Monday, October 1, 2012

Character Education

Character Education 

Hey Team lets explore study tips in our first Character Education Class.

Watch the video and post your thoughts on what tip you thought was the most beneficial.

Also post your advice on a useful study tool not mentioned in the video.

Then get some dialogue between a few other students?

#The Blog is on Fire


  1. I really think the most important step of being more intelegent in school is to get alot of sleep.I say this because i did an experament on my self.I did not sleep for the whole night and to see if i did good in school......Really i was tired and could not foucuse in the class the whole day.The next day i when to sleep like at 8:00 to see if ther was any diffrence.Ther was a huge diffrence i could foucus more and i could lisen more carefully.The point is sleeping early is very good for youre body and brain.P.S (i did this experament in grade7.)

    1. How does sleep affect how you do in class and how does it affect your brain?

    2. It could make you less focus on you're work and make you more tired like today i whent to sleep at 12:00 and right now i feel horrible.Sleep alot that what i say.

    3. Hmm ok I agree but what else can sleep do? Can it make you recall most of the stuff you learned the other day?

    4. I would think it would @Danyal but im not 100% sure it does.Sleep could all so give you more energy for the whole day so if you're in school the day might pass faster.

    5. Sleep can give you energy but when you play a sport/game the whole lunch your going to be tired for the next periods, and if the next period it gym your not going to do your best.

    6. true that but sleep dosent give you energy for the whole day @Danyal.It only give you energy to not be tired all the time.But in that situation you could rest a little in the class room.

    7. I agree so sleep dosent help you that much? It can help for memory but physically not all the time, right?

    8. agree with that, if you don't sleep you'll be so tired and you'll be waiting for the breaks or for the dismissal bell to ring, so you can go home and sleep, but if you have the right amount of sleep and want to pay attention in class, the day will pass much faster and you won't have to worry about your amount of sleep. You can add the amount of sleep on schedule and goals like I said in my comment before.

    9. Would you say sleeping is more important then studying and being able to ace that test?

    10. When you get enough sleep you should go thorough rem sleep. It just when you have rapid eye movement. I think thats how you know you have slept a good amount of time or something like that, I can't remember it was from last year. But anyway when you have enough sleep you are alert and paying attention for the day. It does give you energy for that day.

    11. Well in my real opinion i think it could help you physically @Danyal.For example if you're playing 5hr strainght with no rest you would try to sleep so you could have the energy back right?

    12. About 70 to 90 minutes after falling asleep, you enter REM sleep, where dreaming occurs. Eyes move rapidly. Breathing is shallow. Heart rate and blood pressure increase. Arm and leg muscles are paralyzed.

      What do you think of this information.

    13. I commented on REM sleep in my post. REM, or rapid eye movement sleep, is the fifth of the five stages of sleep most people go through each night. REM is characterized by quick movements of the eyes during sleep, which is what gave this stage its name

    14. Well, I think that if your playing for 5hr's straight, I would be exhausted. Well, sleep does help you physically. The average kid has a busy day. There's school, running around with friends, sports practice or other activities. By the end of the day, your body needs a break. Sleep allows your body to rest for the next day.
      Not only is sleep necessary for your body, it's important for your brain, too

    15. And, doesn't sleep affect the way you grow?

    16. @eden sleep helps you get energy any other way to help get energy and you will be alert but sometimes we have problems in OVER sleeping? is over sleeping good because you basically meant when you sleep yo get energy so if i over sleep a few hours (4-5 extra) will that make me have more energy?

    17. eden you said your body needs an average rest so should we take the rest in different times of the day or should we have it all at once?

    18. Reading all this, I believe that everyone is correct. The only problem is how to fit studying, sleeping, exercise, and more all together. Well, I say take control and use the time wisely. Make a schedule. Make timing of when you will go to sleep and when you should put on your alarm. Make plans for studying and being physical. Take action and balance it all.

  2. I think some people in grade7 could remember Mr Cheney say that if you do excersise you could help youre brain get better memory.Yea the guy in the video forgot to say excersise could help you improve youre skill at school.

    1. How does exercise improve youre skills in learning?

    2. Reamember in grade 7 when Mr Cheney told us exercise could improve youre memory.So if you had better memory you could memorise thing in Math,Science e.t.c help you learn better

    3. Yeah I agree I wrote that in my post, too bad the guy in the video didnt talk about that.

    4. Yeah I remember he gave us an article explaining the tests scientists were doing for excercise. It showed that excercise stimulates the brain of something like that.

    5. Yea totally such a good idea.But why did he only talk about the easy way into getting good grades?

    6. Maybe becasue people didnt know about them becasue it ws a general question to the guy also all the little stuff can help you becasue, if you exercise one day your not going to improve the next day you have to exercise long term.

    7. Yes, I recall him giving us a sheet and on it they did some test on how, if you excercise it can improve your ability too learn and pay attention in class. And for those that didn't do the vigorous excercise it was the total oopisite.

    8. yea but i dident like it that it became are gym class because it would have been better if we just had a health class

    9. Well my opinion is that i think people know the step but ther to lazy to follow them.Right?Some pople

    10. Yeah, excercising long term can really feel over-whelming. Its like playing basket-ball everyday then one day you can't. You feel over-whelmed. So it takes commitment to excersise everyday. Plus he mainly metioned tips that helped him.

    11. It gets your memory to remeber because it gets your blood to pump properly through your brain, and it basically gets you brain working with the blood flowing

    12. Oh right mr.cheney did give us that sheet for health now there are two sides of a story : I remember things easily because I exersize and It has been tested , but what about when we go to school after that long day in the afternoon we are all sweaty and tired I would say 2/10% of people would actually pay attention to the class after gym, really depending on the exersize im mostly worn out , which side do you guys agree with? Is there a difference between having a real world shown in front of you and something in an article that say it has been tested? Which sides would you go with?

