homework

  40. 2.What I dislkie is that some of the class you take the teachers gives you some much homework and tells you that he next day you have to complete your homework and hand it in the next day.What I also dislike about homework is that you have to hand it all in the next day and because you have to hand it in thte next day you will have to stay up all night.Also what I dont like about school is that you do your class work in class and then if you done finish you have to do it at home and on top of all that you will have to do work from other teacher that might take up the hole night

    1. can you please connect because i never had too much homework that i needed countless hours to finish it

  41. Q.3 I would improve homework by making it more fun and giving my self some breaks so that i don't get tired.It depends on how you see homework.If you see it boring make it fun but if you see it as tireing give youre self a break

    1. So depending on what homework you get how would you be able to make it more fun, something like history

    2. i would make history more fun by doing research on it on the computer and find fun facts so i am getting more knowledge ,doing my homework and having fun

    3. yea totally to everone give history some life and make it fun like today i was lisening to music when i did my history.

    4. Yeah, by doing the littlest thing like listening to music when doing history, you have some how made it more fun.

    5. give history a pulse lol :) by giving it a pinch of fun.

  42. With, MrCheney we get to interact with technology and blog for homework. It's not your typical traditonal way of just getting a pencil and paper. It's more inhanced than that. We show our skills and what we really want to say in a topic. We can just go home everyday with a testbook and a pencil and do 15-30 minute science homework. On the otherhand with the blog its more than that, we go on at diffrent times of the day and comment, and make dialouge with other students (some more thsn others). And it also gives us an excuse to use the computer lool. But a downfall to it, is that there might not be consistency to it. But nevertheless all in all, I think its better than using the traditional way.

    1. you are right but with high quality homework you got to give high quality work with which is still time consuming but more fun

  43. Q 2: homework homework homework, when will teachers learn that we have buisy lives to attend to! they pile homework on us like its a basic need! It would be much better to do more work at school than having to carry a 10 pound backpack to and from school whitch can result in health issues later on in life.

    no doubt that homwork is usless if we are not willing to coperate, not wanting to learn, we just want to get it overwith so we can relax a little before we have to go to school the next day.

    school is packed with stress from high expectation, but having to bring it home with us can become hazerdus, we lose sleep and stress on and on about the due date while being constantly reminded that our grades can be suffering for all we know.

    kids are constantly shaken by the fact that we will be constantly working for the rest of our lives, we will be soo desperate for those little joys in life that we will have nothing but them to bring us happyness.

    i try not to think about my future, probably because there will be nothing to look forward to exept payrolls and raising your kids to not end up like you.

    1. Yeah, I agree that sometimes school can get in the way of our lives that we have beyond it. And it can get stressful from all the homework to all the peer-pressure we have to deal with on a daily basis. Sometimes, you might as well just say that homework is useless. But on the other-hand ignoring homework is a quick path to bad grades, even if your test scores are outstanding. Yes we have all this high expectations from teachers and maybe parents on how to view school and get work completed and done on time.

    2. So you don`t look forward to your future and think about what goals you may want to achieve?

    3. eden did you ever have troubles completing all your work and this year do you think that we have to much homework or not

    4. Well, I think at one point everyone has trouble completing the work or difficulty on a history question. But on me yeah I do have troubles and difficulties completing my work sometimes, either I don't get it or its something else. And we are early in the year so there's not that much piling of the homework yet.

