Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rebound - Roller Rink

Rebound - Roller Rink

1.    How should David react and act around Sean now that he has “bumped” into him at the roller rink?  

Think about how you would react to catching a friend in an awkward lie. Hmmm I wonder what you would do...


  1. I think David should probably act kind of drawn around Sean because they are friends and friends should be honest with each other. I mean, David could still go because he's got a wheelchair.

    1. Yeah I agree with that, he probably will be pretty chill and relaxed about it. And if you think about it, Sean did lie for a specific reason.

    2. But wouldn't Sean feel embarrassed that he has to skate around with a wheelchair. on the other hand wouldn't scott get mad if sean shows up with david?

    3. Well, I don't think that Sean will be embarrassed, I mean why would he? He already accepts David for the person he is. And in the book, it said something like, Sean feels lonely and alone without David with him. Because he's with David now.

      Of course Scott will get mad. he doesn't even like David to begin with. I think he is a bit jealous because Sean is only hanging out with David. And you can see how Scott is always questioning Sean about David.

    4. If this was to happen before Sean could accept the fact that David is in a wheelchair, would he feel embarrassed? Would you feel embarrassed if it was you?
      Before in the book Sean always thought David couldn't do anything just because he was in a wheel chair do you think that this statement replays in his head? Is David cautious of whenever they go out they do something David can do?

    5. you got to remember if david gets the feeling that sean feels awkward with his wheelchair you can say goodbye to their friendship

    6. I don't think David would consider it a bad thing since Sean had said he believed that David could walk again. I think David will find it funny.

    7. Sean wouldn't probably feel embarrassed. The only reason this may happen is if Scott starts teasing him and Sean feels peer pressure on him.

  2. I think David should probably be honest and kind because he should act kind to Sean because Sean did not tell david about roller rink because he knew their will be scott and girls and Sean and David are best friends forever and friend should be honest To each other and I think david go even if he had a wheelchair he still can go to roller rink

    1. What do you even mean by best friends forever? They just got started, and yes Sean should be kind but that doesn't really solve the issue because David isn't stupid. Kindness won't fool him, he will only wonder why Sean never invited him and if hes going to do it again. He's probably questioning their friendship right now since Sean can get a little sneaky and weird sometimes...but I guess David won't make it a big deal but know somewhat of Sean's feelings

    2. i agree but i don't think sean would tell the truth. i think this because he already knows Davids anger and how he would just go out of control. The type of lie he would say is that he just made a last minute choice and didn't get the time to call him.

    3. But, why would Sean lie even more? If he did, David will just get more tense.

    4. Do you think there is a maximum amount of days to when you can call someone your best friend? Because to what Aynur has said "how are they best friends? they just got started" is bringing that they cant be close to each other because its only been a couple of weeks.But again David has met Sean's family, hangs out with Sean everyday almost like 24/7. I think its kind of like close friends not "best" friends

    5. @Max but why would he act all kind,he's probably puzzled that although their friends Sean didn't bothering telling him that.He could be there knowingly to make Seam feel guilty.Sean after all didn't bother saying anything to David.

    6. But David didnt bother telling Sean that he was going to the roller rink

    7. @Nauman

      Maybe David didn't say anything because he knew Sean was going to be there. I think that Caroline and her friends asked David to come and told him that Sean would be there.

    8. Talha I agree with your inference. Also, I think David would take this a little bit lightly.David is probably use to these situations where he is left out from the past. David probably doesn't expect so much from Sean since he was too scared to ask for David's history of what had happened to his legs. David is the type who knows these will happen so he has to joke it off.

  3. Uh, I'd probably rage at the person then leave. After an hour, I'd feel guilty for raging then come back demand an apology from them then apologize for raging and then we'd hang out and everyting would be good good knock knock.

    1. You would really demand for an apology? But shouldn't they come up with one their own? What if they're not even sorry, how are you supposed to figure out how they truly feel if you demand from them? And by raging, you'll probably scare them so it would be out of fear when apologizing to you...

    2. i get what your trying to say but wouldn't your friend get mad that you didn't invite him. because you also arrived at the party.

    3. Sean wasn't hosting the event. There were many people there and what I'm trying to say is that David wouldn't make a big deal since its not all specific.