    13. Well when you play sports or just toss something around, it kind of lets our minds free. If you go to Danyal's post, I said a few stuff that might help.

    14. Actually, here I copy pasted it for you guys :True, on the other hand we should think about the obvious facts. We study a lot. We do this by concentrating and keeping out mind set. We sit down... We sit down for hours! For us to succeed, we need to eat healthy and exercise. Why? Well if we eat healthy and sit all day studying, our weights will get higher. All the food put into you needs to be burnt in calories with exercise. Half the time we are studying, we are just sitting and barely moving. We can't keep input in our bodies if we don't exercise to output(burn the calories).

  3. The tip that I think is most beneficial from this video is study food because lets say if you have only a cookie and half a glass of milk as your breakfast,you go to school and you'll feel clumsy and tired because you didn't have a good breakfast.That's because you didn't give your brain enough food to run the day.
    Lets say cars for example,like cars need fuel in order to travel, our brains also need our food which is considered as our fuel in this case.If the car is out of fuel and you are expecting it to move it wont move,if you just stand there and tell the car "move-move-move"it wont move because you saying move-move-move isn't going to fill the gas tank up because that's not its fuel,you got to give in order to get!Just like that our brains wont work as much as it should if you tell it to "think-think-think"it needs its food "HEALTHY" food before after and during your study's so that it can think and work properly.
    I noticed how people some times say "my brains not working"well how is it going to work if you didn't eat and feed your brain.If you don't eat healthy,not meaning healthy as in fruits and vegetables only,healthy meaning you eat your three or four meals a day and you eat them properly.Not just eating a pack of chips and calling it a meal.I admit I forget my lunch sometimes and I know that I wont be ready to work after lunch because my brain won't process properly.I know that by the end of the day there will be a whole traffic jam stuck in my head.

  4. My tip of advice is to always stay in a positive mood and think on the bright side.For example for homework if you don't think its fun don't stop doing it or make it as a formality just think of the advantages like by doing your homework you may get a better mark on your test or quiz because you know that you've studied hard and token the time to complete you're home work positively.
    Also the study habit I have is that I have to listen to music while doing my home work and not just any music it has to be my favorite I cant focus while listening to jazz or hip hop.

    1. Yeah I guess. But you can't always be on the bright side of things. I can't stand listening to music when i'm doing my homework then I can't focus or concentrate it's really irritating. Yeah, I guess if you think about the benefits of finishing your homework it will give you a kick start to complete it.

    2. I know right! Many people are able to listen to music and work on their studies. This multitasking brings me to confusion. I end up having a feeling that I didn't try that well in my work. If I were to that, I would start singing along and there goes writing and my concentration!

  5. i agree with preet, eating a healthy breakfast is on of the best tips of all! you need to eat a large breakfast with lots of nutrition so your body can start up and work properly, it pretty much wakes your whole body up.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yeah, you know what they say "the most important meal of the day is breakfast" But some people don't eat breakfast, what advice do you have for them? I try not to skip meals because it's not good. When I eat breakfast, I just get a bowl of my Favorite cereal and a glass of milk or orange juice. But I do change my breakfast meals from time to time, I try not too stick with just cereal.

    3. Now obviously, food is fuel and energy for our bodies and without it we spend the day stumbling around in a fog and fighting off a headache and a bad attitude. Breakfast is literally just that, breaking the fast that your body is in from the night before.

    4. Do you think it’s imperative to take into consideration to all the tips prearranged? All of us agree with one of the tips given but shouldn't we be in agreement on all of them?

    5. if we tap this into healthfulness i have seen most people that have the same food over and over again repeatedly ex.Mr.Cheney last year he has that milk with oatmeal and a bunch of other fruits i had noticed he had the same thing everyday, i have heard it does help to keep your weight controlled, so would you say you change your diet often and its okay for kids like us too? or would you say we should stick with the same food we eat everyday because our body is use to it so if we do change our food how will our bodies react to it?

    6. You should give time for breakfast. Sometimes, after lack of sleep we wake up late and end up behind. You can't choose anything better than to skip breakfast to catch up. Give breakfast it's time. Some say, breakfast makes them puke. Well, eat breakfast slowly and give it time. I also learned that exercise lets your brain come into action. There is this school, I am not sure which one, but all we were told was that everyday, the students in the school were told to run two laps around the school. That is how they would start their days off. The principle had seen imidiate improvement in all parts of school activity and an academic year.

  6. a good tip when you are stressed and tiered of studying is to sit, relax, maybe watch a movie so when you tackle it later your not as over whelmed and you feel more energized. we all cant dive into our homework just after school, because we are tired and we feel like we dont want to do our work.

    1. but lauren a movie i like 1 and a half 2 hours long some students dont have the time to relax and if we do it comes beteen our sleeping hours so that adivce is good but not for me.

    2. Yeah if you try to relax before doing homework it's a good strategy. Before I start my homework I will just settle in and do something before. I take a nap for like 1 hour, because if you take naps for a really long time it will be difficult for you to sleep at night. Or I just start off by eating then going to nap. And then I will start my homework.

    3. It works sometimes. Once I went to you tube to listen to songs, so I went out of control. Later I had no homework done and it was 7 o'clock! Keep control of relaxation.

    4. I do agree with you this method works for me too but do you consider that it’s always such a good proposal to relax? because when you come back from school you already have everything in your brain memorized you still have that "school" on when you get home, if I were to take a rest later I wouldn't really want to do my homework because I’m just tired I went to school then rested for an hour and now I’m having a headache I want to sleep but I have homework to worry about. So wouldn't you choose to come home do your homework and then for the rest hours left of the day do whatever you want with no distractions that "I NEED TODO MY HOMEWORK!"