  44. 1. Homework is a way to help students to do work independently. I like homework because i get the time to be seated quietly with no one troubling me and do my work MYSELF it gives me a chance to review and revive all of the things we have used throughout the day of school. During school time if we don’t understand we ask our classmates or teacher but when we come home we have the option to ask our parents and guardian but we don’t have someone like a teacher to explain us step by step. Which shows if we actually were listening in class or not. I like homework because I can go home and take a piece of mind and do my homework myself with no one bothering me asking me what and how to do something. I don’t really mind homework but i wish we never had homework.
    2. I displeasure homework at times because the amount of work we get. Some teachers give various work and others give very little an example would be history:Mrs.Steer gave us history work to color and complete 2 maps and a Venn diagram it sounds like 5 minutes work but according to her expectations it takes a while. it took me about 20 minutes to finish both. Every teacher has different expectations and it’s hard to follow all because some have easy but others have hard and you want to get a good mark it just brings stress on. The amount of homework teachers give is just unbelievable. You may say what? But yes let’s say every teacher gives you an amount of work very little but then when you go to your other classes they give you homework to and in the ending you’re left with a pile of homework which you need to complete for the next class which isn’t very easy. Another reason is we spend 5-6 hours a day at school. Another reason is we spend 5-6 hours a day at school, isn’t that enough school?? We don’t need more work at home. We have other things do to at home we need some time for ourselves. An example would be me first I wake up and go to school then I come home do my homework, blog and then do other things that need to be done like chores etc.. Then it’s time to go to bed and my day repeats the same the next day. Homework takes out time of my life I want to-do other certain things rather than repeat I want to go out play with my friends take extracurricular activities other people are able to do it but they either do their homework late at night or right after school but that doesn’t make a difference I want it to go calmly. Homework is just something to keep us busy during the time. So over all having an amount of homework and doing it are two different things.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You say homework is a review what we learned at school that day right? So if you understand everything clearly would you do your homework? And talk back to the teacher and say "homework is a waste of my time in this particular subject becase im good at it"?

      Also what is your opinion, should the people who understand what they learned get homework? or just give homework to the people who need the extra help.

      So if you do have homework the parents will also understand that their child needs help on this strand.

      I say if you give homework for whoever needs it, everyone will try their best to understand the lesson so they would not get homework (as you said it is a waste of time)

  45. what i hate about homework is that teachers think we have nothing to do when we actualy have much better things to do .

    1. So are you implying that homework is useless and a waste of time?
      And I think that it's not that the teachers think that we don't have anything to do it's more so of just understanding the things we are learning.

    2. yea @Fried chicken has a point the teacher only give us homework to improve ourself not take all of our life.Its like the teacher whant you to improve so that when you practice its perfect practice.(mr cheney):]

  46. The thing i like about homework is that, you son't know what to do on some questions. Thw reason why i say this is becasue if you don't know, you can learn, and that way you can practice and get better and better at that question.

    1. But, what if your doing that question wrong? you'll be trying and trying other questions and you think your doing it right but your not. Yes, you can learn but you would be doing it wrong. PERFECT PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT MAN!

  47. 1. What I like about homework is that i have an oppertunity to learn new things for example if im finishing up my math i will probably understand it more but thats only if I get the question.

    2. What i dislike about homework is that it takes up alot of time, and if I dont understand the homework i wont be able to ask mr.Cheney for help i could ask my parents or my sisters but maybe they wont understand it and then ill be stuck on it for a long time so that is what i dislike about the homework.

    1. how do you think you can fix that problem, do you have a solution?]

      also would you rather assign your own homework because you know what your having troubles with oor would you raTHER LET THE TEACHER decide...

  48. I agree with this article how us students should get same portion of work for each subject.Homework is a big issue for students.We learn one thing at school,but get homework on something else.Indeed we need pressure sometimes to be prepared for highschool,college,university e.t.c. But like sometimes teachers tend to get carried away with homework.Giving us students way to much homework,out of a students work capacity.Sure giving us work is important,but whats the point of forcing us with work that we will study at one point,but then forget and move on next?Students should have joy and enthusiasm for what they do,not fatgue faces,and pressuring behavior.But homework should be fun.

    1. Well, students can only handle so much pressure. Too much pressure can lead to a rebellious attitude and a negative behavior. Yeah, well sometimes you may feel that teacher is piling so much homework on you. And sometimes that might not be the best thing because a student may have troubles figuring out the subject. Yes we do tend to forget about what we did the first time and go on to the next and you almost might think that it went to waste.

  49. 2. what i dislike about homework is that it takes away our freetime. But then again, its just work that we didnt finish in class.

    1. Well, homework is just basically schoolwork that a student is required to do at home. It's not always unfinished work. It does take away a little free time but once you get it done, you have the rest of the day to yourself, I guess.

