Thursday, September 13, 2012

Rebound 4 - David

Rebound 4 - David. 

We have met and seen David.  He seems to have a variety of traits and seems COMPLEX.

1.  What are your first impressions of David?

2. Is his character realistic?  Do you know people that lash out in the same way?

3. Could you be his friend? explain why or why not. 

Post your responses/pick 2 others to have discussion with/


  1. my first impression of david was that he was not the kid to mess with because he can get in a fight with you and make it seem as if it was your fault, he is a suck up to teachers, meaning he is always innocent.

    1. I don't think he's a suck-up. He just has a way with words, a *word wizard* persay. >)

    2. Well, I don't think he sucks up to his teacher but the teachers suck up too him. You could see how the techer was being diffrent infromt of David when he entered the class late. You could tell by te tone in her voice and how she was talking so slowly and loud.

    3. would he recomend David to someone you know ?

    4. Fried Chicken has a point. It was the other way around.

    5. roronoa and fried are right david never suck up to the teachers and the vice princeibl they just payed attention to the wheel chair feeling bad for him.

    6. Yes indeed it was, David didn't even have to say a word before the teacher fell to his feet. She just automatically felt sorry for him, andknew she was going to treat him diffrently than the other students.

    7. i guess it is more of the teacher who is sucking up, what im trying to say that he could get away with anything because the teachers think he is "helpless".

    8. Of course, their minds tell them that they should do this. They are reflecting us, and what we would have done, agree with it or not but its true. But now that we know it's wrong, we would have thought twice.

    9. why are you thinking that David is a suckup? @ mega byte me

    10. He could get a way with anything, he strolles down the halls not giving a care about anything because he know's that he can get away with anything. You could even see that teacher thought he was "helpless' because she kept constantly asking him if he needed anything to just ask.

    11. Great thread of dialogue. It seems the teacher and David have a very fake relationship.

  2. I thought that he had guts. I liked that. I also like that he didn';t back down from McCulley. He also has my respect because he is able to put up with the mushy-teacher stuff.

    1. what do you mean by the mushy-teacher stuff?

    2. Well, he didn't have too back down from McCulley, because McCulley felt pity for him so he didn't really have to do anything of backing down.
      Well, I think that he has to put up with that kind of stuff everyday. He's in a wheel chair so obviously anybody around him would stare and feel a pity in their hearts.

  3. Q1:My first impressions of David is he loves to play mind tricks on any body even teachers and principles, and he will take risks when ever he feels like just like on the first day of school he got in to a fight!

    1. I dont thinke if you had that kind of control over the school that he would take risk @Nauman

    2. Yeah i know but i might think about it nah i am just joiking

    3. i mean i would not take control because thats just wrong

    4. @Nauman, what do mean by risks? he isnt taking any risks brecause he Knows that he can get away with anything.

    5. But thinke about Davids point of view.New to the school, paralyzed and all ready has an enemy.I thinke DAVID could take the control right?Power is ver hart to resist.

    6. @DERRICK has a point because i would want power over my little bros!

    7. Well do you think that david has got into fight before he had whatever kind of accident that resluted him into being in a wheelchair?

    8. i am not disagreeing with any of you because i am just saying that he isnt taking any risks when talking about my point of veiw.

    9. Personally, I don't think that he was taking a risk with anything of that day because at the end he's gonna end up with exactly what he wants.

    10. i totaly agree that david took risks at the first day of school. @nauman do you think that anyone in are class would do the same ?

    11. Really @Raddcircles he totaly took the risk in the first day of school he got in a fight with the biggest trouble maker in the school.

    12. The only reason he's taking "control" is because he know's that he's gonna get the best outcome. He has the power to do whatever, and nopt getting in truble.
      On the first day he fight's with Sean, Sean gets threatened with a suspension while David goes off with a "Are you oh kay?" when he threw like 12 dozen punches.

    13. @Pablo I already know that you would because you worte that in your comment and other than that i think only we are the ones taking advantages of others in our class

    14. @ Derrick he never even knew that sean was a trouble maker or not. he just wanted him to get out the way.

    15. but raddcircles David callled SEAN a "PUNK" so i think derrick is right

    16. Well, he didn't take a risk with fighting Sean, I mean Sean did technically start the fight, and he was almost about to swing first until David did and also Sean was ignoring David like a nobody, so you could almost say Sean was asking for a beating.
      I don't think that David really knew what Sean was about, he didn't assume too know Sean was the big bad wolf of the school, and I don' think that he cared because he wouldn't let anything get in his way.

  4. 1. My first impression of David was that he takes advantage of the behaviour around him. Around the kids in school, he's really mean, but around the teachers he's this really sweet person in a wheelchair that just makes you feel pity for him.

    1. Yes he does take advantage because they give him the free opportunity too. He doesn't make them feel pity for him, he doesn't have to. He knows that they will so he takes advantage of it. He has the power.

  5. Q1 : My first impression of David is that he's very sneaky. He could get away with anything he's done just because he's in a wheelchair.

    1. Yes indeed, he has the ability to bypass anything standing in his way and not get a consequence for it. He is also very slick of what he say's with his words I mean, you could see the things he was saying to his teacher when he rolled in the class late. And his teacher didn't have a care in the world if he was late because she already felt sorry for him right away.