    4. First, It wasn't a party (at least I don't think it was). He was just going to the roller rink. but, why would you rage for something so little as this. Oh Kay, I get that you would have at least wanted an invitation considering they are all buddy buddy now. But the girls where going too, they probably told David their plans. Why would you demand an apology?

    5. I'm quite sure David wouldn't rage.If Sean was in a wheel-chair I'm pretty sure David would have done the same.

    6. Would it be such a good idea to rage at that person at the roller rink ? A place where all you're friends including the public are?

    7. @Mital: but what does being in a wheel chair have to do with yelling, someone is paralyzed in their legs but that doesn't mean their attitude or their mouth has changed and is paralyzed..

    8. Honestly I wouldn't care who I raged around. People can go leave if they don't like my raging. Thay have no right to but into a convo that doesn't concern them.

    9. It's like we are sitting in our desks waving our finger again. Truly, I would eel bad and try to hide my tears. I would start acting like I don't care about Sean or ignorance such of avoiding. I would give him an attitude that would get him thinking what he had done wrong and come to apologize. This is what I would do, David is a high and tough confident builder. He wouldn't break down as much as me.

  4. I think that David is going to be pretty chill about it. I don't think that he will be mad or anything. He probably will understand why Sean did like to him. In the book he said that he was surprised to see Sean there. David probably came with Lisa, Caroline and Christina. Maybe even, the girls told him that Sean might be there and that he's coming. And David was surprised to see that Sean actually came.

    1. You know the whole entire story so I'm guessing that's what actually happened? And you don't think that David just got a little suspicious that Sean never mentioned a word to him about it?

    2. Remember at the first day of school. how he got in a fight because of his anger and when sean touched his wheelchair he flipped out of control. do you actually think that he would just take it softly?

    3. Yes, I don think that. Because it's nothing big. And if you think about it Sean didn't really lie to David. David didn't even ask or question him about any of it, so how would Sean be able to lie to his face? But, this whole scenario is nothing as big as the first day of school, when they fought.

    4. David came and Sean was in shock because he had no idea David was coming but if you think about it David did the same thing as Sean did they both never told each other and just came so if you think about it David doesn't have a right to yell at Sean. Agree or Disagree?

    5. Do you think the more closer you get to people the more you don't get angry at them? You just let things like this fly by?

    6. I think you do get more angry cause lets say ur friends with that person for over five years and best friends too and then you suppose that tat person does something that really disappoints you wont you loose that trust that you had been gaining for five years thinking that he or she is your best friend?and then lets say u have been friends with someone for two weeks and he or she disappoints you you wont really care cause all you will say is I didn't know this person that well and we don't get along any way and you go find another friend?

    7. I also think David would be chill. I think he knows that Sean doesn't want him to feel bad. Also he wouldn't be mad considering all those times David had made fun of himself, made wheelchair jokes and when he talks about it, he talks like it's a joke. i.e "wheelchair world"

    8. I think this too. David and Sean had built up a strong friendship but that wouldn't be for too long. David wouldn't be expecting so much from Sean. David doesn't expect everything to be told to him yet.

  5. I think that David isn't gonna be really mad, before trying to say anything to Sean he might've put himself in Sean's shoes and thought about what he would've done, he must've known that Sean would'nt call him even if he does find out by the 7th grade girls or Scott. He knows how people think about him and might've thought about not exploding his anger with Sean.

    1. i agree with what you stated, but your saying that sean would feel embarrassed of david i don't get that because they are friend not strangers.

    2. I didn't say that he would feel embarrased, I said that he knows how Sean..heck everyone feels bad for him so he decided to say it nicely rather than getting angry.

    3. ...Well, it almost seems that your saying Sean is suddenly to embarrassed to chill with him. I think that at this point we should know, that Sean likes David for him. And that Sean has been spending more time with David then with Scott. That's not really an issue towards Sean being with David, I mean he has no troubles with it at school.

    4. Do you think Sean is just using David ? Think about it in the beginning of the book Sean did tell Scott that he wasn't getting in any trouble because of David so Sean can put an act on that he really likes David when really Sean is just using him and hoping David sticks around so he wont get in trouble.