  7. A heads up on the post would have been good. Lucky for me I always check the blog.

    The tip I found most important was to sleep. Sleep is important because it gives us time to rest and sort of "refresh" our minds to prepare for the next day. I think people underestimate the power of sleep. Usually kids stay up late night and think it doesn't affect us. But it does. I feel guilty that I don't get enough sleep on a school night because i get 8hrs of sleep but I'd like to have 10hrs. But my body is so used to this process so I find it hard to sleep. So it's best if you make a habit of sleeping at certain times.

    1. Yes, indeed I have stated before that it is, beneficial to get a good night's sleep. Yeah sometimes, even on a school night I will stay up and procrastinate and not going to sleep as I should. I end up getting like 7 or 6 hours of sleep. And 6 hours of sleep is not enough. Due to our inappropriate food habits and lifestyle, we are not able to get a good night’s sleep.

  8. I just noticed *character is spelt wrong.

  9. I don't have a study tip or something I do to help my study habits.

    1. so if you dont have a study tip than what do you use to complete your work in time and pro-perly?

    2. Before I do work I like to make sure I do something fun like playing a game. This way I'll think to myself "I want to do that again. Better finish my work." Also I like to have a bottle of water so that I don't get hungry while working. Also I like to give myself breaks like Mr.Cheney does. It just gives me a minute to relax.

    3. I agree with you Talha becasue I do the same as you becuse I cant keep going consatantly becasue I need a rest to recall what I am doing so I dont get mixed up!

    4. But what happens if you keep going and playing outside and don't even try to study cause there are friends who can get you distracted when you play outside.

    5. well i just tell the kids in my street to scram so i can do my work!

    6. @Talha, so you do have some study tips that you mentioned.
      1. Doing something fun.
      2. Giving yourself breaks.
      3. Having a bottle of water not to get hungry.

    7. Yeah as geetangali said, sometimes you have great distractions from friends. And then you try to tell your self "No! I need to study" but the temptation of your friends is to great and you go along with it and end up not studying. What do you do then?

    8. My parents handle that. Any phone calls or knock on the door is answered by my parents. They know that if I find out that someone wants me, I would be distracted and have a large temptation.

    9. @Aniqer same my parents are really over-protective but its only for our good.

    10. @Eden.

      That's not much of a problem to me because the only guy close is Danyal and Danyal seems like he doesn't want to be bothered at home.

  10. Heads up Talha...this is for 1st period Tuesday morning

    1. That explains why we're in the computer lab.

  11. The tip I think that is most beneficial is to sleep as Talha said it gives us rest and refreshes our mind to prepare for the next day and I agree even though I usually get 7hours of sleep, but when I get those 9-10 hours of sleep it really helps me keep focused and I recall the stuff we learned yesterday. Also how Mr Cheney said last year about REM sleep (rapid eye movement.) a study by Harvard Medical School concluded that REM sleep is essential for learning how to complete tasks, making decisions and integrating the information that was taken in during the day but not processed. Proper amounts of REM sleep aids in securing memory and in at least some types of learning.

    Also Mr Cheney said last year that exercise is very important for memory and studies show that "old people" who walked 6-9 miles a week had better memory than other old people because if you don't exercise your brain will shrink as you get older.

    1. If we don't exercise our brain memroy will be short then we can't remember any think so it is good too exercise

    2. True, on the other hand we should think about the obvious facts. We study a lot. We do this by concentrating and keeping out mind set. We sit down... We sit down for hours! For us to succeed, we need to eat healthy and exercise. Why? Well if we eat healthy and sit all day studying, our weights will get higher. All the food put into you needs to be burnt in calories with exercise. Half the time we are studying, we are just sitting and barely moving. We can't keep input in our bodies if we don't exercise to output(burn the calories).

  12. The tip I found was useful was the 7.Don't Freak Out!Im always freaking out when it comes to tests.I start panicking all the time.When i panick i start to forget everything.Thats why whenever theres a test i study really hard.To me I think all those tips are connected if you want to go to class you have to sleep well and eat well, we need a good group and study at a place that suites you the most and we should aim hard to reach our goals.

    1. If you start freaking out, just take 5 minutes off to just cool down, maybe get something to eat. But if you're always freaking out, you wont memorize anything and you'll be too nervous the day of the test. So just keep cool when you're studying.

    2. I'm really serious about my studies so even if i try to take a break, im still gonna freak out.

    3. I usually don;t freak out because, I always keep in mind" What am I freaking out about? A piece of paper? Everyone here is a human. If they can do it, why can't I?"

    4. Yeah, I totally agree with you!. I start to freak out and all the information I studied from the previous night has suddenly disappeared somewhere in my head. And then I start to freak out even more. It's almost like test anxiety before I take a test.

    5. @Aniqer its not a piece of paper, its a paper thats gonna determine where you go.
      @Eden Exactly!

    6. Calm down Geetangali. Where you go is your fate! And destiny!However, think of it as a piece of paper which is not larger than you and this way you will do your test properly. Then THAT will determine where you go! The only times I forget things is in public presentations. Maybe that's how you guys feel!

    7. @Aniqer you know i didnt use any capslock to express my anger, i think you thought i was angry, but im not im just saying if its your final exam paper that peice of papers gonna determine if you're gonna fail or pass.Just Saying.

  13. The tip that I think is the most beneficial is the 5th tip; Setting Goals. I think that setting goals is the most beneficial because the tips that Justin gave are just like goalshe set to go through his studying years, and he's recommending for others to use. You can add eat healthy, go to class, find a better location to study etc. on your goal list too! What everyone needs before starting something like studying, or completing and assignment, is that you would need to work out a shedule, including goals.

    1. I agree with the setting goals, but if you sleep late and not get enought sleep dont you think that would effect setting goals? In order to achieve goals you need to put your 100% to it.

  14. I usualy get 8-10 hours of sleep which helps me stay on task in school.Also when I am "WELL RESTED" I am able to be more phisycal which means my muscles wont be sore which can than allow me to be more attentive. And the one tip justin forgot was "PHISYCAL ACTIVITIES" because you need to play sports to be in shape and sports can teach you skills that can be needed in unversity. For example the way games help your speed in memory like sports!!!