  6. Q2 : His character is very realistic. If there was a kid in our school on a wheelchair, everyone would feel bad for him; welcome to wheelchair world. All the teachers would want to help him with everything he needs, and make sure he's ok. But he'd probably be feeling like David. He would'nt want everyone feeling pity for him. He wants to be normal.

    1. If you were in a wheel chair how would you feel; I would feel like I am being babysitted and would feel like Im in a box with all my dreams crashed.

      Also if you did like to be treated as if you had legs what would you say to the teacher when they talk slow to you and what your expressions be?

    2. I think it's good to be in a wheelchair, you get everything you want, but @abeeshan you're right it would be weird to see teachers talk, for sure I would start laughing.

    3. @Abeeshan : If i was in a wheelchair i'd probably think just like David. I wouldn't want anyone feeling sorry for me, i'd want to be treated normally. Everything that happened, happened. And no one can change that.
      Also, if the teachers did speak weird and slowly to me, I would try to tell him/her in the nicest way possible that it's nice and all that you care, but i am able to hear perfectly. So could you just teach the way you did when i'm not here? My expressions would be annoyed, no doubt.

    4. @Geetanjali, Why do you think it's good too be in a wheelchair? Do you think that David is happy being in a wheel chair, not being able to enable his legs? You would want people thinking that your helpless and feeling sorry for you every single second of the day?

    5. @ Sarah
      How would you show case you want to be treated normally. would you prove something by being the smartest in the class some thing like that or how?

  7. I believe David is very smart. He knows what benefits he can get by the teachers and from everyone because he knows himself that people look down on him; and they feel sorry for him. He is street smart. Cause even in the book David acts so nice to the techer when she touched his chair but he anhilated Sean for doing the same thing.

    Yes I do know someone who acts the same way at school in front of the techers so nicely and innocent just like a puppy dog. But when the teacher turnns their back they are the same as a bull. These type of people will get caught one day!

    Yeah I can be his friend he will get you out of trouble just like how he did when Sean was actually late but got of the hook. Since he can take care of himself if I were his friend I wouldnt have to worry so much about his disability. He wants to be treated "normal".!!

    1. Is it wrong for a student to act one way with peers and another with teachers?

    2. Well, i'm not gonna lie, but students sometimes do act differently with peers and teachers. He is very smart with the way that he manipulates people in getting anything that he wants. I think he did say that, that was one of the benefits being in a wheel chair.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I do think David's character is realistic because there are people who lash out at others because they have an issue with the way people treat them.
    I used to get in lots of fights for the same reason. People called me 'fat' and 'lardo' and 'midget'. That really ticked me off, and if they were bigger than me I'd still go after them. I look back on myself now and find it amusing to see midget me taking down a grade 5.

    1. Not the best solution/outcome you can get but it works!
      Have you tried any other type of strategy in your life time?

    2. Well, that's sorta different because that's like bullying. On the other hand David lashed out on Sean for touching his chair and when the teacher did it, he acted like he was so nice and sweet. Which is totally absurd, because it seems that he is not either of those.

  10. 2. Yes, his character is realistic. Many people are like him. Yes, I know some people who are really sweet to adults/teachers, but well change their face the moment there's no teacher/adult around and SNAP at someone if they did anything to them.

    1. what if the teacher catches david being a bully would you think that the teacher bias comes in and still thinks that "he probably is getting bullied and is standing up for himself

    2. people often without knowledge can see what they want to see.

    3. First of all, any bully would make sure a teacher wasn't around. Second of all, I'm pretty sure the teacher would jump to conclusion and blame the other kid.

    4. Well, if a teacher did see David being mean to another student, David would probably be let off the hook while the student would be offered some consequences. In that case, I don't really think that anybody will be picking fight's with David any time soon. The teacher would get the assumption that the student had started it first, because why would they think a kid in a wheel chair would? because well....he's in a wheel chair, right? Even if a teacher isn't around, a crowd would start to draw in and soon enough a teacher would appear.

  11. Questions
    1. My first impressions of david is that he might just be that type of person to change his mood in a second. When he said "welcome to wheelchair world!". I don't think he had said it in a positive type of way.That type of unpositive way that he might have had a idea to keep him on a leash. Has sean do whatever is David's liking.Like a dog on a leash.
    You can't really have a clear expectation for his impressions if he changes everything in the snap of his fingers.
    Well my firstimpression is that he is the "unthinkable".
    Just like tyhe story of rebound you just don't know whats going to happen until youget to the point of breaking through the wall and discover yourself.

    1. 2. Yes i do know people that lash out at others for their carelessness or that they did not expect the problem to happen.People that have had life changing experiences or so bad influences do that sort of thing.His charecteristics are very common to the average student.There are the haters; makers and part takers.
      The haters usually tend to start make fun of them in terms of their inpurity and foolishness of their mistakes are what feeds them aand allows them to continue.
      The makers are usually the part takers and the starting,once they are well known across the school then they become the makers. The makers feed of the publicity and hate feeded towards them.The part takers are usually the ones that never do school work;never study or get good acheivements in the end of the school year.
      They are usually the most hated by the schools students.
      David represents all of those traits in the end he can be a hater and in the end he can becone one of the part takers like Scott.
      Not necessarily because he wants to, he's mostly a hater to those part takers.
      David's truly one of the most realistic characters i've heard of because it's almost like me even if I want to deny it we've all managed to become one of these traits someday.

