Friday, October 12, 2012

Rebound - Scott

Constructing Characters 

Hey Team, 

We have two characters in the novel Rebound that we know very little about.  In order to be a more engaged reader we want to construct who they are in order to make better sense of what will happen next and by extension discover how we view the world. 

Use either Janice or Scott and construct these characters.  List 5-7 character traits,  describe how they appearance, and importantly comment on what influenced your constructions. 


  1. Janice:
    Strong willed
    Cool headed
    Mostly honest
    Kind to most
    Tries to be heroic

    Height: 5'6
    Weight: 112 lbs
    Eye colour: Greenish blue
    Hair colour: Blonde
    Description: Semi-tall wearing skinny jeans, jean-jacket, ACDC shirt, and short blonde hair spiked at the front with black tips. Often seen with a pair of headphones around her neck.

    1. I got these traits for Janice from the fact that when she appeared, she she reminded me of a character from a video game and I thought they were very similar based on how they talked and how they were described first-hand.

    2. from reading a little glimpse of her characteristic, how can you tell she is honest or intelligent?

    3. But they didn't mention alot about her in the book then how can you tell these characteristics about her.?

    4. Why did you say cool headed? In the book she was showing attitude to her dad, also how does she show independancy? In the book she said she was goijng to hang out with her friends at where ever she was going, she didnt go alone.

    5. I disagree with the fact that she is honest. She may be, but in my bias I think she would lie to her parents about hanging out late at night bacuase of their recent arguement.

    6. Do you think that by the way she acted in the first scene that she reflects on how the typical teenagers of our generation act? I mean I think that we have all been in a sort of situation like Janice has.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. I totally agree with this post because he does look like someone who is independent. but i dought that he is intelligent because if he was so stupid that he smokes out of school property. I hardly find any intelligence in him.

    9. I was wondering how she might be independen? She is making her father drive her to her friends. Also, can I ask you why you think of her of this characteristics? It's intersting how you have a diffrent opinion that mine since I chose the total opposite of yours.

  2. the character im using is scott. some of the character traits of scott are tough,mean,thug like personality,stupid,jealous last but not least scott is a drugg addict.i choose scott because we got to know him a little bit better in the book unlike janice she has only been in the book for like 1 chapter so i already got some character traits about scott.

    1. Why do you think hes jealous? He didnt show any jealousy in the book this far.

    2. I can tell that he thinks he's jealous of Sean hanging with david more now than him because i think that too.

    3. But he didnt say or show that.

    4. Pablo i think you should explain about how he look because you only wrote about his personality.

    5. Like the discussion we had with Mr.Cheney, can guys get jealous? Isn't he too cool to be jealous? It seems that he doesn't care..or is that what he wants them to think.

  3. Janice seems to be a stubborn person. She seems loud too, and also cool. She may be a little selfish and careless. She’s perhaps popular as well. But at the same time I would like to picture her as a loving person with a determined heart. She also tries to be responsible.
    For her appearance, I would say she’s pretty. The way she dresses is probably cool, with jeans and a style that fits into this generation. I picture her with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes with perfect lips. She’s not fat; she seems to have a slim perfect body.
    I say all this because of that 1 scene, the way she shouted and her attitude. Especially since she wants to stay late out night with her friends, she’s definitely outgoing. The rest I made up from my mind using those little senses I got from the first impression of her.

    1. Wow, various imaginative idea there! You make her seem like a good and bad teenager, the ones that have a normal life with everything going on the way it should.

  4. the chaaracter i am using is Scott. he's mean, rude, jelous, stupid, trouble maker,.I am not like him but still I choose him to describe his character traits because he's the only one who's character they tell us alot in the book then any one elses. Also I didn't choose Janice because she didn't came in the book like how Scott, David and Sean came. so, that's why i don't know alot about her character.

    1. Did you get these character traits from how he acted in the book? Because everyone elses character traits were shown the same way, by the way the book never described his character traits straight forward.

    2. yes, i choose the character traits from the book.Also i know that they didn't tell his character straight forward in the book but still the way he acts show's how his character is.