    1. WHAT is with ALL the caps. Emphasis? Whatever though you Derrick and Danyal are thinking on the same guidlines. It has been proen that excercise helps the brain. Thus making it easier to learn and remember things.

    2. yeah I agree with them and also I was trying to put emphisis on those words!

    3. It's true if i don't sleep properly my whole body starts to get sore and then i can't do anything.My mom makes me sleep at 9:00 sometimes 8:00! unless i listen to music which keeps me up all night.

    4. My hands get tired of writing and I tend to crack them often. This is due to my body being tired. With the connection of that, my hand writing worsens and I get to lazy to do L.A.

    5. @Aniqer i know right my hands do the same thing i feel like chopping them off, they get so annoying.

  15. I think that that going to class is most beneficial to me because if you miss class than you probaly won't understand anything because in the class that you missed, the teacher probaly explained something important to the other students. Now you have got something to worry about and probaly won't produce a positive outcome.

    1. Did you even watch the whole video? because if you did then you wouldnt have choosen the first Tip. I think that there are other tips which are better than the one that you have choosed.

    2. @Heta its still a good tip you know.

    3. @Geetanjali It is a okay tip not really that beneficial! I just think that there is a better tip given than the one he chose!

    4. @Heta ok ya in my opnion its a good tip but if he gave a more brief description on why he chose that tip it would have been fine for me.

  16. The tip I found most helpful was getting into Study groups. I like that beacuse we help each other out until we all understand the work. We could share easier ways to finding the anwsers, and catch anyone up if they missed something on the lesson. But if i do do the study group, I'd have to be careful who i do it with. Some students could distract others from getting any work done and no one would learn anything during the time. I would have to make sure whoever's coming to study will only be there to study, and not fool around.
    A useful study tool I use is asking my older brother or parents for help, or to go over the work with them. If you have an older sibling, chances are they already went through the test you're about to take. And sometimes they could really be helpful with easier ways to solving the question.

    1. i agree with you, my older brother has a higher intelect than most 18 year olds, on the boat he use to read the dictionary for fun. i usualy dont need help on homework, but hes there if i need him.

    2. I'm the oldest so I end up helping my younger brothers. I usually go to my dad for help. Since he's a engineer, he is brilliant at math and science! At times he teaches things harder than usual since he likes to teach me in university level; I end up confused so he goes back to a simpler way. The more I am in confusion the more her reduces his lecture and gets simpler. It can be torture.

  17. I think that getting enough sleep and eating helathy foods beneficial to you and your health. In order to be alert when your in class you have to have a good night's sleep, that consits of 8-10 hours. Eating healthy foods is great as well. If your eating McDonalds 24/7 and drinking coca cola 24/7 then you won't have as much energy but if your eating healthy green food, and drinking water and getting enough sleep then your gonna be prepared for class and alert and paying attention.

    1. do you think that only green food is healthy for you because in the video it said you should have carbs

    2. everyones talking about how sleep is important, it is, but i fall asleep at 1:00 am and yet my grades arent suffering!

    3. well do you sleep in the afternoon or afterschool

    4. Well not only eating green foods are the most healthiest but i'm just pointing it out as one. Yes in the video it said you need carbs. And if you don't know what food to eat that is healthy just take a look at the four food groups. You need your dairy products, Your grain products, Fruits and vegetables, and the meat and the fish.

    5. Well sleep is important and how long you sleep for varies as well. Well, if I go too sleep at 1:00 am, I'm gonna be cranky and not to wake up in the morning and also to hear my annoying alarm clock I will be very crabby. If i don't get enough sleep, I will sometimes have trouble focusing and being attentive and I want to fall asleep right there in class.

    6. In the video they mentioned fish is an important food too. Omega 3 is a type of substance in fish that improves our brain level.
      Yeah, if we sleep at random times, its harder to sleep at night causing more trouble at school. Becomes a pattern.

    7. Well, I don't really take my naps at random times but....yeah taking it to long can have a negative affect as it can have a positive.

    8. Do you really think someone eats McDonalds or Coca Cola 24/7?

    9. @Heta For sure i don't i don't wanna get fat!
      We need to stay fit in order to study easily(I just learned this from Nauman)

    10. @Fried Chicken: Naps are all right. What I meant is when I take my hours long sleep and stay up all night not being able to sleep. At sunrise, I am willing to do anything to go to sleep! Naps are actually good and positive influences on our work.

    11. Yes, but she said "If your eating McDonalds 24/7 and drinking coca cola 24/7 then you won't have as much energy" As far as I know nobody eats McDonald and CocaCola 24/7!

    12. @Heta Oh i didn't read the whole dialogue.Oops.

    13. Well, @Heta, i'm using it as a metaphor. A figure of speech. You can't actually think that I meant be eating McDonald's 24/7 that, that's the only thing you eat everyday non stop. I'm just stating the fact if you eat more junk food more than you eat healthy foods then, it's not good. And people know this but some people eat it more constantly than others. Like me, I might eat McDonald's 2 or 3 times out of the whole week.

    14. @Aniquer, I know, when the sun comes up, you are willing to do anything to sleep for just a couple more moments. but you can't because you have to get ready. Naps are good for sleep deprivation.

    15. @Eden that dosen't happen to me once i wake up i can't go to sleep.By the fact i wake up at 3:00 in the morning which is officially now a habit

  18. The tip I think that is most beneficial is to have study food because i never knew that food was so beneficial and it can improve your studies i think that if i do eat and study i can improve. you have to stay hydrated and have an amount of Carbs thats all you need to be one step closer to getting that A in that test

    something that helps me alot is taking some breaks because some people study to much and they get over tensed and to cool your tension down you can just take a walk outside for 5 minutes.also if you have troubles in a question take a break and you will get it

    1. Yeah, usually you will just see me eating some much junk foods (McDonald's, chips, pop, fried chicken, ribs and much much more). And you never really think that the food you eat can disturb and disrupt they way you think, focus and study. Yes, staying hydrated is good, I mean you don't want to be thirsty with no water.