  12. Q.1 My first impretion of david is the kind of kid that never gets in trouble and make the other kids get blamed for everthing.David is like an angeal in class and a monster out of class.But i still thinke that a smart way to live if you ask me personaly,Preaty smart indead.

    Q.2 Ohhhhh i totaly thinke thise characters are real because i live with one ever day.It my brother he's a total MONSTER when my parents are not seeing him.He fight,bites,punch,and cry when you did nothing.So when my parents are close hes a total angeal and they think im the trouble maker.

    Q.3 I would totally be friends with i kid like that to get out of trouble,grades,teacher being nice to you.I would totaly would love to be like that.I would be awsome!!!!!

    1. i see how your brother is and I think this is the same deal with all siblings.. if you have a nice sibling comment here!!

    2. Yea i dont think anyone has a nice sibling no offence to anybodey.LOL.I totaly agree @Abeeshan

    3. i have great siblings maybe once or twice we fought but other than that we always stand up for each other, we always help each other and we always know what is happennig in each other lives

    4. My youngest blames the oldest all the time.

    5. Yea @Mr cheney that happents to me all the time 24/7 in my house.Also for @am17 some times that happpends with my brother THAT WE WORK TOGETHER.........10% of the time

    6. for me it happens 95% of the time

  13. 3. Yes, but not only because of his advantages, I'd most likely feel pity for him, just like all the teachers.

    1. So youre saying that youre only his friend because you feel pity for him Why he bullys people and make other people get introuble.Why would you ever feel pity for a bully?

    2. Pity would mean that we are okay with his lash outs. Is that okay? Should it be okay for David to lash out and be forgiven for it because of his condition?

    3. I wouldn't just want to take advantage of a person, from the book he sounds like before he was in wheelchair (if he wasn't in wheelchair since he was small) he was just like one of us. he probably hates being looked down on. but without the feeling of pity you probably wouldn't know how he had ended up in a wheelchair. If he wasn't in a wheelchair he would have just been a regular kid, who was new.

    4. It depends if it's okay, but just because you feel pity for someone it shouldn't really affect the way you choose your friends, should it?

    5. No, I wouldn't just become his friend because I feel pity, without pity you wouldn't really have an interest.

    6. Aliyah, would you say if your best soon to be friend started out in a wheelchair would you still become their friend?

  14. My first impression of David was that he may have had problems at home between him and his family, and that was what may have turned him into someone who got into fights. BUT that thought changed after seeing that McCully didn't even look at his records because he was in a wheel chair, so he may have gotten away with the others too, as he said "Welcome to wheelchair world" to Sean. I thought this of him beacuse the way Sean explained the fight, David started it for no reason. To reiterate, now he just look a bit more friendley and two-faced

    1. How did you come up with the idea that there may be problems between him and his parents at home? Would'nt you think since he's in a wheelchair they wouldn't give him such a hard time? Don't you think his parents would feel pity for him too?

    2. So he is two faced! does this make him similar or different then most people?

    3. Yes, but what if his parents always fought?(not physically but verbally) like if they didn't want him to hear the fights and thought he wasn't home but he is and hears everything,and that may affect him. Plus, just because you are in a wheel chair doesn't neccesarily mean EVERYONE gives him special treatment, even if most people do, I mean have you thouoght about why he may be in a wheel chair? That might actually have something to do with his family.

    4. It makes him similar to most people because there are many people who are two-faced but you just may not realize it. Such as, when I had a friend who was really close and by the end of the year I learnt what she'd done behind my back, she was two-faced. You don't need to be in a wheel chair and be two-faced to be different, at's something alot of people do.

    5. But think about it. David had those expensive nike shoes like Sean. If he was having problems at home his parents probably would'nt have got him those. And they were brand new. Since he's our age, he could'nt afford those shoes himself.

    6. true, alot of hostile kids come from a negitive invironment. its like a ripple effect, the one kid is constantly hearing fights so he takes it out on another, weaker kid who starts to blame himself and takes it out on another kid later on ect. the problem with a negitive invironment is that if it doesnt improve the kid prone to hearing this abuse will eather eskilate his violence or commet suicide, its sad but when your young and in a abusive family the concequnces can be scaring.

  15. Q 2: i think this character is very reilistic becuse in todays sociaty so many kids want to be top dog, to be "respected" in school. they think they can aceve this by being hostile and assurtive to many of his/her peers, for example if the alfa male/female drops his/her book they puff up there chests and edge toward the closest peer until there chests are rubbing, and say "Pick it up" with a sneer to cover up there emmbarassment.

    1. That is true, *in highschool*. I've also experienced people in middleschool who tell me to get their stuff for them [Not naming names but, (Bobdeep)].

    2. not only kids I think? How many adults act just like David?