    3. That's what happened to all the other characters.

    4. yes i know but there was no other character than Scott and Janice and i know only about Scott character traits so that's why i just tell his character.

    5. Is there any physical descrption? Any way he might look? Do you think that he might have a soft side, a loving happy side that he keeps hidden?

    6. @ Aniqa maybe he is soft from indise but not from outside because soem people do show that they are mean but sometimes they are nice too!! So, I think he do have a heart inside and he do have feelings about others how they feel when he act mean to him but he don't want to show this to anyone. To me he's like mean person because so far in the book they just tell that he act mean..

  5. Janice seems like a very stubborn teenager and it seems like she somewhat may selfish at times.Janice can be described as the popular girl in school kind of like scott but I am pretty sure she wont be standing outside with her friends drinking alcohol and smoking cigeettes.
    I would say this because of the way she entered into the novel shouting at her parents for her curfew to be extended like all her other friends.

    1. why do you think she is selfish. when she didn't act or tell us that she is selfish in the chapter.

    2. Can you make a connection to this?

    3. Sana:I think she is selfish because the way she snapped at her parents and acted so stubborn kind of gives you a guess that she can also be very selfish.
      Nauman:Yes I can make a connection because my older sister is very stubborn not really stubborn and mean like janice but they do have some similarities.

    4. Great connection to your own big sister!

    5. Taking this to how you should treat your parents,beyond simple understanding lie they brought be into this world I need to pay them back.
      How do you think you should treat your parents?

    6. you should treat them with dear respect because they lead you halfway through your life and without them you possibly wouldn't be here at this level right now.i know they can be a little irritating at times but there doing it for your own success

    7. @preet i get what you mean like how she is a brat but i suppose to make this answer better you can add how she looks. for example, dumb blond.

    8. well i think she might be quite tall.with brunette hair with a black top and ripped jeans.

    9. Rather then selfish... do you think she might be spoiled by too much love? I was even thinking that she might actually acknowledge the way she is acting,it's just that she wants a little more attention. She knows that she is acting this way like her parents act strict while they laugh behind the act.

  6. Janice is a smart,rebellious,kind,out-going,independant,determined,rude at times(mostly to her family) and stubborn at times.

    She must be a dark blonde, her height is 5'4, her weight is 131lbs, and her eye colour is blue. Shes wearing a leathered jacket, white shirt and black jeans and loves her phone.

    1. why did you choose rude and stubborn?

    2. Shes rude to her parents most of the time and in the book it shows that when she was fighting with her parents she seemed stubborn by not listening to her parents words and at the same time rude to them.

    3. Would you call yourself stubborn based on how you treat your parents?Explain.

    4. @geetanjali i suppose you can say that she is 131lbs. but isn't that a little too heavy for a girl who is 5.4. well this is my opinion.

    5. Wow have good estimate and a idea of what you think in a specific form. Geetangali, I also agree with your opinion fully. That is actually how a normal teenager in this generation behaves; if Sean is this way, then he must have learned his bad habits and attitudes from his family which would mean his sister might be worse.

  7. The character i am constructing is Scott,because we got to know him more than janice since scott was mentioned alot in the book. The character traits Scott has is Tough like personality,rude,Dumb,mallicious and foolish.

    Apperrance:jaens,tongue peiced,tall,black hair,baggy pants

    1. opps i forgot i think he would wear a lether jacket to show his touhness!

    2. Why did you choose those characteristics and those clothes?

    3. because i see alot of people like Scott these days wearing thses clothes.

    4. @numan how come you put jeans and baggy pants separate?

    5. What do you mean by a lot of people are like Scott? By behavior or look? By the way, to me the piercing seemed to get a little extreme, may I ask you why you chose this?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Scott has many chracter traits some of them are, being with someone all the time and not being alone if that is trait also he likes to be the tough/cool one, hes into smoking and drinking, he would wear a leather jacket with ripped jeans, also he would be the dumb one. The reason I came up with these clothes for Scott is because for this generation its pretty "in", and for the traits in the book it shows how he trys to act tough and cool by drinking outside of the school. Thats what I think about Scott and what influenced why I choose those clothes/ characteristics.