    5. When David sees Sean do you think he takes a moment to think about what he will do? Because that's what you kind of said in your answer , if you were there would you STOP and THINK? I find usually people give an give an immediate response.What ever comes in their mind they just say be honest i don't think in a situation like this you would have time to stop and think.

    6. David would probably already know Sean was there considering he was there. I think he knew because one of the girls told him and David went to see how Sean would feel and react.

    7. Neha, wouldn't it be the other way> Maybe David is using Sean? For example, in the science project, he partnered up with Sean to learn things for his own way of moving. He is not doing the project to get a good grade but, more of learning to use his legs.

  6. If that happened to me, I would be really angry. I mean REALLY. I can automatically find out that they're not truly a good friend especially if it was with all my other friends. AWKWARD. If I was in David's shoes I'd get angry and walk off, but we obviously can't stay without our friends cause they are special and if they did anything to help you, then they are true friends, and so I'd tell them that I'm sorry and hopefully get an apology back.

    1. geetanjali what if that friend didn't even think of you as a friend going of topic i would like to ask you that would you still be friends with someone who backstabbs you and talks bad things behind your back? would you still be friends with someone who thinks of u as nothing but a waste of humanity and is using u for certain reasons?

    2. Obviously no. I'd feel really angry and sad, I hate friends who backstab me, and for sure no one likes it.

    3. Is it true that as we grow older we don't forget friends we just realize who our true ones are? Someone has just stabbed you in the back and you are willing to go back to them again?? How aren't you sure they will do it again and again and then in the ending you will have a back with million bruises. Just because someone does something for you doesn't always mean they are your best and true friends it takes more then that

    4. i agree neha cause thats wat i was saying if your friend hates than why do u have to plead them and beg them to be ur friend?just go and find someone who cares about you and accepts you as a friend just the way u r.

    5. I think "stabbing in the back" is too strong of a term. David wouldn't take it by heart that Sean goes out to meet up with an old buddy. Besides David knows he and Sean are friends and that they will have awkward moments due to his disability.

    6. David already expects these moments and probably had worse from other people. If a friend back stabs yo once, that is a warning to get out of there. No friends do that,if they do it once, there out of your friends list for sure.

  7. I think Davids first question will be like what are you doing here and why didnt you invite me and I also think that David might get mad because Sean didnt tell him he was going to be at the roller rink and might not trust him as much as he use to
    If it was me I would be mad because no one told me whats happening and I would not trust them as much as I use to

    1. Yeah but do you think since David can be pretty chill often, that he ask "Why didn't you invite me" in a jokingly way? Or serious? Because I don't think David would get that mad but perhaps question Sean later on about it in a nice way, wanting to know the actual truth. What do you think?

    2. would you ask questions on the spot or punish him after the dance. because if i got mad i would just through a fit.

    3. I would just let it pass cause David also never told Sean he was going to the roller rink so they both are in the same position but it can also be that maybe the grade 7 girls invited David to the roller rink since they and sean were going

    4. @ Nauman

      David not telling Sean is different because David would know that Sean wouldn't tell him to come in consideration for his feelings.

    5. What I think is that like before, they are both even again. They both made mistakes and both never told each other.

  8. I think that Sean going to put up another lie like a get out of jail free card.If I was in Sean's position I would have lied again so he wouldn't question me again, I don't like being under pressure when talking to someone. It just makes me mess up. Obviously David's not going to say it's OK, let's be realistic if you were lied to would you forgive someone. An apology does not simply cover this situation up "It's like saying I'm sorry for not telling you I'm going to the roller rink with the girls".
    I bet none of you would forgive someone who said that to you.

    1. But why would you lie again? Wouldn't you want to be honest and get it off your chest? If your lying again, your just going to keep on lying until you spit it out, and that can show your untrustworthy.

      I would not lie again but I would be honest. Well, I'm not the type of person to hold grudges, and something as little as this, I'm not gonna stay mad forever. Kewl, you didn't tell me that your going to a roller rink with the girls. Yeah, I would be a little upset but I won't be raging. Of course, I'm going to forget about and not care. It's sorta stupid to hold a grudge just because of that......