    3. Tom use to act that way, he thought he would earn respect just because he was "the workin' man!" but he was more than dissrespectful towards us and lelft us stranded on a boat for weeks, he even forgot my birthday once.

  16. 1. my first impression of David was about him taking advantage of teachers because he is on a wheelchair. its like watching Obianwan taking over people's minds making them do whatever he wants them to do. also he could just beat the pulp out of someone and not just get any trouble for that!

    1. This is a recall but what impression does this behaviour make on you?

    2. true but what kidn of advantages?

    3. @ Mr. Cheney it gives an annoying imkpression on how he behaves.

  17. Q2: The people that i have seen that lash out just like david is me because when ever i am sick my Mom gets what ever i need or "WANT" like for example I would ask my mom if I could get pizza and watch T.V the whole day and just relax and take a day off from school so i think I am manipulating my mom but now i feel like a criminal for making My mom do stuff for me and I just took advantage for that. I am probably going to let her boss me around at home now when she gets sick!.

    1. Yes manipulating people is something we often do isn't it?

    2. and we often dont realize just like how you said we dont realize when respect has been given to us.

    3. I agree because now i feel like a JERK

    4. Taking power is like taking air it's invisable to some people like how @Abeeshan said it's verry hard to risit.Also @Naumonde ever one makes misktakes were not perfect all the time.

    5. Yeah and a good Example is THAT YOU WROTE MY NAME WRONG!!!!!!

    6. Ha! lool. Yeah, people do make mistakes but it's good to make them. They help you later on in yo' life.

    7. Sorry but im kind of im a rush with all the comments.sorry@Nauman

    8. its okay derrick and john just like Mr.Cheney said that mistakes lead you to never do them again

  18. I could be his friend because I am drawn to the stronger type. He has manipulation skills and every1 has to admit, that could come in handy.
    I also can relate to him, being pushed around because I wasn't "up to the standards" of the other kids. Straight-up, I like the fact that he's is manipulative and a good strong fighter to boot.

    1. Yes I can understand why it would be nice to know your friends can be tough but skill full in interacting with teachers.

    2. @Jade, So you would only be Davids friend to take advantage of him? What if he denies to be your friend?

  19. Q3 : I think i would become Davids friend, judging by how much we know him right now he's a pretty funny guy. If we we're in a class together and I saw him drawing teachers in a funny cartoon way, i'd laugh. Also, since i'd see him in a wheelchair, you'd think the poor guy in a wheelchair could use a friend. Anyone would think that, he's in a wheelchair! Make sure he has everything he needs! So everyone would try and make sure he feels good at the school. That's just how it is. If everyone including myself got over the fact he's in a wheelchair, he's just be a normal guy. Either way, i'd try to be his friend.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. my first impression of david was how can a boy carry on like that he takes advantage from teachers but when there is no advantage to take he does not like it

    i know many people like this but there is one person that stands out in my head he is always the quietest most nicest person in front of the teacher and however when there is no one to impress he is the meanest and he swears the most

    i would not be friends with david because he has a lot of rules and regulations also if you are his friend and you see him get beat up and you try to help him i think that he probably would yell at you which i wont like

  22. My first impression of David is that hes really smart and knows how to please teachers and can trick them into believing that hes a really poor kid.

    I think his character is realistic there are many people who can trick a teacher into believing that they have a problem in something.

    Yes,I think I would be his friend because he is in a wheelchair(no offense), but he does have the advantage by tricking the teachers that he has a problem and that everything should be done in his pace, and the teachers could cut down the homework for the whole class.

  23. 1: The first impressions of David to me was that he seems to be very innocent when he first came new to the school but when he fight with Sean and got him in trouble he doesn't seems to be innocent and also when Sean was showing him the class way he was being so rude to him and acting like he knows everything and when he entered the class he became innocent. That means he change his character whenever he is infront of the school staff to just show himself an innocent student, but with the school students he is so rude.

  24. well, first i know every one felt bad for him but i just throught he was more then just mean he was way to angery.Then the class room seacne i throught david was preety greedy you know abusing his privligies but there not really privligies people just treat him better because they feel bad for him.

    1. I don't think David really has any priviligies, it's just the thought of him being on a wheelchair. So everyone treats him differently.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. 1. My first impression of David is that he takes advantage of things. For example when he fought Sean he knew he would not get into trouble because he knew that the if he got into trouble they would automatically assume it was Sean.Also when he was late for class he took advantage of his wheelchair, and told the teacher he was being shown around and the teacher must have assumed that it was hard for him to get around,plus he was acting innocent.

    1. If you were David, do you think you'd act like that too? Taking advantage of everything just because you're in a wheelchair?

  27. My first impression of David is that he was a suck up to the teachers because he is in a wheel chair and he is knows that students and teacher will feel sorry for him and also he knows he can’t do whatever he want because the teachers and students will feel sorry and won’t care what he dose

    1. You said that "He could do whatever he wants because people will feel sorry for him." Do you think that he got into a fight because he knew that everyone is going to feel sorry for him?