    1. I agree because i had the same way scott apeared in my visualization

    2. I think we chose the same clothes is because he acts like he would wear that, we take wearing ripped jeans and a leather jacket as tough or cool.

    3. Also, it was interesting the way that you said he seems to be with people and he is kind of dumb. This reminds me of the 'followers'. There is always a popular person with followers; Scott must be one of them. He might be treated as a 'newbie' in the group to the 'bad' stuff.

  10. The character that I am using is Janice, Janice seems:
    - very self-centered
    With the 1 paragraph I read about her, she seems like she does not care what other people think about her and likes to do whatever she wants. In the 1 scene where she yells/argues with her parents about staying late out at night. I believe that she is this type of person because the one scene where she is introduced she perfectly fits into these character traits. Even though I am judging her from her first appearance, I don’t know much about her. So, even if she is not like this kind of person, she is acting like one. My bias says that judging a person by their first appearance is NOT wrong.

    1. What do you think about her intelligence, is she smart or dumb?

    2. Well, she seems inteligent, but I cant excatly say what she is.

    3. Yes, I agree that judging a person by their first appearance is not bad. If that is how the person chooses to be like, it is the way they will be seen. unless, the person shy and opens up their personality in a different way.

  11. well i think janice is more of the sweet and kind who wants like a boyfriend and is more of girl that know what to do because some girls [not saying any name ]that just act so shy.
    scott the badass now he is kind of realaliyzing now that sean is not his kind any more he is more like david.and scott is turning in to a bully meaning skipping class smoking weed ect. but i dont hate scott in the novel thought.

    1. How can you say that she is a sweet and kind girl when shes so mean to her parents, or are you saying that shes nice to her friends?

    2. watch the course language there!

    3. when were they smokoking weed in the book? it was cigarettes

    4. they were smoking cigerettes not weed

    5. It was a prediction because cigerettes now weed in high school. I

    6. @preet&heta i suppose she used badass because there is no other way to discribe him. But still i think you guys are also right for the fact that this is related to school work

    7. well there are synonoms such as misbehaved but its ok every one makes mistakes :)

  12. The charater traits Scott has are somewhat like ruling the school, thinking he is so cool and acts all tough around the 7s, thug like personality, mean to the 7s, shows no respect or doesn't even think if the 7s exist. He probally wheres riped or torn up jeans. He might be a little shorter than Sean perhaps, has black hair and brown eyes.

    1. I described him like this because this is what alot of beer drinking, smoking and having a piercinng on their tongue look like. This is what I mostly see when it comes to people like Scott.

    2. Didnt pablo use thug like personality???

    3. He was not the only one and not everyone has completely different points of view.

  13. I think that some traits on Sean would be:

    -Have a soft spot
    -Thug Life
    -Leader to Nick and Gavin

    I think that Sean will be wearing stuff like:

    Baggy, ripped Jeans.
    Trying to sag his pants
    Over-sized hoodies
    Maybe Snapbacks
    Big T-Shirts
    Nikes or Jordans

    I think he looks like the kind of person you want to be scared of, and the kind of person that will loook unapproachable.
    He probably has a lot of issues in his life that lead him to be smoking and being bad and always getting in trouble. I think that he has this rebel thing going on about himself.
    He has dark hair, blue eyes, and maybe a nice smile.

    1. Is Scott like the athletic person cause if he is it would explain the Jordans and his love for Basketball, but i don't think he would wear Jordans because in the book it dosen't say that hes into basketball and hes more into smoking and drinking.

    2. What exactly do you mean by thug life?

    3. @fried chicken i think that nick and gaven are his ''hommies'' i don't think that he is thier leader to prove it scott said ''our friends'' to sean.

  14. Scott!

    Apearance: Ripped jeans, kind of baggy jeans, short; left alone hair with a fo-hawk, tough/bulk, a bit pale.