    2. Well I find this sort of tricky since Sean didn't actually "lie" to David...David never even questioned him before the event & Sean just never mentioned it so it's not really like a lie. So maybe after all David would joke around about it at first but of course hes smart enough to realize that Sean thinks of him as a different sort of friend. Not the cool guys like Scott, where it's "cool" to hangout.

    3. But he isn't going to say i went to the party because of the girls, he'd say scott called me at the last minute.

    4. Yeah I agree, Sean didn't actually lie to David. He didn't even mention it to him, and David never actually did question.
      Well, the girls did say he should come as well as Scott, so it works both ways.

    5. What should this type of situation be called? A lie? Back stabbing? awkward situation? feeling left out? trustworthy?

  9. David is chill about most things, but honestly could get suspicious and just a little offensive. He might even think that Sean never mentioned it to him because he is in a wheelchair. But what I think is that since Sean never lied, and what I mean is that before the event, Sean had been recently invited to it and David never questioned him about any of it. So technically he never really "lied". He just didn't invite him or mention it to him. Sean might even make an excuse as to say "Well hey, I thought the girls already told you! So don't think I didn't want you to come, I just thought you already knew." as simple as that. So its a tricky situation but I think later on in the book David will ask Sean at the perfect moment for honesty. Wondering what he really means to Sean. But he will notice soon about Sean and how hes easily influenced to do certain things to be "cool". Hopefully Sean will change.

    1. I agree with this because David does seem like a good friend to sean. and i don't think sean will tell the truth he'll just mix it up. so he can say that im not lying.

    2. David is a good friend to Sean. Which is why Sean will automatically feel bad and make up an excuse.

    3. So do you think they'll just act like nothing happened, and they planned to come together? What do you think Scott's going to think when he finds out he's there with David?

    4. It isn't really a big deal, and when David see`s Sean hes not going to make a big fuss about it. And for Scott well he won't say anything in front of them but would probably question Sean whether he brought David or not. Then get a little mad because he would think that he did then think how Sean just never wants to leave Davids side...& etc.

    5. I think that David will just forget it and go enjoy himself with the rest of the people. It might be like the time where Sean's dad insulted David but, David didn't take too much notice but talked and played basket ball.

  10. If I ever cached a friend in an awkward lie...I would feel awkward. I would also feel a little upset that my friend was being sneaky around me. But I'd get over it quickly, then get over them. I would keep them as one of my distant "friends" from then on until they've improved towards me. I wouldn't be bothered much, because then I know how this person truly is. I would even give them the cold shoulder for quite a while, acting as if I don't care about them. That's just the way I would react to most situations like that. $:

    1. The way you said "DISTANCE FRIEND" is the perfect way to describe what I would also do. I would try avoiding and bring a different attitude toward them. It wouldn't be ignoring but, it wouldn't be too much of best buddies.

  11. i don't think david would react that bad after finding sean at the roller skate place. i think this because David was also at that arena and he did not call Sean to come along. so sean can't just take that blame for himself because Divid is as guilty as sean.

    so in conclusion David has no rights to get mad at sean.

    1. Do you think there was a reason Sean didn't invite David to come? Maybe because he's in a wheelchair he thought David wasn't capable of having fun?

    2. Or was it only due to the fear of Scott thinking his a wimp and uncool?

  12. If i catch my friend trying to ditch me and enjoy the party for himself and hanging out with other girls i would bring him to a side and ask him a lot of questions. i would've also said that "i thought we were best friends but your just a betrayer i'll make him feel sad until he learned his lesson.

    i would also feel a little awkward because if your best friend betrays i'll feel burned and i wouldn't want to make a fool of myself by throwing a fit in front of high schoolers

    1. Explain on how ditching a person is betraying them...What exactly do you mean by betrayal in that type of situation?

    2. But you didn't tell your best friend you were going to a party, so your friend would have a right to be mad at you too.

    3. but thats different since David is in a wheel chair so he knows that he cant blame people for trying to not mess things up in front of him

    4. Well, Sean is not going to a party...hes, with his school classmates. How is he betraying

    5. but when david goes to parties ect, he always takes sean but if sean doesn't invite david i think betrayed or ditched or stood up is kind of the feeling he gets.

    6. Nauman I fully agree with you. Also, Navdeep I would do quite a few similar things. On the other hand, since he had betrayed you, you can't make it seem that you felt hurt. So you would end up acting a little cool and saying " Oh I don't need you" and show that whatever, get lost.