  28. My first impression of David is that he would be a nice person not a two faced person. He let the teacher help him out but wouldnt dare to let any other student do so. Students are offering help but David does not want to take it. I wouldnt say that hes a bad person because he has a point too. He can do things by himself and dosnt need anyone to help him around like a baby. Just because his legs are disabled or something dosnt close things that all other kids that can walk can do. He is also a kid and people can do things for himself.

    2. Yes, his character realistic to other people. They can also be two faced and be like David. For example Phone plans they say this this is free and stuff but really?, Nothing in life if free. People lash out this way all the time they can say something and then hide somethimg while saying. Some people don't even notice themselves like this.

    3. Yes, I could be his friend but probably not a really nice one, because you have to treat others the way you want to be treated as a old saying said. If he isn't going to be nice and be rude I dont think I would be a very nice friend. People always say "Get along with everyone because you never know when you will need them." But, you can only get along with people who get along with you. So, therefore I think I could be his friend but not as a best friend.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. His character for SURE is realistic, because even people who may not be in a wheel chair can get around all under-handed, and taking advantage of people when help is offered or in any situation really. I actually have had a similar position of where I've taken advantage of something but never really got caught(but I don't remeber what it was I did). Not just me but I've seen this happen many times before also.

    1. Have you ever seen someone with his attitude? They way david acts and responds to things have you seen other people in real life react that way? In your opinion is it a good idea to be friends with David or would you say no its okay im fine with the friends i have.Wonder if you are the new student and no one wants to be friends with you .Would you rather be friends with someone like David or just stay alone?

    2. Now you know or we all know that were nots supposed to look down on people how would you act if you were Mrs.Birch?

    3. Well again if the island and the real world we all say we do something like be kind dont judge but then we all come to reality and boom! we all dont do what we said.If i were Mrs.Birch i would react the same way she did.Its like people who said they would react the same way Mr.McCully did then they would surly act the way Ms.Birch did because both of the staff members judged David

      David takes advantage of thing because he is in a wheel chair do you think that what he did is right? also do you think that their is a way to be caught?

    4. When it comes to group work or a new kid at school we make so much judgement based on our bias so many times. Or else HOW WOULD YOU WANT TO BE THEIR FRIEND? Not everyone is friends with everyone right? Our best friends are based on our bias. If we actually did match our fantasy island to the real world we would be wrong almost all the time we would be HYPOCRITES. As Mr.Cheney said ts like comparing apples with oranges.

      If we did live by our fantasy island then in this case EVERYONE IS GOING TO BE YOUR FRIEND because "its not nice to judge" but ultimately that's what we attend to do and its not wrong.

  31. My first impression of David is that he is very gloomy, very different than the others. I had thought that because instead of being respectful and kind and asking Sean to please move out of the way he had a sudden response with anger .He has two side of himself. He can be cruel at times but in some places he can be very sympathetic sugary and gentle. He is like a coin he has two sides to himself, like every one of us. When we first began to read the book I assumed he would be someone different, someone that isn’t always furious or irritated, I had thought he would be someone that was full of joy even though he was in a wheel chair. But I thought wrong. Everyone can be contented down, mad, bad which brings more than one side to us but it’s always the first impression that you see, but u can never change it.

    Well I can say that I have seen people act this way with such anger and rage but not so many, there are such an amount of people that have this side. Everyone gets angry one way or the other but not with this much temper, very few have temper problems. But if we are talking school, to be honest I have never seen anyone get this angry on the first day of school. Whenever you will see someone they will always be kind and generous. But then over the past days months and years the real them opens out. I think David might be a bully because with such temper I have only seen bullies be like that. His character does seem real to me but not as real as i would think. He i guess is one of a kind?

    3.Hmm.. This is a bit tough question because it’s really depending on the person and how they react to me.I would say indeed I can get to know a person like David and be friends with him but i guess i might need to have some modifications. He is very multifaceted and to understand a complex person isn’t that easy. It takes time and patience to know and understand a person. But overall my answer would be maybe. It really depends is that "person" willing to be my friend??

  32. Well, you could see that David is very smart with his words. I mean you see how he acted when he stepped into the class room. The teacher practitcally worshiped him at his feet. He know's that immediatly when the teacher saw him she would feel sorry for him, and treat him diffrently. She talked with that loud, slow tone. And took long pauses with every sentence she said. He was basiacally trying to say that he could have whatever he wanted and he was trying to prove it to Sean by coming late to class. "Welcome to wheelchair world"

    1. Yes David is the type of guy to take advantages of those types of opportunities and he did very well. The way he shocked Sean was proving to him that David could have whatever he wanted. I know that Sean even probably got scared and knew not to mess with him.
      I think we’re all starting to get this vibe from David that he is one tough guy.

    2. When he says "welcome to wheelchair world" dosen't he mean to say it in two ways? Even though he can get anything he wants, there are ups and downs to it. Dosen't he want to be treated like a normal kid too?

    3. Well he does want to be treated like in equal but he doesn't get too because of the way people will constantl feel sorry for him. I feel that people that are disabled are just trying too get along with there life and live it as normal as possible and they don't seem to be sad about it.