    Character traits: Acts tough, but is very cowardly on the inside, only does things that aren't him because of how he wants everyone to see and know him as(probably how he saw people in his previous years/schools and has been hurt(bullied..). Independant, acts bettter than others because he skips class, doesn't listen to teachers and is carefree about most things(on the outside). tries to lure Sean back into his "group" and only sees Nick and gavin as his friends(trying to persuade Sean back in) and Nick and Gavin see Scott as an influence and grow from his experiences(bad habits: drinking, smoking, tongue pierce etc.
    What inspired me to build up on Scott's character traits and appearance like this is because of how Sean explained that they would mostly be in the office after fights and other issues, and he joined Scott in 'thug life', as in Scott has been like that for a while and I would imagine people who think they have swag and act too cool for others(not that some appearances or swag are bad, but just how I imagine him) I've seen people with some of these character traits, and his personality to me just puts them all together into making Scott's personality with my bias.

  15. Scott is a Dummy,Leader,Druggie,Courageous,Dependent & Risk taker

    His appearance is tall,messy hair,skinny,ripped jeans,usually wears a red shirt & wears a hat

    1. i think druggie is too much of a strong word ton describe him don't you.

  16. If i were to list traits for Scott, he'd be:
    -a leader

    His appearence, i think would be around 5'7, skinny, reddish-brown wavy hair that doesn't quit pass his ears, hazel eyes, tongue ring, 1 earing on right ear, wears graffic tee's with a plaid shirt over top, and baggy jeans.

    I think of his traits like so beacuse he's always so confidant he could get away with anything. When Seans mom asked when the science project was due, she was curious since he never handed anything in on time when he worked with Scott, which made him unresponsible and careless. He's inmature and catious because when he was exiting the lunch room to go play pool, he was clam and cool until Mr.McCully walked in, and he didn't want to be seen. He's a leader beacuse he has his two followers, Nick and Gaven, who are probably lost without him.

    I picked out his appearence all by predictions, except the tongue ring. Tall and skinny is my biggest guess about him. When i visulize Scott, i just see him the way i do. When we read books, the characters just form inside your head without you making them.

  17. Scott is a :
    Self Centered
    Risk Taker


    black hair
    ripped shirt

    This list influenced me because Scott things he is the king so he is the leader of his groups. It look like that because we havent heard anything about or the other two havent spoke yet while Scott did.

    He has a tongue pierce and he smokes so he should be careless because almost everyone knows what will happen if you smoke.

    1. I agree with that jerk statement because he seemed like a jerk when he asked sean if he wanted a puff.

  18. Janice seems very stubborn teenager because she wants it ...she wants it now which engages to being selfish. And I think most of us are like that because the older we get the more we want things the more “cool” we want to look. She seems somewhat independent because she wants to go out alone she wants to do thing “herself”. She is able to do that rather than the ride but at this age I don’t think her parents will like her walking to her friend’s house all alone. I think she is able to stand tall for herself and have her rights. Janice does have some boldness in the way she talks to her parent and acts which does connect to being stubborn and as well as being selfish.
    Her appearance I think she looks like @Macbarbie07 , macbarbie07 is a YouTuber. I don’t think Janice makes YouTube videos but I think she dresses the way. With makeup dressy clothes , curly wavy hair and left open, she has dark brown eyes she’s not to short neither is to tall she’s just the perfect height as people say. She seems has that bossy girly attitude. She seems to like hanging out with her friends a lot.

  19. Scott seem to be the kind of person how makes bad misktakes so with that imformation i can say he'like:
    -like to act tough but really he not.(like how bully acts like around the school.)
    -thug like personality(people how try to act tuff so that the have power over people)
    -thug like clothes or punk like aditude.(I see people dress up all tuff and mean so that no one bother them because they look mean.)
    -hot headed 24/7(I see people get mad really easy because they dont like it when people try to make them look like a wimp.)
    - thick-headed(I see people try to be tuff but ther grade get worse and worse ever year so they be come thick-headed more and more.)
    -kind of small
    -lots af scar and cut because of all the fights he had.
    -untidy hair
    -riped clothes
    -new shoes "to show of"
    -blue eyes
    -brown dark hair

    1. I just noticed that our discription of scott is kind of the same.

  20. The character I am using is Janice I think Janice is
    Doesnt care what people say or do
    Has a attuide
    Doesnt want to listen to anyone
    Want to do what she wants
    I picked this character trails because when we were reading this book the first thing that came to my mind was these character trails.
    I think Janice appearance might be she has blonde hair,her height is 5'3,her weight is 120lbs,her eye colour is green or blue,and what I think she is wearing is a T-shirt with skinny jeans and flats and also I think that Janice loves her devices too.