      Yeah taking breaks is good too, you don't wanna be overly stressed, so taking 5 minutes to relax will keep you calm and under control.

    2. Problem is, you need to learn to control yourselves. Each time I take a break, I tell myself, 5 more minute. In the end I take an hour long break. If you got control and willing to take the responsibility , you got your freedom!

    3. Yeah, that does tend to happen with giving yourself short breaks. You tell yourself that your taking a 5 minute break than suddenly out of the blue, 5 minutes turns into 1 hour. I think it's because you don't want to get back to doing your work your just sick and tired of it, and you want to do something else than that. Yes, "with freedom, comes great responsibility"

  19. the tip i find more helpful is that to choose a location that you can study well location in which i like to study is a very quite place because if there's no noice than i can study very well and after reading everything set in my mind, but if there's alot of noise than i can't concentrate on my work and listen to what otheer's are talking about. by this sometimes i don't get what i am studying about but when it's quite and no noise i memorize everything that i study..

    Another tip i find the best is that we should sleep before studing something because then we get rest but sometimes if we study before sleeping then we don't get anything because we are so tired to remember anything and also it is hard for us to study then because we are feeling so sleepy that we leave what we are studing and go for sleep which is the big reason for us to not getting good marks in our work..

    1. Didn't the guy in the video already say that we should sleep well?

    2. Maybe she was telling us about the most beneficial advice from the video.
      If there is too much noise, I read a sentence about ten times until I get fed up, so I scream the sentence to get into my brain. Quite same as you Sana, I need quiet.

    3. Yes, I like to study where I can't hear anything, where there is no noise and distractions. If I study in a place where it's to noisy, I lose my train of thought. I like to take naps before I study or I eat first then take a nap. I feel less exhausted and have enough energy to actually study and get something out of it.
      @Aniqer, Same here! I will scream it out loud so I can speak above the noise to get it memorized in my brain, and then after a short while I give up and move to a different location.

    4. I know right! Right now , a perfect example of a loud place would be our classroom in FRENCH! It is impossible to do anything! It's extremely loud! I let my anger on this issue out on Harman or Tushar telling them to shut up even when they don't talk. Insanity leads me to torturing innocent people!

    5. It's true no ones quiet in french class so it makes it harder to study.Im gonna do a shout out to Hosni and Heta, stay seated in your place and stop talking,thankyou.

    6. @Aniqer, LOOOL taking your anger out on tushar and harman. But I know how you feel it's completely impossible for me to work while there are distractions and ruckus around the whole room. Even though it's completely absurd, I do take part in it sometimes.

    7. @Eden same here but not all the time.

    8. Yeah, I don't do it all the time. but I know that sometimes I'm at fault and try to take self-control.

  20. I think the most important tip is the study group, because if your not surrounded by the right group you can't really expect to do much because you're going to get distracted. Always go to a group of high interest in studying, not the highest or else you just won't get anything and then end up failing even more.

    1. would you prefer getting helped along the way in your studying or learning by yourself in a quiet group

    2. I'd rather be by myself but if i do need to go into a study group I'd folllow my own advice.

    3. If your going to make a studying group, I think it should be with only certain people. It should be either above your level or at you level. Lower level is fine, but you wont have much studying FROM them, more like help FOR them. Before you get a study group, make sure it's USEFUL to you, if not why waster time? You should use those times for advance or current studying.

    4. Yeah, I don;t really like to study in groups so much because of the little amount of work not getting done. But it's only beneficial to me when we are actually concentrating on the work. Yeah when studying with someone that is at a higher range in that subject it benefits you because you can ask questions and they would know the answers to them and help you out.

    5. Even if they are the same range as you, they might know something you might not. You wouldn't want to miss anything and obtain all the facts!

    6. Yeah, I know but its good to get help from people that are at a higher range then you.

  21. My advice is to write what you've learned 10 or more times. Whenever I have a test my mom used to tell me that whenever she had a test she used to write it a hundred times(which I'll never do cause im to lazy) because it'll help you to remember everything you've studied.I find that very useful when it comes to exams.

    1. if you write it 10 or more times then how can you have more time to study the rest of the work.

    2. That technique is doesn't necessarily work properly for me. I end up copying the answer on the top since I have to write the same thing 10 times.

    3. Do you really think that this will help you do better on a test? What if you have 3-4 chapters to study? Would you still write each thing 10 times?

    4. @Sana if you start early for a test then you can get everything finished because if you write 10 times or more then you can get it in your head for the rest of your life but if you just remember everything then it won't stay forever.

    5. @Heta well for me it works.Like i said if you start early you can finish in time and then you can take an extra look at what you've learned, the day before a test

    6. So Geetangali, tell me something, what do you write 10 times? The key or vocabulary words? Or is it different important facts and sentences? You must be real good at memorizing! It took me forever to memorize the multiplication table!

    7. Everything. You need to know everything but when it comes to math you should memorize the key words and practice the sums but not all.

      I'm not bragging or anything but when I went to another country i think i increased my memory i don't know how but i seem to remember a whole lot of stuff which i find weird and cool at the same time.

    8. @Aniqer Good question Aniqer! I was going to ask that next.
      @Geetanjali well, starting early as in like what time? and what do you mean finish on time? Basically, my question is: How long are you going to study for?

    9. @Heta once the teacher tells you that we have a test then you're obviously gonna have to start cause tests are important and when its like a day from the test you can take a look and ask yourself or practice what you're studying.To me 2-4 hours is good enough for each day.