    4. But the could be annoyed with all the constant pampering and pity they get from others.

  33. Q3: I think i could be his friend because i am already friends with people who have beaten up other kids who've gotten in there way. i realy dont feel thretend by them and they are NOT thretend by me, im realy the Omega and they are the Alfa. i like being with them because i feel as if no one will bother me when im with them. I think i would be able to be his friend.

    1. Are you really the Omega though? Aren't friendships supposed to have equal footing? There are no 'best friends' or 'least best friends'. There are just friends. Some you may have known longer, others may be closer to you.
      I know what it's like to have a 'friend' like that. You probably can all guess who he is. If the 'Alpha' friend is giving you a hard time, DON'T ROLL OVER AND TAKE IT!!! No one deserves that!! Stand up for yourself and be your own person, not a lacky in some1 else's group.

    2. don't you midnd if they will treat you the way you don't want to be treated?

    3. Would you be friends with someone that once beat you up?Because in your answer you talked about how you are friends with someone that beat other people up.Wonder if you had no option but to be his friend? How would you sort things out?

    4. HA HA! they are the complete oposite! im saying in everyoneleses eyes i am the omega, in my friends eyes im just like anyother good friend. durr, ive had incedents that when i was teased they made him back off.

  34. 1. My first impression of David is that he is mean yet an athletic suckup. I call david mean because he acts so rude to sean. sean is just ordinary kid who becomes his host. He is athletic because he beat sean up while he was in a wheelchair. I also feel that he is a baller(basketball player. i think he is a baller because he has basketball shoes and he has long legs. He is a suckup because he always talkes so nicely to teachers in return he'll get good grades and special treatment such as less home work more brake time etc.

    1. so in conclusian all these reasons indicated my prespectives on David

    2. Well, it's not like David could help the fact that everyone treats him differently. If he had the choice the be treated normally, he would take it! Also, what do you think Davids first impression of Sean was? Maybe there was a reason he didn't like him right away.

  35. 1.My first impression of David was that he letting the teacher help him because he knows he is getting the benefits but also David is acting kind of nice to Sean because he told the teacher that Sean was helping him find his way around the school and saved Sean from getting a late slip on the first day of school.
    2.I dont think Davids characteristics with the teacher are right because when the teacher had touched his wheelchair and offered to help him out David didnt say any thing to her or he didnt yell at her but when Sean had offered to help him out David got really mad and yelled at Sean.I know some people that are like that,meaning they are a whole different person with someone else but a whole other person infront of you,kind of like a two face.
    3.I would be his friend but not like a really close one because if I treat him as a good friend then he needs to treat me like a good friend too.reading from the book David doesnt look really friendly.

  36. 1. My first impressions of David were, "clever". He is clever to go play around with people's attitude and mood to help humself. I would have called him something like "evil" but, it's not his fault. He is probably tired of getting treated that way. So I guess he cleverly thought of taking advantages of what h has. It's like a payback for how he is being treated.

    1. wy do you think his first inpression was clever?

  37. Q3: I would be his friend because he could probably help us me get benefits from "WHEEL CHAIR WORLD" like i could be getting less naged from teachers and maybe he could do something that could get us less homework!!!! That would be pretty awesome and maybe he could somehow get us victorys and MR.CHENEY would be realy grateful i guess and he could probably manipulate the principles in to giving us the PIZZA PARYYS so yeah i would be davids friend!!!!

    1. Sure you like him for those benefits, but if he WASN'T IN A WHEEL CHAIR would you hang out with him because of his personality?

  38. 2:I think his character is realistic because if he wasn't with Sean when they were going to class then the teacher will send Sean to get the lateslip and all because of David the teacher didn't send Sean to get a lateslip eventhough he was late. I know a person who was used to be my friend and everytime the teacher is not in our class she don't let us do our work and act so mean and rude with us but when the teacher is in the class she acts likes she don't know about anything.

  39. 1. David seems to know exactly what he’s doing. He seems to be smart in his own manipulative ways too. He is definitely not ashamed of being in a wheelchair and he uses that as an advantage to have two different personalities and get away with many things. To me David is not a person you should mess around with.
    David is very interesting. He’s not the type to feel pity for hiself and let others feel that too. He’s still capable of many things even though he is in a wheelchair.

  40. 3:I will eb his freind because he woudn't let me get into trouble, and let the teachers think that you are nice and also they will be nice to you too for only having a friend who is in wheel chair because they all feel sorry for him.

  41. Q1) My first impressions of David is that he's a cool guy and I could become friends with him, because hes "tall", he likes basketball, hes tough, and he can munipulate people in his "wheelchair wolrd".

    1. So you'd just become his friend, for advantages, what would happen if he doesn't accept you?

  42. 2. yes his charecter is realistic but not as much. though i do see people beat up kids outside, but when it comes to talking in front teachers, he/she is like a friend to everone.

    1. I've seen that too. I knew this kid Sean, not Sean from the book, he was always giving people outside of school attitude but he was an angel in class, getting every1 snacks, bringing pizza, getting all his work done correctly, helping people who needed help and all that mushy-mushy-wishy-washy stuff.

  43. first impressions of david is that he gets away with everything because he is in a wheel chair also he is using his wheel chair as a hypnotising tool also he gets into a fight and he doesnt get into trouble because he is in a wheel chair and everyone feels sorry for him.