    1. I have a question, why do almost every one call janice stubborn.

  21. Scott is the a person that takes risks and is not afraid of the consequences of his actions.
    Jugeing by his actions I think at home maybe his parents are the working type so he doesn't see his parents often and takes things for granted.
    He seems like a leader too because last year he made Sean do bad things so he lead Sean in to doing bad things.
    Scott is also the type that is scared because that scean in the cafateria he ducked away when he saw I think the teacher.
    He seems also the kind of person that wants to seem bad so nobody would try to mess with him.
    Scott dose not like girls.

    For his looks I think he has brown hair mediam height 135 pounds wears baggy clothes

  22. Scott
    Height- 5'4''
    Weight- 112 lbs

    Apparel- Jeans and a t-shirt. Usually wears a jacket with it, mainly leather. Wears black Adidas sneakers that are size 9 and a half. Wears a silver chain and a ring that he says is gold, but isn't.

    Hair- Short. Slightly curly. Dirty blonde colour.
    Eyes- Mix between blue and green.
    Nose- A bit crooked as if he was punched there several times.
    Teeth- Some teeth were at odd angles as if he needed braces. Has one tooth missing.

    The reason I chose this look is because I try to imagine people based on their personalities. Scott seems to be the kind of guy that acts tough. He likes having people around that agree with him and will do his bidding AKA Nick and Gavin. He hates people that are younger then him, i.e the grade 7 kids, and others he feels aren't worth his time.

    1. I like that detail one tooth missing!Probably scrapped with another person.

    2. talha i liked your post the most ( that rhymes) one thing is it is organized. And it also very common and true.

  23. I think scott is a wancster( guy who tries to be cool) because he calls himself the toughest person in the school. so his apearence =

    height = 5.3
    weight = 114
    eye colour = blue
    hair colour = dark brown
    one earing on right ear
    varcity colour = red
    breath smells like = smoke
    a troop of boys (nick,and gavin)
    brass knucle on the right hand
    stitches on left arm
    so thats the appearence i see when mr. cheney reads rebound to the whole class.

    1. Why do you think he would have stitches on his arm?

    2. @abeeshan because he might of been the kind of guy who gets into serious fights.

  24. Janice
    -Stuckup to teachers

    -Long black hair
    -Eye colour brown
    -wears jeans, and dress top.
    -Smells like roses
    -Earrings on both ears

    Overall Janice seems like those girls that care about how people look at them in a certain way,Not a big fan of her.
    Very popular though,according to the media and how it affects me this is how she would be like.About any girl that screams at their mom,and dad like that would be popular.Before anyone says why are you inflicting your opinion on the media,well I'd say it in a realistic way everyone makes choices based on what other people think.
    Like teachers teaching us different things we base the world upon those thoughts.

    1. why would you call her snotty i dont understand that.

  25. Ahh, I remember these rebound days...the blog looks good Cheney!

  26. I have forgotten about this blog! Well, here is my answer...
    One of the characters that is the most unknown is Janice. We only know so little abou ther and she brings up an interest. In the book, it seems that everyone is having trouble or part of the story making a big diffrence. When it comes to her, the sotry's mood changes in such a way, normal? She is the only one who seems to lead a original teenage life. She doesn't seem too happy but, she is in a higher level of joy than the rest of the charcters in the story. asa a reader, we know that since she is the oldest the parents were commenting on how they grew her spoiled. From this, my imagination moves to a girly girl. She seems to be the one who would attend parties and go out and have fun all time. She hang out with her friends at the mall all day and shops alot. She also doesn't seemm to help her parents with too much chores as Sean was helping his parents setting up the dining table for dinner. She seems t be the "pink" type with hair long and let out. Nails painted, and very fashionable. In other words; spoiled,girly girl/diva, too much of high self-esteem(bossy, know it all), a normal teens life.