    10. 2-4 hour is alot! But the more the better. The average grade 8 student should spend aroung 90 min doing homework which is 1hr and 30 min

    11. Where i used to study teachers made us study 2-4 hours but ok.(Im not bragging im just saying)

    12. Well, @Heta, I beg to differ!. It doesn't really matter on the average. Homework is homework. Sometimes it even takes me the whole day to do my homework depending on what it is. I don't really think that you have to have a time limited on how long you have to do your homework. I mean, some students take longer than others.

  22. I say that a healthy diet is ennential to your brain function, a healthy diet doesn't mean a sandwich.It means healthy things like a vegetable salad with just a little lime.The market dressing you assume is good for you, isn't good at all.Also, you would have a habit;snack eating, listening to music, being in a quiet place.
    At the time you would lke to do this. pick positions you would be most comfortable in.These two techniques sure do help you because of the nutrients that youer body might need for; muscle development, brain improvement, memory strengtening.All these steps are beneficial to you.

    R.E.M sleep is beneficial for the memory, muscle repairement, and also to not fall asleep during class.
    I say R.E.M sleep is the most beneficial because it allows you to remember the most important facts you learned that day.

    1. Tushar, what do you mean by positions? Like sitting on the chair with your legs down or legs crossed? Or sitting on the ground or any type of positioning?

  23. I totally agree with his first tip on being well rested it is important to have a certain amount of rest. So dont under rest or over rest have about half an hours worth of break for about 2-3 hours worth of homework but if we are talking about rest as in literally sleeping then we would need about 8 hours a day. Sleeping is a way to recharge and refresh out memomery to the next morning we have energy, up and ready to continue the rest of the day.And this taps into eating heatly in order for you to have energy for the next morning make sure you are eating healthy especially during homework time try not to munch on the junk because it does slow you down i have done a bit of reserch on why and this we shouldnt eat juink because he didnt really mention it in the video. i found out that Scientists have found that sufficient amounts of vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) can improve your memory. It’s found in common things like milk, pasta, and bread, as well as liver (try it before saying yuck!) and dark green vegetables.If a lack of concentration is your problem, try increasing your zinc intake by eating whole grains and sea foods. Bananas are a good source of vitamin B6, which also improves your thinking capabilities. So some certain food need to be aten in order for your brain to work and be able to remember and keep things stored. It kind of like a memory stick. Let take junk food as a file and the memory stick as our brain if we feed it too much junk it give this powerful filling so if you put too many files in a memory stick it will be filled. If we keep putting more and more files the stick will end up crashing the same way our brain will end up crashing and make us go to bed or make ur tired.
    An idea he didnt mention was summarizing you work, this is something i like to do preparing for test i go throught the whole chapter we are on an define all the words and examples etc. my sister as well using this method and it help her to because reading something doesn't always stay in your brain but when you write it you need it to make sense before you write it so you go over it a few times understand it and then write it so i think writing is a better way to get things to stay in your mind. yes it is a bit of extra work i agree but really its a great way! But in this method you need a good hours time really depending on what subject you are studying but always have a while.

    1. Summarizing is a good idea. Like in the video, it had mentioned that the brain gets the information through once it has been read 7 times. I have a extra learning book that I use before a test in every chapter. I just answer the questions. It's as if I'm testing myself and revising it. It absolutely helps.

    2. Yes, see you need to read the question but that's not it you need to clearly understand the question because you have to answer it . So its not like quickly read and say oh i read it my brain will remember it, it never works like that you always need to review and UNDERSTAND the concept and that's why i also think they give homework , a review so for the next day you can continue on with no problems.That book you have does it always work or sometimes does it not work? by that i mean on your test have you got a very good mark in the 80-100 zone? because having this tested out is something very important. also do you think this method works on everybody or just some people?

    3. Sorry, what I meant is that the book gives all sorts of questions. We students have to answer them and in the back they have the answers to correct ourselves. They have ALL type of questions which includes: games, comprehension, thinking, writing, multiple choice, fill in the blanks and more. The advantage is that it is made by the Canadian curriculum according to the school district board. It gives more facts and teaches what a student should REALLY know. At times, schools miss out in different things in different subjects. I mean, I learned quite a few things that I never knew in this school compared to my last school. Not all teachers ans schools teach 100% all information, am I right? It helps positively! It's as if the book is the teacher. I always end up 85-100 zone.

  24. another study tip is that we should ask someone else, like our sibling and our parents so they can help us study better. and share our work so they can tell how to do it, but if they don't get it either then we should read the question again and again untill we get what it is asking about or what we ahve to do.

    1. We should read questions over. Sometimes the question doesn't mean what you think it does. You may write a full page but, misunderstanding the question will make you waste time.
      Yes, siblings are the most useful and then comes parents. An older sibling is better to ask first because, ,they have done this before. A parent is very smart too, but the education system and expectations may have changed through out the years of time. Some parents even went to school in another country making it harder for them to help you according to the school board expectations. Parents are perfect to teach you in advance studies; they have been through this too.

    2. In my opinion not always your parent know or understand especially if your parents or siblings don't come from this country and i have had times in in life when my mom doesn't understand but i always have my sister to go to but that's how it is for me not for everyone some are the eldest and have no one to help them because parents don't understand ,so what should they do ? Any tips?

  25. I think thta the most useful and benficial tip would be number 3. Study Location. I think this is a really important piece of advive. I understand completly and this is what my results usually rely on. Studying at a place you are comfortable with is necessary. As for an example, I have two younger brothers. The T.V in the loudest volume is the quietest person in my house! My brothers drive me insane and it is hard to concentrate. As a result, I have a wanting to go to the library. Since, my parents don't allow me, I make my own solutions:
    1.Put on the fan on the highest level; it covers up the noises made my other people in the house.
    2. Close the door.
    3.If you like, put your headphones on.
    Eventually, the noises are covered up.