    2. yea but @Fried Chicken what happens when ist a huge project for science.The homework will take all the time you have to relaz and ther will be like 0% of freedome.Also @Raddcircles teacher give us homework so that we remember the lesson we had and that we can memorise it.

    3. Well, I'm talking about your basic homework not the projects. But nevertheless, It will be a lot more difficult because you have to handle all the other things that come along with it. you need to know all the information and along with that do more research. So it will take up almost all of your day. But at least you are getting it done instead of doing it at the last minute. And winging it the next day in class.

  50. 2.I like homework because of all the benefits. benefit of homework is that students develop time management. They start allotting their time to study and play thus learning to complete their scheduled tasks in the time they have. Moreover, they learn to do things on their own. They manage their time and complete their work independently. Homework encourages self-discipline in students.
    Homework helps the children learn with interest. It builds a confidence in their minds. Teachers give comments on the work they do. Teachers' positive remarks boost the children to learn. Students learn to follow instructions and complete their assignments successfully. They have to explore on topics, refer research material, and read about related topics in order to do their home assignments. I can relate this to what mr.cheney gives for homework(blogs) our learning skills improve and so does our typing skills.

    1. Well, it can help others well with managing time and all. By setting up a schedule and knowing when your gonna do which first. They don't necessarily do there homework independently, because there might be people around them they can ask. And they also might have some resources to help them on homework, stuff like Google.

    2. my bad i got a little messed up (teachers') don't worry even Michael Jackson makes mistakes

    3. Jordan makes mistakes...great reference to Rebound.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. The reason why I dislike home work is that we have to hand it in such little time. And we children do not have time flying around. for example if you have a work sheet and you have to go to a party. what will you do. what i did was i brought my work with me. people called me an idiot just because i was missing the fun.another reason i strongly disagree with homework is because home is palace were we can not think of school and just relax but if thats what you think your wrong. homework always interrupts me for example right now i would be on the ps3 with tushar but "i have to do my homework". so these are some of the reasons why i dislike homework.

  53. The only way i can improve homework is by giving a longer due date , less homework, or an award after your done your homework (award=candy .etc)
    i can give a longer due date by giving my students more time on handing my project in. I can also give them less homework which will finish fast but it will be stuffed with knowledge. And at the end of the week I can give every one who did their homework treats so it will encourage other kids to do their home work

  54. what are the main reasons of homework ? why do we need it?

  55. First of all i think that it is essential for every student to get homework

    The things I like about homework is that it will give you discipline meaning if you don't do your homework and your teacher gives N (needs improvement) in responsibility (where your homework eval. drops into)you will have more discipline and tell your self "i got to do my homework".Also,you will learn a lesson to always finish any task that comes to you in the real world.I also think that homework as a test prep because usually whatever you have for homework will usually be on your test

    the things i dislike about homework that it is time consuming and right now we kids have to enjoy our life now but how will we do this if we have homework

    to improve i think that the teacher should check our work everyday because sometimes i work so hard on some things and they do not get checked so i want it to be checked just for my satisfaction.

  56. Homework has become an issue for students. It brings with it anger, frustration, tears and fears. If homework is continuously too challenging and difficult, then a child will try to avoid it.Most kids are not motivated to do homework because they simply don’t want to do it; they eventually complete it, but reluctantly. Others appear unmotivated when in fact they avoid homework to protect their egos. Here’s their logic. If they don’t try and fail, it is due to a lack of motivation. If they do try and end up failing, it could be due to a label they cannot live with: “stupidity.”

    1. do you think that it is the teacher fault of giving too much homework or our fault of not understanding because when you think of it people usually the topic of homework in our social group is if we understand the strand and help if we do not understand

    2. Well, if you don't understand the material than your doomed. you need to get help or clarification from your teacher. And you can always ask your parent or friend. Uhhh I don't understand what you said in the last part of your paragraph.

  57. for people that think they have to much homework tell me what do you guys do after school because you guys might think that it is too much homework but really the truth is it is because you guys are spending time on other things that are not essential which is okay but homework comes first and every one has time to finish it.