  13. I think David would be cool with it and wont burst open like"oh my god Sean your so mean like i cant believe you didn't tell me especially with the grade 7 girls I am never talking to u and we are no longer friends"David is not the jealous type. I think he would mind just a bit that Sean is hanging around with Scott again but since he knows Scott was seans old friend he wont really mind.He just might be a little upset but he would still be friends with him.
    Well I would be quite mad if one of my friends did that to I wouldn't be as chill as David was to Sean but I would not even be so mad that I lose my friendship with that friend.Although if u think that friend did something really bad to you then made fun of you or teased u in a bad way that you feel left out or you feel like your being bullied then I think its time for you to find another good friend.

    1. i get and agree to what you wrote, but i think David would feel bad that sean is hanging out with the girls and he wasn't invited. for example if you and a friend buy a hamburger and decide to share it. what if you go to the washroom and your friend already ate the whole thing, wouldn't you get mad?

    2. well i would but not really get mad mad at her i would just torture or tease her till i get even with what she did by taking my burger.

    3. I would feel awkward and just try skipping and forgetting about it so we don't make it even more awkward. Next time I would make sure I don't make the same mistakes and I'll start acting sneaky and greedy hiding my burger. Or even better, I will get two burgers. Good connection.

  14. what if scott sees David hanging out with sean what do you think scott would do or say?

    1. I think he'd be pretty ticked off, since that night was mostly about Sean hanging out with them, and not David. So there defiantly will be some tension when Scott sees David, and it wont be pretty.

    2. Yeah i agree and i think that Scott will also think that Sean was the one who brought David to the roller rink so Scott would be real angry cause he already thinks that Sean is hanging out with David to much so if he blames Sean invited David to the rink,Sean would be in hot water with Scott and the guys

    3. Scott would probably show some attitude and leave them to be. If that were to happen... what would David be doing?

  15. I think David would act normally. I don't see a point for it to be awkward between them since they both kept it form each other that they're going. From what we read David seems like an easy going guy, and same with Sean, so I think they're just both going to let it pass.
    And also, who knows, maybe David and the grade 7 girls were planning something for him. So they all had a plan to surprise him there. If David really did feel awkward, when he saw Sean, he probably wouldn't have going to talk to him, and instead to try and avoid him all night.

    1. So you say David is okay with it? But doesn't it seem like Sean is more worried about lying then David is would that mean Sean is a more better friend then David?

    2. i agree with neha i don't think sean has the guts to lie after knowing that david is strong even with a wheelchair.

    3. Sean can't lie to David as quick as he can to Scott. This shows how much of friends each one of them are.

  16. If I was in Davids shoes, I guess i would be kind of mad, but then again, I didn't tell my friend either. I'm not the kind of person that holds a grudge. I forgive and forget, and hopefully my friend is to, so then we just hang out and have fun. And act like nothing ever happened.

    1. That's what a good friend does so they don't make the situation even worse.


  17. At that moment I think David shouldn't do or say anything because he will create all this commotion and to be honest I think the roller rink isn't the best place because it’s all public, there’s more than just Sean, David and their friends. If he wants he can say something at that instant to let his anger out he can say something like a line revelation and that’s it, later on maybe after he can talk to Sean. By line revelation I mean he can say “oh haay! I thought maybe I should come to because you forgot to invite me or you just didn't” So something just quick and little that may bring your point across the other person head. During the whole party I think if David wants he doesn't have to talk to Sean because he does have other people like the grade 7 girls to talk to.

    1. Do you think David might be a bit more mad since he was suppose the meet Caroline (i believe she's the one) there too? Since the only reason they're friends is David

    2. That statement you made us true.Although partially isn't Carolline going to the rink because her fond of Sean and her Love,and yet you think David shouldn'say much though he could be jealous?Sean only did not say anything particular to David because he is in a wheel chair.p.s @neha knowing David he might not create a commotion but Sean might.

    3. @Sarah: Sorry, but i am not understand your question can u please explain a bit more?