  44. 2.the people that i think that lash out like david is myself because when i was in the hospital for getting my tonsils taken out i was feeling sick the day before and the day of the surgery. the day before the surgery my mom gave me whatever i wanted and she let me do whatever i wanted to do since i was sick and had to get the surgery the next day, so since i could do whatever i wanted that day i just played call of duty all day and my mom did not nag me.

    1. Dont you feel like a Criminal because i did when i did that to my mom for a different reason though and now i feel like a JERK for that

  45. 3.yes i think i could be davids friend because he can help me get out of trouble from being late also i can help him by showing him around the school like sean another reason i can be his friends is because me and David have stuff in common.

  46. 1. My first impresstion about David is that,
    at the begining of the school year David was a
    bully to Sean. And Since Sean didn't even start the
    fight, he still got into alot of trouble. But now David was so nice to the teacher when he walked into the classroon. I was Shocked to hear that, because when the teacher had seen Sean she had told him to go andget a late slip now. And when the teacher had seen David she turned from mad into feeling sorry for David. Then the teacher called back Sean and told him to sit down he doesnt need a slip. I was very shocked the reason why is becasue David was from being a bully, into being a nice guy David didn't even manipulate the techer or the vice principle. and thats what shocked me

  47. 2. I think that his characteristic is realistic because at home when im with my sister and she does something wrong, my parents always think its me because im older so they think my younger sister is always inocent no matter what.

    1. i know right when ever my little brother dose something wrorg i get blamed at and i have to clean up the mass and my little brother is in a wheel chiar too soo i get yelled at even more about letting him do that.

    2. Same with me especially because I am pretty much stuck in the middle so when my younger sister and I get into fights and my younger sister starts it I am always the one who is accused of hurting my sister by my parents and my older sister too because they think shes to small and that she will learn as she grows,majority wins!!!even when my sisters don't finish there home work my parents are always yelling at me.They say it was my responsibility to make sure my little sister finishes her home work.Than my older sister also tells my dad she needs me to help her do her homework so I basically have no time for my own stuff!

  48. I don’t know anyone that lashes out like David. I think that David lashes out like that is because people think he is in a wheel chair that he can’t help himself do thing and also that he doesn’t want anyone to feel sorry for him because he is in a wheelchair I think what he is trying to say is that just because I am in a wheel chair that doesn’t t mean he can’t help himself to do things and I don’t need a person to help me around the place.That is what I think David lashes out like that

  49. I think there not alot of people like him but i think david is just soo used to the fact that he could do what ever he wants.I think i can relate to david's personality because every one thinks that im nice but if i hear people talking behind my back i will get furyius and do something that would get me in troble.

  50. i noticed that we all are saying that david always takes advantage of the teachers but when the question comes up Could you be his friend? explain why or why not. you every single person is taking advantage of him you all want to be his friend for your own benifits

    1. but david was the one to offer and save SEan from being late he was showing his power. Would you aqib want to be his friend if he wasnt in a wheel chair and for his personalitiy.

    2. like i answered before of course not he is always mean to other s but now he is not in a wheel chaie and i think if was his friend (which i do not want to be) i would probably be treated like his pet

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. no i dont think that he would be rude. I think that he was only rude because he had no use of legs his dreams would crushed so he felt neglected. He is expressing that on other people. Since he has legs in this question he wouldnt be so rude. So why wouldnt you be his friend?

    5. i think that he would be more grumpier like in the begginning david said move but if david had legs he would still say move however david might also give him a shove and sean is a tough guy so he wont like that and they would fight again and the story would be the same arguments maybe

  51. Q.1 My first impression of david is that he is clever brat.His intentions are not what it really seems like.One point he's all on fire,pumped like he's on WWE.The next thing you know it,he's all calm and soothing like butter.His inner self is all calm,but outside he's all ferocious.He's clever when it comes to manipulating people such as teachers.he has his way of getting things done his own ways.He acts all goodie-goody like he owns the school.Like how he tells Sean "Welcome to wheel chair word",he probably meant it as sarcasm and that being in a wheel chair gives you all the luxury and special treatment.My impression on him overall is that he has his ways of getting things done,and that he is really clever.

  52. Q2) I agree that the character David has real characteristics because if I was in a wheelchair I would totally take advantage of it and get away with a lot of stuff. Yes I think people lash out in the same way because my older brother takes advantage of me he say's if you clean my room I'll let you play on the PS3 because its in his room, and when I'm done he say's no and kicks me out of his room.

    1. Possibly david takes all his anger in the student in the school because he's in the weel chair so he doesent know how to take his depretion or anger.

  53. 3. I think that I would be his friend but not because of the advanteges of wheelchair because I would feel sorry for him because of my Bias. I probably wouldn't even think twice and want to help him around.

  54. I could, but if there was a rough start between us like Sean and David's, it may have tooken a while for the friendship to happen unless I was forced by any staff/adult. But if I wasn't in Sean's shoes, after seeing the fight, or hearing about it, I'd try to becareful around him not to start any problems, and to maybe just get on his good side because of the fight.