    1. I really think that your tips are the best than everyone else I have read.

    2. Amazing tips but one tip i have to say the one about headphones do you mean like ear plugs or like music headphones? If you are talking about music headphones to be honest i don't think its the best thing because for my personal experience i can not have any music head phones in my ear because i will obviously have music on and music does distract me during my work its just me so im pretty sure there are people like me out their what would you say about that? Closing the door sound travels through my house doesn't have sound proof walls or sound proof doors so all the noise does travel all the way in , the fan's noise does get a bit distracting in the winter i don't use the fan. Im not saying all your points are wrong i am just saying that not everyone is able to be suitable to these tips. So im not trying to be mean, im not saying they are wrong also.

    3. Ya nehas right cause if you put on a song you'll get distracted and maybe just maybe one of those distractions will be singing to the song you're listening to.

    4. I think that she just meant by plugging in earphones to avoid noise, as she was saying there is alot of noise at her house!

  26. The tip I think is most beneficial is to test yourself after you have learned it. LIke I learned a new word yesterday and I have bad memory so I used the word in a sentence made sence of it and took somenotes and made a connection. THis is what I mean by testing yourself.

    The second important tip is rest! Mr.Cheney has said that so many times. You need REM sleep as in 8to 9 hours. Even too much sleep can hurt you. This is because memory is an essential part of studying if you dont have good memory whats the point of studying so hard and then eventually forgetting it. In conclusion, I say testing your self constantly and some good rest would help you improve better in studying

    1. People say that the case is " You know more than you think". This is true, but I rather go with the safe side of testing myself. It might turn out to be " You think you know everything but, in the end you know nothing". The quote isn't suppose to be negative but, it's real life lessons. When the paper is placed in front of you, you know a lot and got it in your brain, but if you test yourself, it will show that you need more studying.

  27. the tip that i found helpful is being well rested because if you dont get enough sleep for the next day than when you show up to your morning class you will be too tired that you will be cranky and might just fall asleep during your class even if your staying up late to study for a test you should just give yourself a time when you stop studying and when you wake up you can just study for like 10 0r 20 min so you can have the method in your mind fresh the tip that i thought he forgot is physical activities because it helps you stay in shape it also helps your mind.

    1. Studying after you wake up is the best time to learn. Your brain is refreshed and ready to create space for more information. Sometimes, people take naps after school and then start their homework.

    2. Aniqers right getting up early in the morning and revising what you've learned can refresh your mind, my mom always tells me this.

  28. The tip I found which was beneficial is to be well rested.When we sleep our body gets rid of the tension and stressed caused inside of our minds.We youths are very exhausted when it comes to school,and homework.In order to be focused in class,we must be well rested.

    Alot of students such as me come to school,with wear eyes,blinkiness in our eyes,and drowsiness in our faces.We are constantly wearing ourselves out due to lack of rest and sleep.We need to emerge ourselves in order to,be wide awake and prepared for class.

    1. I agree with the second paragraph. It happened to once and I forget what I learn the whole day! It makes it worse while I am listening to a lecture. Studying requires a lot of things to learn well. Also, the first paragraph is true for the majority when you said "When we sleep our body gets rid of the tension and stressed caused inside of our minds." Instead for me and a few others I know, we can't sleep well if we have school work pressure. I start panicking, and end up having nightmares about failing. To not get this tension when I sleep, I do all my work before I go to bed.

  29. A tip i use that the person in the video did not mention, is that when ever you start to study, give yourself a time limit. For example, if you are studing, just say to yourself that first you'll study for like 20 min or so. Then take like a 2 min break. It keeps my brain from fryng.

    1. Yes! This is very true and I apply this advice myself! Studying continuously creates a bother and feels like torture. With that feeling, studying is not possible. I remember studying for about two hours straight; I got a headache and forgot the main points of my study. Also the limits help work in a faster pace! We can work on math for two hours but, if we give ourselves a timing, we might as well do it correctly and quicker. This skill would be good for tests, since we only get a certain amount of time.

  30. I agree with the first point to go to class! As he said it takes someone to say the same thing 7 times in order for you to understand it. As well, his second point is also agreeable, getting enough sleep. If you tend to stay up late and study you forget what you have studied the next day. Also changing your sleeping cycle every day is NOT healthy for your body or your mind. Studying location is also very important because different people study at different places some people can study in noise where as some people need silent. Eating healthy also plays a big role in doing well, junk food and pop is not healthy as we all know but we still eat and drink it anyways, we don’t realize how it is affecting us. In order to do well we need to eat healthy! I agree and disagree with studying in groups, because when we study in groups it’s probably always going to be people you know. Studying in groups is very hard and can be very distracting. But, it depends on how you learn some people like studying in groups where as some people need to study alone. Setting goals can also be helpful because you know where you need to work on. It helps you to focus on what you need to do and achieve in limited amounts of time. You should set goals in areas you know you need help on. Finally, don’t freak out, studies show that when you freak out, you forget more than what you have studied. So, make sure you don’t freak out!

    1. It's good that you commented about all the advices but which one do you think is the MOST beneficial?

    2. I think that sleeping well is the MOST important, because I have experiance this.

    3. Ah, so have I! Everything in life depends on sleep. Our mood,physical activity,life, and so much more. As a result, did you know around the world, some countries have a system of torturing people like criminals in jail by making them work? They either work or do nothing but, they aren't allowed to sleep! With the lack of sleep, they get driven insane and suffer mental problems! Sleep really affects a person's life.

    4. Yes! I agree if you dont get enough sleep your whole day will be ruined. So, sleeping IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TIP!

  31. 1. The most benificial to me is to be well rested. I say this becasue, kids these days stay up alot rather to play, watch movies/t.v, do thier homework at 11-12:00pm, o out with friends, or just stay up because thier bored on a school night. So yes to me most beneficial to me is to be well rested.