    1. Well, sometimes it`s different because beyond school we have other problems in our lives. Personal problems that we keep to ourselves. So homework is just at the back of your head, we don`t always have time to finish it but we can try.

    2. My parents always say " do your homework before anything else it can be very beneficial for you.
      So like the "good guy" I am , I do it.
      What lessons do your parents give you on a daily basis?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Well, my mom says before I do anything I have too finish all my homework. And then she checks if I actually did it -.-

  58. 2. What I dislike about homework is how useless it can be at times.It takes up too much time when its off limits.Some homework are necessary but,others area waste of time. Science homework is all right,but if you compare it to what our class is doing for science homework; not much learning. We had homework which was to have a scavenger hunt in our science text book. We had to skim through the whole which took a few hours to do. That was not necessary. On the other hand, the math homework we get is useful practice. Homework can take up time that can be used for better things in life.

  59. I would improve homework by making it fast and quick, but enough to actually practice or learn something new. This would change the title of homework being useless. Also, it won't be a nag for students to do their homework,more like a short quick review. Homework requires to sit and concentrate for a long time, this is one thing that needs be improved for homework.

    1. Do you think that the best can simply do it fast and make it productive? What type of nature have you picked up from your parents?

  60. Education is important and helps us to be successful in life, but what is the reason for doing work after school when you have been working hard all day. Students can spend time doing homework instead of doing things enjoyable. Things i would rather do are, go shopping, go outside, and hangout with friends ect.

    1. @ eden as we learned last year the pressure is on us...meaning our future relies on being the best these days. LIke how Mr.Cheney said to have one succes in life many have to fail so as you can understand there is some COMPETITION and if you wont those fancy cars and houses that everyone dreams of you have to work hard it wont just fall from the sky. You have to work hard and as I speak the competition get harder.

      If we have competition you want to be the best right? In order to do that you need to practice your learning skills almost all the time so that means even at HOME. Also as a connection if you want to have your dream job you have to practice the skills. And not just practice, PERFECT PRACTICE. In conclusion, homework is essential!!

      I felt like I just repeated one of Mr.Cheneys lectures!

    2. LOL, I think you did repeat his lectures. And yes I understand that we need to work hard and you can't just want things and not work for it. I do want to be the best it comes with a competitive nature. But there were always be some areas that I know that I will not be good in, like math. And i know by not completing homework it can lead to bad grades because its part of our mark.

    3. Everybody wants to be the best.Of all the people that you know give an honest opinion of who might have a chance.

  61. homework can strain on the parent/child relationship because they argue over doing the homework. For example if the child wants to watch T. V. and the parent wants the child to do their homework, there is a beginning of an argument. They also argue over the way to do the homework because the parent was taught a different way in school. Parents lose their patience because they are having to spend their time helping their child with their homework. For example the parent gets so frustrated that finally they yell at their child.

    1. So you think that the expectations can be passed on like a flu. Great observation!
      Certainly would you think that if you were the parent what would you say.

  62. 3. A way i think of improving in homework is to know that you can do it. If you don't understand it at school you wont understand it at home so it's better to just ask the teacher for some help after school or at lunch because it's better to understand it then be confused at home.

    1. Hosni, do you really think that it could happen if you were to go on the blog to ask about the question.

  63. I think that the amount of homework really depends on the teachers mood. If a teacher is mad or stressed they give alot of homework/work. Where as if a teacher is in a good mood they wouldn't give as much as homework or not give any at all. We complain about homework but its only going to help YOU get better. Help YOU success in life.

    1. If you don't do that homework good then can it make you better?

    2. So, your saying that teachers only give the amount of homework on what type of mood their in, so isn't that unfair to the students?

    3. @tushar I dont really know how to answer that. Doing your homework is always going to make you better.
      @eden Yes that is what I am saying, yes it is unfair but we cannot do anything about it For example mr.issacman, he gives alot of homework if he is mad. ik this is unfair

  64. This Link reminds me of a quote by Jesse McCartney "Go hard or go home".Much of a quote on the aggressive side but it does have a great meaning.Most of the people that don't achieve high grades because of the insignificant value of their work equals to more students dropping out.
    What do you guys think it means?