  55. 2.Yes,i have seen some people do kind of the same thing David had done. Thier are alot of people getting into fights, Especially high school kids. They get in alot of trouble most of the time, and when they have alot of friends sometimes the guy that had started the fight, doesnt get introuble, because like i said the "bullys" friends lie to the teacher or principle and say that the victim had started the fight.

  56. I don't think that, it's not that david wants them to feel pity for him but he already knows that they will. He want's to be treated like an equal but he doesn't get that kind of treatment because well.......he's in a wheel chair. You could almsot compare this to Terry Fox. Terry didin't want people to be feeling sorry for him, and David doesn't either. But they both know that at the end of the day people will end up feeling sorry of him.

    1. it goes along with their bias dosent it.

    2. well it does, there brain is trained in such a way that when they do see people with disabilities they almost have to feel sorry for them. I am not denying that I have felt sorry for someone with a type of disability/disorder, because too be honest I have.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. I could be friends with David even know David is in a wheel chair it doesn’t mean he is not capable of doing things we do in life he can play sports like Wheel chair tennis, wheel chair basketball, Bowling, Hockey and more so just because he is in a wheel chair he can still do the same things we can do so yea I would be his friend

  59. 3. I would of been Davids friend. Not that i feel sorry for him becasue hes in a wheelchair, but because he cant walk. Even though he bullys people, i would still be his friend, but i would make him not get in alot of fights for stupid things People say or start.

  60. Why does the computer keep asking about java script?

    1. i mean SCRIPT not java script thats some thing else

  61. i feel like a jerk because i used my mom for my own advantages so i dont have to do any work

    1. same here i let my mom do all the work i am sapose to do. [sorry for spelling wrong]

  62. @Sarah You say he wants to be normal, but what is normal? In reality or in books, shows..? What if wheel chaired people or disabled people were normal, and people who didn't have diasabilities or sickness' were not normal? How do you think it would be?

  63. Mrs.Birch was talking to David before leaving class she was talking slowly why do you think she was doing that ? His legs a paralized his ears arent.

  64. @Aynur you think people SHOULD mess around with David? Why? Don't you think that if you mess around with him, David could make up a story, and get you in alot of truble.

  65. @Jade Well, yes some people really do have their ways of twisting words into getting what they want

  66. 3. he could be my friend because he would get out of trouble.

    1. So....are you implying that you would be his friend because he would get you out of trouble? Isn't that just using him?

  67. 2. His character seems...somewhat realistic. I have seen people that act like that while having a disability. There are many that appear tough unashamed of what they are. There are those that give off an impression of being strong and tough. An attitude of "Don't mess with me just because I have this or that."
    There are some special people like David. Just like others, David will not appreciate people treating him differently just because of what he is.
    But to be honest, most people in a wheelchair appear to be helpless because maybe they've lost hope. So they go along with the whole pity thing. They just won't even bother doing something about it. But there are a few like David that does exist. That will not watch others treat them like that.

    1. Well, what can they do about it? because probably everywhere he goes people stare at him, and feel pity for him. Even though he doesn't want them to feel like that, what can he do? If he is not feeling sorry for himself than why should anybody else?. David probably knows by now that he can't stop the whole world for feeling pity for him.

    2. I think that, it's just something daily that he has too go through and he has to learn how to deal with it.

    3. @ eden however he can prove people that he can do what others can do. He proved Sean that he is "normal" and can go down the stairs. Some people like David have a dream and wont stop unlike others who gave up their hopes just like what Aynur said.

  68. @Neha Some people just don't realize that, they think that if you have one disabilitie, you have all and aren't able to do anthing else because they are blinded by the way they see and feel that person in a wheel chair or diasablity.

  69. 3. If i were to be going in david's school i could become his friend because he seemed to actually be a little nice because he saved sean from getting a late slip. and on top of that he seemed like he has a good personality because he wears cool shoes and most guys just look at other's shoes and start asking stuff like do you play basketballs. on the other hand i am usually friendly to new classmates and i like to make them feel comfortable in their new school. so i think i can become good friends with David

    1. if you were new to a school would be able to be outgoing to others or just quiet?
      Also give me a percentage of the people who actually welcome others to the class just like how you said you do?

  70. Q.2 Yes overall david has a realistic character just like anyone else.I mean if I were in a wheel chair.I would totally be awwed that i can get away with anything,and that i'm getting V.I.P treatment.

    Yes I know many people who lash out at opportunity's such as this.In front of teachers there on their best behavior,as if their angel's sweet children from heaven with puppy eyes *ugh*.Then when teacher leaves the trouble begins ,they go all bonkers,crazy,ferocious like,they're beasts thirsty for blood suckers.Like gosh no need to act all two-faced,one for being all calm like well behaved children and one for that evil inner side. Those typpe of people don't even deserver to live.Their so pathetic.

  71. Well, I do think that the character David is realistic because, I think that it demonstrates the typical 13 year-old mind in . The things he does and the way that he talks, I think that if any of us were like David we would all be the same. I know some people that lash out like that, they blow the smallest thing out of proportion. I'm not saying that David does this, but he does like to lash out at things a lot. Who know's maybe he's just frustrated all the time.