    4. Well, i don't really think David would say much because they both lied to each other ...just think David didn't know Sean was coming and Sean didn't know David was coming they both hadn't informed each other, David wont be jealous because even though he made both of them meet he will understand that they need their time and their space
      Its very unlikely for Sean to start a commotion because he feels really guilty to what he has done.

    5. @neha but what if the grade 7 girls invited David to the rink since they know that sean and themselves are there so maybe he could still be in deep trouble from david

    6. How would Caroline react to Sean? They were suppose to have a minor happy afternoon. Will Sean try neglecting Caroline because, Scott might make fun of them? Maybe Sean is just trying to save Caroline from being teased but hurts her feelings instead?

  18. i think that david should not be mad because if sean tells him that he forgot david wont get mad however if sean tells him the real reason two thing can happen 1 david will understand and tell him it is ok 2 another fight

    it depends if i am in a wheelchair or myself

    1. But what do you think will happen, 1 or 2? Because both situations are so opposite and different from each other.

    2. that is what i am confused about they both are opposite but both have the same chances to happen

    3. but still David knows how people react around him so he might just let this be a BY GONE and just go on with life

    4. true but do you think that david agrees to the fact of that he cant do something and if he gets that feeling i dont think he will let this go by him do you?

    5. But he still cant just blame some one especially a friend just for trying to keep things smooth and not to get in another scrap

    6. maybe he will say it is okay but tell me the percentage that david is going to fight with sean

    7. The percentage i would give is about 15 percent since David lets it off fast sometimes

    8. They are in the public so I don't really think they are going to fight. Maybe just a small argument that will pass off.

  19. I think that David should not be angry with Sean cause he already knows that people would think that since David is in a wheel chair he wont be able to have fun in a ROLLER RINK where you have to where roller blades. So David should take it easy on Sean becasue he knows himself that Sean would feel awkward inviting a kid in a wheel chair to a roller rink.

    1. I dont think that David would be angry, I think that he would be more surprised.

    2. How would you know about David not having fun in the roller rink? David can do amazing things and he wouldn't show up in the roller rink to do nothing. Maybe he can pull one of his tricks off and somehow manage it.

  20. if your friend was in a wheelchair and you invited him and he came would you feel embarrassed to roll with a wheelchair

    1. True but David has a wheel chair that has wheels to roll so its kind of the same thing so it cant be as awkward as you think

    2. what do you think the people that check your blades at the doors said to david

    3. they probably told him in a slow voice to be careful of others on the rink just like the teacher talks to David

    4. well did they check his blades

    5. he doesnt have blades since hes in a wheel chair and since David uses it every where they would let him in since he has been using the wheel chair all the time

    6. also they dont want to hurt Davids feeling cause hes in a wheel chair so they wouldnt bother to argue wtih someone that has a disadvantage

    7. but would they say his wheels are too dirty and it will leave marks on the floors

    8. Maybe David won't be in his wheel chair and somehow do something amazing? Also, this would help Sean find out how tall David is actually. Sean doesn't know this since David is sitting in a wheel chair.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I think they should act normal around each other because both of them went to the roller rink but both of them did not invite each other which is a little bit of a coincidence because both of them are there but they did not invite each other.

    If I went to the roller rink and saw my friend there I think that I would be fine with it but at school I think I would ignore them a little because if they were a really good friend of mine that I told everything and I thought of as my bestfriend then I guess I would'nt talk to them as much until they started to earn my trust again.

    1. Yeah wow to come to think of it David never really invited Sean...they both never mentioned it to each other. So it's the same for both! It actually wouldn't be such a big deal after all since as you said, they both didn't invite each other. It would just be a little awkward, what do you think?

    2. I would also wait until they earned back my trust. I wouldn't talk as much and act less friendly.

  23. I think that David would act normal, and not surprised that Sean is here. Maybe the grade 7 girls also invited David too. I think that David would question Sean like "I didn't expect to see you here!" and stuff like that.
    If I went to the roller rink and my friend which I did not invite came, I would probably do the same thing. Even though it is very awkward to bump into someone that you expected not to be there. I would still hang around my friend, because I dont hate her I like her as a friend. Just like Sean, David is his friend so I dont think he would try to ignore him.

    1. I also wonder if the 7th graders invited David? He wouldn't come alone would he? Were the 7th graders with him or behind him at that moment?