  32. I think that this video is truly helpful because if you are the most intelligent kid in the class and your group doesn’t let you do your work what can you do other than all the work. If you put it in a way without a proper group you won’t get good marks, and you’ll have a bad reputation at words you will fail your academic year. This tip will even help you when you get a job, because if your partners kept eating doughnuts and you have to apprehension a criminal 98.5% you will fail. So this tip doesn’t only help you in school it also helps you in life. In conclusion having a good group to work in actually helps you succeed in life.

    1. It is a helpful video. I remember when the class goes crazy, everyone starts asking for answers and others just keep making noise. It's hard to concentrate! What do you mean by doughnuts?

    2. Whats your Tip? You said "This tip will even help you when you get a job" but I dont understand what the tip is.

    3. @heta the tip is that having a good group. and i said it will help you have success in your job for example ( a cop) with a good group you can accomplish a lot of stuff.

    4. @ aniqer aero by doughnuts i mean that cops eat doughnut and if they are just sitting they wont accomplish anything.

    5. okay and how would you be able to apply good group? Basically, how would you pick a good group?

    6. @navdeep Did you get the donut part from a movie? cause theres a lot of movies where they show cops that are really lazy and leaning against their car eating a donut while the criminal passes by.Have you even witnessed a cop eating a donut while a criminal passes by?That's impossible unless the cops corrupt.

  33. I think that the advice that was most benificial was sleep because without sleep you will be tired in class and wont pay attention because you will constantly yawn and get distracted more easily. If you have full sleep (9-10 hours) you will have more focus and you will pay more attention because you'll be wide awake and have more energy to pay attention and learn something.

    Also I think food counts as well. I think this because if junk food can't help you with anything but make you fat then why would it help with studing? True it makes you hyper but if your to hyper then you wont want to learn or study anything.

  34. I had mentioned that my piece of advice is staying positive! Well how can you do that or at least try to do that is don’t put yourself down always think about your strengths not your weakneses.Match your weaknesses to strengths and try keeping them to the same level as your strengths.
    Also another way to stay posituive is dont be afraid to ask for help from your teacher or parents.

  35. I think that many of the tips that have been given were all beneficial. We all need them in order to succeed. It’s hard to say which one might be the most beneficial...but I think I’d go with study location. Because in this generation, there are so many distractions! Even studying in your own house might be bad because of the internet, T.V., & the bed, seriously.
    You have to go to a place where you will not be distracted and where you will be wide awake. A library can be extremely useful. Because it’s quiet, and the environment is perfect. You should find a place that well suits you for studying. Because once you have that focus and you're able to maintain it, then you'll be successful when it comes to learning & understanding.

    1. I like how much you explained there! I have to agree with the whole paragraph but, the part about distractions is very true! I mean even when blogging, I have my mind set on chatting with someone online.

  36. i think sleep is most important and i know even through some other students have already said so because it is important u need a well rested night.

    1. Why do you think sleeping well is the most important? and btw Of course other people are going to say sleeping well is the best because there are only 7 options and like 30 students!

  37. A useful tip that I know, but I am not able to apply is doing your work on time. From my own experiences, it's a REALLY GOOD idea to do task right on time. My dad always advised me on making a schedule for work and due dates. It is a very simple planning but, applying it is the hard part. At times I get lazy, so I do my work through out ALL NIGHT or the NEXT MORNING! This is not a good idea because, when you rush, everything turns out to be a chaos. I understand that homework takes up time, but later on life, if you fail school, your job will take up more of your life than others who gladly succeeds .

    1. So is your tip to do task on time? Isn't that almost the same as setting goals?

    2. @Heta it is the same.
      @Aniqer Don't forget it can also be counted in our report cards.

    3. @Geetanjali and @Aniqer If it is the same then you are not answering the question! the question was "post your advice on a useful study tool not mentioned in the video" You have NOT answered the question properly.

    4. @Heta I think her tips IS to do given tasks on time cause its gonna be included in our report cards.

      Its the same as setting goals, actually it is one of my goals!

    5. @Geetanjali Yes! that is what I am saying it is the same as Setting goals!

    6. Oh sorry guys! It is similar I guess in a sense! But, what I'm trying to say is make a schedule. I guess that is a bit of a goal if you think of it that way. If you have a project that is due in a week, then maybe you should take an hour off to work on that project. Manage your time equally for each subject. Don't do things in the last minute. Plan it out. Teachers can identify whether the person rushed through it or took their time. Aha, sorry guys I think the ending REALLY made it sound like a goal. "I understand that homework takes up time, but later on life, if you fail school, your job will take up more of your life than others who gladly succeeds ." What I was trying to say is that , you better follow this or you'll get the reverse.

  38. I think the video was useful because it helps you and gives you tips on where you can study like what the guy said you can go to the library or what I think you can do is go in your room and do your homework there because it might be quite for you.
    What the video show you is how you can have a little study group like with 2 or 6 people so you can study together and if one of you guys have a question you can ask one out of the 2 or 6 to give you the answer If I was in a study group I will like have 6 people because they can help you and some of them can answer your question you have or you can help them and answer there question.
    Also the 3 last things he was talking about is study foods you can eat and how you can set your goals and how not to freak out .My study food or snack will be a carrots because it is good for your eyes and also nuts because it is good for your brain and more.
    How to set you goal will have to be something that takes time because you will have to see what you are not good at and focus/try on getting better in and just not to give up.
    And the last thing is not to freak out on a test it is not bad if you miss like 2 or 3 but just dont keep on focusing on one question because if you do you will waste your time on that one question and not doing the rest so dont focus on one question what you dont know leave and if you have time you will get back to it

  39. the one important learning habit is time. time is a type of due-date. imagine if you have one week to finish an essay and you do it at the last minute. you won't have enough time to finish it and you will fail. so after all you will lose your marks and run out of time. thats why time is important in studying habits.

    1. I agree Navdeep. If an essay is due in a week, take an hour off everyday to work on it. You will certainly make it and receive a good mark if you had tried hard!
