Tuesday, October 30, 2012

World War I

World War I

Good Morning #EIGHTYBEE

Making a full length movie may be impossible with me being away, but some small trailer like films using the green screen and explosion apps could make for some new and original trailers.  We can use this as training to make a film for Black History month.

Similar to Terry Fox we need to know the story before trying to tell the story.  Watch these 2 clips outlining Canada's role in World War 1.

Share interesting facts from the films and detail some potential scenes and story lines we could shoot to make a WWI trailer.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Self Esteem

Self Esteem


This is an article outlining the 9 best traits of super positive people.  

Read the article and post a response picking the trait that is your favourite one.  Describe why it is your favourite? 

Also count and share how many of these traits are a part of your personality. 


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rebound - Roller Rink

Rebound - Roller Rink

1.    How should David react and act around Sean now that he has “bumped” into him at the roller rink?  

Think about how you would react to catching a friend in an awkward lie. Hmmm I wonder what you would do...

Friday, October 12, 2012

Rebound - Scott

Constructing Characters 

Hey Team, 

We have two characters in the novel Rebound that we know very little about.  In order to be a more engaged reader we want to construct who they are in order to make better sense of what will happen next and by extension discover how we view the world. 

Use either Janice or Scott and construct these characters.  List 5-7 character traits,  describe how they appearance, and importantly comment on what influenced your constructions. 

Twitter and Music

Twitter and Music

Hey Team, 

Go on my twitter feed and look for the article I posted on music and how it helps you perform. 

Read the article and post a 5 -10 sentence summary. 

Do not reply to others.  Just post your response. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


IRead - Main Characters

Hey Team, 

Who is the main character in the book you are reading?  Describe how they look, act and feel.  Highlight any similarities between yourself and that character. 

As well ask specific questions about these characters with other students and get some dialogue happening.  

Comment on 3 other posts.  

Friday, October 5, 2012

Rebound - Connecting to Characters

Rebound - Connecting to Characters

Share your response about what character you are most like and why from the novel.  As an extension also share what character you are least like and explain why.  

Make sure you comment and dialogue with 3 other students.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Twitter/Study Skills

Hey Team.

Twitter / Study Skills

Great Blog yesterday!

Lets follow up on these study skills.  I posted 2 articles on my twitter feed on tips students should use top be successful (Grit and being Active).  Read 1 and share your thoughts on it? 

Are you active enough?

Do you have enough Grit?

Monday, October 1, 2012

Character Education

Character Education 

Hey Team lets explore study tips in our first Character Education Class.

Watch the video and post your thoughts on what tip you thought was the most beneficial.

Also post your advice on a useful study tool not mentioned in the video.

Then get some dialogue between a few other students?

#The Blog is on Fire