  24. Do you think it is easier to find a friend that you think is trustworthy when your older or is it easier when your at a young age?

    1. When your younger because it takes a long time to gain trustworthy in someone.

    2. for me it is hard because we hardly find those kind of friends who are trustworthy because there are very less people in this world whom we can trusy on.

    3. When I was younger, I made a lot of bad decisions and didn't know what I was doing. I have been through experiences so I think that once you know what your doing in a older age, that is when it's easier to make friends. Also, you want to have friends who are good for you in the present time; not past. If you know someone for long, they eventually change and it is hard to adjust to it.

  25. I think David would be a little angry considering they hung out a lot lately. But David doesn't seem the kind of guy that gets discouraged easily. I think he will joke around about this a lot like how he laughs at his own wheelchair jokes.. He'd probably ask Sean why he was there, but I don't think he really cares, he just wants to make Sean feel uncomfortable.

    If I found out that my friend went somewhere without inviting me, especially to meet up with another friend, I would be a little mad. But I wouldn't take the issue as an end of the world problem. I'd slowly ease my friend into the fact that I know and tried to make them feel awkward. Then I'd hold it against them just a bit to annoy them. Then i'll tell him don't get mad if I do that.

    1. For the first paragraph, I agree for the most part but what do you think Scott would say if he see's David and Sean talking?

      For the second paragraph, he didnt tell David because Scott dosent like David, their was no point in telling him, also i bet Sean dident tell David because he couldnt roller skate, but David is capable of many things, he couldve just used his wheelchair to skate.

    2. Yes, I would have a bit of the reaction where I would hold it against them until they apologize or make a reaction.

  26. I think David wont be mad because he dosent show hes angry the only time he got angry was in the beginning and he didnt know Sean. But Sean shouldve told David about it, David can still roller skate with his wheelchair, also I wouldnt have told David if I was Sean because Scott was going to be their and they both dont like eachother

    1. I think Sean was underestimating David for a moment. He has this habit and then BOOM David shows what he got. Like playing basket ball, fighting, and on the stairs.

  27. i dont really david would be mad but most likely he would be all jokes.

    1. So you mean to say liek he should act mad and chill the same time?

    2. He is a jolly guy, so maybe so he may do this. Do you think later on her might do a different behavior?

  28. i think david should react mad because there both friends to me its like there best friends because they hang oout basically all the time and eat lunch i think david should react mad because sean didnt ask him to go to the rink just because he is in a wheel chair if i had a friend in a wheel chair :$ i would ask him if he wants to come too because its not only skating there you can hang out there and talk to friends and play games.

    if i caught my friend and i was in the position david was in i would get mad because my friend that i hang out with didn't invite me just because i was in a wheel chair i know it looks like I'm just taking sean side but im not david should have told sean he was going to the rink to -_- david just wanted all the girls to him self but what guys wouldn't wouldn't want girls around him ? lool (:

    1. Wow I haven't though of it that way. David wants all the girls to himself; that's a different story. By the way, the girls were going to meet Sean anyway since they partially arranged the event.

  29. I think david sould react all suprised because he to whanted to go to the roller rink by himself.Have some "me time"He sould be all happy around sean because he doesent what to make sean look like a proublem to him.
    If i ever was in that akward situation like that i would just say "Akward" and just walk away very slowly.

    1. What if he came with the 7th grade girls?

    2. well that would be a whole diffrent situation.He sould act a little more suprised and more happy to see sean

  30. It's an akward situation. It's hard to tell what David should act like. If it was me, I would feel really bad and betrayed. It's as if Sean doesn't want him or doesn't accept him as a true friend yet. Well, according to David's personality he wouldn't show his feelings to anyone. His outside is tough and inside is probably a bit soft. He probably felt left out but, he won't let that hurt him. Instead, he will backfire on Sean making himself included althought nobody invited him. H ewill show that it's okay that he is in a wheelchair, and that Sean can do the same things with David that he does with his other friends.

  31. he should act around Sean like he don't care about what happened and also like be chill to show him that he don't care also be with him like he was before going on the roller rink(about which Sean didn't tell him about); and hangout with Sean the same way friends hangout.

    1. Yes! Act like he doesn't care! It's like he doesn't need him or his not his ONLY friend.
